(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Thanks heartbeats and Bbjourney!!!
*wave like a mad woman*

CARE will do the monitoring for me for the next few weeks at least. Following that (or maybe concurrently), I'll probably stay with Dr Paul first and see how it goes. So far, the experience with him has been good. My only concern now is the terrible parking at TMC, hahah.. My previous gynae also at TMC so I've definitely had a taste of the parking there!
Babyjourney, Angel, Dr Loh started doing growth scans for you? Or when then start? I see my KKH forms seems like we will need to do growth scans but dont know when.
Hi Luv, welcome.

Bbjourney, heartbeats, angel: Did you all gain weight? How many kg so far? I only gained 2 kg la. And bb is only 12 cm long as at 18 weeks 5 days. A bit worry.
Heartbeats, dr loh has not do any growth scan for me leh. Normally he will measure baby's heartbeats, baby's length n check my cervical length. Last visit he initiated to check my baby's gender, but my baby busy moving ard, so not confirm. I going for my detail scan this sat.

When is ur detail scan? Read in the other thread that ur boy's placenta is low, pls take extra care, dont walk too much n rest as much as possible.
Bbjourney and Angel, when did your bloating start to subside after your BFP? This morning, my bloating seems to have gone down a little and made me so worried. I guess I just donno whether it's a normal "going back to usual size" or whether it's a sign that hCG levels are dropping. I hope it's the former!
heartbeats, what's a growth scan? I thought the routine scans doc will also measure the baby's size? Not the same as growth scan?
Coolcool, i did not gain any weight at all. In fact i m below my pre-pregnancy weight now. :p
Recently Dr Loh did not measure my baby's length. The last measurement was done ard week15+, my baby is 10cm+.
If u and ur hubby are small size, then your baby may be on the smaller side. As long as your gynea did not raise any concern, think all is fine. But hor, my hubby n me are big size, so i kan giong when i compared my baby's measurement against BabyCenter's chart. So far dr loh did no say anything so i try not to worry too much.
Luv, my bloating continues after BFP. Your HCG reading of 600 shd be quite safe lah. My hcg is also 600+ when tested BFP. Dnt worry too juvh. When is ur next appt? Maybe u can ask CARE if u can do another test one week later to hv a piece of mind.
Bbjourney, mine is 590+
Your reading was higher. Going back on Thu for another BT. And then twice weekly for next two weeks or so. Hopefully level will rise nicely as it should!
CoolCool, Babyjourney, i dont have weight gain, in fact, i was 5kg lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight due to MS and now though put back on about 1-2kg, i am still below pre-pregnancy weight so am worrying.

Luv, growth scans checks for weight of babies. Normally start doing in 2nd trimester. Normal CRL measurement docs will still do at every scan. My recent CRL scan no measurement so i also dont know how now.
heartbeats, all your nutrients and good stuff going to your babies that's why!! Don't worry!
Thks for explaining what u mean by growth scan.
Babyjourney, my detailed scan + cervical length check is in 2 weeks time at KKH ADC. After that i will bring the report to Dr Loh. He was also the one who initiated checking gender for me 2 weeks back.
Luv, 590+ is a v good reading. Wow CARE give alot of support hor, checking u twice weekly for the next 2weeks. If u r worry, just request to do another HCG test next week. dont worry too much, you r in very good hands.

Heartbeats, ic. Seems like i m doing my detail scan much earlier than u n Angel.

Coolcool, when is ur detail scan?
Hazel, yes been thinking about it. I need to look through my H&S plan again & compare with other company's products, then discuss with hubby if we want to upgrade or buy additional. Also going to check out savings plan for our baby.

Luv, welcome here!! So far my hubby manages to park at the open air car park opposite TMC. No complains from him. He will drop me off first at TMC, then while he parks, I go up to the clinic to queue & do routine test. He then join me for the appt. After that, I will wait for him to fetch the car and pick me up.

As for bloating, mine subsides very quickly after my BT result but I think it's attributed to the an tai yao that I took. I think your hcg level is very good. If worried, request to do a repeated BT to check hcg and progesterone? Just need to draw blood once and can test both the hormones. Hcg level should roughly double every 2 days in the initial period.
Luv, after i was informed of my BFP reasults, i went down to TFC to collect my meds for support on the same day. The next appointment was scheduled at week6 to scan for baby's heartbeats. Like you i was worried abt my hcg level and I wanted to recheck my hcg level one week later but did not managed to do it. My MS started soon after BFP. Very 夸张 hor. Heheheh...

Oh wats ur progesterone reading?
Hey Angel!! Thanks for the welcome

Your DH is very patient and caring to drop u off and pick u up.

