(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Wow angelxuan,

Thank you very much for your encouraging story on breast feeding after c-sec. Your fren definitely have the perservance hahahaha
I have a set plan ready too.

Chris, how heavy is clariss? U r seeing the 828 pd right? I also better ask pd next week on cradle cap. Thx for sharing.

Meryl , that's not what I ate

Cool cool my IFC is genius hive

Ladies share with u an incident i saw at the nursery room at isetan nex this evening. I saw a man (Dun know if its grandpa or dad), washing the exterior of a piegon milk bottle with bm inside Guess its too hot so he wash. Then I dun know what happen he dropped he milk bottle. and it's a glass milk bottle! I got a shock. He too. In my first instance I thought of the bb. How? Wanted to offer my fm to them but I decided not cos elis needs it too. Hubby told me to leave quickly cos elis got a shock. Better go fast to let her c things if not we suffer too. I felt v bad after witness the Incident. I learn that I must prepare and bring extra milk powder and milk bottle in case anything happens. And never buy glass milk bottle
Hazel, u bring any milk powder for short trips? I dun bring anything except diapers. I usually juz bring enough ... Now must b more ks

Chris, I know u r using dr brown bottle. Have u tried the bfree(can't remember the exact name but it's also a bottle for anti colic). We saw at taka and it's said to prevent ear infections. The infant at elis' IFC r all using avent. Ifc will steralise and wash milk Bottle for us but i dun know how they can differentiate the teat. Need to b odd one out to differentiate her milk bottle vs the other kids'. Hubby suggested we buy that bottle instead of dr brown cos dr brown bottle got that 'straw' dun know if they will clean well. My mum was so funny yesterday. Told one of the nanny that elis is allegic to Johnson and Johnson. Insist that they use the shower foam and lotion that we bring haha...

We normally bring extra milk powder along cos u never know when u might need it cos at times there was 1-2 days clariss appetite suddenly went up and had extra 1 feed and if i bring exactly then die liao. Always bring hot water in a small thermos flask especially if you are outside cos we experienced that if her pacifier or other stuff dropped on the floor at less we still have hot water to wash it.

clariss is 62cm tall and around 6.57Kg now. Got her some clothes from the online last round and they are too big for her hahaha cos ordered sizes like 9mths and certain brands sizes are too big so got to wait for a few mths. She has now gain quite a big and ba ba at her tigh area..she gained weight slower than normal bbs probably cos she drink like 120-130ml in her 3rd mth compared to my sil's bb 150-160 in 3rd mth and also she missed the growth spur in her first mth cos she was down with flu for a few weeks and her appetite shrunk to 50-60 ml per feed.

Yes we bought Dr brown and Bfree. Now colic period is over soo we using back our feeding bottles tat we bought earlier like avent and pigeon cos dr brown bottle we bought can only cater up to 120ml unless we wanna buy larger ones but we already bought some earier so used bk. And Bfree better cos can use up to more than 120ml so we still using current 1. Anyway we only bought 2 dr brown n 1 bfree so far.

We normally bring at least FM for 3 feeds when we are out, and even short trips we bring extra 1 feed cos u never know when bb might wan extra feed. And always bring 1-2 set of extra clothes along and 3-4 diapers, wipes and hankies, extra socks and wrap along. Cos if bb happens to soil their diapers and kena the clothes at least u got extra clothes for them to change. And we brought wrap along in case aircon too cold for bb and at least u got a wrap to cover or if raining and wind is too strong then we normally cover bb so tat she dun get a chill.

