(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group


yes, all the aches and i dun sleep well during last trimester cos keep waking up to pee.

wow talking about prawn noodles yummy i was addicted to it during my 3rd trimester. i keep thinking about it, be it fried or soupy kind i love it to the single drop. whahahaaaa

hi hi

actually can take medicine, they got panadol drops for baby. PD prescribed to us when she went for her jab when she was 2mths old. Anyway she just keep sponging her and keep her surrounding cool. Measure her temperature every hr. i kept using cold damn cloth to put on her forehead to keep her temperature down. Is your doc a PD???
hi hi

sorry just remembered PD gave us the panadol drops when she had her 3mths jab and she did had fever and we gave her the medicine once and fever went down. Got to keep measure her temperature every hour. U might wanna call your doc and ask if can't take fever medicine then wat can bb take?
btw where do u stay?
pierced.. isit.. omg.. u mean e maid like e sir ah.. eek... but news said she wan her mdm to b nice to her?? I scare of maid heard alot of tinks abt them..
CAtherine. week 10 can noe le meh.. so early?? I gg bk nxt week shd b week 9 i tink.. haha.. duno can see or not. but tink too early ba.. haha..
Bbliss baby after jab will develop fever is normal dun anyhow feed medication. Juz sponge her n monitor her temp every hour.. I worked in baby n kids clinic b4 so got these experience.. monitor bb temp n dun worry k..
Bbliss, belle was given panadol syrup on standby when she had her jabs at 2 mths plus. Dun blow fan when she is wet. Will get a cold. Keep Sponging her head to toe every hr if need be. Put a cold cloth on her head. Keep monitoring the temp,If keep going up bring her to KKH 24 hrs. Temp too high will get fits.

Chris, Clariss 4 mths jab last wk got any fever this time?
Bbliss, y cannot take? Elis has standby panedol for bb. Put the bb cold pad on her head. Ntuc has.... I have the medicine. I know how to count how many ml to give ... It's based on weight heehee ... U want ? Ask yr Hubby to fly over now

Chris, she stay on cck.

Blurxuan, mc- princess is not shy. My gynae could see lor
Hazel, really no enfalac? Thx for telling me!

Chris, my mum scolded my hubby! Lol he still defend himself and push blame on his princess. I told my hubby he need to help me every morning if not we sure late. I can't b late if not need to explain .. If too often will kena warning letter.
Hazel back next tues. I saw in my pd card that they need to take every mth until 7th mth old. I m off every 2-3 days each mth to look after elis after her jab.
Hazel, for return trip I think must pick the timing that belle sleeps otherwise if not possible, timings where she has enough rest bef boarding the plane.

Catherine, Genting not very long even jam, I bring those giant size vacuum flask but even the. More than enuf to feed coz normally one feed is few hrs between. But must use the better brand vacuum otherwise will not withstand. Malaysian Highway toilets are much cleaner and they do have bb rooms although not to our standard. Otherwise I just use the car instead. But u don't intend to bringher there till she's bigger rite so as to avoid going to ur mil place?
As for oz, they might not have the sme brand of formula better to bring ur own. Other things can get but fm is the most impt one to bring. Like my gal was on nan but diff places dont have so have to bring our own but these are to be consume so after ur trip no need to brig back.

no fever this time round, very good appetite after jab. Maybe this time jab only once, cos the 3 mths jab she has 2 jab at one go, that's why she had fever. Even the clinic asst told me tat is very common for them to have fever when they have tat jab but i forgotten the name of the jab. My fren GP also say the same thing so her son has the 2 jabs spaced out over 1 week and didn't have fever. My in-laws attributed to her drinking pao shen water lor cos my sil's bb also had it a few times, once time weeky over 3-4 wks before the jab and no fever at all for all her jabs. She's now 6mths old.

The next jab is 1mth later for her.

i like ur mum hahahaa good scold your hbs!! heehe me very bad hor hahahahahaaa cos i always kena from my mil lor, she'll defend her son and tell me off lor by nagging non-stop. hiaz...
Hi sunbelle, haven't heard from u in a while.
u are due soon already rite? Ya, I need a trip to relax, even though just a short drive trip. Hee...

Blur xuan, that was what she said too la dunno true or false. Luckily she was discovered.

yup we were given panadol drops for baby as standby after their jabs. Like wat hazel n blur_xuan and catherine says, just sponge her and measure her temp and record down every hrly. Use cold cloth to put on her forehead like wat our adults normally do. Keep her cool don't put on thick clothing or cover her up. Keep the room well ventilated. Feed her breastmilk to keep her hydrated. The fever should go off. If temp goes beyond 38.5 degrees u might wanna bring her to kk 24hrs. Cos 38 degree means fever for bb. For me i started giving her the panadol drops when she was 38.3degree kena chided by hbs for not giving her earlier
Hazel, catherine,

Oh my god now can't put clariss on the bed liao, my parents-in-law just feedbacked tat now she loves to use her legs to push backwards and like swimming backstroke she moved very fast backwards and even bolsters can't keep her down. They said they got to sit at each side to watch over her if not she'll fall off at the other end. Faintz..
hbs thinking of getting her the play mat but dun have place to put le, cos living room got bunny so not healthy cos of the fur.....hmmmm
Chris, hazel n Cath, e dr was saying becoz she ONI 2mths, not advisable to take any med and which is y this morning, he said no nid give any med for fever.

