(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Aiyoh, I'd better check whether my Avent things can still be used. I also used for 1yr+ or 2yrs, was still okay leh. But it's been in storage for so many years now, wonder if still can work onot.

I find not much use for the warming milk n food part. I still prefer using a hot water bath to warm milk or food puree. Just get a normal steriliser will do liao.

I have two avent sterilisers... Use them for 2 yr plus liao still ok *touchwood* but I'm still using them. Nowadays the electrical appliances don't use for a while n don't work anymore.
Checked my sis Medela pump last night. Need to replace all the spare parts. Emailed Tan Leng Leng but she has closed the spree.

Hmmm think i better ask my sis her is her steriliser still works or not...
I think the warranty is 1 year, so it's a scrapped item now I'm afraid
Just our luck, who says thunder doesn't strike twice at the same place...lol...

Luv, yes, good idea to check yours in storage.

Babyjourney, Medela should be ok, quite resilient, unless motor has been dropped before. You can check with TLL when her next spree is if you are not urgently needing them.

Eskimo, I was thinking about the same thing, these days electronic items tend to spoil soon after warranty, maybe manufacturer has programmed it this way heh...

Angel thanks, I'm gonna check out the Pigeon one, 3-in-1 sounds good
Luckily Taka fair n Baby expo are coming up.

Actually when we tested the sterilizer 2 weeks ago, already 'in a strike' mode a bit, couldn't get the digital screen to display the correct function for steaming until few tries. Last night, after trying for over 1 hr, hubby tried at diff sockets/ hooked up to extension cord etc (placebo effects lol...), still couldn't get to the steaming mode. Gone case...
Hi Pigeon sterilizer users, may I know for the multifunction sterilizer (3-in-1) and rapid steam sterilizer, is the sterilizing unit a big round plate (to hold bottles, etc) or with holes to slot in bottles?

Thanks!! I couldn't find picture of the interior online
Tromso, i am also eyeing the Pigeon one cos my friend's Avent also kaput on her! I think i will get the Pigeon one most probably.

Babyjourney, try littlethinkies for the spare parts? I posted her BP link a few days ago. Below is her blogsite.


Eskimobaby, congrats! Nothing beats seeing heartbeats! This is your 2nd pregnancy,do you feel any special moments? Lucky you go to Dr Loh for the proluton jab and inserts. Ya i was also told FET cases very fragile cos our body was medicated to produce hormones in the 1st place so we may not regulate very well on our own.

Luv, oh dear, hang in there, 1st trimester will pass soon. It will get better soon though ocassionally i still feel 'abit' now. In a way, its a weird priviledge to feel MS for us cos we have been seeking so long.
Tromso, i am also eyeing the Pigeon Rapid Steam Sterilizer and i believe it doesnt have slots to hold bottles, just throw everything in. I also heard Pigeon sterilizer can sterilize any other brand bottles.

Ladies if i am wrong, do correct me, thanks!

*add on* i also learnt that Pigeon sterilizer can keep bottles sterilized longer than Avent if left inside after sterilizing. Can keep up to 6 hours compared to Avent's 3 hours.
Tromso, i hv emailed TLL to check when is her next spree for spareparts.

Heartbeats, i was also looking at LIttle Thinkies. Was wonder if i can tell her i need a full sets of spare parts. She has so many parts there i am quite lost. :p
Babyjourney, ya at first i was also confused how to buy the spare parts. I suppose we will need the tubes, shields, connectors and membranes at minimum. You see what she say or any sister here can help us? If my friend handling me down her PISA, i will need to get the spare parts as well. TIA!

*add on* Babyjourney, need to note your sister's pump is before 2006 model or after cos the tubes will be different.
heartbeats, thanks! Yup, am hanging in here!
Slightly better these few days but if i'm not careful n eat more, i'm prone to throwing it all up. Haiz...

Yes, the Avent sterilizer (if it's the same one I have) doesn't have slots. Easier to use than those with slots I feel. Thanks for the link on the spare parts! I might need it too!
Heartbeats, thanks. i think my sis one is after 2006 as the tube i saw last night was with one open end. I will confirm this with my sis again.
luv...me too on the smell...suddenly felt my hb shower gel makes me wanna puke...i ask him to stay away from me after bath..lol..

going 14 wks and ms still stays with me...lose almost 2kg in total since bfp...although dr zou keep asking me to eat more...i jus can't swallow the food.. zzzz...hope it will be gone soon..

felt slight cramp at lower abdominal...hope its ok...
Angel, do you know whether the Pigeon one can keep milk/food continuously warm if left in there without switching off? I read one of the warmers can do that but cant remember which one liao. Very convenient if can, as we dont have to scramble to warm milk fast should bb suddenly want to drink ahead of schedule.
MC, high 5! I also hate my hb showel gel even till now and i was the one who chose it for him before getting preggy! I even hate my own shower gel.

