(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Angel
Need put 20cent in ang bow huh? I only put empty ang bow, ok or not huh?

Hazel, u got put coin in ur ang bow too tt time huh? Ya, doc Loh say start to get abit cramp inside.. My tummy at 7th mth oreadi looks like gals having singleton in 9th mth..

Hi tromso
Really admire u tt still can run abt everywhere.. Me is quarantine at home only.. Thks for ur info on the popular sale..;)

Hi clb buddy.. Send u a sms ler..
Juvi, I just signed up for the 9am session today bec DH say aftn he will be busy... no choice Sat onwards have to wake up early, there goes my beauty sleep.
Joanne yes, I got Freestyle in the end cos when I told my gf I'm getting PISA, she nagged at me non stop, says her group of mummies all swears by Freestyle after trying others. Then I decided to get advice fr Tan Leng Leng, she said if using the 2 phase system correctly, should hv no issues expressing all, says some mummies didn't use 2 phase, so couldn't express everything out. But she did mention that PISA is more powerful, good for 2nd time mummies
I guess Medela is gd be it PISA or Freestyle

If you can't find detailed manual online, just go straight to TLL

I'm actually not a lot beta, stamina quite lousy now, walk about slowly. But no breathlessness yet, maybe that's why can be out a bit longer. Just now after 1 hr at Popular, I also felt quite tired, just pushing my basket along the floor and sat on 1 side waited for hubby to come. For our stage now, definitely gd to rest more cos 3rd trimester most crucial to baby's growth so-called. So you rest your mind and get ample rest. If BH doesn't improve, perhaps let Dr Loh knows?

For my SIL 2nd child, had quite serious contractions at week 27, then she immediately took jab fr dr plus tcm, few episodes after that but managed to carry to full term. So you must let dr Loh knows asap if don't feel right, as long as dilation not a lot, can stop the labour.
Tromso, how to feel contractions? Like cramps? Sigh~ so many worries, i feel like sewing my cervix but that will add another set of worries to my high risk pregnancy.

Luv, i see dr Tan at TPS if weekday is my appt and hb can take leave. If he cannot take leave then its sat at clinic D as dr Tan is only at clinic D if weekend. Likewise if hb can take leave, i see dr Loh weekdays at O&G, else it will be sats.
Luv , I thought dr Paul has a lot of slots??

Hazel, enjoy yrself. Hope belle like it. I was asked by the nannies not to bring elis for long trips cos her neck and body may not tahan. Will obey. Now she is a well behaved gal v thankful to the IFC nannies
Cock cock I wish I can b like u. Fed up today!!!!! I felt like throwing my letter today. Chris was like my listening ears.... Argh!!!! My planned leave for this mth may b gone again.... Y always me?? Y is my name always in ppl email and agenda? I hate it esp I have a bb to care for now!
heartbeats, do u think the nurses at TPS would be able to give u a list of docs who consult at TPS, esp those who have evening clinics?
Dr Tan got no evening clinic ah?

heartbeats, contractions feel like the painful tightening of your entire uterus, not unlike a superx100 painful tummy ache when u need to do #2. And it comes in waves. After you ride out one wave, u get a break. Then the whole cycle starts when the next wave hits.
Dun worry, you can definitely feel contractions, unless they're very mild like the ones Jo3 had initially.
Catherine, hmm... have slots lah, but maybe must book early to get the slot i want. Cos the slots i wanted were all taken up and left with one ard noon. Can't make it cos my DD has music class. So in the end i change to later date at my preferred timing. And Sat opening hours so short, i scared limited slots, hahah...
Hi ladies,
Finally got discharged as I passed all the tests. They ask me to go back for review in 2 weeks time.

Hi Joanne,
The sonographer didn measure the size of the babies for me yesterday. She says she will only do blood flow scan. I chose to stay in C ward as I'm afraid babies will come out premature and babies stay in ICU will be a hefty bill for me. Luckily they can still stay in my womb longer.

Hi Luvnhope,
I still haven decide whether to give birth under Dr Loh or Dr June Tan. Will be seeing Dr Loh next week, will consult him on this, as he mention he will decide nearer to the date whether to go kkh or TMC.

For this last trimester I will just focus on stuffing myself with nutritious food to give the babies best nutrients.
Luv, I put ang bao on all baby things before baby is born for auspicious / pantang reasons. I know some pple put 20 cents inside, some don't. I just put lor, not a lot of money mah.
Hi Luv
I learn fr Hazel..;) last time i oso no put for my boy..;) think it means gd luck ba..

Hi pink
Glad to know u can discharge.. Rest well ya..;) lets support each other since our edd date quite near..;)

Hi luv n tromso
Huh real contraction?? Dun know leh as i oso confuse between BH n real contraction.. When i take the nepidiz medicine, my contraction subside so i guess it is BH?? Last time when i hv contraction prior my boy birth, is super painful one...now still can tahan so i presume all still in control ba.. Shd i still inform doc Loh??
Pinky, good news that you're discharged and babies are well!

