(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

pierced, tastes nice? I only tried Fenugreek pills b4, but also didn't see much improvement actually. Think I was too stressed then. Must remind myself to stay stress free this time round!

can i interrupt and ask something? I'm thinking of getting a domestic help when i deliver....do you think it's ok to have the babies sleep with the maid or better to have them be with u? is it ok to have the maid wake up in the middle of the night to bottle feed and attend to the babies' needs (or at least help to attend)? the reason I asked was because we had recently engaged one for my mum who needs help several times to pee in the middle of the night...the maid actually said she didn't want to do that altho it's communicated during the interview stage and the agency actually sided the maid and said that the maid must have enough rest, so can't wake up in the middle of the night...note: the maid has little housework to do in the day and we've slotted in 1hr rest, 2 times a day for her...
so I'm thinking if maids employed to take care of babies are truly only allowed to do so in the daytime..not night
biggly, why do u say interrupt? Of course you're free to ask and share anything on this thread too!

I guess it all boils down to personal preference. Personally, I would prefer to have baby room in with me (other than during confinement period) and take care of baby myself. However, I know of colleagues who have their baby / children sleep with the maid.

If u can show that you have allowed the maid sufficient rest time during the day to make up for the night feeds, then shld be okay i think? But must communicate this clearly to the maid and make sure she accepts willingly lest she turns around and say she didn't accept. Maybe can even sign a simple agreement to play safe.
Hi gals,
My stretch marks hv been so itchy the past few days. There were a couple of times I super cannot tahan n scratched wildly though as lightly as possible. Seeing dr Loh later, will ask for help!

Am reading this daily http://www.breastfeeding-problems.com. It also spoke abt hot drinks helping in let-downs.

Later at TMC I'm gonna ask if they charge toothbrush toothpaste towel etc n if they providing red date longan tea free flow n also what's their confinement menu like. Gonna be there for 4d3n for c-sect I think.
Sashamama, do share after u find out! Thanks!

Your stretch mark cream doesn't help? Or maybe try some baby lotion to moisturise the skin?
Hi biggly,
My baby gonna sleep with me n hubby n I are gonna handle in the night. But my maid who's here with me mentally prepared herself to take care of baby 24/7 and I didn't even tell her. Still, I don't intend to let her be care taker. Maybe just some basic ones. Her focus is housework, cooking n my dog.

Maid interviews not accurate one. They can say yes first, let u engage, then say no later. Can only hope for a good maid. Hope u find a good one!!!
Ya I'd share after I find out. Unless some here already know n can share before I reach TMC, lol.

My elancyl not relieving the itch Le. I used ice n it helped for a while.
Luv: coz u all are talking about some supplements mah...haha...so a bit out of topic.....

thanks for your comments and Sashamama's. I'm just thinking if there's any MOM ruling on such...it's especially irritating when even the agency sides with the maid....arrggh...
Aiyoh, i just bought Elancyl too. It doesn't work? Haven't started using it yet tho cos it says to start from 4th month onwards. Don't dare to geh kiang and start earlier than that. Was thinking to try baby's lotion b4 that.
Thanks for the tips Pierced and Luv

Sashamama, looking forward to your tmc review. I'm gonna bring my own toiletries, not sure if I can reject theirs and not get charged...heee.... If I'm not wrong, they give red dates tea, by the cups but can request for a thermal flask of red dates tea if desire. I'm gonna request for a flask of hot water too...then cool it for brushing and cleaning body purpose
Sashamama, during my "resort" stay at TMC (twice), they hv menu for confinement food as well as normal chinese food and western food. In between meals, they gave me papaya fish soup and milo with cakes/bread. I m not sure if they charge for toothbrush n toothpaste as i was given a small pack of toiletories (consist of toothbrush n paste, small face towel n comb) upon admission.

I think it is a good idea to check if they do provide red date long gan tea free flow and do they charge for the toiletories. Do share with us after you find out. Thank you.
Bbjourney, that's what it says on its instruction sheet and box leh. Play safe lah.

