(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hazel, then how often to sterilize, once a day?

Pierced, your travel sterilizer uses tap water and tablets? Its good for travelling to less developed areas (though we prob wont go those places) where clean tap water may not always be guaranteed then we can always use distilled water instead?

Luv, the tutu sterilizer is cute and a good idea! For bb tutu cos dont know how often they will drop and rub against things, cool to know can sterilize esp when travelling.
Heartbeat, my mum does it once a day in the morning only. Only for fm. For BM, cannot coz is oily! Well, belle also nv LS before. I hv maid, so maid will sterilise after every feed
Ooo ok. Belle is on FM and BM alternatively? Actually i was hoping to feed FM during mid of nights (cos may not wake in time to warm EBM) then day time give BM.
Heartbeats, BBjourney, Tromso, Luv, Angelxuan and Pierced, thanks! So happy to be able to join you MTBs.

Heartbeats, no we didn't celebrate. Just went for dinner and shop around looking at babies stuff. We are very excited as this is gonna be our first child.
My DH very funny, he says how he wish I am in my 8th mths now and can pop in a month's time. Ha, think he is very excited.;p

Eskimobaby, it's so exciting to see your baby's heartbeat. I can't wait for that day to come.
Hi gals,
Been reading everyday but didn't post. Starting to feel so lethargic. At 34+ weeks now, can't walk much, lie down sit down also uncomfortable, heartburn, breathless, etc etc, lol.

Saw dr Loh last fri after my ctg. everything is well. Bb 2.7over kg. dr Loh says I don't need utrogestan anymore, that day itself deliver also ok, lol. Finally after 6 months looking at back of bb's head, last fri bb turned her face n I finally got her 3d scan face photos though not the whole face, but I can make out eyes nose mouth!

Counting down 14 more days to c-sect!!!
i was away from this post for a while and a lot to catch up!

thanks catherine! yes, u got good memory! 8 more weeks to my desired EDD.. i am targeting 36th week.. really really hope bbs stay inside me till then.. but increasingly i have problems moving around too much, but i still "flower legs" and too ambitious at times.. still want to go out...

re bathing bbs, coz attended WBB lesson and v keen to try it out.. and i love the smell of clean babies! but really not sure if i dare to carry them or not.. my hubby much better than me in handling "dedicate" things, i more clumsy and "lun zun"...

thanks eskimobaby, and oh yes, i havent congratulated you? congrats and wish you a smooth 9 mths ahead! joyfully, many congrats and welcome too! your story is v inspiring, and you fully deserve this chance at motherhood! both of you must rest well and take good care! eskimobaby, hope u are ok now? i dont think my problem is piles leh.. never have such problems.. still LS a bit..

so much discussion on milk pump and sterilisers.. i blur blur anyhow bgt avent liao.. havent bgt pump though... v costly and worried if no milk than v wasted...

havent heard from sashamama, but i am getting very excited for her! only 1 week plus to go.. hang on and jia you! we waiting to hear yr gd news!

me xian... the pain in right hip bone worsen on fri night.. now limping like poor old lady... i am still feeling nausea at this stage! and yes, like a few sisters here, i am quite turn off by shower gel smell... i also choose the shower gel that my hubby use, but now dislike the smell... today just bgt a different shower gel..
Ahhh.. I lost the long post I was typing, now to re type.

Dear joyfully,
Congrats! Very happy for u, ur prayers r answered!

Dear cock cock,
I'm still here, still doing bits n pieces of shopping here n there. Started on bb laundry. Gonna pack hospital bag, think of Chinese name, buy breast pump this week!

Dear Joanne,
Happy to hear u doing well with ur twins! How's ur maid's performance? I was a dr loh's last Friday but didn't catch u! Do come in here n update us ya?

Dear Tromso,
So sweet of u to remember me! We checked out function rooms, very ex. So going for dimsum buffet restaurants cos our families wld prefer Chinese food than western. So far shortlisted Lao Beijing, zhou's kitchen, tung lok seafood at orchard central, etc.

wonder if any gals hv comments or other recommendations? TIA!

