(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

hazel, catherine

headache now, today when we put clariss in her car seat, thro out the whole journey to my in-law's place she keep stretching her head upwards like wanting to sit up..faintz Hbs keep driving and using his hand to keep her down cos she trying to lift her head and body up the car seat...Juz now on our way bk, same thing happened!!!

How ah??????????

Ha ha i thought WBB is some sort of antenatal care routine. I juz found out that my stomach didn't react badly to Ensure plus is becos its lactose free. My gynae did give me samples of Enfamama & Dumex Mamil Mama which I have not tried. Will ask if he has Anmum. Really tough when one is lactose intolerance. Thanks for the advice.

Anmum is good, my favourite cos it has a lite taste unlike similac which taste richer and sweeter. Tried enfamama before didn't like the taste. Mamil mama and anmum my favourite so far..
Lynn i tried anmum n enfamama but will diarrhoea. I ask doc she said i lactose intolerance.. n i no need tk milk for pregnancy.. i was huh... which brand shld i tk den??

huh how many mths are you nw? for me i vomit and diarrhea during my 1st tri whenever i took milk, my gynae also thought i lactose intolerance and i daren't take milk. Instead when my ms gone when i hit 12wks, i took cheese till i nearly 5mths then my gynae encouraged me to try abit of milk cos if i can take cheese then it means i not lactose intolerence. heehee i took abit of milk slowly to try and then everything okie then i started drinking 2 glasses of milk daily.
Chris the car seat for clariss is at the front passenger seat? Mine is at the back cos my Colleague told me the seat beside the driver is the most dangerous seat. I m siting at the back with elis. So far she is gd except want to sleep i got to pat her or if it's red light or traffic then die lor.... U better get a new car seat soon.

Today I was juz scolded by my gu gu for wanting to buy a nice dress for Elis to attend my cousin wedding she say no néed to buy So nice and bb will outgrow. Argh!!!
I dont like all the milk samples all v sweet - any non sweet type? I like magnolia fresh milk as its not sweet at all. I guess can still keep drinking that.

Faithfully : ya I also go for Wbb class but she din say selling leh. I have 2 more lessons to go. When r u seeing dr loh again? Mine is due in 3 weeks time.

Dr loh nvr ask me to count the bb movement per day. Guess dont need to do so then? Will dr loh check our pelvic bine structure if necessary to do cesarean? I asked but appears that he means not necessary to check it as he will go natural..

He says my stiffness on left hand is due to sleeping on one side? But I slept on both sides leh.. Hmmm. He says its normal to feel this during pregnancy.. Guess got to tahan for the next 7-10 weeks.. Anyone got same stiffness feeling?
Morning sisters. just saw Dr SF Loh on ch8 "Good Morning Singapore". Wah his mandarin quite fluent leh... But i cant help laughing when i watch his interview, cos he is so different during consultation. Hehehehe...
Hi tanny,
I am seeing dr. M not dr loh. My next appt will be in a week time. My doc did ask me to count bb movement at least 10x but I didn't count cos bb keep moving almost every hr. I pat on my tummy, she will move abit. Now bb move makes me feel uneasy cos can feel her bones and she moving slowly, wondering is bb nt enough space or wa. When ur due date?
Thanks Sunbelle re WBB towel
The Motherhood expo should be your last shopping chiong before delivery right, excited for you already

Hi Butters, have you delivered or still hanging in there? Abt 37-38 weeks now right? Hows everything going for you?

Tanny, I thought you are about week 30 now, how come you say you are due in 3 weeks'? Yes, my ex colleague has the fingers problem too, felt harder to open n close fist, think its not uncommon then. I used to see her exercising her fist during her pregnancy.

I asked about pelvic bone shape too and same reply fr dr Loh. He says no point checking now (most accurate with X-ray, but not ideal when preg), so will try natural during delivery and assess then.

Outta curiosity, I also asked dr Loh to see if there is any cysts. During the latest scan, he says he can see no cysts, phew!! Hope will stay that way.

He also says no need to assess fetal kick counts if kicks a lot each day. Mine is very active now, kicks all the time, sometimes so hard making me draw in deep breathe uncontrollably. Few times I could feel her hand/ leg sliding across the diameter of tummy, so amusing heeee...

