(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Luv, I dun know leh I always c dr tseng patient who come later than me can leave earlier than me. Dr Chua hmmm... I cannot b bias cos she delivered me.... She knows my gu gu quite well too.

Heartbeat, one is enough to give me lots of problems. Can't imagine if it's two or more. But I m happy with my gal today. Heehee nanny told us she is settling well there

Catherine, ic ic... Well, after experiencing waiting for 1 to 2h at my last gynae, prompt consultation would be a welcomed change, heheh...
Glad to know your gal is settling well into infant care! May i know which centre you send your gal to?
Dear babysmurf,
Long time no see! Thx for sharing what u know! How r u? I've not visited the support thread for sometime. Jiayou!!!

Dear bruno,
Congrats & welcome!!!

Re: Tummy tightening
Mine is starting to get really bad. Within 1 minute of standingg up and walking, my tummy hardens. Sitting down for more than 30mins, tummy tightens. I cant walk much anymore. Go to NTUC, need to sit on a chair (meant to be sold, lol) while hubby go get the groceries I tell him to get. Really bad. Dr loh gave me utrogestan to take last friday when i told him (2 per night). He says it is like an tai yao to prevent premature labour. Im only week 31+ now! Scary! Need to tell him the tightening is getting worse very fast when i see him next Friday.

Re: Fengshui master (Anyone has comments?)

(1) Jing Zi Long http://www.jingzilong.com/
$120 for selection of c-sect date.
Call to give date range n daddy mummy's ba zi. Report n best dates will be available in 2 days for collection. Will hv a chance to see Jing Zi long shifu if need clarifications on why those dates.
If baby born n wanna choose names, payment is $60 cos paid $120 for c-sect date. If no c-sect date calculation, then the baby naming costs $88. 10 middle characters n 10 last characters will be given for mixing n matching. This is done after baby born even if c-sect.

(2) Taimaobi http://www.taimaobi.com/
Baby naming $88: 5 best names plus 10 middle characters + 10 last characters provided too for mix n match
Making of Taimaobi $38 - $428 dependent on design n material
No selection of c-sect date service
No package price

(3) Chen Shifu 63526577 Toa Payoh
Baby Naming: $88 - some middle n last characters given, no fixed number as it depends on the baby's ba zi, etc, sometimes only 5 suitable characters, other times more than 10
C-Sect Date & Time: $188
To give info beforehand, will calculate n arrange for meeting to explain (waiting time might be 1 week or so especially when Shifu needs to go overseas)

Hi Catherine, haha... Not really brave but hope to have more kids .

Hi Hazel, I still have 4 more.. Yup, they bill me 300 plus .. Was thinking of comparing the prices..was thinking of FET once stop bf, likely 10-12mths later
Catherine, uh... direct but must still have good bedside manners mah.. dun think i'd want a gynae with a blunt attitude, hahah...
Meryl, there is a transfer fees of a few hundred dollars other than storage fees. I wun be transferring to tmc, coz is a waste of money if my embyro do not make it. Must pay 2x somemore KKH before transfer plus storage fee at tmc.,

Also, FET cost abt $7k in tmc, much more ex (5-6x) more ex than KKH.
Sashamama, Dr Loh also gave me utrogestan after my cerclage, 2 morning n 2 at night. He just lower the dosage to 2 per night starting this week. He said utrogestan can prevent contraction too.
thx Sashamama and angelxuan.

lux: my stamina droping, go out for 2 hours, come home knock off for at least 3 hours.

my stomach is still very bloated.
Hazel n Meryl, when did u start yr ivf ? By when will KK bill u for e storage of e embbies ? The bill amt is based upon e nos of frozen embbies ? Yet to recieve any bill fr KK.

Tromso, u went popular today ? Did u come across e 'My Melody' series items ? I saw fr Popular Popclub mag that selected outlets have this 'My Melody' series items.

Catherine, hw r u coping wif yr BM pumping ? Very soon in 2 weeks time, I b bk to wk liao. Still thinking hw shld I schedule my pumping. My supply oredi not alot le so scare tat once go bk wk n no pump, milk will soon dry up.

Congrats to e few new sisters like Luvhope, Bruno
are they yr 1st baby ?

