(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

heartbeats, hahah... actually I also donno. I just ate Hawaiian pizza a few weeks back. Didn't think abt the ham at all. Only took out the pineapples, also becos I don't like pineapples anyway. I wld also eat those buns with ham in the past. Wonder if I shld stop temporarily?
Hi Luv, heated ham in moderation should be fine
When i have pasta, I'll request for the ham to be cooked, not just added to finished product. Cold ones beta to avoid, cos similar to leaving cooked meat in the open, may have bacteria, listeria is the concern. Once, I requested my pizza to be cooked further cos upon served, ham looked not heated through, not charred enough...

Heartbeats, for pasta, say carbonara or creamy sauce, I'll query if have white wine and if made from raw egg yolks. Same for ceasar salad dressings, found many eateries now make their own dressing using raw egg yolks

Research recently showed that unless cooked for 3-4 hrs, alcohol contents in food will still be quite high, more than 50%. But again, once in a while is ok, beats ingesting a glass of wine

Parmesen is ok I think cos it's not soft cheese. There is a list of soft cheese to avoid for pregnancy, can google for it
I used to love having salami, camembert cheese, cream cheese on toast, but totally no-no now...lol...tough!!

Can be more relaxed on food once pregnancy is more settled, but good to keep these in mind I feel
Luv, don't worry too much about the ham, the bun ones are normally heated in oven right? Same goes for pizza ham

Just bear in mind the chemicals used to preserve these cold cuts are not very good, especially for those who takes ham for breakfast daily. Otherwise, should be fine

Continue to eat well, don't worry
Thanks Tromso, i think to play safe, i better avoid italian food for awhile. I eating breakfast ham daily leh, hb prepares them. Think better ask him use microwave heat up the ham before putting into my bread! gasp~ i have been eating them cold these 2 weeks!
Man... I can never remember all the different types of cheese!

I did ever request for my breakfast set at Cafe Cartel to be recooked cos the egg wasn't fully cooked when we had requested for it to be so.

Oh okie, so so long as it's been heated sufficiently, the ham shld be fine. Got it!
Angel, don't think I'm going to the Robinsons private mbr sale tmr. Starting so late, don't feel like fighting with the crowd

Here's what I found out when I called up Robinsons:
- its a yearly Gala robinsons affair (but no food this time...lol...never heard of robinsons gala affair)
- it's 20% off plus addn 20% for cardmembers
- nursery only standard 20% off
- Pigeon steamer $95
- Pigeon package $210 (steamer, warmer, bottles etc.)
- no discount for Babysafe products

So far I've only encountered ONCE this year, for member addn % off at nursery, they are soooo tight man...
Yummy.. List of things feel like eating before popping - claypot rice, pizza!

Tromso : under yr boobs is good positin I think. Mine is sideways..
Talking about food. I went for a cousin's wedding dinner other week at 1 Altitude. As the name suggests, it's western spread, so I was quite looking forward

But alas, the appetizer was delectable smoked salmon, a rather generous thick long piece with yummy dill sauce and toast. I almost felt I have to tie my hands to the chair to prevent regrets lol...but I did try a teeny weeny piece heee...weak willed me...

Salad was great, no raw egg yolks in the dressings, phew!!

Then came the steak, nightmare, as it's served medium rare standard for all, so I had to request for mine to be well done, turned out its grossly overcooked lol...

Finally, greedy me finished up the entire very rich choco cake and had heartburn for the entire night!! What an evening

It was my first attending rom and wedding at 1 Altitude and the restaurant underneath it - Stellar, was such a heartwarming affair especially with the soft glare fr the setting sun at level 62 rooftop, Canon in D repeating in the background and saying 'I Do'...tears rolled down my cheek at that moment
Makes me so wish I could renew my wedding vows in the yearsssss to come, under such romantic heartwarming scene
haaa...must be the 3rd trimester hormones raging in me now...
Tanny, under boobs or sideways have diff? Mine used to be bb facing left side, so kicking a lot on left but recently it's a combi of left side kicking and right underneath middle of boobs. For ideal natural delivery, does it matter which direction bb is facing if already head down n engaged?

