(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Angelxuan, Happy b'lated birthday, hope you had a great time celebrating with hubby yest. What did you guys get up to?

Joanne, I don't think green papaya causes jaundice, but ginger does. I've confirm with both my tcm dr and dr Loh
Hazel advises can start in 3rd trimester but my friend says only after birth, let me sms my tcm dr and I'll let you know when n how ok

Bbjourney, there are chairs at the place where the parentcraft workshop is held - amk hub. Just let WBB know and I'm sure she'll gladly agree
I agree that there are a lot other useful info even if doing c section. My sis's initial fear was the same, that may be wasting time and $$ if doing c section but she felt enlightened and well equipped after taking up all the lessons

Hi bbliss
I love to go united square as tts my son favourite shopping centre too..;) is very easy to park there.. Hmm.. Abit like bugis which slope is very spacious n definitely not like taka which so cramp..
Thks Tromso for sharing..;) btw, can check with ur tcm
why can only eat soft meat coconut n not hard meat coconut? Arent they the same? Hmm...

As for the injection, my son goes polyclinic for all his injection.. But go specialist pd for any fever n cold illness..

Happy belated birthday to angelxuan..

Thks hazel, juvi n mc for ur great tips.. Ya, i do download pptv, etc fr itunes but i notice they remove many popular hk drama.. Sianz.. So thinking of a reliable way to see my dramas without seeing only half n suddenly remove..;) hope funsion wun disappoint me.. But didnt know funsion has app in ipad too.. Thk u gals for ur advise.. ;)
hi sisters,
anyone of you have a soft tummy in the morning and hard tummy in the afternoon / evening? is this normal?
Bbliss, united sq carpark is v v v easy type. If I can do it u sure no problem. I dislike those car park like Rochester mall, old hdb car park, central mall. Too tiny for me to handle. Actually every bb intake differently. Like mine greedy type sure eat a lot. Like Chris her bb drink lesser than mine too. Oh dr ong has night clinic on mon and weds. U must call<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi
Shasha, I PMed you regrading the fb group. Thanks

Blur, please quickly go see your doc. Muz take care and try to be stress free. Your BBs now is more impt.
wow Joanne, I didn't know have soft n hard meat coconuts
ok I'll ask her when she replies my SMS. She also encourages drink coconut drink but only when closer to delivery. She says will let me know when.

For the non compulsory jabs, u get them fr polyclinic too right? I was told if that's the case, will add up to be same as going to PDs for all jabbings, is it? But I think go PDs will need to pay consultations on top of jab costs, maybe end up much more costly...I'm very confused

Any advice from current mummies? Thanks so much.
blurxuan, cheer up gal! Try not to let your emotions pull you down. Must stay positive for the sake of your little ones!

Har? Now then i know the compulsory jabs are free at the polyclinics! I spent so much $$ going to the PD for those jabs for my gal.. -_-
Hi Tromso
Mainly we only take the compulsory jab, except for chicken pox so the price still ok.. What other jab u want to take? Take too many jabs oso not so gd for bb..
I already start on coconut since last wk as worry may deliver earlier..
mc, you mentioned u're taking 2 utrogestan pills at night now. Did u start off with 1 in the afternoon too? My clinic suggested I take 1 pill in the morning and 2 at night if i want to avoid the sleepiness. But i'm wondering if the long gap in between doses will affect anything. What was your experience like? Mind sharing? Thanks!
Hi Catherine, u r still on waiting list? Oh no.. I better get myself moving to put my girl on waiting list too..

Hi meryl, now still on ml. So sterile abt 3-4 x a day. Sterilise once aft 2/3 pumps. But when I go back work, I m not sure if it's even possible to pump cux of my job scope. Let alone sterilise. So at d moment, plan is to pump once at home, sterilise, bring to office, got chance then pump and put pump into fridge. This will take 30 min already. Washing n sterilising will prob take another 15 min?

