(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Luv, never!! he charge me like normal gal

HOPE, hahahah... you didn't remind him that you won one third of the bet ah? ;) Btw, do u know whether you're having a boy or a girl already? You've passed first trimester right?
Luv, i am 15 weeks now (past my first trimester), Dr Loh said too early to tell about the gender; i suspend that he already knows but not telling us (even my DH can sense it also)... hmmm...
HOPE, so your MS should be over by now. Enjoy the "honeymoon period"!
Maybe Dr Loh just wants to be absolutely sure before telling u so that there're no last minute surprises.
Do you have any preference for gender?
Luv, MS has gone since last week; and feeling much more better and more energy toward work too
i am fine either ah boy or ah girl, but my DH prefer a girl ( i think most of the DH prefer girl than boy)

have you gone for your first scan yet?
HOPE, not yet. Still early. Just BT monitoring for now. First scan prob 2 weeks later (that'll be ard Week 6) to see the heartbeat(s). Nervous!!
Hi Tromso,

Thank you very much for your encouragement hehee as long as baby is healthy n have a smooth delivery, I m okie hehee guess we come this far in this journey hehee
all of us looking forward to carrying our littie bundle of joy in our arms. hehee

Hi Hazel, hope u have a good day back at home. Take it easy. Today is to warm up the seat n catch up with some collegues hehee
belle definitely miss you.

Hi Cat, how do you lose so much weight huh? And also Elis is so good gal to sleep thru for so long hehee

Hi Pierced,

Having school holidays now huh? Bring your number 1 out to play huh? Hehee
HOPE, well, we've come so far. What's another 2 weeks right?
I had my first puking episode this morning liao, hahah... Hope it doesn't get any worse. Odd question... Does brushing your teeth trigger your nausea?
Hi Tromso,
I think for Singapore should be quite safe cos we have the authorities to check the quality of food.

For ladies whom experienced MS, do eat crackers n drink lemon juice. They works for me last time.
Luv, YES, brushing my teeth has always trigger my nausea and vomitting (first 13 weeks).... but during this period our mouth wash has become important too; i dont know how's other sister, but for me i must wash my mouth and brush my teeth every time after meal if not i will feel nausea and mood swing the whole day
Hi Luv. I am now 10weeks 1day. This is my 1st pregnancy & totally clueless on what to expect. Sometimes too afraid to post questions here in case it sounds silly.

I read from baby zone.com that brushing your teeth frequently can make you feel better, getting rid of the sour taste in our mouth. I've been brushing away & do find that it does help...a bit...
Sunbelle, i tried the lemon juice tip last time; but i cannot stand the lemon taste at my throat ( feeling like a wax staying at the throat wall....) and then i tried apple juice, and then some other fruit juice, but not working LOL
HOPE, understand what you mean, but the act of brushing itself triggers a puke reflex.
Was like that in my first pregnancy and again in this one (and it came earlier this time round surprisingly).

Lynn, you're lucky to not have your MS triggered by teeth brushing.
Cos with food triggers, we can avoid. But how not to brush? *faintz*
It's my 2nd preg, but it's been a long while and I think I still have so many questions too! Dun be afraid to post here. We're all here to help one another mah.
Luv, i've not been drinking LRD right after BFP. Don't like the taste anymore :p

hope that your MS can quick2 come and then quick2 go LOL
Hi Luvnhope,
I also have the same problem like you during the first trimester. I puke gastric juice when I brush my teeth at night. My problem stops after I reached mid of 2nd trimester.

Hi Throll,
I also worried like you when I was having MS. My appetite came back slowly after 1st trimester. Many of my frens also had the same experience. Now my appetite is really big, and my weight gain is abt 9kg.

I'm actually now admitted into kkh cos doctor says one of my twin blood flow is not normal so got to do close monitoring, if need be they will deliver the babies soon. Crossing my finger that everything will be fine and they can stay longer in my womb.
HOPE, i see i see..
Thanks, I also hope the MS period can pass by quickly!!

Pinkyoink, sorry to hear abt ur twin's blood flow problem. Anyway, you should be in good hands. Try to stay stress free. How far along are you now?
Luv, I had that puking feeling. My mum kept laughing say my bb dun like to brush teeth or have minty feeling. What I did was I told my bb give mummy 5 mins. Then I quickly brush. It work for me. I have yet to know if my gal loves to brush teeth or not...