Mine not engaged yet cos tummy still very high up....
Ooh, I love Canon in D!!! Fell in love with the piece when I first attended a church wedding and heard the groom playing it on the piano as the bride walked down the aisle! Loved it so much I had to have Canon in D as my march-in song at my wedding too, heheh...
Hi tromso,

I am still hang here.. But u feel tummy harden and abit cramp when I get up from sitting. Feel tired also. Bb moving very active and can feel her joint & bones. Now she is lying on my right side kicking and stretching sometime she will move to my left side too then can feel a big lump coming up... I suspect that is her butt.
Tromso, I am only going to be at Robinson with a friend during lunch time, skipping the pte sale. Can't go out at night nowadays, will feel tired and only have energy to sit on my sofa and watch TV.

I love Canon in D too! It's also my wedding march-in song!
heee...maybe we can listen to Canon in D during labour...will be very zen then...ommm....

I love Andrea Bocelli, finally loaded his songs into my iPhone, shall allow him to serenade to me during my labour...Besame Mucho

Angel, I also don't go out a lot at night now, gd to wind down slowly and zzzz... Have you started on yoga?

The other day, we had wanted to catch a glimpse of Jason Mraz at Gardens by the Bay but the cars were all packed few km along the road, no way we could park and sneak a peek. Ended up at Mt Faber instead. It's actually quite nice for a stroll, especially the Sentosa fireworks at 9pm, nice viewing fr Sapphire eatery, soft live band playing 80s songs
Ladies looking for a peaceful quiet night out, Jewel Box Sapphire is ideal, still looks the same as before

Faithfully, I can feel the bones too, especially the spine, pressed very hard against my tummy sometimes. At times I feel pains, especially in middle of nights, not sure if it's hardening or baby's super kicks, but usu just once or twice then no more. You must be all prep up
Hi Tromso,  I am still quite okie.. 

Dunno y go Dr Loh's clinic , my BP will shoot up .. But when I measured at home is okie .. Finally reached 37 weeks .. I have being feeling Braxton hicks since 32 weeks but it is not regular .. Just sometimes the tummy will harden up .. 

Last week during my checkup, Dr Loh touch my tummy and say got contraction le .. But I don't feel any pain or anything .. My tummy always feel hard so i didn't notice any difference.. Lol

Hope bb can stay inside longer .. Dr Loh said due to the contraction maybe will come out before my edd of 30 July .. Crossing fingers now lol..
Talking abt food, u will realise when u r Preggie, there r really not many safe food offered in e restaurants we always eat...
Carbonara also must ask the restaurant if they hv raw egg yolk on top of e pasta when served to u. Carbonara used to b my fav pasta..now gotta avoid.
Even cooked jap food also got to b careful. Those pork or chicken cutlet with egg hot plate normally may b served with egg half cooked so b careful.
I also avoid all kinds of steamboat in case of cross contamination, so no sukiyaki, Shaba shabu, hotspot, laksa steamboat...sob sob.
Tromso, still painful, I tried heat pack wrapped in towel to ease , otherwise, just get hubs to massage behind and try to ease the ache too. Quite bad still think really have to just wait till bb comes out. The kicks at my sides eased for few daysand started today again. Kicking my right side!

Cheese must eat processed , no soft cheese like tromso said. Philadelhpia cream cheese is ok,
I haven't eaten much eggs already coz only way is to fully cook them and its not nice.

Talking about carbonara, I had lunch previously with my friend at 15 mins. Forgot to ask and wanted to eat bacon carbonara coz its good. Ended up the dish was served with the whole raw egg yolk on top. Sian! Ended up giving part of the dish to my other friend.
Hi hazel
Thks for the catering recommendation..;)

Hi mc
Ya.. I want to be fair so i latch one baby to one of my breast each time.. E.g. Girl to my left and boy to my right..
Unless i know that one bb just take FM n may not be hungry so fast then i will give two breast milk to one bb..;)

Hi Eskimo and Tanny
Ya, thats me..;) r any of u sitting beside me or opp me? Tanny, r u the one wear black lace shirt sit opp me?