Hi Tromso, me mo expert in injections. But just let u know some of the cost comparisons I did. In poly clinic, the 6 in 1 will cost $360 and this is w/o any doc consultation. U just bring by to poly clinic jab n go home. And u need 4 jabs. In my case, I m going back to sgh for my girls vaccines. The 6-1 cost $529, and it includes pd's assessment. And depending on which pd u choose, my pd charges approx $100 per visit. N u only need 3 jabs instead of 4. Hence, I decided to do the vaccines at sgh cux if u include the pd cost, it's cheaper n I reduce the possibility of 1 more fever aft the jab..
Hopeful, my pd charge $35 for consultation when I bring my gal in for jabs. Not sure about my q at shichida. Will call later and give u update . How's yr bb??
Hi Tromso, no idea. But kkh still has the best facilities for bb

Hi Hopeful, ya.. That is my concern too... Pump and sterilising takes ard 30mins..sighz.. Maybe i will get extra spare parts to reduce the need to sterilise amd sterilise all at ago
HOPE, are you sure you're not experiencing braxton hicks? Or could it be becos your meals have made your stomach fuller and makes your tummy seem "tighter"?
Meryl and hopeful, juz called shichida springleaf. The person said no intake for infants for July intake for both Toa Payoh and springleaf. But I dun believe. Called Toa Payoh and left MSG. If no intake means we have to fight for place for the oct intake

Meryl, dr ong can go to Kk that's what he told me
Tromso, so KKH children Pte clinic is the cheapest! First vaccine, belle took 6 in 1, rotavirus plus pd consultation also nv hit $300. 2nd vaccine, 5 in 1, Rotavirus plus penucoomical plus pd consultation then $300 plus!
Luv, i also not sure whether i have taken "too" heavy meal or not.... i think i better highlight this issue to Dr Loh during my next visit... but my tummy feel tighter especially during the evening time.
i do feel soften when wake up in the morning; but gradually, it will become tighten and tighten 'til evening; and then the cycle continues the next day.
i thought this is normal as i have this feeling started since my early pregnancy; i think i better check with Dr Loh.
thanks sis.
Hi Catherine, thanks for the update. Oct is just nice for me.. I really need to make a trip there ASAP. My bb is doing good. Only thing was she had fever aft her 1st vaccination. But has recovered. Enjoying motherhood to the fullest now before I return to work in aug.

Hi Meryl, buying additional sets is also another option. You can consider buying from this website. Could be cheaper. http://megababystore.wordpress.com/
Luv, my ovidrel jab is done at the tummy area leh... Only proluton jabs gives me pain+soreness cos Dr loh jab at my butt. :p
For polyclinic vaccinations, what my friend said was (baby is 3.5 mths old now) if take 6 in 1, will need to pay. But If take individual jabs, then it's free...hmmm....but putting baby through jabs so many times seems quite unreasonable.

Ok, if KKH is cheapest, then it's great

For Hazel and Meryl, when you visit KKH to see PD for bb cold, fever, etc, which PD do you choose? Can choose right? But for vaccinations, it's done by any nurses right?

Joanne, I think the number of optional jabs have increased throughout the years. I'm not sure if Rotavirus vaccination was introduced when you son was born but it's a very commonly taken opt jab now. I'm also not too sure about the full she-bangs, will be attending vaccination talk in KKH soon, hopefully can find out more then.

Understand it's not gd idea to subject child to lotsa jabs cos it's even quite well researched that this MMR jab may be the cause of autism in some kids but here in Singapore since it's compulsory, so no need for contention I guess. For the other optional jabs (I dunno what still), will have to assess their individual merits vs cons. Am definitely not going to be a helicopter mummy heee.....may do more harm than good
Joanne, for green papaya and fish soup, my TCM dr says will brief me on all the to-dos during my nxt visit cos too early now. But I understand you are expecting to 'go' earlier....

Perhaps the other mummies can share their experiences and practices?

I've subsequently asked my mum, my SIL and another gf about when to start on this soup. All said AFTER delivery leh...so I'm also clueless now.