Oops pinky pls take care
Hahahah... Catherine, your mum is so cute!! Hmm.. maybe i shld try that too, heheh... When it comes time to brush your gal's teeth, see whether she likes it!
I'm now in my 31 weeks. Babies are 1.72kg and 1.65kg. My babies when they are at 28th week measures at 0.97kg and 1.4kg which is quite a big disparity. Doc Loh is quite worried and he referred me to see Dr June Tan in kkh. The smaller twin managed to catch up in weight prob thanks to the durian I had. But blood flow not so ideal, so admitted to monitor just to play safe. So far everything is fine for me. I just had to tell the babies to take care of each other inside.
Hi Meryl, re sterilizing of pumps. This is what I ve been doing at home n when i go back office cux my office moo moos do d same thing.

At home: pump n dun touch d impt areas. Put the pump into a lock lock container n then into d fridge. Hence, I only was or sterilize the pump 2/3 x a day.

Out of home: bring out a clean pump in a ziplock bag. Pump either in nursery or in d car. If no choice, pump in toilets. But I always ve a hand sanitizer in the pumping bag.

In office: same as wat I do at home..
Hey Luv. Thanks but my nausea is bad that lasts the whole day, more so after eating. And also the migraine!!! Like what the others said, hopefully it'll be gone soon & i can start enjoying my food.

Pinky, sorry to hear your news. I am sure babies are gonna be fine. Rest well & do take care!
Hi heartbeat n meryl
Yes, doc loh gives me Nifedine to take.. But not sure is it the same as what u take in hospital while waiting for doc Loh??
Btw heartbeat, i start taking it since wk 22 of my pregnancy..

Hi luvnhope
He knows i hv contraction when just touch on my tummy.. Steady hor.. He say my tummy very hard.. Actually my tummy has been oways hard neh.. But i think he v. accurate as i really feel the cramp n contraction yesterday night.. Scare me.. Lucky hb at home so he quickly pass me the medicine to take n i feel better after tt..

Thk u cock n tanny n sasha
Soon u will be seeing ur bbies too..;)

Hi tromso
Thks for the invitation but i am not able to go out now unless hb with me.. Especially the recent contraction more intense scare me.. Better do more bed rest now.. I rather they grow bigger in my tummy than in nicu ward.. I hope n want them to discharge together with me..;)

Hi mc
No worry abt weight gain.. I didnt gain much weight too..gain 7kg till date at third trimester.. Both my bbies are weighing total 4kg plus ler.. As long as bbies r growing well, no need worry k..;)

Hi Gals
Btw, for those who bought medala pisa pump, what r the parts tt we shd sterilize huh?Tubing need sterilize? Tt means we shd sterilize now before our edd date, is it?? What u use to sterilize? Avent sterilizer ok to use right? Sorry for so many questions..

Hi hazel
Hows ur first day at work? Hope u r coping well..;)
Hi pinky
How they detect one of ur bb blood flow not so gd? U mean doc loh discover it or in kkh? I think kkh do more intense check so u r in gd hands.. I oso not sure whether doc loh got check my bbies blood flow or not.. Sometime worry.. Think will we stress more for twins pregnancy.. Lets hope bbies will stay in our tummy till at least 34th wk before born... Jiayou k..
Luv, I sure hope so. Haha next pregnancy?? I would be so lucky if it does happen. I think I will be too old if/when the next one comes.

Just made an appointment for the OSCAR test next tuesday. Praying hard it will be good news. Feeling very anxious & hoping it's not a painful one.
luv..i puke when brushing teeth too and all the acidic taste..yucksss..nowadays i try to eat breakfast near my office so its easier for me to find toilet to throw up..initially i took breakfast at home and hv to endure the whole mrt trip..super xin ku

Joanne, thanks for yr encouragement..i hope i can reach yr std.

tromso..whr is yr prenatal yoga?

pinky..rest well, yr bb can make it
heartbeats, btw, think u were asking abt my EDD on the other thread right? Actually according to online calculator seems to be Feb if singleton, Jan if twins. May clash with CNY period ah, very hard to find CL...
Lynn, you never know! *wink*
The OSCAR scan shouldn't be scary. Many of the sisters here say they love the extended scan time.

mc, wah, glad to see i'm not alone in having a puke reflex when brushing. You have twins, so likely MS is stronger. Take care!
Hi angel
Haha.. My hb oso do the same thing as ur hb.. Park at opposite tmc.. As the waiting to collect car at tmc is horrible so hb rather drop me first then go opp park.. But yesterday when we go tmc, hb say the opp carpark so full, no lot at all n he says must be many pp doing the same thing now..;p think is so much cheaper to park opposite too..;)
Thanks ladies!

