(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Joanne, catherine, thx for e info on united sq carpark. I went this afternoon to bring my gal to see Dr Ong. Indeed e carpark is spacious but quite packed. Gotta drive up till level 4 den can find parking space. Haha....initially y I asked is becoz I have probia towards those tight n curve round round type of carpark ESP those like taka. Very tight. Luckily, US one more friendly.

Catherine, Dr Ong's clinic not too bad. Quite spacious n like wat u said, got e big fish tank. Today waited for abt 0.5hr eventho got make appt but still ok la.

Dr Ong refers my gal to KK becoz of my gal's wt. he commented e weight gain is too little. At abt 2.5mth old, she Oni weigh 4.3kg. (min shld be at least 4.8kg at this age) Birth weight tat time was ard 3.1kg. I told her my gal is drinking 90-120max prev but this week, her intake dropped by half ! One day feed can oni be 300ml like tat. So he said better do blood tests to see if there other issues n refer mi to see gastro dr at KK. He said weight gain too little mayn't be very gd thing to bb coz not enuff nutrients to e body if milk intake is not much.


Btw, my gal actually poo 3 times today. Izit normal for bb to poo so many times a day? Is not LS coz not watery.
Tromoso, not all vaccine can claim from medisave. Rotavirus cannot. The rest u listed belle yet to take so I dunno. Penunoccal can.
Hazel you are right. Only Hep B and Pneumococcal can claim fr medisave. Sorry I didn't list them earlier cos afraid info overload on forum. Thanks for pointing this out

Bbliss, hope your girl will put on weight soon, you hang in there...

LuvnHope, fr what I recall, WBB didn't explain why some times hard some times soft. I just took it as, if it's gassy, it's harder and when I'm doing lotsa things especially (not resting) it's usually harder. After meals for me, it's usually harder too. Then after I release gas, will become softer.

My last visit with dr Loh, he comments my tummy felt tight and said it looks like my tummy is not stretching a lot. I didn't probe, I just took it as my tummy skin isn't that elastic bah...

Dr Loh did once said that if the tummy feels as hard as the surface of the table (errr.....serious...??!!), it could be contraction has started. He asked me to knock on his desk and says that's what he meant by hard as desk surface = contraction

Was that your experience with your last pregnancy?
Tromso, well, i didn't really tap on my tummy and check during labour, hahahah.... But during the BH contractions, the tummy turned really hard and felt very tight. Like I said, almost as hard as stone. So i guess there's some truth to what Dr Loh says!
Just spoke with my sis....she said she called some of the PDs and GPs after confinement to check their vacinnation packages and rates, incl consultation charges. Some recep wasn't helpful, so she went down to the individual clinics to get info
ended up choosing a GP in Punggol cos consultation is foc, costs is just the jab but on and off they do wonder if GP is indeed as proficient as PD for child's development assessment.

In light of all these, I think I'll go KKH for the vaccinations, don't think I'm gonna visit the individual clinics and check, too much work. And I guess KKH should be cheaper than PD (was told the PD consultation charges usu higher and jabs more costly).

I think that's all I can take for now for vaccinations...haaa... My sis had the same response as my friend when I asked them about vaccinations, both said "errr....where do I start, it's a can of worms" lol....

Nonetheless, any further comments and contributions are welcome
hi ladies,

jus to check, my good fren's grandmum passed away last month, can she still visit me when i give birth huh? cos she ask me and i told her i dun noe leh...cos all these tinggy i not farmilar at all leh...any advise huh?

as for coconuts, how many can we drink per week huh? can drinking coconut cause contractions huh?
so when i read the threads, it seems that KKH child clinic has the cheapest vacinnation rite huh? yeah hazel, what is the average waiting time at KKH child clnic huh? any recommended PD there huh?
Bbliss, u went this afternoon?? Thought he is close every thurs afternoon?? I m like u... V v scare of those narrow car park. Oops when is yr Kk appt? I think if dr ong refer u, u r on private plan.

Tromso, shichida told me there r mummies who register their bb even b4 they r born to secure a place!
Tromso, hahah... it sounds scarier than it is, really!
Anyway, when you're really in labour, you won't even be thinking abt whether ur tummy is hard. You'll just be thinking abt the pain or screaming for epidural (okay, a little drama there, hee...)!
Luv, how soon do we need to b injected the epidural before the chirdbirth? How come some soon-to-be-gave-birth-mummies can miss out this golden period of receiving epidural? And giving birth without the epidural....
HOPE, well, i'm no expert lah... just sharing what i've heard and learnt and experienced. It really depends on how fast your labour is. If you dilate very quickly and get to the pushing stage unexpectedly fast, then may not have time to put in the epidural. I guess the epidural takes some time to have its full effect felt so if u ask for it too late into the labour process, it still won't alleviate the pain by the time u have to push.

I think that's why shortly after I was admitted to the labour ward, the nurse kept asking me if i wanted epidural and kept warning me that if i don't decide there and then, it'll be too late later. Actually i hadn't quite decided then, but in the end i relented and said yes. I don't regret taking it, cos it did relax me a whole lot and i could wait for the pushing stage without having to cringe in pain every few minutes. I remember even relaxing a little and watching Holland Village on Ch8 then, hahah...