And in her diaper bag (okie dog) there are small compartments which we usually brought along items such as small hand sanitiser, wipes, olive oil, comb.

clariss also allergic to johnson n johnson cos think its too oily cos she had rashes after using the bath so i switched bk to pigeon.
Catherine, yes will bring milk powder even short trips. My diaper bag has all those things that Chris mention too. Not forgetting even toys n a portable click on fan! :p
Chris, I thought I m already bringing a lot for elis when I bring her out! Her bag always have 5 mamy poko, 1 set of clothes, 3 handkerchief, 1 pair of socks and cloth to swaddle her, 1 bath towel, 1 bib, 2 packets of wet wipes, 3 packets of thick tissue paper and of cos her thermal flask. Her beanie is in the car and we bring out 1 handkerchief when we leave the house. She likes to hold her beanie (green bean pillow) on her right hand and handkerchief on her left hand. K I will put in 1 more set of clothes for her. And in future I will bring 1 extra feed with milk bottle.
Ok next time will bring even if it's short trip. Hazel, talking about toy... We gave her 1 in the car she dun like. We bought her a rabbit squeezer at taka after seeing she likes it so much. Once we r home she push the squeezer away. She only wants her beanie and handkerchief. Faint. Anywhere she sleeps on has a beanie. My mum has to make more to cater for her to bring on IFC.

me too hbs always bring along the clip fan cos clariss sweat big time hahahahaha my sil has a very small pouch which she keep the nail cutters, cream etc for her bb.


hahaha we dun bring bath towel too bulky..anyway we will have 1-2 sets of cloth diaper in the diaper bag. 2-3 wipes and of cos we die die have to bring beanie along + pacifier. it is a must must to keep her calm hahahaaaaa
Why need to bring bath towel? Not showering her outside also. Her toys r to distract her when she makes noise or cry coz they rattle!
Bath towel can act as a cloth to cover her when aircon is cold in case i forget to pack her swaddle cloth in. Happen few times already. Yesterday at nex i was so tempted to let Elis play with water playground but she was sleeping.

Chris my dr brown bottle is the 260ml one. We bought a toy electronic organ. She keep staring at it. my hubby play with her and he could not tame her down. Elis would kick the keyboard and cry. Haha
Oh.. I hv swaddle cloth n cloth nappy. Wun forget to bring. If I take out n wash I will put another set immediately into the bag!

me same as u, my diaper bag will have a swaddle cloth + 2 cloth nappy in case she gets dirty i can use the cloth nappy to clean her up or use as a towel to dry her up and its thin (easy to keep and dry) And if forget to bring swaddle cloth just use the nappy cloth. heehee I still using the white ones i bought fr wong boh boi as her blanket after she has grown up and doesn't like to be swaddled.
Hi hazel, catherine n chris
Just curious, what r the medicines u gals still eating before n after pregnancy? So tt i wun buy too many extra if know tt after delivery no need eat ler.. Ie DHA fish oil, multivitamin, utrogen?? Thks for ur advise..;)
J03, no more medicine after pregnancy! Why do we need that when we r eating well? Dr Loh nv give any also. Unless u wan to increase BM supply, then dr Loh will give supplements for that, eg fenugreek.
Hi Hazel,

what is a good buy in malaysia for diapers huh? My elder bro went malaysia and asked me to pass the brand to him. is pampers cheaper there too huh?

Hi J03, think you can buy the sacred nursing tea avaialble in the motherhood spree or fenugreek which hazel mentioned to help increase milk supply. yeah is good to absorb naturally from the food we eat i guess. hehe

wow the weather is hot today leh....
Chris n Catherine, This wk, I took care of belle. Coz my niece n nephew have hfmd. She has been able to sleep 2-3hrs in PM in our room - aircon on. My conclusion, too warm at my bro's plc where my mum will be taking care.. Or too noisy there.. She can sleep until miss one feed..
Sunbelle, belle uses pamper brand for the day and many poko for the night. Yes, JB is cheaper. Even Enfalac milk powder that belle drinks. But we didn't buy fm coz is cheaper as JB's one is fr Thailand. spore is fr Europe!
Dun overstock! We hv many packs... End up will hv to pass on to hub's cousin bb who will be born end June. nB up to 5 kg, S size starts fr 3-8kg, M size start from 6 kg. so if bb is 7kg, S size can still be used but M size may be more comfortable if bb has fuller bump.
Joanne, i still take fish oil and calcium. Gynae told me to continue till I stop bf. I only take when u remember. V easy to forget when u have a bb.

Sunbelle, my dad gets 2 packet of mamy poko for me every 3 weeks. My dad told me jusco brand diapers r the cheapest. Per piece is only like 10 cents of cos we din buy.