I'm a bit more reassured to hear that your bloating subsided quite soon too. Are u still taking an tai yao? I just finished my last dose of an tai yao today. But my TCM doc out of town liao. Gotta wait for him to get back.
Yeah, will most likely do a repeat test this Thu. Not sure if they'll test hCG again next week. Will check.
Coolcool, Heartbeats, Bbjourney,

I think I gained the most weight compared to you all.. Already gained 3+ kg as at last Sat. I am worried I am gaining too much..really don't want to get too fat coz I am small size, so will look like a round pingpong ball. Nowadays, even passerbys will take care not to bump into me or ask me how many months Liao? Boy or girl? I feel so embarrassed to say I am only 19 wks..and gender not confirmed yet.

My detailed scan is next Tue, so hope to confirm gender then. Already bought many baby gap clothes (the discount so good and clothes so cute, i simply can't resist!! :p) so hope Dr Loh's scan of my baby likely gender is correct. As for growth scan, Dr did not tell me about it leh. As for CRL, he said that because baby has started to curl up a bit during the last scan, it's not accurate already.
Bbjourney, I know what u mean. I didn't experience nausea till Week 6 or so in my first pregnancy. I'm surprised I already feel nauseous at times and sensitive to certain smells this past week. But it reassures me that baby or babies are still inside me.

I didn't ask abt my progesterone reading, cos i was so focused on my hCG reading, hahah.. They just said prog level is good and only need to keep up the same support so far. No additional support yet leh. What support meds did u get?
Luv, actually I think my MS is considered mild, just had some nauseous feelings on and off, esp in the evenings.. I puked 3-4 times so far which were mostly triggered by certain smells. Now, I am feeling v good, occasionally might have sudden nauseous feeling but that goes away fast too. How about you? Is your MS manageable?
Luv, i had progynova, Duphaston, Folic Acid n Aspirin for support. Angel, did i miss out anything? :p

Oh i also took An tai yao until week10, i stop due to my UTI episode.
Angel, good to know that your MS is not too bad. Lucky you! You're in 2nd tri now right? Enjoy the "honeymoon period"!
I don't think I have full-blown MS yet. Nausea usually triggered by certain smells or when I'm brushing my teeth (strange huh). No real puking so far thankfully.
heartbeat and angelxuan...u are still below your pre-preg weight..wow...I am starting to afraid that I will gain alot of weight as my tummy is so pretty obvious now at wk 9....zzzz

even with my crazy MS, my weight does not seems to go down.

Also, thanks all sistars here for your encouragement on Oscar scan. I have made the appt in early Jul but will go for BT next Tue. The nurse told me that twins needs to scan longer and not all doctors know how to do it..
Hi Ladies, I BFP 10 days back after my natural FET under Prof Wong. Do we need to continue with Brazil Nuts or now we can just stop it?? as I read it has lots of fat in it
Bbjourney, did you continue crinone progesterone inserts until week 8 scan?

Luv, for me, I continued with crinone progesterone inserts until week 8 scan, and duphaston & folic acid until end of week 12.
Bbjourney, thanks for sharing the support meds u have at TFC. Is progynova a standard support med? Or was it cos you were taking it during your cycle?

mc, your tummy is more obvious cos you have two inside mah

Siddhi, think it shld be alright to stop taking brazil nuts. May be too heaty if u take too much too.
Angel, i see. I was just told to continue with my Crinone inserts and oral Utrogestan. I'm also continuing with folic acid and aspirin. Will see whether i get anything else at my next visit.
Angelxuan, I'm free for lunch tomorrow. Erm preferably along the Nel line? Coz gotta drag my gal along. Haha!
I don't have u gal contacts though.

Luvnhope, welcome here! Glad to see more new ones joining.

Hazel, Kodomo bath rinse free is it the green one? Remembered u mentioning u used Kodomo.
many congrats Luv, and welcome!! vvvv happy for you!
wish you a smooth 9 mths ahead! yeah!~

this whole morning since now i so busy with lots of stuff.. i think i hv over-exerted myself over the wkn.. i walked too much (wanted to do more shopping of my personal and bbies stuff) but ended up terribly tired... now my left hip bone so painful that i am walking with a slight limp...

none of u can fight me in terms of wt gain! i gained 12kg as of this morning... i am not comparing with you all lah.. but with such heavy wt i am experiencing more aching problems and breathlessness.. like what heartbeats shared in the other forum, i cant relax till at least bbies past 28 weeks...

even till today, i still puke... not sure if this is MS.. come meal time always a chore for me and my hubby (who has to buy dinner for me) coz i really dont know what to eat.. every night i will puke a bag of my dinner out.. i think baby boy is too high up affecting my digestion.. btw, i tried a pre-natal massage at paragon.. service so so.. going to try house of traditional javanese massage soon, as recommended by one sister..

just now spring maternity called and said will deliver the baby cot this fri.. i was wondering, is it "inauspicious" to set up the baby cot so early? but if i tell them dont need to assemble, then my hubby got to do the job later (dont know if he can do it or not).. angelxuan, u also bgt a new cot right? what will your arrangement be? sorry i asked such silly question...
MC, it's Bbjourney, not me.. I am above my pre-pregnancy weight. I am also afraid of too much weight gain. Oscar scan is not risky at all and can see your babies longer & clearer. I am sure you & hubby will enjoy it!

