(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

I love Rojak n prawn noodles too! I tried the one at jln kayu, but I prefer the one along upper pays Lear rd , Geylang prawn noodles. The broth is sweeter
was tempted to go eat there a few times but was afraid ordered already then can't take the smell or taste now. Used to be my comfort food

Sashamama n peirced, big waves to u gals. I tak boleh tahan Liao today took mc to rest after e whole day of meeting yesterday. Heee it's more like I can't wake up at all....I'm in e pm session so reporting at 830 is like super early Loh.
I'm very tempted to go down to center point later to get some maternity shorts n bottoms..anyone keen?
Hazel, ok! Hehe..:p

Juvi, haven't tried the Geylang prawn noodles yet. Got to try it some day! Suggest you can order one bowl first, if really cannot take it then pass to your hubby. That's what I did during trimester 1..lolx!
Pierced, I stay in Anchorvale area. Just 3 bus stops away from Jalan Kayu or 5 mins drive.
how about you? Think we can meet up for prawn noodles!
Wow it seems there are a few sisters staying in Seng Kang, I am staying @ Compassvale Lane...

I miss the Jalan Kayu prata...
Omg u gals make me drool now. When I was in my first trimester I ate a lot of prawn noodles and jelly. Go out eAt my first lookout prawn mee my hubby always ask me to change I say no. Haha

Tromso, dun go Msia. On the road there isn't much places with toilet bowl that u can sit and pee. V dangerous to squat and the toilets not v clean type. I always have problems if I go to my mil place.

Re home fs, the stove is the woman stomach. Toilet is woman womb. If u bleed a lot means yr toilet not v gd la... My fs master always tell me dun over decorate toilet and check if I bleed a lot every mth when I see end of each yr. I was even told not to use gas stove. I dun know if it's magic or what... My fs lady made me carry elephant and put a pair of elephant in a certain direction of my house then I manage to conceive. It could also b magic that my sinseh did or both? Dun know. All these happened within 3 mths. At that time I was in the q for ivf. My fs master asked me last yr if I wanted a 2nd child. Hubby say if got is gd. Fs master did rearrange my elephant direction but I will tell her to remove it end of this yr. one is enough. I m completely drained!!!
Throll, I am waiting for the Robinson sale to check out Clarins oil. My friend recently told me if no stretch marks yet, Clarins oil is good; if already got stretch marks then Clarins cream helps to make them less obvious. She also recommends Palmers which is a cheaper alternative to Clarins cream.

Pierced, Throll, we are neighbors.
Throll, I usually go to the one next to the prawn noodle shop coz hubby prefers that, don't know same or not as the one you go to but I guess all the prata shops there are good. :p

Lunch soon..wonder what to eat. The prawn noodle soup not open today
throll, angelxuan and pierced..I stayed in Seng Kang too..Compassvale..jus opp compass point.. wow.. maybe next time can arrange meet up..haha..

throll..cos my co didnt know about my case, that's why I am trying to delay the announcement or else abit strange like you jus went for ops and now preg..lol..

see how.. maybe will announce next week...or else stress too..or i am thinking too much
Throll thanks.

So that means we can eat seafood? As long as they are fully cooked?
I love eating grilled squid & butter prawns & have been avoiding them since stimulation.

My RE had also advise not to do any traveling esp during 1st trimester.
juvi...can let me know the price of shorts if u are gg now..i hv search online and it cost ard $40 including shipping...so not sure is consider cheap or not.. short in jeans material.. thanks ya
Oh ya Angel, thanks for the info. I almost bought a bottle of bio oil yesterday. My GF was given by her RE a list of names of ingredients in her skincare products or makeup that may be harmful to pregnancy. She was using clarins & had to go thru them individually. Do any one of you were given the list? Btw she was seeing a Prof at Gleneagles.
MC007, yeah! I am on for meet up

Compasspoint is my usual lunch place..quite boring hor? But my DH doesn't allow me to go far on my own.

Lynn, I had crayfish pasta & ramen, and prawns during 1st trimester. However I heard that shouldn't eat sotong and stingray and big deep sea fishes like sharkfin and tuna.
Bb journey, did yr mum tell u y cannot eat stingray, crab, squid? I ate when I was preggy!!! I m ow the 'myth' behind mutton.