Going for scan tomorrow! Hope everything okay!
Babyjourney, all the best to your scan tmr. Will you be asking for 3D scan? Do it early, do can get full body 3D hopefully

btw, can I check with you, besides Tan Leng Leng, what other online sources can we order Medela spare parts from? I think may have to change some parts after a period if using bp a fair bit. Thanks!!
Luv, oic. Then better to follow instructions. Dont worry, everything will be alright for you and baby. I also going for my scan tomorrow n hope everything is ok. Thou i m seeing Dr Loh every 2 weeks, i still wish that time can pass faster. Wonder if he allow me to see him every week. I very KS!!!! :p
Ladies, just wondering, during confinement do you plan to (have you) use air con or not at all? Can we have the windows in the bedroom open? Or can we have a fan in the room (for air circulation) but not blowing directly at us?

I read in this magazine saying good to wear long sleeves and pants to cover arms and legs too....ummm....heat stroke??
Bbjourney, good luck for your scan too!

Why don't u request to see him weekly then? Hahah...

Tromso, I will definitely use aircon again. I didn't wear long sleeves and pants tho. Depends on ur own comfort level bah.
Bbjourney, should be able to get 3D. Remember when I got mine towards end 2nd trimester (or was it early 3rd), can only catch the face on print cos baby is already too big. Somemore may have to try couple of times if baby doesn't face the camera well. Thanks for the link
Luv, i think Dr Loh knows if i can i will see him every week. I will see how the scan goes tomorrow, will ask him. Hehehe....

Tromso, good idea. I will ask Dr Loh tomorrow and maybe can do a few 3D scan over the next few weeks. Heheheh.... Hopefully my baby cooperates.
Luv, hee, yup, I was also rather stressed up at the beginning, no milk, rushing to see LC, bb warded with jaundice, but managed to start off bf, so now hopefully get these all ready will be a smoother journey, Must remind myself too not to be stressed. Can't help it sometimes previous,t ESP at the start with so many teething probs, plus my MiL keep telling me no milk then give FM. Luckily I was staying with my mum and she was very supportive.

The taste is ok, I drink it plain, slight herbal tea kind but not strong, quite pleasant. Sometimes can add with honey.
Biggly, I had a maid before and I think like what the rest said as long u communicate your expectations, for eg, getting some nap times in the day if she were to help out at night, shouldn't be a prob. But personally I don't really like idea of nb sleeping with maid either and would rather prefer to have bb with me but if u are having twins, maybe u might need more help.

Bbjouurney, can request, yesterday Dr Loh did the 3D for me took but only face. However, he said he personally don't really like to do so much coz it contains more ultrasounds. So not very good. So if not, u can ask him for his opinion.
Tromso. My pjs were long sleeved and pants, I had some short sleeved for day too. But then again my mum to,d me to get them coz inhave birth in dec and it was really cooling and windy at my mums place. This time round, it's a different month.
Think if it's really hot, don't really necessary have to put on. I going to see how's the wether like. Maybe the long sleeved and pants for night time.
pierced, don't u just hate those "oh no milk must give FM" comments? Had it from my CL then too. Luckily i had a fren who was doing her confinement ard same time as me to talk to. Otherwise I might have gone into depression. Yeah, hopefully now with the benefit of hindsight and experience, we'll fare much better and have a stress-free time!

Bbjourney, hahah... so Dr Loh is actually helping u save $$ by not having weekly appts.
Tromso, thank God you are ok!

Pierced, congrats on the good week gain! Well done "lil princess Pierced", good gal! Did you rest more also? Maybe rest made a difference too!

Baby_me, which car seat did you get?

Babyjourney, you seeing Dr Loh tomorrow? So every 2 weeks? So good! He now put me on 3-weekly interval. Let us know if can do 3D scan already if he allows tomorrow? The last i asked him was during my 16 weeks, he declined me saying bb still too small to take the 3D ultrasound waves.

Btw Dr Loh's patients, in 2nd tri, does he measure bb estimated weight on every visit? He didnt measure mine last visit but could be becos i had KKH's.
I am going to ask him funny qns again when i next see him. I felt bb kicking at my sides, near the appendix. Cannot be right? The womb should not stretch so far to the sides beyond the ovaries??
Luv, super duper, already u are depressed enough with no milk etc and there they go commenting. yours is CL somemore.

heartbeats, thanks! yup maybe the rest together with the huge food intake etc helped.
hope she's a good gal and will continue growing more!

my bb is kicking at my sides too these 2 weeks. and sometimes u can feel the nerves being hit coz my lower back will hurt at times. I thought she havent turn down yet coz of the side kicking but apparently her head is down. what a kick!
pierced, well, luckily not my MIL. Wldn't have been able to take it!! And hard to let the CL go cos then u end up with no help! That's the problem with freelance CLs. If from agency maybe cld still have changed.
Pierced, thanks for the info on the 3D scan. I will ask for Dr Loh's opinion on how many scans 1 can hv.