I spOnged her earlier n she nw fall asleep. So I placed a damp cloth on her forehead nw. Will monitor her temp again later.

Chris, I stayed at cck as wat Cath has ans

Blur xuan, ya, tat wat e dr said. Not advisable for such young age to take med. Ask mi to monitor n by trw, fever shld subside.
Chris and pierce , I teared this morning. I anticipate i will b v stress .. Everyday need to pump milk, wake big and small up... Rush to IFC then to work all on me ma then at work face kena sai boss, mountain of work, then rush home bathe elis, play with her. If no one help me at home my engine will collapse. So far my mum agree to help me first week. Hubby bring elis back, she shower elis then I can stay in office till around 7. Second week I have to rush myself cos mum and hubby r on late shift.

Pierced I m gg back 8 days earlier to have leave to bring princess for her jab. I have to clear 38 days of leave by mar. Planning to go genting or malacca in oct. my vacuum flask is from tiger. I scare we get lost ma.. Hubby is always lost in Msia. Dun laugh ok he dun know his route to his mum place from sg. I must tell him turn where after memorizing the map

Hazel I send u the list of injection that my pd state on his card.
Catherine, wow! No wonder ur mum also help u by scolding hub. Really will not be easy on u when u start work plus sometimes need to work late then how? U really will be like super mummy!
Guess ur hub not good with directions. Tiger should be ok since reputable. My big flask from tiger too. But if not very hot also still can make fm and give. I mean u dun do it all the time plus it's water from home. So far I have never taken water from malaysia shops yet.
Malacca and genting are still quite easy to go and there are signs. If u n hub intend to do drive trips a lot, can consider getting gps to help since not familiar with directions.
if jus once or twice, then no point.
Bbliss, pd told me to give 1ml if she has fever. I din take medicine from pd cos i need to pay. Heehee i went to gp take its paid by hubby co... Gp told me There is a formula to calculate. It's base on the weight of bb. Btw which pd r u seeing??

Chris, Elis is moving sideway too. My mum is fearful but not me. Haha
Catherine, I just checked belle's Vacinnation list. 4 mths, 5 in 1 plus rotavirus. 6 mths, 6 in 1. Then no more until 12 mths old!

Melaka n genting r easy to go. The furtherest we hv been is Cameron highlands. We love the pl, cold plus safe. Will bring belle there hopeful by next yr!
Pierced, my hubby has been seeing gps for at least 5 yrs. talk is easy but ask him to part his $ no way say I can read map, i m a walking gps. Tell u la he dun know how to go home from bugis. If u tell him go tmc he will think go kk. How to trust him? I will never take water from Msia not even from my mil house. That's y I m scratching my head what to do. Most likely I bring my kettle, mineral water to boil water make cereal for my gal to eat. Super mum... No la... I often work late ESP last 3 and first 3 biz day of the mth. How? Skip dinner or eat bread. Elis would have to come first. It's juz like u when u need to rush to mark papers juz have to do it right??.
Hazel, my gal enjoys cameron too! Plus air is fresh and cool. Nice to visit the farms. Penang is also nice with beach but need to drive a longer distance.

Catherine, Hee he prefers to use u to read map but if this is he case must be more careful then coz now with Elis, ur attention on her in the car so he has to handle the directions sometimes too.
Ya when it comes to our kid, no choice we have to go ahead and bear it for their sake but really still not an easy feat for u to juggle everything by yourself.
blurxuan, my initial scan on gender not q accurate coz maybe legs not wide open... catherine's case is v fast though.. but i think generally by 4-5mth shd be quite sure? i think no matter, what's most impt is bbies' good health right?

thanks chris! always brgt a smile to my face with your cute cartoon icons! i am also v enticed by the playpen at expo sale.. q confirmed i will buy coz the color is pleasant and i like.. i dont like those blue playpen..

catherine, time passes so fast n u starting work so soon! i am sure it will be v challenging for you to cope with the new arrangement and routine.. but you will find the right balance and overcome.. stay cool
Pierced... Now I m walking gps, caretaker of my gal in car and traffic watcher. Sometimes I really feel like telling him buzz off I drive better less stressful on me. I ren!!! Even groceries, wash car also done by me. Ask him wash car can wait for mths. Say v tired. I take it as exercise. I ren!!! Sometimes I prefer preggy days. I juz shake leg.... Want milk got milk. Want potato chip all on table for me.

