(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Luv, okie. Think will decide to continue or stop tofu after my detail scan. School reopening next week? Thats fast! Not first week of July anymore?

Hi Joanne, try watching "funshion" from PC or laptop. alot of new TVB drama. in fact the newest drama are all currently still showing in TVB channel
Bbjourney, next week's last week of hols, but there are meetings and trainings going on.

HOPE, Hilltop still quite all right. Portion for 2 pax is more than sufficient.
Babyjourney i heard that tofu, soya are high estrogen products so ideally not good for boys. But take in moderation should be fine ba. When you confirm already then try to cut down? For me must cut down as i used to take daily which will be too much.
Tanny, the tongs come with the steriliser leh..

J03, I download fr funshion. Either u watch on PC or after downloading, copy the file over to iTunes n watch using goodplayer app. It is a file sharing app. So u can see the app in iTunes n add files into the app. Sync to iPad n watch fr there.
Lucky.. i don't like tofu and soya milk. hehe.

bbjourney, heartbeats, angel,
Have you all paid for the childbirth education course?
Hazel, can I check with you, for green papaya and fish soup, when did you start on it? Sorry for asking a lot of questions...

coolcool, ah, get ready for a boisterous and active little one then, heheh... My colleagues who have both boys and girls tell me that boys are really much more active than girls.
Coolcool, i hv stop soya bean milk n tofu before starting ivf cos worry will affect my egg quality. Recently then started eating tofu again cos itis one of e tingkat dishes. I hv not paid for the childbirth education course. Need to double check w dr loh if i can attend the course or not cos i cant sit on the floor now so not sure if i can do the exercises.

Heartbeats, noted.
Luv, yeah. That's why I have been telling my hb that he needs to exercise for good stamina to play or catch up with boy boy.. we both old already liao.

Bbjourney, yeah. Tingkat food always got lots of tofu dishes.
I am still cooking. Will order tingkut may be when I reach 7-8 months. Can't eat for too long. feel sick after 2 months. For the class, can you just choose the important lessons? like child birth and taking care of the bb. or skip the first two lessons where you sit on the floor and learn massage and exercise?
Coolcool, i think ParentCraft course comes in a package. Either i pay for all n go for selected lessons or dont go at all. :p
Coolcool, how old are you if u dun mind sharing? Is this ur first child?

Bbjourney, or maybe u cld look ard to see if any other courses are available that suit ur needs?
Hi bbjourney
U can choose selective course in the parentcraft course but abit lugi lor.. As i am looking at c sect so do not wish to attend wong boi boi first three lessons which are on exercise n natural birth lessons, only more interested in bb care lessons but after i see the price, i dun mind to go for all six lessons since is gd to know more too.. Maybe u can call them and check whether can sit on chair for the first three lessons?

Hi hazel
Thks for ur great advise.. Notice goodplayer app need to pay $2.99.. But if can play all movies download fr fusion, worth right? So u hv been using this application oways to play the hk serials?

Thk u bblew for ur advise too.. But i prefer to play in ipad which is more portable than bring laptop around..;) think i will try what hazel suggest that is play using goodplayer app..;)

Hi tromso
Oh.. So we shd start drink papaya soup now to produce more milk after bb born? Will papaya result bbies in jaundice if take now?
J03, Dr loh did mention before that mine could be c-section but then he did say to see how later. So i m prepared for c-sect n wonder if i shd attend the classes. Nvm will check w Dr Loh again after my detail scan.
BabyGalore, saw that you joined the Feb 2013 thread.
I was also thinking of joining but thought i'd wait till i know whether i'm having singleton or twins. Cos if twins, EDD is likely Jan 2013 instead.
Luv, I am 40 and this is my first child.

Babyjourney, why Dr Loh said yours could be c-section? I am also thinking if I should go for c-section. I think I am old and no enery to push bb out. But I haven't asked my gynae yet.
Luv, you will have to add Sashamama in FB [email protected] or PM her your email add and She will add you then invite you into our group! She is the administrator so only she can add you.

