(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Pierced, there is an advertismenet on the ST Life shwing the different prices of playpens. check it out hehee

i havent decided when to go cos not sure whether will be super crowded leh...yeah mayb friday see how hehehe hope from thursday able to see some of the updates by ladies whom been there ..at least can decide whether wan to go or not..cos cannot walk for too long now...funny, like body aching easily leh..issit i blow too muchie air con lately huh? hmhmmhmmm....

sunbelle, u mean can cut? I know my #1 didnt at KK and it was KT Tan who cut her cord. not too sure if it's allowed?

Playpens? Hmm im not lookin for playpen, only cots and my hb aso only want those which we can lift up to at least like a changing table height if not back breaking. just wondering whether the cots they advert cheaply will be good or we will just get it from kiddy palace.

aches? maybe it's your joints stretching towards the end. mine is lower back pain, too much bad posture
Hi, Tromso. Thanks for asking how I am.

Actually I've popped! Last Thursday. At 37weeks.
Gynae was worried about ctg results and baby's reduced movement so was induced.

Admitted about 3.30pm. Put on drip, epi, broke water bag, etc...
Only felt some of the contractions (which was bearable) til they upped my epi.

Baby came out abt 7 hours lata, helped by forceps. A few hours lata, nurses found tt she has diff breathing, PD came n saw, diagnose was tt she had residue water in her lungs so had to be put under observation. But all fine now, she'll be discharge today. Picking her up lata.



Sunbelle, yes hub can cut bb's umbical cord. Dr Loh asked hub if he wanted to cut after belle was delivered. Hub scared of blood do nv cut!
Pierced, my hubby cut elis umbilical cord.

Tromso, my prayers were answered. Today hubby rush over to IFC sat thru with me on the explanation and brought elis things over. Also keep asking elis if she was ok. Later he will send me to buy more things that IFC need. yes he does feed and take care when he is home....

Hazel, elis is v gd at IFC. She scream when i wanted to. Bring her Out and in mrt for 2 stops. I want to push myself a little and take mrt. I made it so happy. She is v quiet at IFC keep looking at Pictures and bb friends of her. Principal walked thru with me, hubby and pd nurse what they will do ie feeding, changing, bath etc. We r fine. Hope it remain like this! I m so scare she cry.... At least my worries are really uncalled for. I also din cry. Seeing her settle well today make me v happy
gratz butter...

Angelxuan..my MIL boil birdnest for me previously only from 5 mths onwards.. before that she say cannot drink yet
Butters, congrats on your delivery!

Cock Cock *hugsss* so happy for you! Must take care ok? I will also jia you with you!

Angel, Babyjourney, you gals knew gender already? Yesterday at Dr Loh's, think we can guess already though better to confirm at detail scan.
MC, thanks. Your mil v nice.
Do you know why cannot drink bird nest before 5 months?

Hihi Heartbeats! My last scan was 2.5 weeks ago, think still early then so don't know gender yet. When is your detailed scan?
I dont know when is my detailed scan, i think end jun. Yesterday he scanned and pointed out and said 'got ku ku jiao' for 1 twin. The other twin we saw looks different and he say no KKJ so we are guessing most prob B/G twins.
By the way, Angel, Babyjourney, Hope, Coolcool, cant join you all for WBB classes le. HB cant make it on sundays so we might change to other days.
I should be 16+ weeks? Yesterday's scans didnt show EDD and CRL measurements. I think i am behind you, Babyjourney, by about a week. Oh my detailed scan is at KKH so abit different from you gals. I remember seeing a end jun date. Dont know is that detailed scan or cervical length. Dr Tan HH got order cervical length test for me also.
Heartbeats, we are just a few days apart lah. My recent scan also did not show EDD date.

Angel, detail scan need to be done after 20weeks or can be before 20weeks? Cos i count n count, my detail scan is just slightly before 20weeks.ok or not har?
Thanks Blurxuan. My mum & mil never tell me leh, think they are not sure..coz last time my mum asked me to take cordyceps abit too early..then mc..so now they might be scared to advise me. I will start to buy & prepare the tonics then.

Heartbeats, so exciting to have LFT! Congrats!
Bbjourney, if I remember correctly, I think Dr M said it's ok 1 week before to 1 week after week 20. Mine is one day after week 20.
My detailed scan is on 29 Jun which is 21 weeks 5 days la. My next gynae appointment is next Friday. Haven't seen bb for so long.. Don't know how is bb doing.. My last scan is my oscar scan on 23 April. Don't think my gynae will scan on next appointment too.
Dear Tromso,
Thx for the update on the talks! Guess I won't request to go on another day! And thx for the info on essential pack! I'd go buy one pack next Friday during my visit! Hehe...