Hazel u saw my email??
Hazel, he will say he dun need anything. What i like I buy cannot finish he is my cookie monster. Yesterday he ask me to cook chicken drumstick mee sua for him for today dinner. I tell him go fly kite. He only go if I need to buy from giant or rice, cooking oil. If not no way! Besides if u wait for him to go, he is juz playing with his phone following u. No néed ...

Cock cock, my gal gave me a v big feeling on week 9. That's y I told my gynae it's a gal when I saw her at week 10 which she smiled. My approach will b v different this time i go back. Family first. Besides I m told not to b so strict anymore.
catherine, relax the 1st 2 wks will be rush rush then u'll get used to it like me now lor.. i heng is cos i get to eat at in-law's place and pick clariss up and maid will see wat time i reach their place, if late they'll clean up bb and dress her in pj, then we just makan and bring her home in her pj.
hahaha hbs got better directions sense than me except going orchard or moving around there cos he mountain tortoise, always stay around tampines area so he knew where to get good food but not shopping lor. i love malacca and we know our way around and where to find food. if u go malacca, go stay holiday inn melaka, i always stay there, simply loved the place. Clean and good service.
Hi Joanne, fyi, my twin's 15 days stay at KKH Special Care Nursery cost total of $17,800 and my 3 days staff in B1 is $6950. Can't use medisave to make full payment, still hv to pay cash abt $7,400 (include twins and mine).
Dear Catherine,
I see. Previously I had my own apartment but I'm staying with my mum now, so I guess I can't do anything much with fs here. When I need, I'd contact you again, thanks!

Dear cock cock,
Congrats on your long feng tai!!!

Dear tanny,
No I didn't receive the cloths le!!! Anyone of you attended WBB's class and received cloths? Was told I needed to purchase.

Re: Motherhood fair
I gonna go on Thu to see see look look, then Thu night mtg my girl friend who just delivered in Jan for her advice on my shopping list, then Fri I do the buying, lol.

Re: Doctor's Talk
I felt unwell and didn't go in the end. Was anything important covered for those who went?
Hi Sunbelle, I'm glad you are doing fine there. I've started to get the little aches around the hip and waist area too, especially if I lie down too long on 1 side or walk too much. For your aches, just wondering if little stretching helps? Those we learnt fr WBB classes...

Hi Sashamama, you didn't miss anything last nite. 1 hr was Cordlife talk, other hr was dr's talk about maintaining good relationship with spouse and family members; how to prevent/ identify depression. Nothing on delivery or babycare. When dr mentioned that hubbies should 'bend over backwards' during this period, I turned to my hubby and gave him a smirk and he let out a sigh...lol...

Carherine, looks like your hubby has strong reliance on you. I could identify with your situation a lot, hubby using Hp all the time during our grocery shoppings cos I'm shopping for 'my' items, not his...haaa...house items not considered his, so funny. But this only happened during first 2-3 yrs of marriage, now that he has to buy groceries on my behalf, he is fast learning which brand, what items and what prices, etc. Last night whilst coming home from the tmc dr's tok, I decided I needed to eat dou hua cos getting hungry. Usu we'll illegal park at hawker and I'll get off the car and get the items but recently been getting a bit sore (heavier now) so hubby has to get the food. He was quite reluctant last night to be tasked buying dou hua and commented that he hopes he won't be stuck with this task forever (like he drives, so naturally I should be the one to get off the car and buy food). Sigh...I just kept quiet loh... I think good times will not last for much longer... But luckily hubby is a gentle natured person, usually very complying (but will take forever if tasked to do anythg like repairs in the house etc), so I count my blessings in this. Maybe he feels he has been overworked at home during this preggy period...heee... Hope Eli's will slowly melt your hubby's heart and he'll be more involved eventually. I think guys just take longer to adapt, I look at my BIL, my sis is doing most of the babycare too. Even on BIL's off days, niece stays at my mum's place unless both sis n BIL are off same day, sigh...
Tanny and Sashamama, I didn't receive the swaddle clothe during WBB lessons too, WBB did ask us to check if we are entitled to them foc. Yesterday before the talk, some couples were collecting their swaddle clothes at the counter and when I approached them, I was told they don't have in records that I'll be collecting fr them...I asked if its free or have to purchase, the counter staffs looked unsure. I'll call Parentcraft later to double confirm.