Heartbeats, yes i m seeing dr loh every 2 weeks. You are seeing kkh n dr loh, so i think ur 3 weeks interval is quite ok cos u hv 2 checkups within these 3 weeks mah n i only hv 1 appt every 2 weeks. i think since u hv regular detail scan from kkh, dr loh may not not measure your twins weight since it has already been done. I will check w Dr Loh on the 3D scan tomorrow n let you know.
Tromso, silent reader now
enjoying the "fruits" of my ivf hehe and only log in to read when she naps.

Very happy 2 see so many new MTB !!

I think it was Sashamama who is hvg itch. U can read up if it's PUPPP. Dun scratch (but that's almost impossible hehe). MassagE lady says if really cannot tahan, scratch lightly with a comb w shirt on, less risk of scarring compared 2 using fingers
Luv, haha in a way I was glad I wasn't staying at her place and she comes visit me once in a while during confinement. Otherwise I be super duper stressed.

Bbjourney, no prob.easiest to check with him. I keep forgetting to request too till yest he scan for me without me asking. And I didnt know it could be quite harmful too
pierced, was staying with my MIL then. Additional stress I thought. This time round won't be staying with her. Hopefully that's a load off during confinement.
Tromso, I'm seeing Dr Loh weekly after 36wks. Actually he sched me in 2wks time, that means wk38 than see him. But ai requested to see him weekly. Wk37 which is last wk n wk 38 which is this wk. Kiasu hehe

My BP always range between 90-110. Guess it's still ok ba.

Heartbeat, I bought Marcopolo Iglesina. They claim that can be used till 4yr old from NB. But I felt that for NB it's a bit too inclined.

So Tromso, have you installed your carseat yet?
Hi gals
Like to check with u.. I notice my milk is abit diluted which means not full white color but abit translucent white, anyone can advise why is it so? As i notice my bbies are not full always so maybe due to milk too diluted..;( any advise r welcome... Thk u..
Hi hazel
Oh.. As hv c section so cant take chicken n tonic for first 2wks now..;( plus my boy still got mild jaundice so dun dare take too much ginger etc.. Think will dare take more tonic only fr 3rd wks onwards... So is due to food n rest huh.. Sigh.. How to hv enough rest when i busy latch on two bbies at night.. But did try catch some sleep in the afternoon still...
Btw, does eating quacker oats myself will result in bbies having colic after take my bm?

Hi luv
I think bm shd be white in color ba as mine is diluted white n feel watery lor so not sure why too.. Sadz.. Hv been trying my best to kick in the supply by keep latch on but still the bm dun seems pure white n filling..;(
J03, colic has nothing to do with food generally. Try to minimize feeding by bottle. Latch on bbs rarely have colic and will be easier to take care! Well, I nv latch on.... No patience & too stress n tired so little milk even with dr loh's supplement

BM is yellow in colour initially coz of the rich colostrum in the first 1 wk or so. After colostrum run low, BM become lighter in colour... Close to white
J03, also BM has fore milk & hind milk. When first starting to breastfeed, the first milk the baby receives is called foremilk. It is thin and watery with a light blue tinge. Foremilk is largely water needed to satisfy your baby’s thirst. Hind-milk is released after several minutes of nursing. It is similar in texture to cream and has the highest concentration of fat. The hind-milk has a relaxing effect on your baby. Hind-milk helps your baby feel satisfied and gain weight.

So, always empty your breast before changing side.. If not, bb wun get to drink the thick n fatty hind milk..

To hv lots of BM, u need to take lots of fluid too. 2-Litres a day at least is a must...

As I am going to hv a c-sec soon, may I know wa should food should i avoid during my confinement and wa I should eat more...
Hi Ron, waves!!! Long time no see!! Ahhaahh...

Hi fatefully, for me during confinement no specific restrictions on food cux confinement food already v limited.
But aft confinement, no shellfish, duck, yam, ie all 'poisonous food' till day 100.
Take note re post natal massage. Check wif ur gynae 1st b4 proceeding. Mine told me to do it only on the 2nd mth onwards! All d best!!