Hi Catherine
Am glad that i didnt give up along this long ttc journey.. I feel so relieve after bbies r born n can look at nurture all my 3 kids wholeheartedly now.. Hv been too busy with ttc and sometime neglect my elder son in learning to cook nice food for him or bring him more to out door etc.. This pregnancy, my son has been the most thoughtful boy compare to hb.. He will make sure hold my hand tight everytime when we walking on road.. Last time he feel jealous when see my hb hold hand with me but when pregnant, he gives in as he knows daddy will protect me fr falling down etc..he can kiss my tummy every night and talk to bbies unlike my hb.. All his little action makes me breakdown two wks ago when think of the things he does for me... I keep tell myself not to neglect him now that bbies r born though abit diffcult especially when i am busy mooing.. Hope he can understand.. To me.. I think all mummies here r wei da.. As we been thru alot to hv our kids..;)

Btw, whats the offer for bb wipes at robinson? Any other gd lobang can share more detail?? Thk u.. Ya, my bbies r seeing Doc Ong too..;)

Hi joy
Congrat to u ya..;)

Hi Hazel, Catherine n other mummies
R u choosing 5 in one or 6 in one jab for ur bbies? Doc Ong say 5 in one medicine stronger but fewer chance of getting fever compare to 6 in one.. Hence, i am in delimma already?? Any advise.. Thk u..

Hi sasha n faithfully
Next will be u gals turn to pop.. So exciting.. Jiayou.. After bbies r born, u will find all our previous efforts are worthwhile..;) just now my CL say i very 伟大 as keep give my bbies bm.. (just spend an hr plus to give bm to both bbies till they r full n sleep) as i even request her to wake me up for bm n she says many mummy will prefer sleep at night.. Then i tell her tts wht happen to my boy so i stop bf after 2mths.. This time is different as already know the benefit of bm plus they r born at 36th wk n still small so i want to give them the best.. End up after a wk plus, i lost all my 9kg weight gain during pregnancy plus another 5kg fr my pre pregnancy weight.. In exchange for one pair of panda eyes but i think is ok as can still sleep in day time.. At least am trying to stimulate more milk for my 2 darlings..

Hi tromso
R u going to robinson sale tomorow? Can update more on what is on offer? Thk u..;)

Hi Tanny
No need to pay any deposit for any pre admission.. Only pay the deposit on the day when u r admitted..

Hi expierence mummies
Any idea for full mth voucher, beside bengawan solo and sweetest moments.. Any other gd recommendations?
Also, did u gals do any cupcake and those chocolate bar with bb photos on it to give to relatives??
Thk u..

Regarding confinement, thk god that nice cooling weather fr last wk till today... Hope this nice weather persist for this mth..;) and me going start wash hair after 2wks.. Hurray..
Tromso, not yet. Last Thur, trapped at home coz heavy rain. If weather permits, I'll go this Thur. Think only have Sam's classes, Sarah is on leave until end of this week.

Luv, high5!
Belle took 6 in 1 plus rotavirus oral vaccine (2 doses). She alo started on peunoccal jab at 4 mths. Peunoccal can start anytime... 1 yrs old also can. But pd told me is gd to give her early so that she is protected earlier.
Baby penguin / Fathfully : I'm also just started on week 37. Seen doc Loh and he never say anything abt delivery.. Just say to see him in 2 weeks time. My tummy is still soft leh, I don't think my tummy feel hard at all. He felt my tummy 4 weeks ago and din say anything too - means nothing hor. My EDD on the screen gives shifting backwards to Aug. Looks like not so soon for me leh...Now waiting game - need to collect my newly bought breast pump, buy binders, buy confinement herbs, to do what I feel like doing before popping. Thinking to go garden festival. Eat pizza, claypot rice, hmmm.. Jia you! I think both u mummies will pop before me.