Re mummies milk powder, although Similac tastes lousier compared to others, it's actually lowest in fat content, 2g per 100g, others are average about 10g fat per 100g. Enfa Mama 5g I think but equally sweet and artificial I felt and required 4 scoops whilst others 3 scoops. I'm taking Similac cos don't wish to put in too much weight. Baby already 1.6kg, like slightly on heavier side according to Baby Center chart.
Hi Hazel and mummies using Medea freestyle. Can you share how the strapless bra is? online it looks just like a tube top...

I'm wondering if I should get it or just cut 2 holes in my old eleastic sports bra for fitting the breast shields...hmm...

sorry am very no clue about this...
Bbjourney, I overslept but managed to catch most of his interview in the repeat. By the time i switched on the TV, they were already showing a clip on sperms...did i missed out a lot before that har? I feel that he explains very clearly, and impressed that he can also speak so well in Mandarin!
Angel, i think b4 e sperm part Dr loh is sharng on e common woman's problems. Think u missed a few mins only.
He speaks v fluent mandarin hor, but so unlike him during consultation. Maybe i m use to him suaning me. Hahaha.

My baby is like my alarm clock, sure wake up ard 7am feeling hungry. Now i hungry again so i hv some biscuits n hv lunch later.
Tromso, if u buy a proper nursing bra, eg fr marks & spencer, the breasts cup is removable via a clip on. Then, Fixed the strap which is attached to the breast shield/funnel to the your bra clip on. As simple as that. I nv use any tube bra. Just read the freestyle menus. Instructions r there.
Thanks Hazel. I have 2 nursing bras now, I'll try it out when the BP arrives. Thanks so much, all these little gadgets can be so confusing
Just curious if anyone getting special shampoo for post delivery hair loss? I heard Phyto is good and there is a promo at Robinsons now $158 for 2 bottles of shampoo + prewash serum + leave-in treatment. Just wondering if anyone has any tips/ comments on hair loss remedy.
Tromso, hair loss only starts at close to 4 mths post delivery... Our bb will get hair fall abt then too. I didn't use any special products as it is hormones induced. Personally I dun think any shampoo will help.
Tanny, heee...I see
Hope your fingers will get better soon. Not caused by lack of calcium? Cos during my first trimester, few times I had slight numbness in my arms n hands especially lying down, dr advised to increase milk/ calcium intake. Ever since, numbness only appear if I forget to take my milk powder for an entire day or 2.

Hazel, quite few of my gfs after 1 yr+ post delivery still have bad hair loss issues. Last year, I was accompanying this mummy gf shampoo shopping, she was really at a loss about her hair loss problem, son almost 2 yrs old already.
Tromso, shampoo addresses our scalp. So if hair loss is due to hormonal changes, I seriously dun think shampoo can help much...
Hi ladies, I just came bl from my 2nd appt with the Doc regards to my GD. End up I hv to take insulin. Doc say i am on my strict diet but becos i am taking carbo (which also contain sugar) and I cnt afford not to take carbo, the oni thing to control my sugar level is takig insulin. So how I feel so useless. Feel like crying after the visit. I did ask him whether the insulin will harm my bb he say no. I am still worry.
Chris, when clariss took her 4th mth jab, did pd tell u she may have fever etc? Or anything to look out for?

Hazel,. Belle will b 4 months in 2 days time, right??
Chris, the Mothers En Vogue sale not very good de, although tops abt $25-35 but I doubt they are Mothers En Vogue designs, quality quite lousy, those very flimsy and thin elastic sort, can get from neighbourhood shops or online stores. Same goes for the dresses.

Mostly L and XL left. I'm wearing L now but the M is too big for me even. This dress selling at John Little $29, it's $49 at Mothers En Vogue sale...hmm... About 4 racks on sale. For small sizes, hv to go ASAP, salesperson says all out on racks already.

Bought a bunch of loose very soft cottony tees fr Gap, gd for sweaty confinement I think. Ended up about 50% off, sweet
Catherine, re Medela freestyle BP, you can also get from Tan Leng Leng, I think about $50 more ex than My Beauty Loft (but TLL includes 240 volt adaptor, not MBL).