Cock cock... How?? What did the prof say????
Wah so many mummies in e north east! I'm staying in Punggol so we can all meet up one day. Angelxuan, mayb next week we can meet for lunch when I dun hv to go back to sch heehee, will ur hv allow u to go further if u r driven? Anyone on for lunch next week?
The jln kayu prata has been declared lousy by me for quite some time. I discovered another prata shop at hougang ave 8 near the macs which serves v good prata, much much better n nicer than e jln kayu ones

MC, ok I will check for u...me quite desperate Liao cos all my shorts r too tight, including my pajama shorts....then e maternity jeans my fren pass to me still too loose..so bo Bian gotta spend abit lah. Come to think of it, since starting the IVF till now, I haven't really go shopping at all so saved a lot haha! Also saved from spas n massages......all these r just gonna go to my baby in future.
juvi...thks ya...luckily i got a big bag ofmaternity clothes from my fren...can save me a lot of money liao...just need to buy a few more...

I bought XL home shorts & L sleep shorts @ Isetan atrium sale last weekend @ Nex... I very KS, already started buying maternity tights/pants/T shirt/dress online from Gmarket, also bought 3 blouses from Spring @ Nex.

For those with growing tummy and still want to continue wearing their own jeans/pants, I recommend to buy the belly belt. I bought mine from babyonline, I was told Mothercare & Kiddy Palace do sell it too.

Just had crayfish ramen..hehe.,since today's theme is seafood. But the crayfish is unusually small..disappointed..not in season?

Lynn, I also checked thro all my skin care products, shower gel/scrub, shampoo, conditions, leave-on moisture and hair masks against the list. In the end, I am down to only a few existing items that I can use. Luckily not working, so no need to check on make-ups.

Hi Juvi, sure we can meet up for lunch next week.
you drive? My hubby should be ok with me being driven as he drives me around on weekends. Actually if short distance, I can drive too. His main concern is that I shouldn't drive too fast like on highway as my blood pressure tend to rise up quite a lot even when I walk very fast.

Actually I also need to buy a few more casual maternity bottoms but intend to check out the maternity shops at centerpoint together with the Robinson sales.
Juvi/Angelxuan/mc/pierced, yes let arrange a meet up one weekend...

Angelxuan, I am waiting for the Robinson sale too, maybe just buy the Clarins oil...

& wow Crayfish pasta & ramen, you really know to enjoy lunch... I had Mee Soto, very boring, as I ate, it got more & more tasteless... no more Mee Soto for me...
juvi/angelxuan, if i'm free, dun mind joining u gals as well for lunch.

Throll, yup, we can meet up one day.me waiting for the robinsons sale too so as to start buyin more bb stuff.

wow! crayfish ramen, yum! i had yucky mee rebus catered for lunch. tasteless!
Dear Tromso,
Me and hubby not keen to go at all!!! Still undecided abt going, lol.

Dear Miracle,
I never see your FB message le!!! Add me at [email protected] or give me your email add?

Dear Juvi,
Just rest whenever you can. Now most important for baby!!!

Dear Catherine,
Who is your fs master huh? Can PM or share the charges? Previously I tried 3, all didn't seem to work!

Dear cock cock,
How r u?
My shorts or pants oso getting tighter but i cant seems to find any good pants to buy.. Any idea where to buy?? M gg to motherhood sales end of tis mth..
Throll, Pierced, Juvi, MC, yup yup let's arrange to meet up.

Cockcock, Heartbeats and Hope, still interested in a gathering? Bbjourney, you need CRIB till delivery?

Blurxuan, can use clarins oil to help prevent stretch marks (but I think no guarantee). Good to start using it early.
Bb journey Heng leh nothing happened to me!!! Someone told me crab has so many legs when bb is born their hand leg r v active. Told my mum she smiled but she let me eat. I only ate twice.