Coolcool, i think Dr Loh suggested c-sect for me due to my cerlage and cervical length. I would love to give birth naturally but safety of my baby is the most impt. Anyway, i am mentally prepared to go for c-sect since the first time he mentioned it to me.

Do discuss with your gynea on your preference and see what is her view. Do you intend to try for #2?
Yes, hv been using goodplayer. Pay 1x install in iPhone n iPad. There r lots to watch in funshion. Not just hk tvb drama. Got movies too and cartoons, korean dramas, etc! Even faster than cabletv!
Hi Catherine, I will be back to work end sept. there is a nursing room, I think I will bring sterilizer to work . Oh yes, have you started the shichida ? How is it?

My boss also visits Dr Ong WH. Initially he says not bad, but he just told me that If bb has fever, go kk directly, he can't do anything . Chris Pd is near my in law place, but I remember the queue is quite long .. I am thinking to stick to normal gp but my ah Lao says since bb preterm, might as well stay with Dr Ong for a year..Still thinking

Hi Hopeful, do u mean that you sterilize only once a day?
Hi mc,
I also went on cruise during my first trimester. Dr Loh says cruise is still ok. I was also having MS that time, but somehow the babies like some of the food and I managed to still enjoy some cuisines. Talk to them and tell them let mummy enjoy herself. Haha!

Hi J03,
Still in hospital now. Was transferred to the delivery suite as they noticed some contractions which I didn feel at all. Was strapped on since yesterday night till now to monitor the contractions and babies heartbeat. So far everything thing is good, but need to be strapped till contractions went away. Was also injected with steroids to mature bb lungs. Tomorrow will be going for growth scan again.

I saw someone asking about the placenta encapsulation thing. I had checked with their service and also placed a deposit with them. Anybody also keep their placenta?
Luv, yes I just joined for fun.. Be it singleton or twins I'm excited and feel blessed.. How r u these few days? I want to go for another bt, thinking if I shd but lazy to travel all the way to Kkh.. My next appt with dr chan is 28th only..
BabyGalore, think i might just join too. Heheee.. Been feeling a little breathless today, and feeling aches. Sigh... Think i'm getting old. I'll be going for another BT tmw. If u want can try asking for another one?
hi hazel, chris baby, cat, and other experienced mummies,

jus to ask can try inducing for baby head down but not engaged yet? issit going to be a long waiting journey? cos i know of fren whom din make it naturally and end up c-sec ..suffered both ways and paid for both tins...
Dear Tromso,
My hubby going IPT which is 10 sessions, no NS pay and training more tough. RT will get some NS pay but 20 sessions. I told him to go for IPT lo.

Dear LuvNhope,
Ya lo, I almost every morning still gag. lol.

Dear bbjourney,
I think should go for all classes, not all the first 3 lessons are on natural birth. There is massage that hubby can do for u and a lot of general knowledge too!

Dear pinkyoink,
There r 2 schools of thought on the placenta encapsulation thing. Wong Boh Boi thinks it isn't nutritious, in fact it holds most of baby's wastes. I read up before but am not so sure which side to believe but decided not to do it.

Re: Facebook
I added a doc on the FB group, can u gals pls update ur info on the doc for easy reference? Thx!!!
Sunbelle, engaged got a few "stations". Ie how many fifths of your baby's head dr can feel above the edge of your pelvis. So 5/5 or 4/5 means that your baby hasn't dropped down yet, while 3/5 or 2/5 or less means that your baby is engaged. And 0 station means fully engaged. U can ask dr Loh at your next visit how far has your bb head dropped down. He told me the other time when I asked.

At times, bbs r fully engaged only during labour times as the contractions will push bb down. So,dun hv to worry if bbs r not fully engaged yet. U can ask dr Loh if ur chance of natural delivery is good coz u dun wan to end up with emergency c section after labour starts. He is usually quite zun!
Meryl, I also only intend to stay with dr ong for 1 yr. I m still thinking whether to go Kk cos my cousin cousin will grad as a pd. for normal fever, cold, I m not gg to dr ong. I m gg to a doc near yr office cos bill is paid by my hubby co.