Went Chinese medicinal hall to suss out the red dates drink ingredients yesterday, realized have diff gradings for dang sheng (apparently cannot just judge by size) and even red dates have diff sizes haaa...also seems most prefers China longan (black ones) over Thailand (brown ones, have long heard Thai ones have lotsa pesticides) info overwhelming man...
Hi Hopeful and Catherine, I've enquired at Shichida a while back, they also say most likely no 7 mths old class. Waiting list looks bad, think I'll register once bb is born. We can't register before birth right...heee...
Angel Happi Bday!

Hope, i also have tightening at times. So tight i feel like bursting. I thought its normal and the womb stretching. BH can come so early meh? I always thought 3rd tri then will have.
happy belated birthday angel! this year special for u and your hubby

sorry can i ask what is BH? btw, many a times i felt like my tummy bursting... day time usu still ok.. come night time so tight that i feel like its bursting... my big tummy made it v diff for me to sleep at night.. kena back, shoulders and hip bone pain...
Bbjourney, the nurse at CARE will jab for me. No more liao. But the soreness is still lingering

heartbeats, that's what i thought too! But apparently it can happen in 2nd tri my previous gynae said. BH happened to me when i was abt 5mths preggie previously. Tummy suddenly became super hard like a rock. I didn't know anything abt BH then, was so worried and puzzled abt what was happening! Was outside then somemore.

cock cock, BH = Braxton Hicks contractions. It's harmless, painless contractions that help ur body prepare for labour.

Belated happy b'day Angel!
Tromso, before vaccination must see dr. Dr will check bb n assess bb's development. U choose a pd u like at children Pte clinic (opp tps). For cold n normal sickness, got to wait coz those on appt goes first. Jabs done by nurses at Vacinne room after dr's assessment.
Thanks for clarifying Hazel.

Joanne, I've done a quick google search, appears the optional jabs are:

- rotavirus
- Influenza Type B
- Influenza
- chicken Pox
- Hep A (maybe when child is older?)
- H1N1 (dunno if necessary since the strand keeps changing)

I think diff clinics/ hospitals have different options but above should be the main ones and should costs in vicinity of $500 (according to a website I read). But can claim $300 p.a. From our medisave and not sure how much can claim from CDA account.

Actually for now, I just wish to select a vaccinnation clinic and just go straight there when first post hospital discharge jab is due, don't wish to pull hairs during confinement deciding on the location. I read that for instance Rotavirus jabs are done in 2 shots in some clinics whilst 3 shots in other clinics.... So if shall decide to change clinic last minute, may involve some asking around. Hence hoping to prevent this sorta scenario, cos its just added stress only
heartbeats, oops, sorry if i made it sound scary! No no, it's not scary if u know what it is when it happens. As i said, it's painless. It was kinda scary for me then cos i had no clue what was happening. Otherwise, it's pretty okay one. It'll just ease up on its own. Dun worry.

My repeat BT was good. Thanks!
I didn't ask for the exact reading cos I'll get the report next Mon when i go back again anyway. Having BTs until the heartbeat scan.
Ok Luv, ya i was referring to the BH being scary. Will it trigger preterm? *scared* Great to hear your BT went well! After i tested positive, i also keep repeat testing BTs till Dr Loh said i too kiasu, haa~
heartbeats, how many BTs did u do?
Well, it's CARE's protocol to do the repeat BTs for prog, E2 and hCG. Don't mind doing it till the heartbeat scan anyway. But my arm is getting bruised liao.

Don't think BH will trigger preterm lah, dun worry. Just treat it as part of the pregnancy package, hahah...
heartbeats, you continued BTs even after seeing the heartbeats? Wld BT still be an accurate indicator of babies' well-being then har? Hope you're much more assured of your babies' health now.

Ladies, I previously read that it's not uncommon or abnormal to experience mild contractions in second trimester, usually not a red light, unless frequency increases and intensifies.

I think the tighness in tummy that some feels may not be contractions.....no? Our tummy does vary from soft to hard during the day, it's normal. During WBB's class, she got a bunch of MTBs to line up in a row, from soft tummies to tight (hard) tummies, then we gently press them (the top part of tummy) to assess the tightness
She comments with the tight/ hard ones, it usually mean the babies are not in the mood to play (tapping, carassing etc), so amusing right

But if have any concerns, def good idea to consult a dr.