Sasha, my fs lady only do referral. She has a shop at suntec city. Charges I dun know. I let her c my house then after that u r her client she will tell u what to do if u need help. If u r keen, let me know. I ask her staff if she still take in clients.
dear sisters, so much talks going on and i cant catch up... so much abt food and what to avoid, i think i didnt do very well in all these.. i had rojak, stingray, etc and didnt watch on what things i shdnt use... i just carry on and never find out... hope alls well

catherine, thanks for remembering! and thanks sashamama too! actually, i cancelled my 2nd detailed scan at camden today and thot of saving the $720 for bbies stuff... KK cleared my second detailed scan so i thot i will save the $$.. (but in my heart i still worry coz my gynae like flip through the reports v fast dont know got read or not).. i think i may not have updated here, but i am expecting a boy and a gal (not 2 gals as predicted based on my first scan at camden).. while i must say i am excited, i must also admit that there are things which i worry about... i think all MTBs here also have various stuff which you will worry about... i intend to check out the motherhood expo sale this thu.. but i am really clueless about what to buy, what brand is good etc... i have no "hand-me-down" as all my friends have long past the age of having newborns...

dont know who is next in line to give birth, but jia you all sisters! today heard a new mum just gave birth, i am sooooo happy for her.. i wish our turns come v soon!
Cockcock, wow! 龙凤胎!congratulations! Really happy for you!

You are going to the motherhood fair this Thur? Taking leave to go? Me too thinking of going on Thur to avoid the weekend crowd..but not sure hubby can take leave or not. A lot of things I also don't know and no hand-me-down too, so taking this trip as a learning opportunity.
Cockcock, wow! Boy girl twins. So exciting! Dont worry too much since ur gynea has cleared u after the 2nd scan.

Angel, i would love to attend the gathering. Dr Loh said he wants me to bedrest until i give birth lah. But not sure if i m allow to go out for s short while with minimum walking. Moreover, need to get permission from hubby :p
Cock cock mi 8 weeks le ba i tink.. haha.. But tummy nt so obvious like mc.. so worried.. M not small size.. weighing 60kg b4 preggie.. m 164cm tall. Average ba.. Now is worried abt my LS every morning.. Tis morning nt v watery but still is LS.. Worried.. nxt tues gg to c sadhana.. hopefully will recover by then.. i stopped all milk but LS didnt stop..
Cock cock congrats!!!!! Ai ya what u want to know juz ask. I can tell u what to buy. First must buy is diapers, wet wipes. Next hankie and clothes, milk bottles and powder, steraliser , their washing liquid. U see my house like warehouse lor so messy....

If u ladies r gg on thurs to bb fair can update me on the price of the Korean playmat? I need the prices to know if I should go down. Thx a lot
Catherine, I have the Motherhood fair brochure (big hard copy). The Korean playmat that will be sold by Babyspa (size: 1.5m x 2.0m x 15mm double sided) costs $140 (UP: $220). Worth buying?

I just cross 17 weeks. Do you think it's still too early for me to buy baby stuffs from fairs and sales? Coz, after this season, I am not aware of any more good sales before I'm due in early Nov..

hi blurxuan, i guess you are not small frame then.. good.. dont worry abt tummy not growing yet.. later it may develop v fast.. initially mine oso not so obvious... then sudd can start increasing... like u i also LS since day 1 (before tested bfp)... at first i was ok coz i read cld be due to expanding uterus.. but it continues for so long... it was until recently that i stopped drinking mummy milk that LS gone.. but i am ok drinking HL milk and soya bean milk.. hope ur problem goes away soon! must drink more water to replenish lost fluid ok

thanks catherine! last sat i went robinson bb dept w my hubby.. saw so many things i scratch head... what philip avent sterilisers and milk bottles so many kind (diff packaging, i dont know if they are the same).. then got milk pump so many brands, manual and electric or PIS.. what is good? i was bewildered.. u asked me about KPIs and strategy map i know more.. what bb stuff i really dont know... so clueless that i dont even know where and how to start asking! in the end i retreated.. coz felt v embarassed at my ignorance... then quickly went home and take part in mothercare survey hoping they will call me soon and give a guided tour... havent heard from them...

i read that the koren playmat selling $140 (UP: $220)
