(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

I think for first trimester, folic acid is usually sufficient. Cos baby's not taking nutrients from us at the early stages. And we might waste the vitamins given MS anyway. Most gynaes prescribe in 2nd trimester. But I'm still finishing up my Conceive Well. Might as well.
I just finished my conceive well yday so thought of getting the Blackmore pregnancy supplement .. Maybe will hold on until
I see the dr on 28th.. I dreading next wk, must go back to wk
Hi Joanne,
I'm suppose to have an appt with Dr Loh next week too, think I will email him abt the admission and see what he says. He did check for me blood flow during my last appt with him. But he says the smaller baby blood flow is still acceptable but not ideal. At that time already concurrently seeing Dr June. So after today's scan, Dr June decided to put me on observation. Everything so far so good...
Pinky, pls take care. U and your twins are in good hands. Jiayou!

BabyGalore, welcome. Pls dont take any supplement without your gynea's prescription. Just take what ur gynea has given to you now.

Lynnz, welcome too. Feel free to ask any questions. We r here to help one another. ;)
Luv, u miss me har? Hehehhe
Occasionally, i also vomitted while brushing my teeth. I find that i hv to do it fast n furious then wont vomit. Now i m better liao.
Yeah lor, miss you, hehehe...
I think I have to try a new method. Maybe focus on my breathing while brushing and see whether can keep gag reflex away.
Agree totally! I comfort myself whenever gag reflex sets in that this is my baby's or babies' way of telling me they're all right.
Tanny, why didn't u ask the receptionist list why there were so many patients infront of u when u r supposed to be no 1?

Chris, belle will lift up her butt n push herself forward when she is on her tummy!
Jo3, thanks for your sharing! Your babies weight are ok, if deliver now will be fine but of course best to keep them in longer. Dont worry ya?

Welcome Babygalore!

Hey Babygalore, Luv, ya be careful what you wish for! MS is such a torture! Best if just have those mild mild ones, no puking.

Tanny i think i know why. Those people in front of you may have reached earlier than you and then left and come back only when O&G officially open in the PM. Some may even have queued in the morning as what Dr Loh told me before. Thats why sometimes he even start his clinic before 2pm after gobbling up his lunch in his office so as to keep PM queue short. He did apologise to me before when waiting time exceeds 1 hour, he say he know pte practice shouldnt have such long waiting time.

Ladies, i almost black out again, sigh~ Luckily hb around to help me out of the bathroom. Now lie on bed head stil spinning. So be very careful.
Hazel : I asked and the receptionist said some came early for their apptm. Huh!??! I asked what time are ther apptm? My apptm is 2pm and I went at 145pm. After asking, it seems that they are also from 2pm slot and some even later than 2pm. I asked if they slotted in multiple patients into one 2pm slot and she said yes, they have more than 1 patient in 1 slot. Huh?? Maybe a pair but how can slot a few at one slot? Is it true?She also said some patients came earlier than their apptm! So what? Appears to be doc loh clinic is serving patients on a first come first serve basis - so what's the purpose of making an apptm? I can book my apptm at 3pm and if i reach at 140pm, I still get attended to before the 2pm patient who is early for apptm who reach at 145pm. Does it mean my apptm is at 2pm and I should go at 11am to beat the kiasu queue? She explains that some patients are v kiasu so I asked if I need to come at 11am for my 2pm apptm and she can tell me our clinic is always open since 9am!? So means what? Encouraging me to go early? Waste time right? Something is v wrong with the system. Or maybe I dont understand something abt their Q system. My apptm is at 2 pm and I arrived at 145pm. I did not expect to finish seeing doc at 315pm and when I was paying, I heard someone say that she is coming in for her 4pm apptm. Not that the patient cannot come early but priority should be given to patients who are punctual for their appointments. Thats what TPS do. I dunno if Dr Loh is aware of this problem. He is a busy man and I don't wish to feedback this kind of thing. I know the receptionist are
also working v hard and busy but I seriously think there is a big problem with their Q system. I really cannot tahan waiting for an hr when I'm punctual and also being the first apptm. Really quite mad abt this. The last time I went, they also make mistake and ended up the people who came later than me got called in first. One off mistake can still forgive but today encounter is really terrible. I almost thought dr loh started morning clinic, how so many people!
Well thank goodness you didn't get hurt real bad. Hope you always have someone with you if this often happens. Do be very careful.
Heart beats : like that? not fair leh.. then how? I usually laze at home then go see doc at my apptm time; so now how? I shld go TMC at 9am to Q then see when doc loh come in (may e 11am, 1pm) and I get to see him? System is v bad leh. Then what's the purpose of apptm. Maybe they hv no manpower to man the queue as I see the poor receptionist juggling so much work. I don't wan to sound like a mean patient but I can't comprehend.
Tanny, can understand your frustration. I will too. I would hv kicked up a big fuss! I will ask thr receptionist to call Sandra out n demanded that i m next to Go in after the patient inside Comes out! Those who came early can only go in if the earlier patients r late!

