(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Sashamama, one topic is on delivery which wbb already covered. Another topic dunno abt wat. Can't remember now. Not relevant n this speaker is v lousy.

Catherine, Elis more active now so more difficult to take. Belle was younger then. Just hv to keep taking. Hold her shoulder. ICA will cut out that part to make passport. That's wat Nellie did.

Tromso, I also using Clarins. At first only using the cream, but Dr Loh told me the oil is better. So now I'm using both, alternate days. It's really good n no stretch marks too.

Dr's talk really waste of time. I also left half way. My hubby fell asleep some more hehe
Sashamama i pm u le..
Chris my doc said cannot eat papaya.. Isit first trimester we cannot eat only or thruout preggie..
Mc wah ur tummy so,big?? Mine still not v obvious but big a bit only lei.. so different frm u.. so worried..

did you ask your doc why cannot eat papaya? me and hazel has being eating and i don't have constipation problem throughout my pregnancy.

i only avoided watermelon during pregnancy cos my colleagues keep saying its cooling and told me not to eat and they will stop me lor.. so if weather really hot i take only 1 small slice.
Chris. Duno she said we chinese aviod papaya pineapple n oso preservatives... Weather so hot i oso drink a bit of cold water.. haha.. cant tahan..
Wah Chris , u steady lor still can eat watermelon. Me also took papaya. I remembered I had craving for rojak and ate. My fren found out scolded me upside down lol... My mum din say I can't eat ma.... Heehee. I agree with chris. Now me ah sum cum moo moo cum bb sitter. Elis is queen. Hubby is lazy pig. Chris if I quarrel with my hubby and he dare to talk back war will start.
Chris if buy strawberry dun buy v big one.. coz inside hollow. Heard frm news eat too much nt good fr health.. duno add wat to make it big..

hahaha me and hbs every day sure got war hahahahaa cos i wake up 1hr earlier than hbs to pump milk and prepare other stuff lor...and still we both ended up late for work... so its always fireworks before we go work lor...
Dear Hazel,
Thanks! I still wondering if i should go, lol. If unhappy, will leave earlier then go for nice dinner. lol.

Now more gals on FB
hehe. 13 of us!
Finally sch hols.....can take a breather, although e meetings n reviews r killing me....just a few days more

Now so envious of my colleagues traveling for holidays, me can only stay in sg....bugged my DH to book some staycation n in e end, faster if I do it myself..sigh.
Blurxuan, I also took cold drinks once in a while during lunch time..imagine such hot weather n u r already perspiring..... My choice is fuji apple, w very little ice cubes....... Y Rojas cannot eat? I also ate Rojak once, but only eat e you tiao n taupok lah.
Sashamama, thanks for setting up e fb page. R u a teacher too? Saw ur info n u work in MOE....

hahahaha i like tat heehee
but wat to do so muz endure and give and take lor..no choice...at times we argue over baby stuff and at times other stuff never ending hahaha Now i tried not to touch on the topic of his bro staying with us cos no matter how i protests also no use lor, only war lor...so angry his bro spoilt my roller blinds in the study room where he is staying and he kept quiet lor so how to ask him to pay bk...hbs say never mind beitahan lor so end up if to fix a new one is i pay again not them lor ...hiaz............

i didn't take rojak at all cos of the prawn paste and also rojak is well-know to cause food poisoning if the food is not prepared properly so don't take rojak during preggy.
Recently I also started eating papaya and water melon..so juicy I can't resist. Oh, cherries are sweet & juicy too! The NZ kiwis are back in our supermarkets, thus can buy & eat for fresh & good vitamin C!
Angel, hubby bought kiwi for me ytd. Will start eating tomorrow. Think i better start eating papaya for my constipation. Really scare of constipation now. @shivers@
Bbjourney, is prawn noodle soup ok to eat? I have been quite addicted to the prawn noodle soup at Jalan Kayu. The soup base is sweet & 真材食料, heard that it's cooked with pork ribs & no msg. Everytime I eat that sure lick up the last drop of soup!
Water melon is v cooling. Worse is fr the fridge. I Dun dare to tough any during pregnancy. SOme otah r made fr macherel fish which Is a deep sea fish m the concern is the mercury level. So, dun eat too much, same for other deep sea fish.
No notes leh. I went for all 5 lessons and left only doc talk today. Wbb din give out any notes and din also say hv notes or where to get them. I wasn't late for any class. My Frn did pass me a small stack of notes from TMC other teacher - not sure if it's the same one. Yes I have her books as I signed up for FBI.

Rojas some pple say cannot eat cos got the prawn paste. Hmm why I dunno. But I ate leh.
Sashamama, Juvi, haha, so many teachers here! cant wait for sch hols soon too! too bad cant fly anywhere and can only drive to malaysia.

Angelxuan, u mean the jalan kayu prawn noodles is so nice? i havent tried it bef even though i stay so nearby. Always ony walk past the shop. hee...maybe shall try one day.

Why preggy cant eat prawn paste?
I also avoided rojak all this time, more because prawn paste is preserved and not sure if the processing method is clean (not sure if uses dried shrimps sunned outdoors casually), just like I have avoided ching-cha-lok, the onion shrimp chilli sauce too.

But I've been drooling each time I pass by the rojak stall and seeing the long queue, super green with envy heee... recently been thinking about Indian rojak!!! But the recent food poisoning case really puts me off same time
Blur Xuan, I've also taken notice of the huge strawberries, mostly from usa, I find them not juicy, white inside compared to Korean ones which are all red in and out. I've been suspecting the USA ones have been genetically modified, like many food items fr USA.

