(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Catherine, Dr Eunice Chua delivered for you then? You delivered b4 or after his predicted timeframe?

Yeah, i went to see Dr Paul once at his clinic. And waiting time was surprisingly reasonable (half an hr to 45 min) as compared to the 1 to 2h+ i had to wait at my previous gynae. But he still answered my questions patiently so i guess he doesn't rush through consultations (hope i'm not wrong!). I hear he doesn't practise episiotomy though, so I'm a little anxious abt that. Does Dr Chua do episiotomy (since they share the same clinic, maybe have the same beliefs)?

LuvNHope...!!! welcome
Do you remember me? I think we were cycle buddies last oct/ nov. So happy for you, big congrats!!!!

Throll, my MS went away in 2rd trimester but recently I'm experiencing it again
Fortunately its very mild, a bit feel like throwing up and appetite bit lousy, slight metallic taste in the mouth.

Joanne, hope you'll enjoy the home rest
I'm already feeling quite heavy, gained 11.5kg so far. I can't imagine youhavering 2 darlings inside
For me, I can still sit upright and eat but if it's in a slightly bend forward position, like table too low, I'll get really uncomfortable. I'll usually lengthen and expands my chests after meals, otherwise will feels very full. If you are afraid of the heat, can turn on the a/c for few hrs, then use the fan after that, should stay cool for at least 1-2hrs after. That's what I do daily, electricity bill already went up 30% for May Month. btw with the fan on, the temperature of the room should fall by 1-2 degrees, electricity saving method
Hi Tromso, thanks!
Of course i remember you! You succeeded on first try, so envious
But u earned your BFP. I recall u did a lota preparation work b4 ur cycle! You're in 3rd trimester now right? When's your EDD?
Hi Hazel, hope your transition to work tmr will be smooth
Dont worry too much about Belle ok, I'm sure she's in good hands with her granny.

Pierced, my mobile is 9739 6538. I have Watsapp and eBuddy.

Hi Angelxuan, is it just the 4 of us? Lunch at Nex?
Luv what's episiotomy?? Yup dr Chua delivered for me. I delivered later than what dr tseng predicted. I like the nurses at Tlc. V caring nurses

Hazel oops... Have a gd night rest.
i joined my colleagues for durian feast today. 6 of us had 4 mao shan durians. was heavenly and i think i guilty took 10 seeds or more.. of cos also expensive $30/kg and we spent $250 on just 4 durians. we only had durians and no dinner. so sinful!!

angelxuan : wah yr hubby so patient. mine lazy.. he will nvr park opposite and walk over even thou i ask him if he wanna do that and i can wait. he rather park at tmc and save on the walking. sometimes i wonder he preggy or i preggy..
throll..let's jiayou together...i also awaiting for my ms to be gone..was hoping maybe can lose some weight due to ms but dun really happened ..lol..although dr zou say my face look slimmer..

sistars having twins, how long is the Oscar scan? my appt at 11m, so am thinking take mc for that day.
Catherine, it's the cutting of the skin at the vagina area to allow bb to come out without tearing the skin. Think Dr Paul believes in letting it tear naturally, no cuts.
Good to hear that the nurses there are nice. They did seem friendly from my last visit.
Catherine, know gender already but dr said to be confirmed during detailed scan.

Luv, dr said 3+kg is ok for me, just that I feel fat..and everywhere is ba ba (肉肉)..

Hazel, sorry to ask why you were back from hospital? Everything alright?

Tromso, I can make it for lunch tmr. Nex is fine with me.

Pierced, I'll pm you my mobile no. later.

