(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Aiyah.. My hubby prefers to take leave on Fri so I am going to Motherhood fair on Fri instead of Thur. Wanted to see the life demo on prenatal yoga (Thur 3pm) but he's more interested in having a "long weekend". Nvrmind, can also catch the life demo on baby parent yoga (Fri 3pm)

MC.. I stayed in Compassvale too.. so many sister staying in SK =)

Anyway, just to share that you gals might wanna go buy pants @ Uniqol. Though I am only 8 weeks but my stomach start to show a little le, can't fit in my normal work pants or jean while maternity wear seems too early for now.. So I get a few pair of pants from Uniqol, i think they are great, coz of the elastic belt, comfortable to wear too..
Angel and cock cock, thx a lot. the mat is worth buying. I wrote Down the size and price at og it's so much cheaper at bb fair!! At least my 40 min trip is worth it then heehee....

Cock cock, dun ask me about breast pump. Hazel knows better. Mine is juz single pump cos i din want to pump too long. But I regretted... I should buy dual pump. If u r worried bb has colic get the dr brown or bfree. Now I prefer bfree cos they have an indicator that tell u yr water is too hot. Avent has 2 kind of bottle. One normal one and the other premium one. The premium one is a bit yellowish in colour. Said to b anti colic too. So far I use dr brown, bfree and avent. Same la last time I can stand at Carrefour for 1 hr comparing milk powder with my husband. Now we r analyzing cereal, bb fruit juice at ntuc. It take time to learn. Depend on yr budget u can get really nice clothes for bb or juz simple ones. New born clothes my mum handled cos I was too busy. Now I buy nice ones for her to wear to go out. Cheap clothes like 3 for $10 to wear at home and IFC. My princess outgrow so fast. Juz buy enough to last say 5 days? Some of her mc clothes were not even worn b4 and it's too small for her. I remembered when she was juz born we literally change like every 3-4 hrs until I get so fed up. That's juz clothes. Dun forget hor their diapers also got many brand, shower foam, lotion, detergent?? All need to choose and buy. Dun freak out k.... I m so happy that u have 2. I always wanted twins in 1 pregnancy. Save time haha

Chris, hazel.... I told my hubby I m like my big boss hate pregnancy. He Told me its bcos my boss and i r too career minded keep thinking about work. I tried explaining to him its stressful, tiring to carry a 'ball'. He still went to his logic that I m career minded. Pls lor if i m so career minded I would b a hod now.... I sense that my mum is gg to scold my hubby tonight haha
Hazel, u mentioned b4. I showed my hubby, he question me a lot like have I done research on the product, Is it genuine blah blah .... But he never question what he saw at bb fair. Save the questioning and quarrels. Can b v irritating!!
Catherine, do you plan to get a 6-panels play yard too? I was reading the link shared by Hazel. it seems that if playmat is 2100mm*1400mm - 6 panels Yards will be rested on top of the mat nicely. Hence not sure if the mat (2m x 1.5m) that will be sold at Motherhood fair is compatible with the play yard dimension or not. Maybe you wanna check with the person with nick "Crazy about Korea" if you have thoughts of getting the play yard through her.
I saw only grey n skin colour. I wan grey but dun wan anymore.. Haf to see e fair gt sell dress or pants or nt. If nt i left only one pants to wear out. Hubby keep saying y always wear tt pant.. coz other pant cant wear le..
Angel, I want the play yard but I can't buy from forum. Dun want to b question. To b honest It's my mum that keep pestering me to buy. My gal will spend most of her time at IFC. Sometimes I wonder also if it's worth getting it.

Hazel, how often do u feed belle now? I noted since the jab on sat Elis can skip 1 -2 milk feed everyday
Sengkang Punggol folks, I'm 1/3 a SK-P residence too, goes to my parents place at Punggol a bit. Any food hunt, do count me in ok

Juvi, I was planning to go Centerpoint this afternoon too but had slight stomach upset after lunch, suspect due to the escargots and Jap seaweed, so plan cancelled.