Re- ang pow for bb stuff. Is meant for gd luck n shun shun. Oh ya, there's oso once I heard ppl saying tat on e day of delivery, open up all yr wardrobe so tat yr delivery will be an easy one

Hmm.... Seeing more n more new sisters joining, make mi really missed those preggy days. During preggy is 1 challenge, aft bb is born, another diff challenge faced. So sisters, enjoy this wonderful period where yr precious r still inside u.
Hi Hazel, noted.. I am concern if Dr Loh will mind we don't do fet under him? I still prefer to choose him as my gynae .. I do miss wonderful tmc food, especially their roti prata

Hi Bblis, I started mine last year July
dear heartbeats, are u ok? hope it was a false alarm and everything is ok for you... pls take care and rest well..

catherine, why u so "hard life"? can you firmly claim your leave which u have planned beforehand? i am like you, so i sort of understand how u must have felt.. but u really got to harden and take a firmer stand.. u know, bosses can see who can "bully" and who cant.. and usu they bully the hardworking and reliable staff..
Did anyone of u recieve email fr Vpost ? Carter's osh kosh now having 70% sale. Apparels starting fr USD 4. Cheap deals !!

If interested, pop by their website den

Luckily, July got e mid yr bonus thou garmen this yr oni give 0.3 mths. But no fish shrimp oso gd... Haha...can spend tat bonus amt on my gal Liao.
Back ..

On the way there, the crampy feeling subsided but i went ahead to get checked nonetheless. Dr asked if i want to be admitted to be observed but since its better already, i decline to be admitted. He told me rest more and if contractions will be regular and intense kind, then better come back hospital. I ask could it be BH, he say could be. So i guess i will just monitor on my own. Anyway i am also on utrogestron and weekly proluton which he say will help to relax the womb also.

Didnt check cervical length as he say that one must go ADC scan but ADC closed. He checked my cervix is closed. BB heart rate also ok.

Sigh~ now waiting to seek comfort by eating my chocolate cake. Hope no more 'heart attacks'!
Dear heartbeats, glad u are alright! I think I shd also ask my gynae if I need some support.. My tummy felt so tight! U rest well n monitor yr situation. Go eat yr fav chocolate cake!
CockCock dear, yes you can try asking, anything that can help prevent premature contractions is helpful to us at this point.

Was your massage good today?
Meryl, I doubt dr Loh will be upset on this. Coz just a few embyro. Does not make sense to pay so much to transfer n ESP when they may not make it.

Bliss, my embyro was frozen in may last yr. I first receive notification in may. The bill came in June... I just paid last wk. storage fee goes by per straw. So one straw 6 embyro or 3 embyro, fees r the same. Not sure one straw can put how many...
Mummies Do u feel yr body bones n structure all getting bigger especially at chest n pelvic area? I seem to be gettin so huge - my butt is like so big that all my maternity bottoms bought at 3 mths n 6 mths now from asos or ubermums become sooo tight! Then I hv no more pants ( i stretch out the elastic until max) to wear except those tights! Either the pelvic bone like expand out or my bum flesh more? I asked my colleague and she said my bum really expand by a lot! Now i hv tops but no bottoms to match. Look loke need to buy more tights! Gosh am I those who become like a pear during pregnancy n after? So scary..
Tanny, yes my none structure is bigger now. My upper body actually! Butt area expanded abit coz can still fit into the looser Pre preg pants.
Luv, all I know is that gynae will not bother to give u stories like if yr bb is too small, she will say eat more and not like can u try to eat more please??

Cock cock, well those who put my name in to their meeting can't see my leave calendar so cant blame them.. Either i ren or complain to big boss or quit. My hr told me to ren cos europe is not doing well a lot of uncertainty so co may not b hiring & I may not find a job easily. I m due for salary review in July.... Crossing fingers for a gd increment.

Bbliss, I 'tuned' my body since may. I gradually pump lesser to stop bm. Then I worry about my gal adjusting to IFC, my tummy and how to rush to pick my gal up daily .... All these stress cause my bm to dived. Now I can make do with 2 pumps per day. Though I tried to do the third pump during lunch time, its hard when i wear dresses to work and the supply juz dun come. I could get like 20ml only. Now I m kinda of sad cos I have to pay for expensive milk powder haha... When is yr princess appt with Kk? Update on her case ok

