(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Juvi...wow very rare I see mtbs taking Similac, most felt its too sweet or artificial tasting heee... I'm also taking Similac but not a fan of the taste, only because it's lowest fat compared to the rest. All the best to your Oscar scan, remember to enquire if can get 3D scan print out, my sis got that previously without asking

Hi Tanny, has your baby reached 2kg during last scan? I think our scan was same day but mine was evening clinic. Mine hit 2kg, 32 weeks (according to Baby Center it's ok) but previously I felt it was slightly heavier cos weight was few weeks ahead of the Baby Center's average, so I slightly controlled my diet. Hope your 15 seeds durian helps
I recall your weight gain at initial stage was faster than usual, then you manged to slow it down right? Looks like can step it up again hor...heee.... nasty little weight issue, jia you there!!

Hi Tromso - my weight gain initially was on me only! Whenever doc dr measure bb, bb weight is always ok. Meaning he say bb is growing well ( nvr say too big or too small ). Doc saw my tummy last week and say Wah so big! U eat a lot of durians? Cannot too big leh! But later he measure baby, say Oh Ok - only tummy look big - Bb not that big. Yes my bb is 2 kg at last scan 33 weeks. Hmm, 3 weeks ago was 1.5kg. So at 36 weeks bb should be 2.5kg? At 39 weeks, 3kg? I also ate chocolate Ice cream and even bought groupon durian cake voucher to buy durian cake for fathers day. Fathers day I got of eating buffet! Appetitie seems good - lunch thinkin of eating curry fish head with my colleagues at Amoy. But worried bb too heaty. Then I drink bubble tea, green tea.. Aiya me jia lat right...

Doc nvr scan gender again after our detailed scan right? He usually only scan bb weight n growth. Though we can adk but So far I only check the gender on 2 occasions - detailed scan at 5 mth and at 7 mth double check again.. I read on another thread that someone n her hubby got a shock when bb is born. The girl at every scan becomes a boy! Wohoo.. That time when I ask doc loh to scan at mth 7, he says Ya it's a boy! I said Huh - changed already?? Then he look again and say - Sorry it's girl. Got hamburger.. Aiyo scared me..
Tromso: polyclinic although said is gp. They are all experience dr. DA is done at 3mths togather with the jabs. Jabs will be done by nurse. One thing gd abt polyclinic is they are closely monitor by moh. Cos all the jabs given to baby have to be approved by moh.
Hi Tanny - Ya, heard of Wincaris before. In fact my house got 2 bottles, my mum told me that very good for using it to cook confinment food. In fact, sometime she will also use it to stew her chicken.. very nice =)
Tanny, bb's weight gain after 30 wks may not be proportional every wk. belle put in fast initally. But after 32 wks weight gain is little. 2 wks can just gain 100g. She was born at 36 wks, 2.735kg. Someone told me once weight gain is little, means bb is ready to arrive.
Good morning ladies! Wow the thread moves so fast that I find it challenging to catch up after not visiting it for 3 days.

Thanks for the birthday wishes
I think this is the simplest b'day I ever had but I am just as happy to spend it with my DH.

MC, enjoy your cruise! How I wish I can do one too but DH just thinks that it's safest not to travel anywhere for now.

Cockcock, hopefully your ah boy & ah girl tahan all the way to at least your desired EDD. Have to keep talking to them or use 心灵感应 to do so yah. Forgot to mention that I will also place an ang bao (with 20 cents coin inside) on the cot once it's set up, like what I am doing to the baby stuffs that I bought or received. Your colleagues are really understanding & helpful to do the packing for you in the office. I also have lots of things to clear at home. With my friend coming from overseas to stay over next week, I have been busy packing away misc items in the house, cleaning away dusts, preparing the guest room, washing curtains, etc...super tiring man!

J03, my hubby also finds that it's much cheaper to park opp TMC. I think that's his motivation to make the effort to park there & walk over..haha.

Tanny, I have been waiting for more than 2 hours at Dr Loh's clinic for my last 2 appointments already despite skipping my lunch & arriving about half an hour earlier! I thought maybe it's Sat that's why so crowded but now really upset that the truth is not all that. Hopefully they improve on their queue system. My hubby said next time we might as well have our nice long lunch first then go for our appt since have to wait so long.