Ladies, if you have diarrhea, it's ok to take charcoal pills (dr loh gave the green light), especially those more serious persistent ones. For myself, I'll take charcoal pills if have watery diarhoea more than twice a day, semi watery diarrhoea I'll usually ignore and will go away after 1-2 days.

In western point of view, have to be careful of seafood as may not be thoroughly cooked. Chinese believes that crab is liang (claws are very liang) and stingray/ sotong are 'poisonous'. Say for eczema/ skin allergy folks, many stayed away from eating crustacean animals due to this 'poisonous' reason. I take prawns on and off, in moderation is ok I feel but avoided crabs/ stingray/ sotong.
Catherine, I had cysts in the past, also because something may be wrong with the toilet? The elephant theory is interesting
For stove, gas is no good, why is that so?

I've switched to induction cooking after my fs master said stove is in wrong position. Since we don't wish to redo the kitchen cabinets, we set a temp table in the correct position and bought induction cookers, and removed the gas stove and hood. Since, I've fallen in love with induction cookers, no more sweating during cooking sessions
And I can aim the fan at myself when cooking, became so much of a pleasure.

Pierced, I hope I can still do trips like you after delivery. A lot depends on if the baby/ toddler is fussy or not right? I've always had the vision of doing roadtrips with the family and the kid/s sitting behind, busy reading the maps or travel
books heeee.... Really miss those days of driving out into the countrysides or national parks or ski resorts for weekend trips.
Catherine, belle still drinks 3-4 hourly during the day. Her appeditie was poor first 2 days after jabs the other time. Elis has no fever right? Belle will be spending most time with my parents too after I return to work. My bro Plc too cluttered now, no space for play yard or play mat. Told my parents to take care of belle at my Plc which do near, they dun wan. So, though I wld love to get play yard n play mat for belle at home, will see when she is older at 6-7 mths if they r necessary before I buy. That time, she will be learning to sit n crawl so they Will come in handy.
Cook cook, congrats on your boy-girl twins
No need to be too overwhelmed by the purchases, do you have the purchase list? What I've done previously was, I bring the list out with me whenever I meet young mummy gfs for meals and will ask them to go through the list with me, sharing what brands they have purchased and why. Coupled with info from the forum, you'll find that you'll be able to arrive at a conclusion quite easily, plus the trips to departmental stores to double confirm the usage and prices, etc.

Up till yesterday I was still asking my sister about the sterilized cotton wool from tmc pharmacy. I thought its enough to get the minimal, like 1-2 packs and was told need at least 10 packs errr....cos will be using at least 4 pcs a day for at least half a year. Bottom balm I also thought 1-2 is enough and was told to buy more, use very fast and need 1 tube in diaper bag besides 1 at mum's place and 1 at my place. Good to buy in bulk those essential ones (but not dispers) and save the extra trips in the future
Tromso, I hv use any sterilised cotton wool. Avent bottom balm was selling a few bucks cheaper at Philips sale last wk end.
Hazel, no need to use sterilized cotton wool for cleaning the eyes?

Yep, I bought a few bottom balms at the Philips warehouse sale last weekend
I'm hoping don't have to chiong the sale in half year's time again, the crowd n heat is unbearable
Tromso, I use the cotton pad we use to put toner on our face to clean the bb eyes in the first month. Thereafter I use wash cloth. One for the face n one for the body. Change daily.
cockcock, congrats on ur boy/girl twins! slowly u will get the hang of the diff brands of bb stuff like what tromso said.

tromso, i didnt really use much of cotton wool leh for my #1, only for the first 2 weeks where u had to clean the cord area, eyes etc? my whole bunch of cotton wool in the end was wasted last time.