But one downside of epidural is u might not be able to feel the contractions as strongly. So perhaps shld ask them to reduce the dosage nearer the pushing stage.

Ladies, pls add on or correct if my info on how epi works is wrong.
I find that epidural is godsend, help to dilate faster also once body is in relax mode. But then why some mummies dont want ah? I know some insist no epi but i cant understand why.

Btw, sidetrack, i am craving for rich chocolate fudge cake, any good recommendations? Heard chocolate cake can also boost bb growth like durians do? I worry mine not growing well.
Sunbelle, better ask your friend to visit after 49 days. I have not seen my parents for quite some time as my granny pass away less than 49 days. But if you not pantang then shldn't be a problem.
Tromso, KKH drs at children pte clinic r All PDs leh...

Sunbelle, belle's appts r always in afternoon. So far, no more than 30 mins wait. N is not crowded at all. Belle see dr Yong. U can search for her in SMH forum.
Sunbelle, my view is bb is already born. So what's the harm of your friend visiting u? My friend's father passed away in dec n visited me in hospital.
oic...Hazel, I'll call and check the kkh PD consultation costs for vaccinations then. Should hopefully be cheaper than PDs fr private clinics

If my memory hasn't failed me, after 7-8cm it may be too late to get epidural. Many does it at about 4cm dilation. But if dr suspects dilation is gonna be a fast one, may administer epi at say 2cm.

LuvnHope, you are right, if really have contraction, I think it should be very obvious. Ok, beta stop thinking about it now....baby pls no real contractions until week 39/40 pls pls....
Bbjourney....the other day, I was just thinking about getting Chocolate Amer for Father's Day celeb
Then my hopes were dashed when I was reminded my dad prefers durian cake haaa.... Saw Four Seasons durian cake at Nex that day we had lunch, looks gd, maybe will get that. Hubby suggests getting Mao Shan Wang durians but I'm scared I can't stop once I dig in lol...beta not...

After my BFP, I did check the pregnancy test once before week 6 but I didn't do repeat BT.
bbjourney, you can indulge still, 2nd trimester
I'm in 3rd now, already looking like a giant hippo, hv to control my weight gain sob....

btw ladies, Mango official GSS has started...!! Knee length dresses are $39, tops $29, tees $29, etc. But best to go before lunchtime to avoid the crowd. I visited at 11am, could try 5 items at 1 go, then visited again at 2pm, can only try 3 each time and I had 9 pcs in my hand

Zara not much on offer yet.

This is the 313 Somerset branches I visited earlier today.
Babygalore, i did do repeat BT much to KKIVF's dismay cos they dont enourage once initial BT is above 250. But i insist due to my past history so they relented and helped me get consent from dr. You can repeat BT if you like, just to check fr doubling and have peace of mind but you need to get the nurses' help so do expect some resistance. You can tell then you worry. Hopefully they will help.
Tromso, i just feel my tummy like not big enough esp since its twins. Dont know is it i retroverted womb or first time preggy tummy muscles not lax enough but i just keep worry bb dont grow well. Esp last few scans, no measurement was given to me for CRL.

Hopefully next week detail scan got measurements? I also dont know. I also like to know bb weight but is 19 weeks too early to weigh? Sigh~ i am full of worries.

I want bb to pack on weight so that if i preterm deliver, higher survival rate.
Babyglore, taking repeated bT n bhcg is doubling also doesnt mean embyro is growing well. So why waste the money since already pass the mark? Dun mind me saying this, i do know of girls which bhcg increasing at a good rate, saw the heartbeat at 6+ wks scan but the heart beat was weak.. subsequently, stop beating the following wk... Initial good increase on Bhcg does not guarantee a health pregnancy at all. So, no assurance why waste the money? Nothing beats the regular scan we do every few wks.
Catherine, I called to make appt be4 that do they asked mi to come ard 1145-12.

Tromso, thx. Really hope she can gain more wt.
Thanks for being very direct hazel.. Well, since I've already done 2 bhcg and it looks good. I shall just wait for my scan in 2 wks time. I'm not going to second guess god's work
all is well..
Hi tromso
Thks for ur detail abt the optional jab..;) u really think far..

Hi gals who using PISA pump or any experience mum
Do u sterilize ur parts first before use the pump or no need sterilize for first use?
What r the parts tt require sterilize? Can i just put all the parts into avent sterilizer n sterilize will do or i need to wash with soap first n no need put in avent sterilizer?
I check the manual, it doesnt explain much neh..;( thk u all..
I see why you are worried Heartbeats. Definitely good idea to get some indications fr dr. The detail scan should be a good start but don't take the results to heart if can't provide conclusive results about down syndrome possibilities, as twins harder to assess fr what we have observed in this forum so far.