Joanne : Not me. I think u din c me. Was sitting at dr loh room / door there. Only heard that yours was twins and saw u all leaving. Pity din see them - do they look the same or different? Hope u r coping fine wih yr maid. Twins really no joke hor but it's all worth it. Wow lost so much weight. Goody.
Hi Joanne, good to hear fr you
Your older boy is such a darling, I'm sure he'll be the ideal role model for the twins.

I won't be going to the Robinsons private mbr sale, maybe other ladies going can kindly advice

Re losing weight post delivery, natural weight lost is good, like Joanne's case. I read that if mummy goes on diet, the tissue in the breast will emit a toxin into the bm
So we try to more careful ok
Also good to avoid strenuous exercise as this will cause lactic acid to be produced by the body which will make the bm more sour, may result in baby rejecting it. Just FYI
Baby Penguin, Tanny, Dr Loh also didn't mention if I'm experiencing Braxton hicks, but my tummy is quite hard these days. Guess I'll ask during my nxt visit. Tanny my edd is early Aug now, maybe we'll see each other at tmc heee...

Juvi, I also avoided steamboat throughout this pregnancy. Indeed before ordering, good to ask if any raw items in the dish. The raw egg on carbonara happened to me before too and I got them to cook it thorough.

Pierced, we can still go for American breakfast
I tried other day, requested my scramble eggs to be cook through, came out many small pieces, hard-ish but better than no eggs. Hubby cut opened his poached eggs Benedict and proudly presented me the yolk oozing out 'ceremony'...felt like a knife being struck into my heart lol
But still, it's good breakfast...
Hi Angel, Sarah is on leave I see. I think Sam's classes are Mon, Thur, Sat. But it's quite a bummer to go out on Mon especially after a full weekend. I like Sarah's session a bit more, maybe also because there are fewer students like 5 on Wed and 10 on Fri. Sam's always quite packed, abt 15 pax and she gets a bit distracted I find. But if you like faster yoga, Sam is the one... Sarah does it slower, less cardio more stretching, I find myself more tonned after Sarah's. Maybe also the way she speaks, more zen and relaxed tone. Sam however is very informative on the pregnancy tips front

Hope you'll have fun at your first lesson
Hi Mummies/MTBs, I would like to ask...

I drink Anmum milk, eat cheese, drink vitagen, and Dr Tan also give me extra calcium pills, will I be overdose with calcium?

Also do you all take folic acid pills (previously dr gave me 6 months supply) throughout your pregnancy or only the 1st tri?

Doc also gave me multi-vit/fish oil that contains folic acid, so I am taking double dosage... Dr just say continue with the folic acid! Kindly advise. Thanks.
Hi Joanne, Glad to hear ur updates! Think ur older boy is old enough to understand and really takes care of u and the twins.

As for full month cakes with bb photos printed on it, personally I dont feel comfortable giving those kind, seems as if those people u give to are eating ur bb's face! hee!

me also wont be going, not many things to buy and it's evening so sure crowded. even though I will like to spend my vouchers. haha!

Tromso, like u said, Natural weight loss is good. I didnt really lose much weight during #1 time bf her. Coz my mum made sure i had to eat well and cooked lots of food. haha...
Definitely quality of milk will be affected if u go on diet at that time. Also the type of food u eat affect the colour too. hee.. I ate lots of green vegs, the bm is greenish tinge, take lots of fish at that time too. not too sure if it helps but prob plays a part.
Tromso, ya, must eat the fully cooked ones but so sad right. so sometimes i choose not to order that. hee.

Throll, not too sure about the calcium overdose but prob u might need to eat quite a lot to get that? maybe u can check with Dr Tan instead.
Folic acid, took only durng 1st tri, after that is multi vit and fish oil.
Tromso, thanks for your feedback on the 2 instructors' style. In that case, I will go next Wed (then checkout Taka baby fair too!) For a start, my hubby thinks it's better to start slow as I haven't been exercising much.

I am also not going down to Robonsons today. My friend down with flu, hence appt cancelled. Hubby said will drive me down on weekend since we are not rushing to grab anything in particular. Already bought pram and car seat from Baby Kingdom last Sat..hehe.
Joanne03, very impressed with your BF effort and impressive weight lost!