Looks like the logistics is very messy there, Tanny you didn't get any notes, whilst my whole class missed 1 lesson (WBB had to do media apperances that day) and wasn't informed about the makeup class
Then so much confusion about swaddle clothes foc or not
Anyways, no sweat, I'll let you both know later.
Hi Tromso,

hahaa mi like forgotten a bit of the stretch exercise liao hehehe jus rotate my necks and shoulders to prevent some neck and shoulders ache. hehehe how come the class so good gave free swaddle cloth? ours we have to buy for a pack for $31.50. yeah agree that the logisitics there very luan cos we always receieve last min sms informing us the class is postphoned etc.

Hi Pierced, this week got motherhood fair so you can get your tins too hehehe

Cat and Hazel, looks like from all your postings, you all are the main care giver to your princesss. guys are always guys i guys...take it easy when you go back to work. chris baby : envy u have good support from your in laws is very impt as they dun mind you picking up baby late etc. unlike if the baby is under the care of a paid nanny then we have to stress like mad to rush to pick her up.

Kimmy, how are u coping huh?who is helping u now huh?

Blissed : is your baby better today huh?

cock cock: congrats on a hao zi hehheeh
Sunbelle, we didn't even receive SMS about makeup session for the most breastfeeding lesson, then was told last Sunday that no more classes for us
i think about 50-70 couples missed it
I'm chasing up on this now....

I think you can try the pelvic tilt position (hands on knees on the floor/ mat), hopefully lossens the tighness in the muscles. There's also this 2 or 3 stretches to lengthen our back and spinal (was told many aches and pains originate from our lower spinal sections). See if you can find the notes or the Parentcraft book
Tromso and sunbelle, my hubby is the care taker if we go out. I can't carry elis for long bcos her weight. My pram is also v heavy. That's the only consolation. Neither do I carry Elis bag. He does it or hang around pram. at night or weekebd if elis cry I juz Shout for him. I help unless he can't handle or I buay tahan or elis poo. Usually when she poo we have to b v fast cos her leg may touch her poo... I really hope he change and help me in the morning and at night. Praying v hard

Tromso, in a way whatever I buy my hubby dun dare to touch unless I ask him to eat or offer to him lol....
Hi Sashamama and Tanny, here's the deal with swaddle clothes saga. If you have paid before March 12, you'll not be entitled to the 'essential pack', that is 2 swaddle clothes + 1 towel + 15 pcs washcloths. These students would have paid $319.63 (with FBI card) for their registration.

I think we have all paid $275.45 for registration, hence, essential pack is not included.

If keen to get it, can purchase at Parentcraft shop TMC L1,
Mon-Fri 9 to 6pm
Sat 9 to 1pm
Essential Pack at $31.50

Hope this clarifies.
Sunbelle, hub said he will help with night feeds after I go bk to work. He better be meh, ESP when both of us r working. If not, belle is solely mine
Catherine, indeed, after I posted earlier, I recalled you mentioned a few times that your hubby has been quite helpful in pacifying Elis all this while
This is good
I guess as long as they shower love and concern to the family, it's encouraging. Singapore mummies are just very superwomen, the men probably has different roles to play, that's why it will be complimenting in the end hopefully
Hazel, I just recall. Although the temperature is still on the less harsh side in Melb during Dec, the UV will be quite strong then. During Dec mths, we go around in t-shirts usually cos the UV makes it that little warmer. Gd idea to apply sunblock on Belle too. But early mornings and nighttimes do get colder.
sunbelle, yup i was hoping to pop by the motherhood fair to see if there's anything i can grab from there but need to come back to school again tomorrw. Dunno if the cot they are selling is good, coz i think i need 2,one to place at my mum's and my place.

Hazel, to add to Tromso's suggestion, must put moisturiser on Belle's cheeks and face too coz of the dry weather and sun. my gal ended up with rosy cheeks due to the weather but really look cute with it la. I gave her prune juice and water as she was prone to constipation at that time.
but dunno whether how true if it's due to the weather, my gal had hair that was punky and stand up all the time but after the trip to Oz, her hair all flattened and no longer stood up like a punk. So cool! so at least dun look so ugly.

Hi Tromso,

i still rememeber tat once the sms send the wrong date and i went to call up the nurse to inform them. they resend the class new date again...sign..my hubby was saying majian the whole world comply with all the last min changes. yeah glad the classes are over cos the last few classes are like crash course over 3 nites consecutively...very tired really...tromso : i always call up before i go for the class to ensure no cancellation lor...dun wan to make a waste trip there...

wow Cat, at least your hubby still listen to you and help to carry Elis when outside. yeah guess he will step up soon. Hazel, guess your hubby oso learning. i oso hope my hubby will help as much as possible in second month when confinement lady left cos my mum is working lor...i have not muchie help..maybe plan to go half day in mum place from second month onwards lor....hmmhmmmm.....

oh yes, is dr loh letting hubby cuts the baby's umbelical cord huh? Hazel,Kimmy and Bliss? not sure whether is this done....