Slowly eat more meals over longer time, if cannot, drink milk also good. I also lost alot of weight in my 1st tri. I lost 5 kg and now still havent regain all 5 kg. Only gain 2 kg so far but bb weight ok so luckily the 2 kg gain didnt all go back to myself.

Monitor your cramp. It should go away. Maybe womb stretching. I also have some strain down there at times, either braxton hicks or ligament pains i hope.
mc, looks like our DHs are suffering the same fate for now, hahah... I also ask my DH to go out of the room for a while after his shower.
If the cramp is not too severe and there's no bleeding, shld be normal preg pains. Dun worry.

heartbeats, but not good to leave BM out without drinking for too long too. Also remember can't refreeze or put back in fridge after warming.
Yeah nothing beats seeing that blinking light on the monitor. My heart soared when I saw it
this is still the most special moment even though it's my 2nd pregnancy
this pregnancy I'm not thinking that far, will just take one step at a time.

Not a good idea to leave milk or food on the outside for too long cos scared of contamination. Bacteria will tend to thrive unless you talking about freezing or boiling temperatures so only warm up when you want to use it.

Am I the only weird one who wants ms to stay away? kekeke I can't wait to taste my food normally again!
Ooo, Luv, Eskimobaby, i see. You both experienced mummies know better!

Ok, then i hope i can manage. Scared bb suddenly want to drink and i am not prepared, imagine the screaming while i am still warming the milk!
heartbeats, but why dun u latch baby on directly? Leave the warming of BM to others when u're not around. If u're around, just latch on directly. Much faster.
Luv, cos latching i cant tell how much milk is drank also i scared i not enuff milk need to combine from expressing and also my parents and hb all want to have their turns feeding bb.

Troublesome me hor? Parents/hb feeding not that important, i more worried milk not enuff.
heartbeats, true, if u latch on, can't measure quantitatively how much babies are drinking. It's more estimated based on the length of time and frequency they latch on. But actually I realised that during your first PD appt after discharge, doc will be able to tell u whether babies have been drinking enough BM (assuming u're on total BFg). So if doc says they are, then no worries!

I can understand ur concerns tho, cos u're having twins. Suggestion: Latch one on while your parents/DH warm up BM for the other one. Next feeding, latch on other baby and warm up BM for previously latched on baby. Then u get the best of both worlds.
Heartbeats, thanks for your sharing about Pigeon, it's those flat plate Good, 6hrs Great!!

The good thing about milk warmer is that we won't be using scorching hot water to warm up the milk in bottle, as latter may destroy the antibodies and probiotics in the bm.

I was told that can guage if baby is drinking enough by the weight gain, should be about 180 - 250g per week initially but may see up to 5% weight loss at first due to water retention lost. Pls correct me if I'm wrong.

Watched a program saying should baby not be drinking enough bm, the jaundiced level may rise, as bm helps flushes out the jaundice. In this case, dr may recommend formula as supplements besides putting under uv.

What I've read is that, to increase bm...besides latching, it's best to pump twice early in the mornings. As usually bm is lowest eveningtime. So can use this expressed bm to feed bb during eveningtime and/or nighttime when bm supply is low. Just a thought..,,
I found some info on newborn jaundice the other day. Thought you ladies might be interested...

From http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002526/:
Two types of jaundice may occur in newborns who are breast fed. Both types are usually harmless.

•Breastfeeding jaundice is seen in breastfed babies during the first week of life, especially in babies who do not nurse well or if the mother's milk is slow to come in.

•Breast milk jaundice may appear in some healthy, breastfed babies after day 7 of life. It usually peaks during weeks 2 and 3. It may last at low levels for a month or more. It may be due to how substances in the breast milk affect how bilirubin breaks down in the liver. Breast milk jaundice is different than breastfeeding jaundice.
Regarding keeping milk bottles in sterilized condition. During WBB class, she mentioned that once removed from sterilizer and immediately screwed on, sealed tight, bottles can remain in that sterilized confirion for 24 hrs...hmm...dunno how true. Just sharing...
Tromso, what I did was to assemble the bottles after sterilising and keep them in a clean, airtight container. Thereafter can take the bottles from there for the day. Learnt that from my previous CL. Didn't have a good experience with her but at least learnt a few things from her.
Thanks for confirming the method Luv
My sis used to shake out the tiny water droplets in the milk bottles before screwing on tight, then realised bottles will not be sterilized anymore after this shaking exercise lol...My cousin would use tissue to wipe the interior

WBB confirmed that it's not neccessary to dry the interior of the bottles

So much for bottles logistics
Tromso, oh, thanks for reminding me not to shake the water droplets out of the bottles!

Btw, we put the tong in the steriliser together right? I can't recall liao, LOL. But logically speaking we shld right?
Heartbeats, pardon my slow response. Good that experienced mummies have given the perfect answer.

Tromso, sorry about your Avent sterilizer. I am also considering Pigeon sterilizer (3-in-1). I saw it at baby kingdom yesterday, the interior is a big round plate.