Dear butters,
Congrats on your delivery!!! And glad that u can bring baby back already!

Dear Hazel,
I've to go for c-sect. I surely wanna get hubby to cut the cord, lol. Will it hurt huh? Oh then again, we are under anesthesia, lol. I wld lie to him it hurts. If I can remember!!!

Dear heartbeats,
Congrats on LFT! Many mummies' dream!!! Usually gender confirmed at 20 weeks' detailed scan! But for me, still not 100% confirmed. But I think got 80% confirmed girl already. Every visit I ask Dr Loh to scan he also say unsure. Previously 20-week scan the sonographer says likely girl but not confirmed. Anyway, I just thinking along girl liao. hehe....

Re: Motherhood fair
Hubby not working tmr, so we going in the morning. Anyone wants me to look out for anything? I can take photo with my hp and post on FB group or PM you, hehe. Or I can post here too, just that I've forgotten how to!!!
Sashamama, I dun feel pain during labour n delivery n when dr Loh cut the cord. But, I felt pain when dr Loh stitched me! I kept moving ard n whining! Making dr loh's job difficult. Not sure if the nurse if it because the nurse decreased the volume of epidural. I asked dr Loh how long will I take to recover, Ie, no discomfort n pain. he said for me, 2 wks! He said my threshold for pain is vv low. :p
Oh! My mum has cooked bird nest for me a few times liao! Those Chinese medicine hall said ok n good? N she cooked cordyceps w meat for me to drink n eat.. To play safe I didn't take these in first 3 mths. Now I worried liao!
Dear Hazel,
Thx for sharing! Yours is natural right? Mine c-sect so probably can't feel anything (I HOPE!!!). My threshold also super low. lol.

Dear cock cock,
Don't worry too much. I till now never take anything other than the occasional chicken essence that my hubby double boil for me using chicken breast meat. My dad bought bird's nest for me but I've not taken, mainly cos I never liked such stuff. If what u consumed is not much, I don't think it's a cause of concern.

WBB says for bird's nest, not proven to have any effects. Some mummies who tried say their babies have smooth and fair skin, some say babies developed allergies. I guess taking a bit can la. I wanna start a spoonful a day or alternate days, just haven't gotten down to it yet!

I think the 5th month mark is the 20-week mark where everything is more stabilised. Even WBB's class also need to wait till 20 weeks and above then attend. So some ladies will not take any herbs nor tonics before that lo. Maybe can google for more info?
Hi ladies, may I know what r e qns I should ask when selecting confinement lady? What should I look out for? Really dunno what to say n ask......gosh, feel so silly haha.
MC, no prob.

To double check, I SMS one of my TCM doctors to check if I can start taking bird nest and codyceps, as I'm already 17 wks already. She said can, and best to consume on empty stomach first thing on the morning. Can consume once or twice per week. In fact, she said I can take these earlier but I didn't ask her from when...

Cockcock, I think you don't have to worry as you didn't take these tonics in your first 3 months. Your mum also v nice leh! Envious!! I got to prepare for myself.
My CL's List of Herbs to buy 1 week before delivery. For your reference. If you getting a CL, better to get her list cos I guess there will be differences!!!

红枣 Hong Zao (Seedless) 3kg
龙眼干 Dried Longans 3kg
黑枣 Hei Zao 300g
北芪 Bei Qi 300g
当归 Dang Gui 150g
枸杞 Gou Qi 1 packet
党参 Dang Shen 300g
杜仲 Du Zhong 50g
泡参 Pao Shen 100g
淮山 Huai Shan 200g
海玉竹 Hai Yu Zhu 300g
天麻 Tian Ma 100g
川芎 Chuan Xiong 20g

惊风散 Jing Feng San 1 bottle
苏合丸 Su He Wan 1 big packet
大风艾 Da Feng Ai 1 Box

白米酒 Bai Mi Jiu 1 bottle for bathing (About $3-4) & 1 bottle for cooking (About $8-9)
绍兴酒 Shao Xing Jiu 1 bottle
姜酒 Jiang Jiu 1 bottle

黑木耳 Hei Mu Er 100g
黑豆 Hei Dou 1 packet
冬菇 Dong Gu 1 packet
姜 Jiang 600g
麻油 Ma You 2 bottles
胡椒粉 Hu Jiao Fen 1 bottle
胡椒粒 Hu Jiao Li 1 bottle
生抽 Light Soya Sauce 1 bottle
黑酱油 Dark Soya Sauce 1 bottle
玉米粉 Corn Flour 1 packet
Angel, when do u intend to start taking birdnest? Can i take those bottle one cos i cannot go buy n dunno how to cook birdnest? I hv some bottled birdnest with collegen n some without collegen at home. Can take these?