Tromso, about cellulites, I am also quite scared to get them. After detailed scan if all is alright, I'll start to resume my morning walks. Hopefully with regular light exercises, I can keep the unnecessary fats away. I am actually very keen about prenatal yoga but the better ones seem so far from my place..lazy to travel..zzz.. Regarding the vaccination talk, I am interested to attend. Do you know how can I register?

Babysmurf, thanks for the link on vaccination! Good info as I am totally ignorant about it.

Coolcool, I haven't pay for WBB's class yet. Will do so after passing the detailed scan.

Bbjourney and Heartbeats, regarding chocolate cakes, actually some chocolate cakes might have a bit of alcohol content..so do find out first before you buy.

Luv, the ovidrel jabs I had were all administer at the tummy. No pain!

BabyGalore, welcome! I did a repeated BT after confirming BFP and my Dr exclaimed that I am KS (!!!) the moment he saw me for my first HB scan..lolx!
Pinky, glad to see babies are still fine inside you, and that you're so upbeat and positive. Hope things go well and babies stay inside longer.

cockcock, maybe at your next visit, must make it a point to ask the doc abt the size and weight of babies. Explain your worries to them, i think they'll oblige. As for your weight, if you're eating right and healthily, then dun worry too much yeah?

juvi, good for you mummies who make it a point to drink milk. I tried those samples of milk for MTBs b4 and i swore off them liao, hahah...

Thanks babysmurf for the info on the jabs!!
So how much are the jabs at polyclinics?

Angel, i'm starting to think my aching hip is not all because of the jab now, cos my other hip is also starting to ache!!! Alamak... why so early?? If this goes on, i wonder how my hips can hold the extra weight at later stages. Sigh... Maybe this "old" woman overstretched her ligaments when she geh kiang went for adult dance classes and is now suffering for it, hahah...
Compulsary Jabs at polyclinic.

1st to 2nd mths- Hep B :$22.10 (SC& PR)
3mths: 5in1 & Dr DA
4mths: 5in1
5mths: 5in1 or 6in1
9mths: Nurse DA
18mths: 5in1 & Dr DA
3yrs: Nurse DA
4yrs: VT& DR DA

5in1 package -$320 If take 5in1 package, baby at 6mths need take Hep B 3rd dose.

6in1 package - $360
MMR at 12mths & 15mths: SC FOC
Babysmurf, sorry, what's DA? Developmental assessment? How abt VT and SC?
So can choose to take the 5in1 jab at any of the months right?
option Jabs:

Rotavirus: 2dosage - $90 each to be complete before baby turns 24 weeks

Pneumococcal: 3dosages- $150 each medisave claimable

Chickenpox: $72 after 1yrs old
bruno, glad to see you here!
Heheh... i will prob take some fresh milk (those HL ones). Can't really stand those MTB's milk lah.
many congrats bruno, and welcome! your reading is high, hope you got double blessings! have a smooth 9 mths ahead!

i so happy i not working today... last night asked my babies to let mummy sleep through the night, coz i havent been sleeping well at all.. wow, the babies obliged and i cld sleep through.. but then, my back and shoulders hurt... i think i was too too exhausted liao.. btw, i got a strange dream.. i dreamt that i was in some kind of security force.. then they gave me an award or pay rise.. they told me i have to thank Lee Kuan Yew coz he was the one who asked them to do so.. i was v shocked.. in my dream, i saw him sitting behind and i just walked to him and extended my hand to thk him. he coldly accepted, haha...

thanks tromso and luv... during my last appt with my gynae 3 weeks ago, i did raise my concern whether i am gaining too much wt.. he said twins will definitely gain more wt.. he wasnt concerned.. he told me twins usu smaller and mine are normal (i dont know if he meant usu twins smaller in size, but my twins comparable to normal bb size?).. i will ask him when i see him on mon..

luv, your aching start now? take things easy ok... this morning i completely forgot abt the pain on my left hip until i was writing this.. i thot, ey, was it gone? then i stood up and walked.. alamak, still there... i think i have gotten used to it, chay!

angel, thanks.. then i go and put angpow on those bb stuff.. u oso dont tired yrself out ok.. i think good to resume morning walk too. its not too strenuous and the fresh air will be good for your body
hi hi