Re: FM
enfa is the best for NB right? I gotta stand by a small tin :p
Pierced, you have the elite robinsons card and didn't get the mailers....now I feel more balanced lol...think will get hubby to upgrade to elite cos more perks
btw I tried out La Pizzaiola, fantastic!! Besides ace pizza (quite special crusts, decent amount of fresh ingredients), the fettuccine, lasagne, chef's specialty and whole stuffed squids we ordered exceeded expectations, very value for $$. But def need to make reservations. No carpark lots even though we arrive by 6pm, can park outside others' houses

Thanks for the recommendations Juvi

Catherine, for the robinsons elite card, just need to feedback your latest income level for upgrade. During the Jun private's member sale, my SIL received an additional letter fr ocbc for additional robinsons purchase discount, something like $xx voucher for can't-rmbr-how-spend.

Sashamama, I feel that Lao Beijing's food is so-so. If budget allows Taste Paradise has v gd dim sum but don't think they have ala buffet din dum which is what you are after right? in this case, Tung Luk seafood may be a gd choice
Hang in there, less than 2 weeks to go
My rib cage soreness is quite annoying too
You try lying down more, hopefully can ease your hip soreness.
Joyfully, Sashamama, CockCock, you gals are so 'early'!

Joyfully, i also feel like fast forwarding! But week 18 onwards is enjoyable cos can start to feel bb movements. The feeling is as heartwarming as seeing heartbeats.

Sashamama, wow, thats fast! I will standby Enfa too.

CockCock, i hate my hb shower gel but am ok with the laundry detergent! Maybe he should use the laundry detergent to bathe instead!
Hi Angel, for Robinsons private mbr sale, will not be required to show mailer, just have to flash your Ribinsons card
You can request for the $5 discount coupons set (nursery, fashion, travel) at the Robinsons custm Svc counter just nxt to beddings section. Can queue up more than once to get few sets of discount coupons heee...

Can also claim $$ voucher from Capitamall if exceeds certain amount spendings normally. Last was $150 (3 receipts), $10 voucher, redeem at the Centerpoint custm Svc counter.

Are you planning to head down tmr?

I need to get the Pigeon steriliser but afraid wasted trip...think I'll call up Robinsons first thing tmr to ascertain.
Wow... so many posts in one night

heartbeats, yeah, the small steriliser is good if u wanna ensure pacifier is clean.
I tried not to give my gal pacifier tho cos worried teeth won't develop well, hahah... Only had to give it to her once or twice.

Joyfully, ur DH is so excited! Happy for both of you!
When's ur first scan do u know?

Sashamama, your gal is at a good weight!! You're gonna see ur little precious very soon! Jiayou!!

cock cock, dun worry abt not having milk. However much BM we can give the babies is also precious. Stay positive and the milk will come!!

Oh, I realise my steriliser is actually Pigeon brand, not Avent. See what a few years of storage does to your memory! ;P

Tromso, u're really very familiar with all the eateries!! Hats off to you!

eskimo, so u'll be going to Dr Loh and not back to KK from now on?
Oh, Sashamama, my gynae mentioned b4 that Enfa has the highest content of DHA. So I've been using Enfa all along.

Diff babies have diff tastes and preferences. Hopefully ur gal will take to the taste of Enfa.
Luv, I've been eating out mostly since bfp cos cooking gives me the nausea
Unhealthy diet heee... Lotsa nice eateries springing up in the West too but pity too far out for us....

I've also bought Enfa...realised it's almost twice the price compared to other brands...grumbles!! Hope moo moo will win at the end of the day
Tromso, is it really twice the price? I've stopped comparing prices of FM long time ago liao. Just buy, hahah... Saves me heartache. Well, if it's worth it for baby, gotta do it! Yeah, if can BF, it'll be good for baby and saves $$ too.
Cockcock n joyfully, thanks

For now yes

Can I ask those who just bfp. Do you have sore breasts? My breasts have been sore since I bfp n I still have it now. Wonder if it's normal cos I didn't have sore breasts in first pregnancy.

As for milk powder, I also like enfa n gave it to my girl. Find it not as sweet as the other brands but for breastfeeding babies some pd recommend Nan. It's said to be the nearest to bm.
Belle also drinks Enfalac. 1 can cost close to $50 now and belle can finish 1 can within a wk plus!! She is on full FM now.... I generally buy alot when Carrefour has 10% discount coz thats the best deal so far even compared to neighbourhood provision shops who usually r cheaper.