Jo3, hmm... i guess u will know better than anyone else. Are your contractions painful? BH not painful at all one, just tightness. I was wondering if urs were real contractions cos otherwise Dr Loh wouldn't give u medicine to stop them? BH are harmless n shldn't trigger labour mah.
Dr Loh said muscle relaxer pills to ladies pregnant with multiples fr late 20 wks onwards to prevent onset of labour. So, dun hv to be alarm of u r taking the med. he will ask patients to stop when he feels that bbs are ready to be born
Hi Joanne,

Yes, we will support one another and all of us know we are not alone!

Those mummies meeting around North east area can also let me know, prob I will be able to join
Hmmm...I also haven't felt BH and contractions before. From what I read, What To Expect book:

Pg. 300 if in labour, it feels like menstral cramps, regular painful every 10 mins or sooner, do not subside when you change positions. May get back pain.

Pg. 311 BH contractions is tightening sensation that begins at the top of the uterus and then spreads downwards, lasting 15-30s or as long as 2 minutes. But BH contractions can be hard to distinguish fr real labour, and may cause early dilation. Can relieve discomfort by changing position. If contractions doesn't subside, and becomes progressively stronger and more regular, may be in real labour.

Says if have more than 4 BH contractions in 1 hour, need to let dr know.

Joanne, do you get more than 4 BH contractions in 1 hr then??
Also says if you are not first time mummy, will feel BH contractions earlier and with more intensity.

Sorry, mine is all book based knowledge and I'm depending my life on it....hmmm....
Wow, didn't know BH can cause early dilation! Thanks for the heads up, Tromso!

So based on the info from the book, one way to distinguish them is whether there's pain involved.
Yes pain, also if a change in position will ease the discomfort. Plus shouldn't get more than 4 BH contractions per hour.

Haaa...now I'm getting anxious too...

Joanne, you have the What To Expect book right. Can try reading pg. 359 for info on Prelabour, False Labour, Real Labour....
Hi Sisters who did ivf at tmc

What is the storage charges for embryos at tmc? Just received renewal letter from kkh. Think will go under Dr loh for my no 2 , haha
Luv, I keep forgetting what I've read. I've decided to ask hubby to read those 3 sections too and remind me when action happens....

Quite useful book but info overload lol....
Good idea, Tromso! We prob wouldn't have the presence of mind to recall the info anyway when labour pains hit, hahah...
Think my DH wouldn't read tho, lol...
Luv, it's only very short sections
I'll sit besides hubby and see that he reads it haaa....

Joanne, before I forget, the coconut drink....to take soft coconut. Take 1 mth before delivery, 1-2 a week. Go for the green coconuts...I also dunno what this is cos only seen the de-husked ones in supermarket.

Brain serious info overloads....ok, switch off now. Enjoy your TGIF night ladies
Luv, u can call like 2 days b4 yr appt and ask if anyone cancel slot. That's what they taught me to do. Dr tseng q is v short leh. I ever waited 2 hrs for dr Chua and I hate any appt after 10am!!

Meryl u v brave. I dun dare to try for no 2!
Bruno, it's normal. Rest as much as you need.
I used to nap twice a day (2-3 hrs each) in my 1st trimester. Now more energetic but still need to take 1 nap in the day, sometimes in the morning, sometimes afternoon.
Meryl, how many embyro U hv forzen away? KKH just billed me $300 plus for 2 embyro! I will do FET by early next yr... Of they survive thaw!
Sigh~ no sooner after i post about contractions, i felt them! Thot its BH, went to eat and even took a short nap but now still crampy, maybe will head to 24hrs O&G and shun bian take my weekly proluton jab. Hope everything is fine. I can even feel my boy's head, he is very low, i scare cervix giving way.
Catherine, i also no guts to think of next pregnancy! Hb already thinking but i told him go ET himself! The embryo storage is yearly? I forgot already. Mine was since 2011.
Last cervical length checked last mth was 3.01 cm, quite borderline right? I am only 19 weeks should not be so short? Scared will go under 2.5cm which is not good. Hope its just BH.
Heartbeats, 3.01 still quite ok right? My last check was ard 3.4, dr loh said ok leh. Think u better dont walk too much, rest as much as possible.
Sorry 3.1 but actually when i measure at Dr Loh's, it was 4cm. Dont know why KKH and his different when time about the same. So i also dont know its really 3.1 or 4. Either way, i just feel i am carrying very low. My boy's head like just on top of my pubic area.

Heartbeats, pls ask e doc to measure ur cervical length. If really falls below 3cm, you may want to consider cerclage. Before i did my cerclage, i asked Dr Loh can we monitor and see how. Dr Loh told me yes we can monitor, but can we monitor everyday? Cos the cervic may shorten suddenly. Thats why i decided to go ahead n do e cerclage.