Re: fenugreek, I ve been taking it since delivery. GNC. Take 9 a day. Advised by sgh LC and GNC sales girl. It works for me. But dun go stocking up now cux some pple dun respond well to fenugreek
Thanks Hazel, though the BM fore and hind milk info more for Joanne now but it helps for the rest of us thinking to BF too. I copied it into my journal liao.

Baby_me, thanks for sharing. I also heard best for newborn to lie flat but never mind esp if bb not taking car rides everyday in the initial months. Even if take also short distance to and fro doctor's so should be quite ok?

Faithfully, i learnt from the elder generation that generally avoid seafood after surgery so no prawns, sotong etc but good to eat fish as fish helps wounds heal fast. But be careful choice of fish, not all are safe. Best if eat codfish or threadfin fish or salmon.

Babyjourney hope your boy cooperate today and face Dr Loh so that he can get a good 3D shot!
Fatefully, no chicken also! Natural delivery is avoid for 12 days. C section will be much Longer, at least a month till wound heals. U chose c section coz scared can't push bb out. But hv u thought abt after c section, the wound takes much longer to heal and is many times more painful? U still wan to nurse bb right? Not fm right?! Your bb is not big at all, u worry too much on natural delivery. C section is much more complicated. Lots of food can't take. Not just seafood, chicken, mushroom, etc. even fish, some like snake fish that aid in wound recovery cannot take too much. If not keloids may form on the c section cut due to over production of skin tissue.

Not meant to scare u, c section has higher risks than natural delivery, excessive bleeding, water getting into bb lungs etc.

U sure u really wan? Most pp in this forum chose c section coz no choice. My pain threshold is super low! Even dr Loh said so. Delivery was a breeze with epidural. No pain. After delivery n the tubes on my hand n urine bag were removed, I can get down n walk without much pain.. U think if c section can do that painlessly?
i didn't take chicken for the first two weeks. i took mostly fish (cod, salmon or thread fin) and green veggies and soup. my reason for c-section was there was no dilation at all after more than 24 hours of inducement so had no choice but to go for c-section. actually, i never thought that i would ever have to go for c-section and never gave thought about it until that few minutes before my surgery. i was kinda disappointed that i don't know how normal delivery feels, the feeling of giving birth.

but thankfully i had a good gynae. he made it stress free for me even though we had to make a decision there and then. he was like, ok now it's 7am. i have another c-section at 730. you wan to do it now? hahaha i think i wasn't given a choice. as far as i can remember (cos it's like 2 yrs back), i never felt real pain at my c-section wound. just soreness. the tummy binder really helps. also, my gynae also advise me to take my pain medication and don't try to be a hero. i was quite mobile by the time i reach home. but do note that we can't carry heavy things for at least 6 months cos i do feel the strain when i do. my wound healed nicely, my gynae prescribed me this gelish plaster to apply for at least 2 months to prevent the keloids. even my tcm doc dr zhao whom i'm seeing recently commented that i have an almost invisible wound.

hope you have a good experience giving birth too whichever way u chose. i think u are too stressed up over your choice liao. relax and enjoy the last few days of freedom. go and park tor with your hubby and eat watever u want now
Heartbeats, yes newborn need to lie flat. I was thinking not to put too, bcos like you said only go n fro doctor's. But some friends told me to just install, sometimes TP will check one. If bb doesn't sit then just carry but leave the car seat there. If TP ask, tell them baby keeps crying so carry for awhile hehe. But for safety reason, of course sit is better.
my edd date is confirm on 14 feb 2013. its during cny week. can get CL if start calling now? anybody got any lobang for CL?

just curious did anybody compile any lsit for things that we need to buy for our baby? mu hb is more anxious than me ..say got so many things to buy..but i don't know where to start

My edd supposed to be 26/07, but due to my GD dic advice nt to wait till then to deliver. If 17/07 I suddenly wa to try natural... I hv to go thru induce... Does induce take longer time and more painful? I mean if I pain I can choose epi but I worry that I will spent alot of time inducing and end up c-sec then I will be paying 2 opt charges which I dnt wa. Even doc also can't gurantee that I can go natural cos it all depend on individual. Am in dilemma nw.