I m still in shichida wait list. Hope to get in the July intake but chances r slim... Sigh
pinky . . haha..i will start talking to them from today...let mummy enjoy lah..

for those using adroid, can download qq player to watch funshion files which are mostly in rmvb format. not sure if this is available in apple appstore or not
J03, funshion has iPad app too, pps, pptv n letv also hv. Can search for it in iTunes.
Angelxuan, happy birthday!
Mc, enjoy ur cruise! Oh Im going for e antenatal class at KKH, class starting on 21st July. U can register now....
Hi Hazel,

thank you very much for your useful information.
yeah will check it n I oso trust his professional judgement hehee guess he has so muchie experiences based on his cases experience.
Hi Catherine
Sighz, I think I will put mine on Shichida list too.. I hope normal nursery classes do not require to be on waiting list too. Our kids are born on a popular dragon year.
Luv thanks fr remembering mi.. Now worse haf tis cramp feelings now n then. Sometimes v painful.. Have yet to c my doc.. Nowadays hafing family issues added more to my stress.. Haiz.. crying alot lately..
Bbliss, dr ong is a v friendly doc. He would answer yr queries if u have. His clinic in united sq is v spacious and I believe he loves fishes. Gd form of therapy for my gal cos if she cries we bring her to the fishes she keep quiet. His nurses r v accommodating and friendly. But if u miss yr appt time b prepared to q up. Charges wise my mum compared his charges vs my sis pd and said dr ong fees r cheap. Once I called his nurses for advise and they rather I speak to dr ong. So they take MSG and ask him to call.

I feel elis is comfy with him though everytime she sulk when I ask her if she like dr ong. Told dr ong he played with her and she break out a big smile for him. Now if I ask her if she like dr ong she smiled. U may not know bb r quite smart they know a lot. Like on tues she is v sleepy but when my mum came over to check on her she suddenly became v alert and talk a lot with my mum.

Bbliss u gg to change pd? Thought yr hubby say no?
Ya, mentioned to u be4, my Dh is rather lazy to travel. He feel tat if nearby our hse got pd den y need to travel so far ?

But this time rd I dun care so much la since mostly pd or normal gp visits, I m e one tat bring my gal to. To mi, dist is nt a big issue as long as e dr is worth travelling to c him. But of coz normal flu, cough, I m ok to c nearby pd or GP la.

This time rd y I tot of gg to see dr Ong is becoz my gal feeding amt decreases quite a fair bit. She oredi drinking quite little as compared to other bbs of her age n this few days, she simply dun wan to drink or drink even lesser. 1 day feed can be ard 300 odd only !! N somestimes, she can cry n cry till suddenly. Quite worry abt her nutrious level so wanna go n chk up n c wat dr advise.

I google n find tat some bbs they cried suddenly n often n refuse to drink milk, 1 reason is maybe ear infection or thrush. So I scare so better chk.
Hi Meryl, just wondering why it's better to bring bb to kkh if have fever instead of Dr Ong?

Hi Catherine, what sorta issues do you approach Dr Ong for if Clariss doesnt see him for fever and cold?

I have the First Born Incentive card and able to get 10% off if bb visits tmc PDs...just wondering if there is any gd PD for recommendation there? Hmm...not Ong Ai Ting perhaps.

Mummies, I heard for vaccinations, once selected a package, have to stick to that certain clinic cos diff clinics have diff dosage/ jab brands etc. Is this true? As polyclinic is free for compulsory jabs, do you go there, then pay for the optional jabs thereafter? I heard diff places charges differently, just wondering how you go about determining which is more suitable. Thanks!!

Btw, can anyone share hw e carpark like at united square ? Izit those slope type like bugis or those round curve type like taka ?

Many thx !!