Chris, I bought tee shirt for 12-18 mths bb from Tom and stephanie and It juz fit her nicely. Omg. I bought 2 tshirt for 6-12 mths bb from taka i guess gone case already.

Hazel, ya it's too hot lately. Elis is fussing v badly since 1pm. Scary. We on aircon she still make noise even my part time maid was shocked!!!
Thks gals.. Ya, i thot gynea will advise continue take fish oil since still doing breastfeeding..
Hi sunbelle
And yes, i dun buy fm from Malaysia.. Only trust food fr singapore especially is for bbies..;) pampers external use items still ok to buy fr malaysia..;)
Chris, when I said bao bao, I will raise belle's 2 hands up last wk. just now, I said bao bao, she raise her hands!! Hahaha.. Ask hub to try n she did the same too. So cute!

wow belle sooo smart. heehee btw if u are still breastfeeding best to take calcium if not u'll be losing calcium from the bm to bb. I take 1 pill per day but many times forgotten to take heeheee
Hazel, catherine

same lor today weather hot till clariss not able to sleep when we came bk from Giant from 3pm. Ended up on aircon and fan together.Is past her sleeping time, and ended up she cried till whole face like lobster for 15mins eventho i carry her. Then hbs took over and she slept and he put her in her cot with the aircon on..... hiaz
catherine, hazel

faint clariss has a very bad habit same like hbs.. she has being putting her thumb in her mouth and suckling all the way... we tried to give her pacifier instead but she refused...then now lagi kiang, suck both thumbs in the mouth at the same time... my in-laws see already laugh out loud the whole week. They tried to pull the thumb out and not let her suck, then she fuss and they gave her pacifier but she prefer thumb...
Chris, clariss is so cute. Elis used to put 2 thumb in when she was 1 mth old. I got the candid shot on my hp. Showed many ppl after that she no longer does that.

Hazel, belle is so clever. My mum is also doing that to elis. So far she does not react leh.... My hubby commented that elis is v lazy. I said runs in his family. He was not happy haha.
Chris, Catherine, I always pull her fist / thumb out when belle sucks... Subsitute with pacifier. She will cry. Same, feeding, she will put one thumb in too.ni pull put also! Haha

I hv stopped breast feeding.
Chris, even during pregnancy dr loh didn't prescribe calcium. We can get enough calcium from drinking sufficient milk. Same for breast feeding mothers. Nutrients n vitamins r best obtained from natural sources.
Hazel, Chris, how to put one thumb in when drinking milk? The teat will juz fit their mouth leh... I finally understand y elis fuss the whole day. She is super hungry. Clever me lor change all her teat to the 3 mths teat. Thought can 'upgrade' her and do all teats at 1 go after all notice she has a hard time sucking. The flow for the 3 mths teat is too fast for her. She either get chocked or milk juz flow out from her mouth. Lucky I have 4 unopened avent milk bottles. Quickly wash snd steralise! So stress!!
Catherine, well, the teat get push to one side of the mouth n thumb at the other side. Belle uses pigeon bottles n teats. I tried to change to teat - M size for 4 mths old bb 2 wks ago. The flow is too fast for belle too.. Milk will flow out for her mouth..
Mc, congrats on your twins... so nice you & Xuan both carrying twins...

Dr Tan only told me to increase the Dydrogesterone tablet to 3xs/day, after taking it for 2 days I had bad gastric again so Dr Tan ask me to reduce back to 2xs/day.

If your extra support is for oral consumption, better take it orally.
Bbjourney, hehe..yup it is a very 冲动 but good buy. I slept really well yesterday, don't feel backache today coz I didn't roll to sleep on my back. Feels really nice to be "swaddled" by the pillow, didn't want to let go of it in bed..hubby jealous..lolx!

Throll, I bought from Mothercare. It's $158 before discount. I am not Mothercare member yet (accumulating my receipts now..:p) but OCBC credit card got 10% discount.

Bbjourney, good one but he won't buy lah haha.. hubby says it expensive..but I don't care as long as it gives me a good night sleep and gets rid of my backache. Hehe...it's for two anyway!