Every visit, I will ask how many patients in front of me n when is my turn. Coz my appt is always the first or 2nd in the night clinic. My last visit post delivery was 2pm. Supposedly the first patient but there were 2 ladies already siting outside and one lady inside the room! I arrived at abt 130pm. Was told dr loh nv go lunch m started early. I asked Sandra when she came out when can I go in? She said after the lady inside comes out I can go in.

Aiyah, dr Loh is accomodating so does his assistant. U feel short changed scold them n asked them to explain. They shld not make u wait n let those behind u go first just coz they are early. I wun Loh..
heartbeats, hope you're okay now! Try not to get up or put your head down too suddenly. And always try to make sure you don't go hungry yeah?
mc, my prenatal yoga is at Como Shambhala, Forum Shopping Mall. I do enjoy it a lot, besides pampering the body (feels very gd after the gentle yoga exercises), the instructors are like doulas too, very informative and encouraging

Joanne, no worries, rest is most impt now. Hope your contractions will be under control with the meds. Did you ask dr loh how you can self diagnose the silent contractions? Or just have to continuously take meds and it'll go away?

Tanny, I'm like you
My baby's been head down since late 20+ weeks and the back is on my right tummy, so I'm feeling most of the punches in the left tummy. I asked dr loh if it's good thing that bb has been head dw for so long, like could it be no room for rotation...he says it's gd that bb stays in 1 position at this stage, lower chance will be entangled by umbilical cord, phew!! My appointment is fortnightly now. Do you know why yours is still 3 weeks? I thought should be fortnightly for our current stage....
Heartbeats, for cramps, try not to expose your bare legs to air con at night, cover them of possible. Also may be a sign you are not taking enough calcium, esp if not taking 1,000 mg a day, about 3 glasses of milk.
Tanny,i suspect Dr Loh dont know. Maybe you see if you want to drop him a nice email to feedback? Otherwise just do as you do now, arrive slightly earlier will do else very tiring for you also to arrive in the morning to queue.
Tanny, like Hazel, I also ask how many patients in front of me when I first check in, to ensure no one jumps queue. I'm also aware there is more than 1 appointment for each slot so I try not to arrive late.

I too feel its very unfair to let the later appointments go in first, especially if we are on time for our appointments. Maybe next time you can request to slot yourself in before them. I feel the recep is quite flexible with requests, worth a try.

I usually attend the night clinics, 6.45pm slot, so I usually only wait for about 10-15 mins. If you don't mind night clinics, before 7pm is gd timing.
Chris, I reach home at 10pm!! Taxi uncle was fast and speed all the way. Elis has slept
I took leave for elis vaccination now must cancel half day. My name is listed for a meeting
how to clear 13 days of leave when I have ppl always listing my name down? My balance 8days of may need to postpone. My boss ask me to do training! Tomorrow I m gg to leave at 5pm. Dun care din c elis today I bu shuang. Lucky is my hubby did all for me today like bathe her (he never bathe b4... Juz observe me) i got my mum to check on them mum din say anything. He did elis laundry, feed and play with her and cooked dinner. Heng man....

Luv, dun b too happy hor I had ms for about 20 weeks. Ms is a art... I know how to overcome it after I past 14-15 weeks. Honey water is one, pocAri is another, jelly is one way too. Mayb I was having gal that's y I love sweet stuff

Heartbeat, r u ok? How come black out?
Catherine, hahah... i must learn to tackle MS too then! But hopefully i can go into the "honeymoon period" soon.