Meryl, I love to have 1 more too. I noted elis like to watch her frens in IFC playing. But the pain when I gave birth makes me shiver if I think of it now.
Hi Hazel, hmm.... Tat weird. Mine same as Meryl in July last yr but I yet to recieve any bills. Maybe I will call KK n ask later. To be exact, wat is e bill known as ? Thx.
Weird... I can post at this thread but not e online spree thread. Try umpteen times Liao but still can't post on tat overseas spree in MH forum.
Tanny, r u expecting a boy? My butt din expand. When I was preggy, I could fit into my pre preggy panties, bra(juz add an extension). But I m still a m size after birth. Now I m in between m and s. I realise after getting back to work I put on weight. Mayb at home v Hard life need to do housework and look after princess. Go back to work juz sit sit sit. Walking is only walk to meeting room, toilet, lunch then sit again. No gd!!!!
Bbliss, me too I can't post. I pm the seller. She ask me to contact the administrator. I dun bother. Anyway i have learn how to buy online from my colleague. later I m gg to write a step by step for Chris ... U want??

Hazel, now my princess ko b4 her last feed. I have to do night duties!! She woke me up at 2am cos her diaper is dirty bo bian must change and feed her. Now she is awake cos she gets up like 7am everyday. But I ignore her so that I can laze in bed.... Heehee....
Hi Bbliss, must have at least a yr account in order to post in the spree thread..i think...
. I just received the letter from

Hi Carherine, haha... Maybe because I use epidural, hence I don't feel anything during giving birth

Hi Hazel, when is your next appt to see Dr Loh? In that case, I will go under Dr Sadhana, then transfer to Dr Loh
catherine, hazel,

last nite kena woken by clariss around 3am cos she woke up and play by herself and started turning and she got stuck at the edge of the bed!!! I had the bumper along the sides to protect her from hitting the edge but don't know how she sleep till her body turn 90 degree clockwise and she kena stuck at the edges and made sounds calling for help...aiyoyo i got to climb up fr bed to turn her back a few times..shag ah!!!!! now panda eyes...
Catherine : I'm expecting a girl. So boy or girl got difference?

Now can only wear extra big tops.. Bottoms sometimes fit the waist but the butt there is tight. Fit the butt then waist is so tight. Now at home wear my hubby XL standard chartered t shirt and wrap a sarong at home ( last time bought on impulse from bangkok and almost wanna give away cos like no use. now can use! ). Actually the sarong v comfy!! I also bought a 2 size bigger fit flop to wear to work now as my covered shoes give me blisters!

Sleepy now waiting for my part time cleaner to finish her work.. I'm lazing in bed...
Hi Catherine, gd to hear that Elis is settling well into IFC. Hopefully this will help with your work too, give yourself time to adjust, should be able to work things out gradually. Work is always a bummer...grrr....luckily we hv our love ones by our side n our precious little gem

Bbliss, I'm not too sure about the series you've mentioned. You can call up City Sq mall branch and chk instead of making wasted trip. btw sale is only for that branch cos it's moving out sale, so everythg has gotta go.

By the time my gf visited yesterday late afternoon, said kids books almost none left. But if looking for other items, I think
still quite a bit. I'm not sure if they will replendish, hubby felt no, since they are trying to clear this branch n close it down. Can call up and ask def to avoid disappointments.

Meryl and Hazel, your no. 2 plan is so encouraging!! hope both of you can score for FET
Meanwhile, fire up your health
Heartbeats, I oso had slight cramps during first trimester. But usually one off, so I ignored them, think I was ignorant then too. You rest well ok. Strengthen your pelvic muscles and don't sit/ stand too much if you feel you may have low placenta.
Ladies, if you would like dr Loh to check varies items, do let him know before/ during the scans. Eg cervix length, heartbeats, amniotic fluid level, gender, etc.

Sometimes he checks these items but doesn't review to us, so if u have a checklist, can help obtain a piece of mind. I'll on and off ask him to check gender and cervix length. Ambiotic fluid will ask at every visit, but I know he checks everytime.

Not sure what else is 'good to know'..,.
bruno, it's normal. Dun worry. Just listen to ur body & rest when necessary.