Hee, Im sure u can do trips too after ur bb is out. i started out with a drive trip first to malaysia when my gal was about 3 mths. easier as u have everything in ur car. Then went to Aust where it's bb friendly. We drove in europe too and it's very convenient and friendly. Maybe we started off early so she's not fussy when comes to sitting in the car seat at all for long drives and they tend to sleep in the car during the long journeys.
It's only when they are older that u have to bring certain things along to entertain them or make a few more breaks.
Pierced, the first driving trip to Malaysia, your bb really can sleep all the way in the car? Belle nv seem to be able to sleep in the car, just 30mins at most. If she is not sleeping, after 30 mins, Max, she will cry n wan to be out of the car seat.

I m also thinking of belle to oz end of the year. But I m concerned over the 7.5 hrs flight journey. Thinking of taking night flight as she will be sleeping most of the time.. But still worried she will keep crying on the plane n disturbed others. V embarrassing one ESP when her cries r v loud.
Hazel, first drive trip was ok, she didnt sleep all the way, sometimes will look around, we drove to genting coz it was cool.

I brought her to Brisbane too at 6 mths. Was actually worried too about the long flight etc but ended up ok. We took a night flight too so that she could sleep on board in the bassinet. Was quite prepared to breastfeed her, give her pacifer etc in case she cried during take-off etc but luckily ok. We took SQ and the steward serving us was very nice too and he said it's ok for bb to cry as it is a way for them to release any pressure on their ears.
End of year will be summer and quite hot too. But in a way need to bring less clothing.
Pierced, I guess my sis followed WBB's method of using sterilized cotton wool, I recalled my mum was quite upset cos not her habit

For flying overnight, my friend's experience with SG-Australia was not good. Baby couldn't sleep, so mummy and daddy couldn't too, ended up everybody was exhausted and grouchy the following day. He also recommended SQ, says very good service and will provide toys/ entertainments to babies/ kids.
Pierced, u mean u didn't do anything during take off b landing, ie feed or give pacifier n bb didn't get pain fr ear pressure? Wow! Thinking of Melbourne, end year weather is still cool. Lower end of 20s max n at night can be chilly.
Pierced, belle cries v loudly when she gets cranky, even when I carry n pat her to sleep. Struggles m yells big time... She is not easy... Dec she will be 10-11 mths, hopefully her temper gets better..
Tromso, why cannot sleep! Bb not tired? Cannot sleep dun cry is ok. Imagine keeps crying n wake everyone on the flight up! Terrible right? Following day, my plan is to rest after check in.
Hazel, it's day 4 after her jab. She missed 2 feed on sun and today. Yesterday missed 1 cos I force it in.

Tromso, yr fs master will tell u what u r. For me I m a strong fire. Like I said, stove is woman stomach. Imagine u have gas stove, fire +fire =?? I also have cyst. Thats y My fs lady is v concern over my kitchen and toilet. I m using induction cooker too. My kitchen is v windy. Lucky use induction.... If not how to cook. I use surgerical gauze to clean elis eyes, mouth.

Hazel, I m also v worried when elis goes to her ah ma house. Sigh.... Though she can sit in her car seat and sleep there the journey is horrifying.

Pierced, how did u feed yr gal when u did yr road trip?
cock cock...gratzz on yr long feng tai...for me, if at least one gal will be gd...i can't imagine having 3 boys in the house...

babylew..wow we stayed so close...how r u now?

blurxuan..i think my tummy big might be due to water. i got water retention during stim..so dun worry lah...what is yr weight now?

sisters gg to the fair on Thursday, keep us posted any gd lobang...but for me will be still early to start buying right?

Let's organize one gathering in jun? will be very exciting sia..haha
thanks catherine, tromso and pierced for trying to shed some light on bb stuff.. i am still highly "non-enlightened", but i guess i can just ask and learn along the way

thanks babylew and mc_007 too.. hope mc and blurxuan oso LFT!

btw, kikigal, barley water quite liang, chrysanthemum will be better...
Discover something again - was told TMC class give the swaddle cloth inclusive in the course price. My Frn said she recv it during her lesson 4 but her teacher is not Wong bb. I'm from Wong bb class but did not recv lehz. Anyone from wongbb also recv the cloth package?
Tromso, Kkh also taught that for my class last time but ended up me and my mum preferred to use washcloths too.
My hb also prefer SQ coz of service etc even though pay more and plus when ur kids r older, their in flight entertain saves u in a way!