Regarding honey, are there some types of honey we shld avoid?
Tromso, I dunno wat type can be used for cooking. To mr is just rice wine n I hv nv use it for cooking. So not to be taken, I wun buy too ex ones.
many congrats and welcome babygalore! glad your spotting has stopped, and wish u a smooth 9 mths ahead

pinky, hope your other twin do well and catch up with the bigger twin.. good that u are being monitored and in good hands
at least u have crossed impt milestone mark, jia you!

i am still having MS now and dinner is usu a chore for me.. so Luv, be careful what u wish for, haha... but like u said, we shd put it as happy problems..

heartbeats, are u ok now? sounds serious... u must really rest well and eat well ok.. lucky yr hubby around... i rem once i almost blacked out while trying to dash across road to go home when i was down with flu.. i was so shaken then..

catherine, so busy at work! ya loh, i wld be "buoy kam wan" if i dont get to see my baby/ies coz of work... hope u hv some time to play and catch up with yr gal tomrw.. btw, your DH v good leh, can multi-task q well..

tanny, hope u hv cooled down by now...i can understand yr frus, though i cant u/std why such a system.. i believe i wont keep quiet loh...
Thanks Hazel n Heartbeats. I think maybe I'm too nice. I usuallu just leave it to the receptionist for them to manage as I guess they know what to do. Usually other clinics also do it this way. I don't mind if they slot one or two especially if it's an emergency. Now I know I can't. We did ask doc loh why our apptm was at 2pm and so many people in front of us. He told us that some patients came early lor and he then tried to side track the topic by asking so how's the baby doing. Maybe he knows? I dunno. Now I will need to make sure that no one gets slotted before me. Aiyah really maddening - for the past 2 visits! Go there happy, come out angry - Bad for bb!

Tromso: Dunno leh, he say 3 weeks time means my next visit is at week 36. And supposed to do Strep B and do another admission letter at week 36 (thou I ask if need to do today). He gave me a checklist to count the bb movement daily. How many week are u? I think dr loh try to take a pic of bb face but can't cos my bb face is facing my back. So every scan, i cant see bb face already. But according to doc, its good easier to deliver. Is yr bb also facing yr back? I was v worried when I only feel bb move on my left side only since week 20s when I first felt the movement. Must be a comfy position for bb. Her head is not directly down yet. she is diagonally heads down but he says it's ok as there is no space to be downright heads down.
Hazel thanks. I think it's shaoxing wine that's used for cooking, can't remember if rice wine too. Anyways I'll get the rice wine for shower. Thanks!!

Tanny, I'm week 32 now. During the scan, bb was originally facing backwards, so dr loh couldn't scan the face, then bb turned to face front so we were able to get the 4D scan pix. Actually I also asked if bb's head down that's causing my shooting pain in pelvic once a few days, he said yes. Dr loh keeps saying the head is quite low now, very hard to scan for face features, hope nothing bad and definitely pls pls pls don't engage yet
Nxt time you can try asking baby to face forward before your scan, she may listen
I guess if you are fine with 3 weeks it's ok then, saves $$
Oh yah, need to get those paperworks done soon...just pre admission form and medical history I think...correct? GBS testing too.
Just curious....when should we start on the papaya and fish soup in third trimester? How often should we take it?

And btw Eu Yan Sang is having 25% off the chicken essence (buy 2 boxes and more) until this Sunday. So for 3rd trimester ladies planning to stock up for confinement, go grab it

Works out to be about $14 a box for normal ones.
Actually only my hubby wan the 3d scan. Haaha I say I dont need it as I wan it to be a surprise (dun wan to know now). Ya my GBS is to be done on week 36. Kinda of late leh.. But I trust doc loh lor. He also press my tummy today and it seems soft to me. Looks like mine is not v down yet- I dont hv any pelvic pain. Btw doc loh says I can swim and I asked until when(which week). He say all the way! I was quite surprised - mean can exercise all the way till like week 40 provided all is well?

Thanks Tromso! Yah must stock up chicken essence! I rem
Expo bb fair also has the Eu Yan Sang booth but can't rem how much. I also wanna get the rice wine for showing. I don't think it's shao xing wine.
Yep, rice wine is diff fr shaoxing jiu, I actually hv a bottle in my cupboard now, for cooking. Rice wine is the correct one for bathing.

GBS test is only done fr 35 weeks onwards, so dr loh is spot on. Cos if done too early, if gets infection later, it won't be detected till D day which is not ideal, so best to get it done later rather than earlier

Indeed, can exercise all the way, especially after 37 weeks can pump it up
You are not going to yoga anymore right Tanny? I'm quite pissed off with Como, they forfeited my last session cos card expired. I asked if I can show them my gynae's letter (had to bed rest for 2 weeks prior), they say no reasons can make them extend my membership
They actually last minute cancel their classes twice and I went in vain, so unjust

So mc and ladies checking out como Shambhala, do call on the day of your class to ensure its running, the online timetable is not always updated FYI.
Not going Como anymore as I finished my last lesson and not keen to go as its always so packed (dragon yr i think). Always like fighting for a space cos mine is weekend class. i ever went on a fri pm class and it was good as there's only 3 of us but it wasn't Sam's class. Yes got to ring them to verify the lesson. ! Sometimes they change last min! Once I called on Thurs night and went for Fri class. When I reached, I was told the class is off and they sms everyone. But I called the night before leh! I was "new" to the class as it was not the regular session which I attended. perhaps that's why I did not recv the sms.