Thanks Bbliss!! This is my 2nd preg. Can understand what u mean by missing pregnancy! I have a 5yo gal.
It's gonna be a 6-year gap between them. As I was telling someone else on another thread, my DH and I will be stuck shuttling to the same primary school for 12 years, hahah...

heartbeats, glad to know everything's fine. Take it easy this weekend okie? Rest well!

tanny, yes, my hips expanded after my first delivery. Found some of my pre-preg pants and jeans too tight liao. Wonder how i ever squeezed into them b4, heheh... It's normal lah, cos ur body's getting ready for baby to come out. Be proud of the changes cos it shows u're a mummy!

chris, babies grow so fast, don't they?
Does your baby know how to turn on her tummy yet? Then you'll have to be even more on the alert!

yes she knows how to turn on tummy heehee

yup high alert !!! Her force is so great when she lie on her net bouncer that it nearly overturn. So now pil will watch over her 24hrs haaahaaaa
Bliss, storage fees for embyro. Dun hv to worry, they cannot discard the embryo unless u sign for it. If u nv pay, they will send reminders too! I receive the letter to pay but I only brought the cheque to KKIVF centre when I brought belle to KKH for review. They already sent me reminder to pay when nv receive.

Catherine, I already used to belle waking up for milk. But is ok coz now with M size teat, making milk, feeding n burping wun take more than 30 mins. We r having breakfast at Rochester park n belle just woke up after 45 mins nap. Shortly will go for a birthday party.

Chris, belle is also like this. Flip fr Tummy, flip fr back, lift butt in the air, creep forward when tummy faces down, etc.

Tromso, imagine if I m only belle, the burden of taking care of us will be on her! She will be lonely too when we r gone. I can't bear to think of that. My labour was painless other than that inflicted by dr Loh to force open my cervix 2-3x! :p

Meryl, I will see dr hh tan instead. Dr S too rigid, Want to change timing, n other stuff must suit her schedule. I m seeing dr Loh next yr in April. Hope to get pregnant b4 that. My gfs ask me to fresh cycle another time if embyro dub make it. They said, think if not belle has no siblings n will be lonely.. Which I fully agree.. But fresh cycle got to see how.. Coz I m 40 next yr already, later do Leow eggs no gd, waste money n efforts.
Catherine, I'm not really complaining la.
waited so long for this preg liao. Can't be more happy

You're right! Another 6 yrs of childcare leave! Yay!!!
Hi ladies,

Long time no post here... have been reading silently. Recently I feel my tummy getting lower and I am walking slower and breathless now. Next week will be my next checkup... I am worry abt my bb coming out early. May I know when is considered full term for bb to come out? I am also worry bb might be too big cos I hv GD.

yup we wonder too how come the bills is soo cheap might be becos now i started work and dun need to on the fan 24hrs for clariss and also we did away with the electric thermo flask after hearing tat it consumes alot of electricity.

oh clariss is turning 5mths this coming 19/6/12..time really flies... fil saw she nearly overturn the bouncer cos she using all her strength and keep pushing on one side after turning..faintz.


clariss kena scolded by hbs yesterday before her feed cos she started jumping when hbs held her upright with her feet on the bed, She thinks that she is playing jumperoo!!! Faint.. she cried when hbs scolded her. Hbs has forbid mil to let clariss play on the rented jumperoo at pil's place. Sil rented it for her gal but her gal prefer the walker instead so it is now a white elephant.

good for you, belle can flip from back hahaha mine only know to flip and down on tummy then she don't know how to flip back and will cry for help..hahahaaa
Catherine- yes yes, pls share on hw to do online shopping. Thank u !

Hazel- mi finally got e bill. Is wif my ah Lao la.

Luvhope- for yr 2nd preg, u start tiao-ing when ? Oh btw, r u seeing TCM in e 1st place?Y

Mi oso hoping to try for a 2nd one but m a PCOS case. Dunnoe whether still possible anot.
Had a little scare juz now. Saw traces of brown and dark red when i wiped. Tho i suspected cld be the v-wall irritated when i put the insert in the morning but cldn't be sure. Had spotting ard the same time in my first preg too. Quickly took one more Utrogestan and went to lay down. Luckily now seems to have stopped. Hope it stays that way!!

chris, sounds like a really active baby!! Aiyoh, ur DH bear to scold her ah? ;)

Bbliss, i failed my first fresh and FET. After my 1st fresh, i started on Conceive Well. After my failed FET, i started on CoQ10 and went for TCM acu n took TCM med for the cycle b4 and during my 2nd fresh.

Sigh... still having minute traces of red. Dr says cld be result of the aspirin and irritation with the insert. Nothing to do but monitor now. So worrying...