The detail scan report does review the weight and size

If I can borrow Joanne's case for making a point...she's having twins but her weight gain has been lesser than many of us singleton mummies but her babies are as heavy or heavier than many of ours
So you try not to worry too much ok, so can provide the best environment for babies development
Hi bbliss
No worries, ur bb will be well n gain weight well as long as she can eat as norm again.. Jiayou to her!!

Hi pink
How r u today? Hows ur growth scan n both bbies weight? Take care...
Hi Joanne, I think not many using medela PISA. Last I connected with Tan Leng Leng, she says she sells PISA 1 in 50 orders only. Perhaps you can email her to further query (she's very helpful) about the sterilizing part or google online, should have the manual with full instructions.
Luv, thanks for explaining BH... i will go goggle on it later... my tummy super hard and i worried loh.. as of today, i put on 12.5kg liao! i read from someone's post (was it joanne?) that if bbies grow too fast and then no more space to grow can lead to pre-term? jia lat... stress... i am coming to 25 weeks still nausea.. just puke again

heartbeats dont worry ok.. ya loh, joanne only put on 7kg and she is almost due already.. u can still catch up de
[btw, thanks for your "kay poh" reply.. i missed Luv's question :p]

maybe kkh didnt do proper job or gynae never explain, i have no sense of bb weight, though i was told bb gal is bigger than bb boy..

today i finally almost finished packing my office room.. threw away almost 5 big boxes of stuff... my staff really served me as if they were my maid.. i dint pack my remaining things into boxes, but just leave them in cabinets as they are.. nearer the moving date, my capable helpers will help me pack
although office wise ok, home is still messy and i have tons of stuff to throw...

havent been sleeping well... so sleepy at work (that's why good to use the time to pack coz brain not working).. tomrw on leave, yeah! going for massage
i agree that epidural is godsend..my previous labor last 11 hrs..i am like almost pain to death before they adminster it..can't imagine how to survive 11hrs without it.

pinky..i think talking to bb did work..today is the only day i didn't throw up after lunch and dinner...yipee

juvi...i dun think i can go sat class cos my son schedule on sat is very pack..throll attending the same class as u... btw, yr oscar scan is next wk?
Hi Joanne,
I was transferred back from delivery suite to my ward from yesterday night after the contraction monitoring. So far pass all the heartbeat test for babies. The growth scan today seems like not much improvement from Tuesday, so think would still need to stay in KK for monitoring. Will just see how things goes. In the meantime, I will just treat my stay in KK like a vacation.
Mc, my scan for the Oscar test will b next thurs, 2.20pm. I tried changing the slot when I realize I hv to go back sch for seminar tt day but all other slots were full. Guess I will go to school in e morning then go off for e scan.
Throll: which class r u taking? I'm registering for the later slot, e 11 something one. Want to sleep in on Saturday heehee
Any sisters out there would like a tin of S26 milk for mummies, I have 2 but after starting on one, really dun like the taste of it. Still prefer Similac. Any sisters want, pm me k? Can pass to u free
Hi mc,
I always tell my babies to let mummy eat so that they will be healthy. Keep talking to them, I'm sure you will get back your appetite very fast.
juvi mentioned abt milk and reminded me of this... today i tried nestle NAN milk.. it is the most yucky milk i have ever tasted.. in case anyone thot of buying, pls get a sample... i drank 2 mouthful and threw away the rest... i cant really take milk, but after no LS for a while liao, i thot i can try again.. v turned off.. why the milk got a bit of fishy smell? terrible..

pinky, glad that babies continue to stay inside you! hope they grow fast over the next few days.. but in any case u also dont worry too much coz u at least cross an impt milestone mark.. rest well and eat well.. vacation in hospital? not the kind of vacation which i'd like though, haha..
Hi ladies I gate crashed here. Saw that u ladies busy abt the baby jabs. I working in polyclinic. If your ladies don't mind I can post the schedule n prices for u all. FYI polyclinic 6in1 included up to 18mths Dpt booster which some pd clinic don't.

Take care.
I'm guilty of durians too. I ate quite some durian puffs during tri 2 and for tri 3 took like 15 seeds. Then everyone tell me cant eat too much otherwise bb will be v heaty. My bb seems not too big- I put on 10kg so far but my singleton is smaller than Joanne's twins I believe. Hers seem big. Mine prob from the smaller percentile. Been eating normal ; perhaps bb is not eating or absorbing more and all goes to me instead. Doc v say big or small anyway.

Hi cook cook, despite you've already put on 10kg+ maybe baby is normal weight? Have you checked with dr? From my understanding whether bb is 'over or under weight' also depends on the tummy circumstance, that's why you would have noticed dr always measure this during the scans and not necessarily the fetal weight

A gf of mine recently has been told she had to control her diet cos her bb tummy circumference is on the larger side. So don't be concerned too much even if your baby's weight is slightly heavier than what Baby Center lists, most impt is dr's assessment. You rest your mind ok ;)

Thanks Baby smurf for the link
Just curious, the dr assessing bb's development is normal GP right? Do you feel they'll be as proficient and can pick up small cues as well as PDs?