Sashamama, thanks for sharing the list of herbs to buy. I meeting my CL in aug to get the list from her. So now i hv a rough idea what are required.

Juvi, u may want to ask CL on her charges, does she need work permit (if she is not a singaporean/PR), need to give deposit, does she help out with simple housework like sweeping n mopping the floor, will she clean the kitchen after cooking, can she also cook dinner for hubby, does she do laundry for baby/yourself, is she pro breastfeeding, list of herbs and food to get ready for confinement, is she available if you deliver before your EDD etc etc...
Dear Juvi,
Regarding CL, I was totally clueless too! After seeking advice here, I needed to think through what are my needs and wants and preferences before I can ask questions and find out if she may fit my criteria. But I think most importantly is to get someone through word of mouth, will be best!!!

Some questions you may wanna consider:
1. Are you pro-breastfeeding?
(I wanna breastfeed, some CLs are against it and will keep demoralising you.)
2. What would you suggest for night feeds if I want to breastfeed?
(Some will say use formula milk, some say expressed breast milk so that u can have a good sleep, some say she will bring to you for latch on breastfeeding)
3. Cloth diapers or disaposable?
(Some will say disaposable whole day - some will refuse to wash cloth diapers, unless of course u have maid to wash cloth diapers. Some will say day time cloth, night time disaposable. But for breastfeeding, i heard baby poos a lot.)
4. Sleeping arrangements?
(Some will wanna sleep alone with baby, some needs an afternoon nap)
5. Cooking?
(Some cook just for mum and themselves. Some cook for hubby and other family members as well.)
6. Housework?
(Some will do sweeping, mopping daily and cleaning of kitchen after cooking.)
7. Menu
(Check what she prepares for u throughout the day. Some for breakfast only do bread, some will cook mee sua. And other than 3 meals, should have tea break, maybe supper and also soups, tonics, etc.)
8. Boiled water
(Check if she'd boil water for u to use at all times, like boil beforehand and cool overnight so that u have boiled water to use in the day to wash up etc.)
9. Work permit
(For freelance, ensure she wants you to do work permit for her. If she suggests you don't apply in order to save some money, beware that there're consequences if found out!)
10. Babycare
(If you have preferences, tell her and see what she says. For eg bathing baby how many times, etc)
11. Other Info
- Years of experience
- How many assignments in singapore a year
> But she may or may not tell the truth la
- If u have pets, also ask if she is ok with pets.

Any other advice from others?
Bbjourney, even though my tcm dr has given me the green light to take tonics, my hubby thinks it's better to take after 20 weeks ie. after passing the detailed scan.

I also have 2 boxes of bottled bird nest with collagen from my sister. Need to check with tcm dr tmr whether can take bottled ones or not. Will let you know when she replies.
Heartbeats, hee so most likely boy girl! So nice!

Sashamama, hee normally girl shy, my girls are always hiding so only can wait till detailed scan to confirm. This time round, have gut feeling too coz no matter what I dunn feel like I have a boy.

Hazel, same I only felt the pain during stitching time, super painful, maybe coz the epi wearing off already.
Any idea if dr Loh can deliver at mt A? Coz I see one other thread mummy under dr loh delivering at mt a?

U gals got bu ah, so far I didn't really take anything except occasional birdnest and hashima. Those coz my gal enjoy eating it and my mum boil it for her. She has high class taste. We bought few hundreds bucks worth of birdnest the other time coz of her.
Cheaper alternatives my mum said can eat the beancurd skin barley boiled with ginkgo nuts. The older Cantonese believe bb will come out with smooth skin. Otherwise, white fungus dessert coz got collagen too. But I just eat coz I like to eat. Haha!
Wah.. The thread is running so fast everyday tt i hv problem catching up..

I am abit worry now as can feel one of my bb very low down there n some pain below when he or she move.. One of my friend having twins just pop yesterday at 32wks.. Glurp.. I am worry as still thinking of go motherhood exhibition kpo n look look., now my hb stare at me n say i shd weigh the importance.. He wants me to rest more.. How? ;( shd i go? I really wish to go leh..

Hi butter
Congrat to ur bb gal delivery..;) rest well..