Enfalac milk powder r imported fr Europe, highest in dha so the most ex FM. I boycott bb pdts from countries like malaysia, Thailand, china, etc as I m cOncerned with what they put inside. Enfalac is much cheaper in Malaysia coz that version is made n imported fr Thailand!
Sasha,nice to hear from u. Ur gal is at a good weight! very soon u can see ur little one!
Some feedback, for zhou's kitchen, I don't like the food there. not very nice i feel even though it's under tung lok.

Tromso, yup, so weird even though u are supposed to receive certain mailers and I didnt! just that I like their card coz I get rebates and can claim vouchers off.
Ah, u tried the place! so my friends didnt recommend wrongly too. Sounds like u ordered a lot of food. hopefully can go down there soon to try it out.
Did u head to Wimbly Lu nearby for desserts?

I gave Nan HA to my gal too after I stopped breastfeeding. that time they reco that too as they said it's quite close to bm.
Think most brands are also fine la, as long as the bb is able to take it. hee
pierced, did ur gal get green poo after taking NAN? I heard that some babies do after drinking NAN. Just found it interesting.
Luv, I bought the smallest Enfa tin, abt 1.5 time ish more ex I think.

I agree with Hazel, best to get 'made in Europe' ones. Carrefour gd is it, ok, will take note thanks!!

The Kim Seng reliable, or carries those made in Asia formulas?

I see for babies who are slightly allergic/ reactions to formulas, mummies will normally switch to Nan ha

Catherine, I'm not sure what's the income level for Elite card but I'm sure since we are in our mid to late 30s, we should have exceeded, don't think they'll set the bar too high...

Eskimo, I had sore boobs initially too but went away in 2nd trimester

Pierced, we almost couldn't finish, betw 7 of us, ordered 5 12'' pizzas, and 4 mains....price very reasonable so guess we didn't think with our brains lol...but manged to finished it all. We tried the flour less cakes too, carrot and chocolate, not too bad but I think flour still beta
So ended up too full for Wimbly Lu but I'm sure if time permits, I'll try out Wimbly and Jules breakfast too
So convenient and near our place, pity we didn't know about it earlier, but beta late than never

Actually quite few good pizza places furtherdown southeast too...but hasnt visit to date...Bruno's pizzaria and Edna Italian restaurant (ex). Bukit Timah area, heard Valentino is ace (food and ambiance but ex), Peperino Pizzaria (renowed for its XXL pizza). Heee...food for thoughts
Nan is only for 6 mos and up? Enfalac also? Thats what i see on websites.

Then newborn below 6 mos cant drink liao or still can feed even thou below 6 mos?
Tromso, yes, PD recommended Nan HA so less reaction or allergic. but i think all should be around the same?
think in singapore, the brand of Fm should be all from the same country?
I know some people like to buy from malaysia coz cheaper, but the fm i think made elsewhere.

But I think must check Nan now coz i remembered before I stopped my gal on FM, the Nan was suddenly switched to be made in phillipines or something!
It used to be made in Switzerland! What a difference!

Wow! seems like the food is really good like what Juvi said. i like the authentic food taste.
Many of the pizza places are quite far from our places. that's why i will like to try this out. hee...
Yes, check out the Wimbly Lu brunch. Not too bad and i like it coz close by. hee...
only thing like u said, parking is also a pain.

Heartbeats, it's Nan HA1. from birth. or else i think the cheaper range is Nan Pro 1.
I think Enfalac is for newborn. Saw it at Watson the other day.

As for Robinson Platinum Elite Card, think only offer to selected royal cardmembers. My also normal Platinum card only. Robinson pte sales tomorrow? Hmmmm
Welcome joyfully n eskimobaby!
Tromso n pierced, the prices r consider cheap as compared to other Italian restaurants n pizza places like Spizza. I used to frequent Fat Cat for their western food but the western food stall relocated to Katong area so stopped going to Fat Cat Liao.
As for Wimbly Lu, their brunch serving quite small Leh. Not satisfying. Still prefer the breakfast served at Arbite, although the parking can b a headache.
Ladies, the Robinson's card u all talking abt is it the OCBC Robinson's credit card or their own member's card? How to apply?
Sashamama, I had attended both birthday n man yue party at Lao Beijing n Zhou's Kitchen. Between these two, I prefer the food at Zhou's Kitchen.
Robinson private sales tomorrow? Is it? I thought last Tue? This time, do they have the vouchers too? Mine also the platinum card.