Juvi, you confirm meeting us too?
Tanny, actually I feel bad that my hubby goes through the trouble to park opposite TMC & walk over but he feels ok with that. I think your hubby feels that he should accompany you and not leave you alone, not lazy lah.
Angel, dun fret, you will lose the pregnancy fats after delivery, esp if you breastfeed.
Many of my colleagues come back from maternity looking slimmer than before!
hazel : hope everything is alright with u and belle. hv a good rest.

ya! many of them "slimmed" down a few sizes after BF!
Angelxuan, brought belle to KKH for check up. She has appt at KKH almost every mth. For different purposes, including vaccine.
Luv, Tanny, hope what you said will happen to me too! I do intend to breastfeed and have already booked my post natal message lady and even paid a deposit for a slimming package already! Haha..
hazel : i rem u use wine for bath/ wipe instead of herbs? where u get them? chinese medical shop? how many bottles u use per wipe/ bath?

talking of durians, oooh i missed them big time!!! during preggy hbs forbid me to eat too many scared later baby too big end up got to c-section. Then now i bf he dun encourage me to eat scared later too heaty and end up bb drink my milk will be heaty. Win liao lor...i told him off yesterday, and guess wat during the dinner at the restaurant he stopped me from eating finish the small plate of peanuts lor...so piss manz..hiaz...


i used herbs + rice wine at the same time + lemon grass (xiang mou) in the bath water to wash hair and if just to wash body i used lemon grass with herbal water.
thanks angel for your advice! i called up spring maternity and asked to have the cot delivered abt 1 mth before my "desired" EDD.. have to use "desired" coz being twins, my gynae said shd be around 36-37 week, but i oso scare if i can tahan so long... today super tired coz busy non-stop..

thanks luv for your advice... i know what u meant but i oso cant sit still.. that's why catherine now knock me, i know u meant well.. i have this bad habit.. if i am lazy, i am lazy.. but once i started doing sth, i must chiong to complete it (that doesnt apply to buying bbies stuff though, i am still going slow)...

coolcool, so your hip bone ok now? mine still pain... jia lat!

joanne03, jia you! vvv envious of you! wow, babies going to report v soon liao! i hope i have equally good luck in this

hazel, hope u adjust smoothly back to work... will be q challenging i am sure.. hopefully everything soon soon..

chris, your DH v controlling in terms of yr food hor.. i think he meant well.. my DH always encourages me to eat food which i shdnt be eating, coz he doesnt really believe.. but when he encouraged me to eat those stuff, i also angry with him how come he so "bo chup" babies' and my welfare..

sisters doing lunch tomrw, pls enjoy!
Tanny, I use rice wine to bath, incl washing hair. Nv use herbs at all. Mum bought at ntuc. One glass bottle (like wine bottle type) can use 4-5 times depending in how much u put in warm boiled water to mix. Mum told CL to put abt 2-3 small cups per pail of water. I bathe with 2 big pails and wash hair daily. Size of cup is like tequila pop those small glass. Main purpose is to get rid if wind.
Luv, I still got a tummy and 2 more kg. u wun believe. I put on 1kg after 4 days of work. So angry. Must b keep sitting. Hmmm I dun know if dr Chua does episiotomy . Fyi Dr Chua q is v v v long. Perhaps it's worth it cos she v v v v encouraging when I gave birth.
Catherine, last wk, belle slept on her own in her cot. But every 3-4 hrs she will wake up for milk! Yesterday I put her in our bed again n she slept till 6am fr last feed at 945pm. Tonigh I m doing the same, put her next to me coz I wan my sleep since I m going bk to work...

How I wish can dun work!
Chris, we sama sama... I also had to use lemon grass. Hey yr darling is v concern la... Dun scold him leh... Unlike mine if I say no milk or v little he said nvm lor dun bother to pump. Btw Elis gum is still v soft.

Cock cock... Same!! Once engine turn on hard to stop right?? But pls hor... Yr ah boy and ah gal need u to b more relax ok...

Meryl how's the full mth celebration?