Hi angel
I hv many feedback tt is not safe to use palmer products on us.. Few of my friends kenna rashes and their gynea say many hv report such problem n not sure why palmer still selling their products.. Pls try avoid using tt..

Hi tromso
Ya, the alcohol swab is only for bb cord area.. We only use normal cotton patch for bbies eyes..

Hi cock n heartbeat
Congrat to ur boy gal twins..;)

Hi bbjourney
My case same as cock.. Initally scan r two gals but later change..;) i dun mind any sex seriously as long as bbies r healthy..

Now i am worry abt preterm.. Can doc Loh deliver at kkh?
Praying hard they can stay in me longer till at least 35th wks...
Hi catherine
Hope u will be able cope well after go back to work next wk..

Btw, when i bring my boy oversea last time, i bought my own small kettle n boil mineral water to make milk for him.. I dun really trust oversea water.. Hee..
Pierced, when dr Loh first started pte practice, he did say maybe he will go mt A to deliver. But he Is super biz with Ivf at tfc and seeing his O&G patients at TMC, not to mention surgeries n deliveries. Biz Until he now does surgeries On sunday.. So, I hv not heard that he is going to mt a to deliver so far..but U confirm with him next visit.
Dear all,
14 members in our secret FB group now! So if you are keen, PM me your email address! I'd request to be your friend and after you accept my friend requesr, I'd invite you into our group!
im using the palmer stretch cream sample still and finishing it up now. ok on me.. but will not buy since quite scary to hear abt rashes..

joanne : i think u better rest.. i think he cant deliver at kkh.

i wanna go to the fair too (my first motherhood fair) but hubby cant take leave so dunno if i shld go, cos also cant buy much things..cos cant carry much also... best is to bring a trolley but i go after work.. difficult.

most of yr belly button popped? mine still not yet at 31 weeks.. but getting so small now
Pierced, if u want bb eyes to b bright, take dried longan and gou qi zi. That's the result i see in my gal!!!! Sometimes I put those in my birdnest, sometimes I boil with red dates.

At least I c happy mummy here. Juz Heard from one of my fren that I ask her to go c dr loh... She end up in pre natal depression N decided not to go dr Loh cos he has too many patients. V sad for her now. Sigh... Have to help her pull thru this tough time.

I looked thru the list I gotten from another source (forgotten where) and wanna faint, seeing the long list of things to buy!!! Those who want this list with quantity, remarks, etc, and all the other info i compiled on motherhood, pls PM me your email add, preferably gmail and I'd give you access to the doc.

Tmr gonna walk around with this list at the fair. I think will die, lol.


Mittens & Booties
Tops (Short Sleeves)
Tops (Long Sleeves)
Bottoms (Shorts)
Bottoms (Pants)


Towel (Small size)
Baby Washing Detergent
Baby bottle brush
Sponge and cleaning brush
Thermal flask (Big)
Thermal flask (Small)
Water Container
Milk powder container
Bags to store breast milk
Breast Pump
Milk Bottles
Milk Warmer


Towels (Big size)
Baby Bath Tub
Baby Small Tub
Baby Shower Lotion
Baby Shampoo
Liquid Talc
Ru Yi Oil
Nappy Barrier Cream
Desitin Cream
Changing mat
Wet Wipes (Big)
Wet Wipes (Travel Packs of 3)
Cotton buds
Tissue Cloths
Cotton balls (sterilized)
Cord Spirit
Sterilizing cotton
Newborn diapers
Cloth Nappies
Nappy liners
Nappy / Safety Pins
PILCHERS (pants over nappies)
Liquid Detergent (for washing clothes)
Nappy Detergent
Basket for to put all changing stuff
Round cloth hanger with many pegs
Johnson & Johnson Bath Set


Nail Cutter and nail file


Receiving Blanket
Swaddle Blanket (TMC)
Baby Cot
Baby Mattress
Pillow & Bolster
Pillow cases
Bolster case
Bed Sheets
Bean Sprout Pillow
Mattress protector
Wind up musical mobiles


Ear Thermometer
Woodwards Gripe Water
Ridwind Baby drops


Ziploc bags
Head/neck cushion
Car Seat
Baby Carrier
Small white board
Music CD
Kiddy Palace Membership
Tom & Stephanie Membership


Plastic Sheets
Disposable Breast pads
Nipple Cream
Disposable Maternity Pads
Disposable Panties
Sanitary Pads
Front opening night dress
Nursing Bra
Nursing blouse
Waist tight/girdle/Binder
Bedroom Slippers