Siddhi, congrats & welcomed! For me, I didn't continue with Brazil nuts after getting my bfp results.
Angel, oh ya i also hv Crinone inserts. I know i m missing something but cant recall what it is. Lucky u hv good memory.

Luv, dr loh started me on progynova cos i had spotting during stimulation and dr loh was still worried for me after BFP so he want me to continue with progynova after BFP. I stopped progynova after first trimester. Now i am on utrogeston.
bbjourney, oic.

Thanks pierced and cock cock for the welcome! So happy to be here!

cock cock, do take care and don't strain yourself. Leave the heavy duty work to your DH.
Cockcock, I requested for the delivery of my baby's cot to be a month before my EDD. That's still many months away. If you want to postpone, it should be do-able.

I heard that as long as I stay out of the house when they deliver & assemble, it should be alright. Just have to trust hubby will check the cot carefully since i can't be around, Actually I also prefer to prepare the baby room earlier and don't want my hubby to tire himself out if we do so last minute.
Cockcock, maybe wait till at least in your 3rd trimester, then have the cot delivered? Personally, I find this Friday abit too early.. Just my thought lah.
Will ms go away when we reach week 13 onwards, can anyone advise or it depends on individual?? I am really counting down to three more weeks till I hit week 13!

I really hate my ms, cannot eat a proper meal w/out feeling nausea, it gets worst during dinner, losing weight. At least with this ms I know my bb is alright, that is the only reassurance...

Congrats luvnhope on your BFP...
Hi Siddhi, congrats and welcome to the thread.

Babyjourney, my detailed scan is 26 June. Still far lor. Do you drink milk for pregnant women? I am thinking now to drink it and to eat durian.

Angel, 3 kg is ok la. not too much.

cockcock, i also got pain in my hip bone especially after i came back from bb fair. :p Do take a rest in bed. Will be better.
Thanks throll!! From what i know, most pple's MS go away by end of Tri 1 or early Tri 2. Of course there are others whose MS continues all the way (like one of my frens, poor her). So it really depends on the individual. Why don't you try eating little portions and eat whatever that can go down? Make sure u don't go hungry.

Angel, i recall reading that recommended weight gain during entire preg is ard 12kg. You're in tri 2. 3kg is reasonable lah.
Congrat Luvnhope..;) i know u last time n glad to see u join us here.. Dun worry.. Ur hcg level is gd.. Btw, test on what day?

Hi throll
It all depends on individual on when ms subsize..some can last till 5 mth or whole of pregnancy.. Relax k n soon u will notice u hv no more ms..;)

Hi gals
Just go for my checkup today and doc Loh say i am actually having contraction but without notice.. Oops.. Hope bbies can stay in my tummy for at least another 2-3wks.. But he keeps say he no worry for me since both bbies are more than 2kg now but i still very worry tt they dun hv enough space.. Sigh.. N he has given me one mth hospitalization leave to rest at hm fr today onwards.. Btw, i need to up my medicine tt control contraction fr 3tables to 6tablets a day.. Hope is ok to take so many tablets.. Initially he say every half hr take one n i was totally blur.. Then later he say just take 2tablets 3times a day.. Anyone has any experience on this medicine?
N he oso say i can try natural birth... Hmm...
J03, hi! Thanks, happy that you remember me
Today's 18dpo or 16dp2dt.

How did Dr Loh notice the contractions? Do bed rest more and take care! How many weeks are you now?
Luv, the dr Paul u refer is it dr Paul tseng??

Cock cock, u deserve a big knock from me. Pls take it easy leh

Angel, how come at week 19 u still dun know gender? I knew mine at week 10.

Hazel, back at work tomorrow right? Jia you!!

Luv, I saw him once... Juz b4 I deliver. My gynae is Eunice Chua. Same clinic as dr tseng. I feel he sees patient v fast and patients all like have smiling faces. I heard that he is expert in vbac and if he touch yr tummy he know the weight of bb. But he was wrong to guess I will deliver within the period specified by him haha