Angel u v Kua zhang leh... Book slimming package?! Relax la mayb u will slim down naturally??
HAzel, juz talk to belle. Sure can work. Last sat night elis drank around 10.30pm, she ko woke up at 12.15pm straight record of 13 odd hrs. We told her daddy mummy old Liao need rest heehee she broke her record of 12 hrs haha
Catherine, try to do some office exercises then. Those that can do while sitting down. Or walk somewhere further for lunch.
Did she cut u "down there" during delivery? Actually prob can't feel too cos of the epidural or labour pain.
angelxuan : wow u so fast book slimming package?!! my colleagues were slimmer than before, for the past 5 years i know them, they were never this slim!

chris: wah yr hubby so stringent. now i worry about heatiness. cos i drin 3 cups of ginger tea over the weekend. now now eat durians. i think shld be ok bah, cos i hv been drinking gong cha (cooling) for the past few days..

does lemon grass make the water spicy?

joanne : looking forward to yr babies! take good care! jia you! u are almost there.

hazel : oic, din know ntuc also sell rice wine.. that lao bang niang shop also sell rice wine.. but seem like got a few types.

i weigh myself and found that my wt did not increase much except half a kg from last apptm at doc 3 weeks ago. tmrw is my apptm at doc loh again!
Hi Juvi, Tromso, Pierced, so 4 of us confirmed. Last Wed when Juvi & I went to Nex, I noticed that the lunch crowd wasn't that bad and there are a lot of eating places to choose from. Thus, we don't need to meet too early. How about 12:30 pm? Or you may suggest another time?

Catherine, Tanny, I negotiated to convert the deposit to product credit if I don't take up the slimming package. Thus, got abit of flexibility. The deposit, not a lot, is just to secure the package price first. :p
Hi Joanne, you are taking ventolin right? Yes, I took it during my hosp stay while waitin for Dr loh to be back from his leave

Hi Catherine, our full month celebration : no buffet . hubby just goes ard distributing the cakes , Ang ku kei, glutinous rice and eggs. And yes, we also ordered the Ang ku kei from blk 123 near your place. Many sang praises for the Ang ku kuei..haha
My fil tried their soon kuei, he loves it.
Dear Pinkyoink & Siddhi,
Welcome to this thread!!!

Dear LuvNhope,
CONGRATS!!! Sooo happy for you to join us here!!! I still make the vomit sound when i brush teeth, only once a month or so the vomit sound becomes actual vomit with no food to vomit out but saliva.

Dear Catherine,
My hubby tries to control his time on Diablo la. He ensures times when I want his attention he gives me first, lol.

Dear Tromso,
Nah, I refuse to partake in the game, lol. Can buy online version cos hard copy ones are completely sold out in singapore for sometime already. Luckily he still automatic la.

Dear Tanny,
Breathless and giddy cos baby and swollen uterus pressing against some arteries affecting blood flow and also diaphragm. Bo bian. Just try to rest as much as possible.

Dear J03,
Baby gains about 100-200g per week the past few weeks i think. But I think not super accurate la, but is growing bigger can already. I have not gone back to work for a long time, and Dr Loh not gonna let me go back to work when school reopens too. So probably I take ML in advance and wont go back to work till delivery lo. Delivery probably end July. Going to find fengshui master to calculate date & names, either Jing Zi Long http://www.jingzilong.com/ or Tai Mao Bi http://www.taimaobi.com/. Anyone has comments?

Also, just trust dr loh on the medications I think, he wont prescribe something that is more harmful than u having premature labour!!! Must rest well well wor!!!

Secret FaceBook Group
Anyone else wanna join us? Add me at [email protected] or PM me your email add and I'd add you then invite you into our group!
Hi Mommies

How do you all pump and sterilize the funnels...etc when back to work?

I find difficulties going out with the need to pump every 3 hours, not many places offer nursing rooms and it is not hygenic to pump in the ladies.
Sashamama, thanks for the welcome!
Glad to know your baby's growing well!
Aiyoh, i spoke too early yesterday. Just had my first round of puking (thankfully not that serious), again triggered when i was brushing my teeth. Anyone has tips on how to prevent triggering nausea while brushing teeth? It's not like i can stop brushing my teeth, lol...

Meryl, I've seen my colleagues sterilize their pump parts using hot water. That's prob the alternative to bringing your entire sterilizer to the office. Is there a room in your company that's not frequently used and you could temporarily pump in there?
Luv, so scared I might be one of those that MS just wont go away... praying hard... Eating is no longer a luxury for me, eating little portions makes my DH so stress by thinking of what to buy for me to eat... he is so afraid of me wasting food and he have to finish for me instead...haha

Thanks Joanne, I will try my best to relax...