TLL seems to be very trustworthy, especially when there are many re-conditioned BP out there, selling at only usd100+ but can be packaged like brand new

TLL waiting time is 4-8 weeks. I've just made payment, so she may order in current batch soon.

But My Beauty Loft should be ok too (she may have ready stock), just that I feel that her profile not as prominent as TLL. Just FYI, my personal opinions only
Hi ladies. M in 7 weeks now but I experience these pain at e right hip there pain till near e joint of thights there.. Is it normal??
Catherine, yes fri based on eng birth date. Based on lunar mth, is today. Also she will be doing her jabs 6 in 1 next wk
Hi I have been a silent reader here. I gave birth to my boy in April.

Dear Faithfully, I also had GD in my second Trimester and had to take insulin shot throughout my third trimester. I was also worried about the effect of insulin on my baby but my Gyn, TCM as well as the GD doctor I saw assured me that it will not have any detrimental effect on my baby. It may be worse if BB has to be in an constant environment of high sugar.

I have also been clear of my GD last week.
Hi Blur Xian, shooting pains like you mentioned could be sciatic nerve pain. The nerve is located at middle slightly upper part of our butt. You may google and see if it's what you are experiencing. Preggers do get this sometimes. This nerve is actually connected to our pelvic area too, hence towards later part of pregnancy, may get shooting pains at pelvic area too.

Correcting standing and sitting postures may help
Hmm...front right hip, I'm not too sure then. Sciatic nerve pain is usually from the hip to back of thigh. Can you ask your dr what's the scientific name of the pain, so can google online for ways to alleviate the pain. For instance, for sciatic nerve pain, can do certain exercise (for core muscle strengthing) to prevent/ lessen pains. For me, it really works.
Tromso : din feel any numbness in tri 1 and 2. Was given calcium tabs by dr loh cos I was gaining weight too fast so dr loh says i can't drink milk for calcium cos fattening. I hv gained abt 9 kg now and bb is normal weight. Din hear dr say bb too big.

Btw what's the use / purpose of belly support belt? I hv one but dunno if I shld just use it; so far no back pain or feel v heavy tummy yet.
Heee Tanny, I've also gained 9kg thus far. Dr didn't take your baby weight measurement is it? He didn't say my baby is heavy or overweight, I just check against the baby center chart. But I'm glad she's gaining gd weight

Not too sure about the belly belt. But last I spoke with prenatal yoga instructor about my pelvic pains, she says can wear belly belt to support the back cos pain can be caused by bad posture. Alternative do pelvic floor exercise to strengthen pelvic muscles. I've been doing 50-100 times each day, so far only experience pain once, very effective. If you are experiencing pains/ aches fr growing tummy, I think the support belt can help.
Blur xuan, is normal cos now when we preggy our hormones progesterone etc are heightened and we get sensitive stomach like certain food we used to take before preggy are fine and now might cause gastric, nausea or diarrhea. Once you have passed the stage, u can start to try other food bit by bit to see if your nausea, diarrhea persists. For me when my nausea wears off around 11wks+ , i tried to take cheese etc and trial and error cos certain food might give me discomfort but might not give you discomfort.. A rule of thumb just take moderately.
mc 700,

think the mums en vogue sale started liao. Do look out for those special buys corner. I got this fabulous satin short skirt for work at $29 only and usual price is $79!!! Till now after birth i still wear it low waist.

my hairdresser got 3 sisters and all 3 of them are mums to 3-4kids she advises me to prevent my scalp from getting oily cos the more oily the more hair loss during this stage for us.

oh for all jabs, pd will say watch out for fever which normally occurs within 48hrs. we have the panadol drops for bb on standby so normally after jab we don't bring clariss out, just keep her at home and we increase her feeding for BM cos BM has antibodies and 94% water to keep her hydrated. So we will normally keep aside extra bottle of BM for her on her jab day.

Chris, that's what I m also doing. I m stretching my bm now. I only pump 3x per day. Now my strategy is every 2 bm feed I give 1 fm. From fri to next mon 100% bm. Now I m left with only 2 box. After that Bo Liao... Daily supply also will b v limited.