Hazel, yup, I was surprised too so not every bb might need to be fed or pacified but Muz choose timing properly according to ur kid's timing. My only bad experience was when my gal was 2 and we flew back from Perth and she fussed and cried coz she was tired as timing for flight was out! Other than that, we flew with long flights to Turkey, Germany UK, all no prob. Hopefully this 2nd one will be a breeze too.
Hazel, Serving of food etc nit too bad coz night flight serving after that she slept. They dun disturb u already. The only prob is in case of turbulence where they want u to carry up the bb fr the bassinet. Some crew very 'niao' every single time will pester u to carry up. I has some who were very understanding and dun disturb u all the time to carry up even though I know it's safety precautions.
prob belle will be better since she will be older. Melbourne is nice! We might plan to go too end of yr with #2 tog.

Catherine, last time smaller just milk, then she started on solids so I brought along cereal, baby food jars. If its oz , even more convenient coz things are avail there so just buy from there! Only the milk need to bring and when u clear their customs, easier coz u have bb in tow, just declare all the dairy items etc.
Blur xuan, that family happens to be my hb's friend. And she said she like him so she did that! I heard the story fr my hb and I was like ''eeh' thankfully my previous maid not like that but I think I will try to hold on to not having another maid first till no choice.
Pierced, that's why I wan to take night flight coz belle will sleep hopefully. But return journey, wat timing will be gd? Any advice? I hv been to Melbourne 10 yrs ago. But will be first trip for hub n belle if we do go.

Catherine, oz n NZ r the best Plc to go with kids. Bb foods r abundant there n cheaper. Just bring enough to last 2-3 days. Diapers also easily bought there. Only need to bring a tin of FM. Can call milk Co to send a few sachets samples over too. Use it on board the plane.
hi tromso,

thank you for missing me hehehee..time really flies heheee ...mi trying to finalise all the tins ready like how to assemble the breastpump ...

i think other lady is ahead of me, i cannot remember whom hehheeee .....

hi northeast ladies, welcome... go shopping when u have more energy...yeah cos i pants easily after walking for 15 mins...

hazel,cat, chris baby, do u all have body aches n insomia in last trimeter huh?

hi pierced,

good that u r planning another trip to relax yourself heheee
Hi all, went to check out mothers en vogue in e pm. The shorts n denim skirts r not on sale but still bought e shorts. No choice haha. Then went to Mothercare looking for the body pillow one of the sis here posted but couldn't find. Where else can I get it?
Also bought some lounge wear as pjs fr uniqlo n some tights.
Where else can we check out nice maternity wear?
Pierced and hazel, now bb still small I m v concern with hot water to give her fm. ESP if go genting sure it's 10 hrs drive what if jam?? Hot water may b not hot.I plan to go after Xmas.

Pierced, when r u giving birth? I only plan to go melb next aug or nov. My cousin studies there so milk powder she will
help me buy. Diaper, hopefully elis is toilet trained by then. I really pray princess elis can tahan the trip,

Cock cock, nvm la juz ask when u have doubt

Blur xuan, u v excited to know gender is it? I knew mine at week 10.
Cockcock, thanks. Think too heaty cos not sleeping well, will go get chrysanthemum tea.

Btw, congrats on your LFT. Muz be very exciting ^^
Catherine, oz does not hv Enfalac FM. Got to bring fr here.

Sunbelle, only remember legs ache alot from minimum walking. Yes, keep waiting up at night.

Hazel, Cath, Chris, my gal juz went for her 1st 6 in 1 jab today n she running a fever nw. 37.5. Called clinic, dr said cannot take fever med as she still too young (2mths).

Hw ah?? Can we use the meth we use on adults for bb ie. put cold pack, blow fan....

Hw...? Kinda worry... Pls advice. Great Thks !