Heartbeats, Catherine, I am a Robinson member but didn't receive notifications on their sales. How come?
Thanks Catherine. Hmm...Angel, I also didn't receive the mailer
ok, will try the mailbox again later.

Hi Heartbeats, this is what WBB says: open the sterilizer cover, use the tongs to remove the bottle ring, next remove the teats and assemble using tongs, next remove the bottle cover and seal the teat. Lastly, screw the emsemble onto the bottle itself. This would ensure max effect of sterilizing effect on teat. Hence, fr this, I gather the tongs will have to be sterilised too
Hi Sashamama, how are you?

Not sure if you are still looking for full month restaurant.

We had brunch at Mouth Restaurant at China Square Central earlier and I find the decor quite nice, modern oriental, newly renovated. Food is quite yummy too but we had dim sum not mains. The private function room holds up to 4 tables, minimum spend is $400 per table. Outside holds up to about 20 tables I think. So just FYI.
Tromso, didnt know avent steriliser spoils so fast!
i like pigeon rapid steam steriliser, is that the old one? i heard they phase out the old one which i had. lent it to my friend to used even. but since in storage, the timing was out so play safe and bought the avent one.

also FYI, the pigeon travelling steriliser that can put 2 bottles. very useful and lasting. I got one for my place instead of the normal big one. i used to lug this around for my travels with #1.
after all, i don't sterilise so many bottles at one go usually during Bfing.
Angel, tromso, think robinsons always very selective!
sometimes I don't receive their mailers too on their sales! then i realised I have missed out!
Hi Pierced, I was reading other forum earlier and someone said her Avant steriliser went belly up after 2.5 yrs, so I guess we are just down on our luck.

Didn't know there is travel size steriliser. Hubby was just saying if we really truly go skiing nxt Feb, what are we gonna do with sterilizing, I guess Avant has got it all figured out
But so coincidentally he caught measles when he was a child before he got his measles jab, so he's afraid 6 mths is too early to travel (measles jab only at 12 mths)
Sigh... actually during the vaccination talk last week, we saw that measles is on the rise in Singapore, from abt 50 cases separately in 2009 and 2010 to about 150 cases in 2011
Odds are really against tripping. How old was Megan then when you did your first overseas trip?
Hi tromso, ya really electrical appliances are not so lasting now and really depends on luck.

yes, there is. Here's a link to the pigeon one.

Indeed i found it very useful and even at home, i used it often too coz it's not as bulky as the normal ones.

I brought Megan to Malaysia when she was around 3 mths.
Then 6 mths to Oz for a longer drive trip.
pierced, I was looking hard at the website. Apparently not, hahah... Very small, just for teats and pacifiers. And works by UV rays.
Angel, dun know leh sometimes I also dun receive their letter or is it my hubby throw away. The mailer said the private event is by invitation but who cares.... U juz pretend to dig yr bag and say ai ya forget to bring... Sure they will let u in.... Haha
Gals, u no need to hv traveller steriliser at all. During our parents time there r such equipments (ie steriliser). If u remember what wbb said in class, all u need is hot boiling water to sterilise the bottles n teats. Just stay in service apartment n boil water using kettle. My mum took care of bellt n she uses boiling water to sterilise once a day only! That's how she brought all of us up. Belle also ok.
Catherine are you a standard ocbc robinsons cardholder or the elite robinsons cardholder? My SIL is the elite one and receives diff perks fr me, standard card.

It's weird how I've spent quite a lot these past months at Robinsons but still didnt get the mailer whilst in the past I'd get the promo booklet with little spendings. Some selective system they have...
Tromso, Pierced, Catherine, maybe I'm a new member and haven't build up my purchase record with them yet. Anyway, will still drop by Robinson this week to check out their sales. There are still many things that I have to buy! :p
Ehh I just realize I not yet paid any deposit to dr loh or Tmc. Nobody said anything leh. I just got my pink admission form and told to check in if uncomfortable.
Hazel : orh, Tks. How come my Frn need to Pay some deposit to her gynae, hmmm..

Oh regarding the gynae receipts which I need to bring for Mediave claim, must bring originals is it? Up to $450 amount? Then some say must bring bank a/c no?
Hazel, true, ur mum's method is good too. I mean that's the old way. Even my mum last time also say use boiling also can, simple and effective. The travel steriliser is only mainly if I did not get any service apartments too and stay in hotels so easier.

Tromso, haha, mine's the so-called elite card ur yet I don't received anything from them. They are seriously selective in sending info. I sometimes get mailers but not all the time. So sometimes I miss their private events or didn't get their vouchers. I seriously wonder how they work.

Eh, how come got pink admission form? I just submit my pre-admission to TMC and the lady said ok, no need anything else, just dr letter on day of admission. How come so many diff procedures?

Tanny, the deposit ur friends pay infor gynae's fees! Dr loh not do money minded n he is not worried we no money to pay him! Haha

Pierced, actually, no need to keep sterilizing the bottles every feed... All the sterilization makes the bottles turn yellowish... Wat bfa free.. All the same. :p