Yes it's true, when I signed up the package they said they don't allow extension under all kind of circumstances even if u hv a gynae letter. Unless u sign for the 50 sessions then u can get someone to share yr card. If u sign normal less than 50 times, strictly non transferable and no extension. And they do check and rem out names! They will print a list of names n give it to the instructor half way before the class ends. Instructor will verify the no of students in the class.

Guess I will now swim and walk more...
Dear LuvNhope,
For the reducing nausea when brushing teeth, i try to reduce the time the toothpaste is in my mouth, like faster rinse out after brushing a few times. lol.

Dear Tromso,
Thax for inviting! My tummy tightens very fast, walking for less than 5 mins, so I better reduce going out unless i need to! u gals enjoy n post pix on FB! My hubby also need to go for RT starting next week, ending in July, lol. So much in common! Btw, he is playing diablo now, lol.

Dear Pinkyoink,
Stay positive n talk to babies to stay in you longer! Take care!

Dear Tanny,
Congrats on a good scan! I think 1 hr wait very short already, lol.

Dear babygalore,
CONGRATS! Always very happy to see new mummies here!

Dear heartbeats,
Be very careful! i think ur arteries must have been presses against and affected ur oxygen flow. Happens to me too, twice i nearly blacked out. After eating must faster lie in bed for 2-3 hrs, will help in my case. That's why I cant go back to work liao.
Tromso, EYS normal chicken essence after discount $14 is not cheap. Why didn't u get at the motherhood fair? Is only $12 per box. We always buy by cartons even till now coz my dialysis mil takes daily. Btw, if c section no chicken until wounds heal completely, both internally n externally. Natural delivery, after 10 days post delivery also then can take.
Hazel, thanks for the chicken essence tip
I've forgotten to get EYS chicken essence at expo cos too many items to purchase

The original price is $18, so I guess priced at abt $14 now is still ok. I've also asked if any roadshows in the East for GSS, they said no.

Sashamama, my hubby says he has bought the D3 DVD ages ago cos realise will be sold out. He is still configuring his laptop and I make sure he goes to bed by 12mn heee... They day we had lunch with his uni Diablo hostel buddy. The wife proudly announced that the hubby no longer plays computer games including D3....lol... Wow your hubby RT too, really dislike the new 20 sessions now right, used to be 10. Hope they both can graduate by July
Sashamama, I agree. The both times I almost black out in first trimester was after heavy meals and additional activities straight after. My guess is blood rushes to digestive system hence got light headed (oxygen deprived). So ever since, I make sure I carry ample water when I'm out, so slightest sign of light headedness, I'll take fluid, theory is, there is oxygen in water haaa...my theory. And this has worked for me.

Heartbeats, hope you'll find a method that'll ease your blackout problem too.
Tanny, that explains why Como is so rigid
I usually go for Friday classes, Sarah. I was told she cancels her lesson last minute cos sometimes she goes yachting with hubby on Fridays...hmm...happy for her but 2 Fridays ago, 3 heavily pregger mummies arrived for class in vain. I don't think there's SMS service, I've never received 1. Sigh, anyways I guess they can 'I'll-behave' since demand outstrips supply...maybe...bygones

ok better some sleep...
cock cock, aiyoh, "kok" your head ah... why you still dash across the road? So dangerous... esp with twins. Must take care okie? Do you have long feng tai like heartbeats?

Tromso, actually i also experienced blacking out b4 in my first pregnancy during 1st trimester. But for very different reason from you. Was teaching then, thankfully didn't faint in front of all the students. I quickly sat down and figured out that must be because I hadn't had my breakfast cos too rushed that day. I made up an excuse and quickly went back to the office to eat sthg and was much better after that.

heartbeats, do keep yourself hydrated and don't go hungry. But if it's as Sashamama says, one of your arteries is pressed against by the babies then maybe gotta check with doc to see what you can do to ease the situation.

Cherrie, why don't you head to your gynae and do a check?
Sashamama, sometimes even while standing at the basin preparing to brush, the thought of it makes me wanna gag liao, hahah... Must find a way to get over the psychological barrier!

Ladies, is it safe to still take CoQ10 supplement now? I mean in addition to the component already present in Conceive Well.