Have not visited the forum for 3 days and the thread is moving so fast that i got no time to catch up or read..so i just skipped straight in. Hope i didn't miss anything out. heehe very busy this whole week as my bosses are travelling so got to get things ready for them and no maid at in-law's place so daily after work i got to rush bk to fetch clariss and then bk home to clean/bath her then put her to sleep. oooh....

btw pumpkin patch promotor told me tat they are going to have a SALE next week storewide up to 50% and its much better than the recent sales that just ended last week... heehee think i'm gonna pop by and take a look
Luvnhope: Sorry jab package has to been choose at 3mths.
DA: Developement assesment
SC: Singapore citizen
VT: Vision Test
cock cock, hahah.. i had so many strange dreams last night too!! I had to ask my hubby whether he got up in the middle of the night to use the computer cos I couldn't differentiate what was real and what I had dreamt up liao, hahah... And a whole series of weird dreams.
Can't really sleep well too cos gotta visit the toilet. And yes, I donno why my aching has already started, esp at night while sleeping. Gotta try to find a comfy position. I'm beginning to use more and more extra pillows and cushions, hahah..
Wasn't like this in my first preg. Can't help but admit my body is getting old!
Luv, forgot to share my another dream! i dreamt that my mum has a big tummy like pregnant! she was trying to cover it with an inflated brown paper bag placed on top of her tummy.. in my dream, she was with my bro at mac eating.. i wonder how come she has big tummy which looks like pregnant woman!
Luv n Cockcock, so funny+scary to hv weird dreams hor. I also had one weird dream during my morning nap ytd abt some accident but luckily no one is hurt. freak me out until i dare not go out cos i was actually planning to go buy laksa cos has been craving for it for these 2days. Shd i go buy laksa today? :p

This morning i weighed myself and was happy that i finally gained 500g but after clearing my bowel just now, i m back to square one.
Think my constipation is giving me false hope. Haiz...
Bbjourney, dun worry yourself out over your weight gain. So long as you're eating well and eating healthily, shld be fine.

Hey, when is Dr Marianne giving birth? Still thinking abt which gynae to go with actually.
Hi cock, tromso n tanny
So surprise to see my name mention few times when woke up this morning... Hee.. Actually mine is due to genes so cant compare too much.. My hb is tall n hopefully all my 3kids follow his height n not mine.. Tt day, i go check my boy pass record on his scan.. And surprise to see tt at 30th wk, he only weight 2kg n when i go scan at 34th wk, his weight zoom to 3kg.. N he is born at 38th wk at 3.8kg..;) almost 1kg gain in one mth.. Anyway, i eat abit of durian tt time too.. So this time, i only eat 4seeds so far as scare.. My tummy inside r abit cramp for my bbies now so doc Loh say abit diffcult to measure.. Last scan at 32wk 5days, bbies weight at 2.3kg n 2kg plus.. Hope this size still ok.. Very worry they r very squeezy inside n no space to grow.. Actually i thot bbies shd grow at least 250g per wk now but after wht hazel say, i am at ease as one of my bb grow only 300 g more after 3wks.. Anyway, (heartbeat), no need worry too much, ur tummy will grow fast fr 20th wk onwards.. Relax for Tanny n cock too..;)

Hi pink
Glad to know u r back to normal ward, how big r ur bbies now at ur yesterday scan? U stay in how many bedded room? Ya, like wht cock say, rather dun stay in hospital which is a very expensive vacation..;) u take care k n u r in gd hands so no need to worry too much..;)

Hi bbsmurf
Thks for ur enlightenment.. This is one of the reason why i choose polyclinic for my boy last time than private pd as i rather go by the book n trust polyclinic which is moh certified.. As tt time, there r so many different kind of injection n just to play safe, goes to polyclinic will not miss out any doses or take more as required..;) actually for every injection, there is assessment by the doctor there too.. Anyway, i will go back to polyclinic again this time for my bbies, to save all the headache of researching..;)

Hi tromso
Sure, will check thru the website for the pisa pump.. Btw, u getting freestyle? My BH is getting more n more intense since last night.. Makes me worry n try to sleep it off.. Now feel better..