Tromso, I have already made plans to go to Robinson Tmr before my facial appointment..kekeke.. Have you called up to enquire about any promotion on the pigeon sterilizer?
Heartbeat, stage 1, FM must go supermarket then can see. Cannot find online co the milk Co cannot advertise n govt promotes breastfeeding solely first 6 mths!
Cockcock and Sashamama, thanks!

Cockcock, hope your the pain in your right hip bone will go away soon.

Sashamama, you are going to pop really soon right! Jiayou!!! Must be feeling very excited that you can see your baby soon.

Luv, thanks dear! I checked with Angela today. She says scan should be scheduled from week 6 onwards. Hope you'll enjoy your pregnancy without MS from now onwards.
Dear gals,
Thanks for all ur input on FM n dimsum hi tea venues. Taste paradise at ion, no buffet, should be ex right? U gals eaten there before? Per head spent abt how much? Anyone been to tung lok seafood ala carte buffet at orchard central? Here's someone's blog abt it http://www.gourmetestorie.com/?p=10644.

Wa, got robinsons private sale tmr? Hubby has card. Only 1 person can go in with 1 card ah?
thanks joyfully... my right hip still pain... last night woke up to puke twice.. think i cld be experiencing heartburns? felt that acidic liquid or food reversing from my digestive system and "knocking" to come out of my throat... felt q uncomfy... this morning threw up a few times, mainly acidic liquid... and i am so breathless :

re robinson sale, i oso normal member but got receive mailer... my sis complained that she never received anything all the time... the pte sale is from 6:30pm - 11pm.. i saw got pack of pigeon detergent wash and wipes (UP$84.90 but selling at $65.. sorry dont know if rem correctly or not) also got stroller and car seats... too bad i think i cant make it tomorrow... by the time i take taxi to and fro no savings liao...

btw, bbjourny or angel, did you buy doppler to hear or monitor bb heartbeats? sorry i vaguely rem u gals discussing abt this, including tanny... i am asking coz my friend want to buy.. she asked what brand and if expensive? thanks if u can share
after tung lok paramount closed. found this other tung lok at the chinese swimming club near parkway. they do have dim sum lunch buffet but only on weekdays. the dim sum is very good.
Sashamama, Tung Luk Seafoood Orchard Central is very good, think the ala carte buffet is $29++ per pax (u can chk with them to double confirm). I've only had the ala carte before, it was 1 up compared to other places

Heartbeats, I avoided pizza throughout first and second trimester cos of ham and salami (the chemical used to preserve them not too good and after not heated thorough enof). But I'm eating most things after crossing into 3rd trimester, including pineapples on pizza since its been heated. Technically not as liang. Only pizza thing I avoid is those rocket n Parma ham pizza cos Parma ham is relatively unheated, also avoid the feta cheese. No to pizza with blue cheese too. You like Hawaiian pizza right? I think a few pieces pineapples is fine

Juvi, indeed...La Pizzaiola is a rare find
Now you've got me thinking about Arbite heee...anythg else is nice around serangoon gardens?

Babyjourney, the Robinsons custm svc person says I can apply for elite card, just submit income statement, let me check again with them nxt time
Geeezzz....they are selective in everything lol...

Yep, Enfa has stage 1, 2, 3....1 is for NB, never on sale
Hi Pierced, how's your left ribcage pain, what do you do to ease it? Mine is on the right, getting worse and happening more now, esp if I lie down in bed, the right side of back quite sore, think my ribcage cannot tolerate the pressure anymore. Sometimes I'll perspire a lot in pain and discomfort...sigh...

Recently I've been feeling baby's kick just underneath my boobs...lol...gave me a fright each time, cos can almost feel it in my throat. Didn't know can kick so high up. Last night, she was like doing cycling inside, kick after kick...really starting to wish can delivery soon after week 37. She usually settles down after I have a talk with her but I'm guessing she's a nigh owl baby...will be headache

Wonder how the others are doing. Faithfully, still hanging in there? Baby me, Baby Penguin... Anyone feeling Braxton Hicks yet?

Cham~ Can we take lasagna and cabonara? What about parmesen cheese powder?

Thanks Tromso, think i better leave my hawaiian till the last few weeks!