Throll, I think if your doctor asks you to continue folic acid, just do so okie. Folic acid content in multi vit is not a lot actually, usually only 1mg. If any extra not absorbed, will just be flushed out in the urine. As for calcium overdose, I'm not sure. But my SIL also taking calcium tablets on top of her multi vit, milk & cheese, so should be ok.
Hi Throll, for preggers we need about 1000mg of calcium a day, so you may like to add up your daily calcium intake, all specified on the packaging

For instance, daily, I'm taking 2 glasses of Similac and a glass of fresh milk, totals to about 1,000mg.

For folic, unless seriously overdose, it's fine. Cos any excess will be flushed outta our system in our urine. Again, you can add up the dosage per the packagings to determine your daily intake.
btw it's good to check our daily calcium intake (esp on calcium pills) cos overdose can cause calcification in the body and other issues....you may like to google about this. Most doesn't take calcium pills unless we can't stomach milk/ diary products.

Hope this helps.
Hi Tromso, this is very useful info... when home I will check each packaging and keep to required amount of 1000mg. Thanks.
Tanny, you are still planning to visit the Garden Festival heee...

Now it's constantly on my mind this waterbag bursting thought lol...I'm hoping to visit the conservatory at Gardens By the Bay with my parents and niece (weekdays) as, if were to go with hubby on weekends the crowd could be madness. But can't help feeling helpless if the 'action' happens without him being around...dilemma.

I'll see what dr Loh says if I'm having contractions now or not, if not, I'll visit this great nature in air con - double bonus (conservatory) with my folks and niece
Throll you are welcome

You can google the recommended daily intake for various vits and minerals for preggers and compare to what you are having now. That's what I did at initial stage to ensure I'm getting enough of the essential nutrients

Happy calculating
Throll, if Dr Tan asked u to continue, then better continue cos everyone's body is different. Mayb urs is twins n need more?
Angel, which pram n car seat u settled for?
Throll, twins
congrats!! Yes, Juvi is correct, daily recommended intake for twins is definitely higher. If you are concerned about dosage, can discuss with your gynae your total daily intake after adding all up, various supplements etc., to determine if adequate.

Sorry, I didn't know you are having twins. 1,000mg daily calcium is for singleton
Hi ladies! So happy that I can join you gals in this thread! Just got my BFP yesterday Hee. Felt so unbelievable and happy!
Can I ask if I should start taking milk and what brand now? And if I can eat golden kiwi?
hi all

jus finished my scan with camden and the results is comforting. Professor said that both babies look fine and advise us no need to go for amniocentesis as the risk is higher.

he rule out all major defects that can happen to the babies andd even scan my cervix to determine the possibilities of pre mature delivery before 32 wks.

last but not least, he told me my babies are 85% a boy and a girl.

will ask dr tan to scan the gender later and share with him the report. i feel at ease now.. thanks for all yr encouragement.

will be gg back to camden on wk 22 for another scan...Prof said by then shld be more confirmed..
Throll, ah u having twins! so maybe that's why u need more and dr recommend u to take more vits. best person i guess to advise is still dr.

Hi Hope, congrats and welcome!
can take milk now, any brand is fine as long u can take it.

Mc 007, glad to hear good news from u regard to the scan. now u can rest well and concentrate on the next phase. wow, yours also long feng tai.
Jo3, good to hear that you're BFg well! Keep it up, mama!!
And your eldest boy is so sweet. I hope my gal can learn to help out too when baby comes.

Throll, u're having twins??

Hope, welcome welcome!!

mc, glad to know that the scan went well! Wow, it's great that they can tell u the results on the spot! Unlike OSCARS have to wait for results right? You must be so happy and relieved.
i felt the indian lady doing my Oscar was rushing thru. finished scanning in abt half an hr for both babies.. When i ask her if weccan know the gender, she immediately say cannot even without scanning..

luv..the bt for oscar needs to wait so we did that earlier..on the day of oscar, we will know the results on the same day

Sashamama, Juvi and Cool, thanks!

Mc, congrats on your gd scan for your twins.
hope you'll have a LFT as per your desire.