Congrat n welcome burno..
Luv, judging from Dr M's tummy, i guess she is around 7months pregnant. But she is still very agile and move around very swiftly.
Bbjourney, thanks for the info! You know, my previous gynae was pregnant when I was seeing her too. She delivered a month or so b4 me. And she was back to work like the day after delivery!! Gosh!!
Luv, wow, ur previous gynea so power ah... I saw Dr M on one occassion as i could not wait for Dr Loh's afternoon clinic and she is v nice. I am surprise her mandarin is very good. And her Q is shorter.
Bbjourney, yeah, i was so shocked to hear that she went back to work so soon too. I was still afraid that she wouldn't be able to deliver for me then. Thankfully she did.

Dr M is nice I agree. She can be direct but not rude. But hear what u all say abt the scan machine in her room and that is a deterring point, hahah... With Dr Loh, the long waiting time is very discouraging too. Heh... With Dr Paul, his clinic hours are rather limited. If i want my DH to go along with me, i only have Sat as an option and slots are so limited. Arghh...

Does anyone know where we can find a list of doctors who see patients at The Private Suite?
Luv, thou Dr M's machine is not as good as Dr Loh's but for me still quite ok leh. She is quite patient during the scan. Actually, for Dr Loh's appt, i did wait abt 2hours to see him before but that was due to he went for an emergency delivery or surgery earlier. Sometimes, i only waited 30mins or less to see him. Maybe like what Dr Loh said to me, whenever i go see him, his biz like not so good for that day. Hahahah.... :p
Ladies, Popular at City Sq Mall 50% all books starting today to Sunday for purchases $120 and above. The children's books are flying off the shelves, so come quickly if u are keen

Multimedia, stationeries, accessories, etc 25% off storewide too.

Cockcock, I also have lots a weird dreams. The last one was a terrifying dream while I took my morning nap on my b'day itself. I dreamed my mum and I had a very heated argument and then she waved a chopper at me! I woke up in shock!! Then I quickly assured my baby that it's only a dream and grandma is a v loving lady. I thought that it might be because my mum has always reminded me on how horrible it was to deliver me in breech position..that's why I got this dream on my b'day & while pregnant..haha..

Thanks Tromso for the link!
Hi ladies, got this from my SIL. FYI:

20 Jul - 22 Jul: Expo Baby Fair 2012
24 Jul - 14 Aug: Isetan Baby Fair
31 Aug - 2 Sep: Parents World

Chris, I like pumkin patch baby clothes. Thanks! More shopping.. Hahaha.. :p

Tromso, been thinking of getting some books from popular! Good timing! Thanks for the info!
Hi Tromso
U mean we must buy as normal price n exceed $120 then got 50percent discount or we can buy all at 50% discount as long as accumulate receipt is $120 n more? How abt assessment bk? Oso 50% discount? Thk u for ur info..
must buy up to $120 at original price, then everything gets 50% discount.

assessment books 25% off

baby CDs (classical, lullaby, easy listening) $22 for 2 sets (each set 2 CDs)...

wow....very messy here...I'm just pushing the basket along the floor, too heavy to carry...
Joanne, I see the Discover Math book test papers at 40% off. But most assessment bks n texts 25% off. Not as many pple chiong these books compared to kids bks.
Angel, oh!!! Heheee.. donno why i have the idea u're carrying a girl. Maybe cos they say girls tend to give higher hCG and i remember ur hCG was very high.
J03, ur bbs cramp inside? My colleague has triplets! 6 mths now look like full term!

Chris, Catherine, I need a holiday badly! Can't wait for dec. so in the mean time, going to bring belle for star cruise to redang in aug, b4, Chinese lunar 7 mths!
Thanks ladies, Tromso, CockCock, Joanne. Next scan i must ask for CRL measurement at least. I am thinking to eat alittle durians next week.

CockCock enjoy your day off! You deserve a good break dear! Even do nothing at home also shiok than work. Enjoy your massage!
Heartbeats, it will be difficult to measure CRL if babies have started to curl their bodies. At my 18 wk scan, my baby's CRL is no longer accurate.

j03- popping by to say hi! guessing you are 33 weeks now? jiayou. I know it's probably xin ku for you now..hang in there for a few more weeks! are you resting at home now? i started resting from week 34 onwards.