Tromso, maybe we will get ms on/off throughout our pregnancy, for the sake of my little ones we just have to endure...

MC, yes lets both jia yo together... I have stopped seeing Dr Zou from the start of my ms, just couldn't stomach the Chinese medi w/out feeling nausea. Maybe your weight is maintain bec you are carrying twins, perhaps they add to your weight count....
Hi ladies.. these few days my hubby make mi v v angry n my stomach keep having tis cramp or pain.. Shld i go n c doc?? When i sleep sideways more pain..
Sashamama and Joanne, since you both are not working now too, if you feel up to it, can join us at Nex for lunch later too
but ite entirely up to you, understand your concerns...

Tanny, I'm soooo envious of you, you can eat everything!! I can't take cold stuffs since preggy, otherwise will get slight indigestions or tummy ache
In fact, my appetite not very good, so the heart is willing but the mind is weak... How much heavier are you now? I hope I'll stop at about 13kg.

Angelxuan, not to scare you....I never get cellulites on my legs, but now, even the once muscular calfs, when I squeeze them, can see cellulites
Not to mention the thighs haaa....my hubby pointed out to the ugly cellulites in disgusts the other day lol... I'll have to see how our budget goes after delivery, I'm also quite keen to take up some slimming program, like gym-ming. Total bill already over 10k, sigh....realized the Bu costs a lot....
Hi Chris and Catherine, you both jia you at balanicng work and home. Hope can still spend some quality time with your girls after work. I see for my sister, she'll make sure she has dinner at my parents place almost every nights, then spend about 30mins to 1 hr to read/ teach niece. Its a a lot of determinations, I really applaud her efforts. So I hope both of you have found a workable method too

You mentioned adding lemon grass into the bath water....how do you do that?

Thanks for the rice wine tip Hazel, I've been wondering what it's for....I'll get it at ntuc too

Can I check with you MTBs and mummies, for the red dates drink post delivery, understand there are lotsa other stuffs in it like dang sheng, longan, red dates, wolf berries. Recently I've heard a lot about longan/ red dates fr Thailand and China containing lotsa heavy metals (the soil that they grow in), and very high in pesticides, etc. Hence, just wondering if you guys get your supplies from normal shops or say reputable ones like Eu Yen Sang? Thanks!!
Congrats Luv. Have a smooth 9mths ahead. My MS is getting bad too. I noticed now that it gets worse when i eat something sweet.

blur_xuan, if it makes you feel uncomfortable I think you should consult your doc. You are carrying twins & no harm being extra careful. Hope its nothing serious.
Sashamama, I'm also getting slight pains, mainly at upper uterus area, I suspect it's the uterus squeezing the organs
Had my last prenatal yoga yesterday and instructor reminded us to definitely do Malay wrap after delivery, so can massage our organs back in place, besides the uterus.... Sounds so bizarre, like it's all a big mess inside now lol...

Also says some ladies may have their ribs slightly protruding out, cos uterus pushing the organs outwards too much. And this explains why some cannot go back to their original size/ shape at the chest area as body/ bones would have expanded during pregnancy...hmm...

It's really amazing how our body changes during pregnancy, no wonder mommies are more 伟大 than daddies heee...

My hubby hasn't had much time with his new laptop yet cos he's going for RT (failed IPPT) 3 times a week, hoping to complete by July. Then still have his weekly work swimming competition trainings, plus recent months started to take part in his work every Friday bowling competition, then his cycling buddies also jio-ing him for cycling trips ro m'sia, gosh!!....haaa...I think he must be feeling bored since I got pregnant as very few night activities now. I've asked him to scale down on his activities, so maybe with the new laptop n D3, I'll see him at home more often
Meryl, at times I do steralise with hot water or ask my IFC nanny to help me. I only pump 3 times a day sometimes no time or wear dress can't pump I dun pump. My office got no nursing room and ya toilet v smelly. I pump at elis IFC. When r u gg back to work? R u still letting yr boy c dr ong? Since u stay tampines u can also try Chris pd... My fren said its not bad too