Hi J3, Doc Loh first discover the twins growth disparity is quite uneven that's why he referred me to kkh in case baby came out premature. Dr June Tan arrange me to go for a scan to check on the blood flow which she suspects may be one of the reason one baby is slower growth than the other. I believe with close monitoring the baby should be fine.

The only worry is if the babies got to come out within these 1 or 2 weeks, everything will be chaotic. I had not prepare all the things yet. The confinement nanny side is a big headache...
In the meantime I will still stuff myself with all the good food to make the babies get the nutrients, the rest I leave it to the babies and god to decide bah.
Pinkyoink, so this Dr June Tan is an expert in twin pregnancies? How do u find her so far?
Good to see that you're still in good spirits and eating well!
Luvnhope , i heard from some mummies that Dr June Tan specialise in multiple birth. She is a very patient doctor who will attend to your queries. She is a very cautious doctor, that's why she prefer to place me on close monitoring in case anything went wrong.
Actually throughout my pregnancy I did not experience much discomfort except for MS.

For those sisters who still experiencing MS, probably can try to take some honey water. I discover it towards the end of my 1st trimester that honey water help a fair bit for me as I will also puke when I drink plain water.
Ladies, has anyone experienced tenderness and maybe a tinge of numbness in your hip (near the skin)? I've been feeling it since the 2nd week of my 2ww. Wonder why... In late pregnancy, i can understand why. But this is way too early, isn't it?
Seen doc loh today - its so packed today and it was so irritating. Is it the Q system there v messed up? I was early for my apptm and had to wait for 1hr even though I was the first apptm. I dunno if people were cutting Q or what. There were like 6 -7 couples in front of me - where did they come from, I wonder.. Unless they slot them in before the first apptm? I don't quite understand how their system works. TPS was better - my experience was that only need to wait 5-10 min for the doc when u have an apptm. Those who came early prior to their apptm has to wait for their apptm slot. Maybe is there something I don't understand abt their Q system?

Dr loh touched my tummy and says its quite big! And he says worried abt bb being too big hard to deliver. Then he asked I I eat durians. Ya I did but only yesterday leh. But turn out bb not too big, only 2kg at 33 weeks ok size. Only my tummy looks big! Also dunno why...my bb heads down but legs are more towards left side of my tummy. No wonder I hv been feeling movement only on my left side all this while from week 20..
Hi pink
I see.. Two three wks ago when i go for my scan, doc Loh got check blood flow too.. Then when he sees the smaller one catchup with the weight.. He is glad..now one of my bb at 2kg n one at 2.3kg.. Lucky he makes the right decision to refer u to doc june tan.. Actually i told him my worries abt preterm n hope he can refer me to kkh too but he says is better to deliver at homeground which is tmc.. So i hv to try bed rest more since can feel contraction yesterday n abit worry..
U r in gd hand, take care k.. Btw, so will u still be seeing doc Loh?

Hi Tanny
When is ur next apppintment? Two wks once?
I notice the q system at doc Loh clinic is first come first serve.. So i choose to go early if can..;)

As for durians, my advise for rest of gals r if u want try natural birth, try not to touch durian so much.. As bb sizes oso depend on ur genes.. If u or ur hb tall, no need eat durian, bb will oso be big.. If too big then u got to prepare for c sect so is not tt bb big means gd..;) so far i only touch 4 seeds of durians as crave for it but i stop after tt especially for twins, if bbies too big n no space, it may result in premature bbies which will be more jialat i feel as they need to go to nicu or special care, will feel more heartpain.. So twin mummies better dun take too much durian...
Luv, I am 14 weeks
still having MS.

Troll, like u, I also don't enjoy food nowadays. And everything also eat little bit. DH poor thing, always finish up what I can't finish. ;p he said he is also experiencing bloatedness.

Sisters having MS, make sure u eat something every 2hrs. Anything Light also good. Don't wait till u r hungry then eat, that will be too late. It helps for me.
BabyGalore, glad that your spotting's stopped! Well, I still have a good appetite and all. *touch wood* It's just moments of nausea triggered by certain smells or irritatingly, when i brush my teeth. Yeah, it's super early. You don't have any MS symptoms at all?

Cool, hahah... you transferred your bloatedness to your DH.