Actually strawberries have been classified as 1 of the fruits/ vege with most pesticides, I think ranked top 5. So if you like, can soak in salt water for a while before consuming, same goes for cherries. My daily fruits were organic apples and normal korean strawberries since BFP until now, buy no more Korean ones, so I don't eat USA ones. Have substituted with cherry tomatoes and prunes/ plums. Very tempted to get the cherries, in season now it looks
Haaa....Chris and Catherine, my hubby has been ok tahaning my whims and demands since preggy but waking up before 11am on weekends seems to be a mission impossible. My gfs been telling me to be wary that though he has been semi-diligent with housework to date, his 'housework handicapp' title may come back as soon as baby is borned, so I better not be too enthus to do-it-all again hmm... Ahhhh...men...grrr...to love them or hate them...lol...

Hi Baby, for fs, I invited the master to check things out for a peace of mind since also not fall pregnant after so much efforts then, also heard few friends were lucky enough to fall pregnant within 6 mths of seeing fs. Ended up stove position totally wrong position, which is what causes infertility he says. Subsequently I read up a bit and realised indeed stove positive is very important for those who choose to believe in fs. We didn't put any fs items in the house accept a water fountain. Plus shifted study desk position and added drapes at the door to the guestroom. I guess if it helps, it's good, if doesn't, at least didn't costs an arm or a leg
That couldn't get pregnant period was really tough, tried sooo many things...
Pierced, oops sorry, it's daughter
I just saw on fb your profile pix and realised it.

Road trip to msia sounds like a good plan especially it gets quite expensive and crowded during school hols to fly and with another little one inside

I was very keen to drive up to Malacca with parents and relatives this weekend but decided to pull out last minute. Auntie said the huge stretch of beachside reclaimed land, now has turned into some establishment, maybe waterfront living sorta, so was hoping to visit it and also fly kite
But considering will need toilet breaks quite often and usually feel tired after 3-4 hrs walking about outside, decided not good idea. Sigh, when baby comes along, will have to postpone travelling quite a bit.

Pierced, I think your girl will love the roadtrip to msia, any locations in mind? You are in 2nd trimester now right?
juvi and blurxuan...i also 偷偷drink a little cold drink during lunch...Haha...and since i can't take mummy milk now, i drink HL milk.

i hv book star cruise to redang next mth..hope dr tan will giv me the ok to go...hv been stuck in sg for so long..

sisters...can i ask do we take fish oil now? if yes, what brand?
A silly question mummies...after delivery, we can pretty much eat anything besides:

- food that causes gas
- alcohol (if breastfeeding)
- caffeine (in moderation still?)
- chicken/ seafood (if c section)

is this correct?

Means can then safely consume:

- sashimi and other raw/ semi-raw food
- cold cuts
- soft cheese
- cold drinks (in moderation?)
- liang fruits (in moderation or totally ok?)

Or should continue with very strict diet during confinement and only after confinement then opens the floodgate selectively??

Thanks for advice!!
Angelxuan.. mi too.. addicted to prawn noodle even before preggie.. Boon lay market hawker there damn nice.. Haha.. Always gt queue one.. m gg ltr to eat..
Mc. U not scare u will vomit ah tk cruise?? My doc say no overseas fr mi.. m so sad..
Sunbelle and Butters *waves*....

Butters, any good news fr you or still hanging in there?

Sunbelle you must be patiently waiting now...35 weeks?
Dear Tanny,
Weird hor that u didnt receive notes. But everything in her textbooks liao, so read those can already I think. Tonight the doctor's talk I'm still contemplating wanna go or not, lol. The parking is horrid! And so far no sisters say it is useful le!

No need fish oil now. When u ready for it, dr loh will prescribe, usually in 2nd trimester. Jus continue with folic acid and whatever other stuff dr loh gave.

Dear tromso,
I think better wait till after confinement month especially for cold drinks and liang food. Must drink longan red date tea etc. I dunno anything much but met my CL and she already gave me a long list of herbs to buy about 1 week before delivery.
Hi Lynn,

I am expecting singleton & this is my first pregnancy too. We are all here in this forum to support, share & learn from one another... No worries, you are not alone....
mc, how come the need to hide, thought you might want to at least inform your immediate boss and tell him/her to keep it a secret if you are waiting for 3 months to be over.

Mine is a small company so all the staff including the bosses knows about my IVF journey, failure and success and they do support me.

My only worries is about taking maternity leave next time... will I be allowed to take 4 months straight which is left to the company decision as to the remaining two months can I take continuous or have to separate into different days each!

My tummy can be seen but not that big yet so no one has yet to offer their seat to me... guess people might only think that I am fat @ that area! haha
Sashamama, I'm going for the dr's talk tonight, I hope not as uninteresting as those nan or similac organized talks. My hubby felt asleep at 1 of them
Hazel, so far I only had one slice of water melon as I was craving badly for it that day. Usually I do avoid it.

As for otah, I checked out a blog on the otah that I buy from and oops, they do use mackerel fish to make. Mackerel fish are high in omega-3 oils, smaller than their relatives tuna, spawn in fairly shallow waters but do live in deeper waters during winters. Haiz..there goes one of my favourite food.

Pierced, yes it is nice classic prawn noodle soup. I stay quite close to Jalan Kayu, so will usually go once per week with hubby. Note that the shop is closed on Tuesday, else it is open from 7am - 4pm.

Blurxuan, *hi-5!* we are prawn noodles lovers. :p

Tromso, will soak my cherries in salt water before eating. Previously I just wash them (& strawberries too) twice only.
Hi tromso, Hee yup In 2nd tri 26 wks now!
we will prob just go up to kl and Genting this time since hub can only get away for a while.
Actually We still travel quite often after my gal came out. It's easier with her being younger. But now probably with #2 out, will be more troublesome to travel.

Throll, u decide if u wan to take 4 mths ml at one go. Read mom website. If co n u cannot agree on how it is to be utilized, your decision will be final.
