(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hazel.. so the Oscar test may not be accurate for mulitples? Actually, I am thinking whether to test or not as it will be extra stress if the result is bad. What do we do if we choose not to abort? And bad results does not mean the baby will definitely be unhealthy.

Not sure what can be done if the result become bad ..so I am still thinking..haizz

Mc, oscars is made up of blood test n scan to arrive at a combined result. For multiples, blood test is not accurate. Of abortion is not in the picture, why is there a need to do oscars? Good or bad all doesn't matter right? I hv shares above, sisters with poor Oscar results will go see Prof ananda at Camden.
Bad results dr will ask if wan to do confirmative test - amnoicentisis at abt 16 wks I think. Dun wan to do, wait for 19-20 wks full scan coz DS kids usually hv other issues n markers, eg heart defects. In SG, abortion is legal before 24 wks pregnant. At that stage, abortion is to induce labor n to deliver via the vagina bb is formed by then, maturing of The organs till delivery at 38-40wks. Some mommies wan a confirmative answer early coz at such late pregnancy, abortion is v v painful
Juvi.. I am interested in the pre natal aqua aerobics or exercise.. you have lobang?

I can understand how you feel.. I am in bed straight after dinner.. fall asleep at 9pm, wake up at 10pm and sleep again at 11pm..haha
Yes, bad results also dun mean bb is confirmed DS. Dr Loh has a patient in her 40s which 1/4 risk of having a DS. She didn't do any further test n bb was born healthy.

My gf has 1/16 risk for DS for one of the twins. Also born normal. Like wat I shared, oscars test is based on statistic. Cannot confirm anything at all. For older ladies, the base risk to start with is already v high.
yes.. Hazel.. I agree with you, that's why I am still considering whether to test or not as it will be extra stress. I will be keeping my baby anyway so maybe ignorance is better? very Ah Q mindset
Chris, I hv been taking care of belle 24 hrs for the last 3 days. Cannot bring her over to my bro' Plc to let my parents take care in PM as my niece n nephew have hfmd!!

we leave home around 7.40am, just prepared her milk and kept it warm in the cooler bag. Scope her up from her sleep (she wearing PJ) put in car seat and drive from punggol to simei via TPE. Reached around 8.00am-8.05am, then i passed her to my in-laws. They will feed her the milk which i've warmed beforehand, then bath and change her. Then i'll rush to nearby kopitiam have a quick bfast then take mrt to raffles place from simei mrt lor...rush rush.. At nite, go in-law's place for dinner and pick clariss and by then maid already wipe and changed her into PJs..So only have time to spend around 20mins with her then drive her back. Once home, we'll tuck her to bed cos she'll fuss as wanna sleep ard 8pm+ then wake her up ard 11pm+ for final feed...then she'll sleep till 7.30am+++....

OMG!!! HFMD!!! Then got to be very very careful, if your mum comes over your place got to wash her hands thoroughly before touching belle. i bought kirei kirei hand foam wash, very good cos kills 99% bacteria and not drying to hands. Hbs got sensitive skin and when we tried other handwash brands, his hands became very dry and started to peel so we bought kirei kirei to try as now with bb we tend to wash hands more often and its very good cos gentle to the hands and not drying.
Chris, I give up on feeding belle at 11plus by waking her up. Is v difficult to feed her when she is in deep sleep. Can take me an hr n she can still leave 30ml at least. She will sleep 8 plus. So her 9 plus feed will depend on wat time she wakes up for feeding. Some time 11 plus, or even 2-3am!
Chris, mum din come over but dad does. Hfmd is not air borne. Will spread only thru direct contact with the germs. No one touches belle coz she is always with me in aircon too
N my parents will not carry her. I hv hand sanitizer at home - big bottle fr TMC I brought bk fr NICU

Now Hub is sick with flu.. Sleeping on aircon room with us. I forbade him to touch belle also or talk too near to her.
Chris, how's work?? U leave house quite late leh... I would have to leave around 7am-7.25am. Hubby has shift work. Need to adjust to his timing cos he is sending elis to ifc. I Only need to send her once every 6-8 weeks. I m doing dry run next week. pray hard I survive and not stress over the jam or being late for work.

Chris/Hazel, I have caught elis' pattern. She loves to sleep on the spare queen size mattress that I have at home. After her DVD session in the morning I juz need to turn on aircon let her sleep there. She can entertain herself, sleep on her own. All i need to do is stay near her, feed her when she wakes up. Then i m free to watch my hk serial, read up on my work. Though it can b v scary at times where she will suddenly turn to u and start talking.

Chris u should try not feeding at 11pm. Like elis, we succeeded in giving her around 9-10pm, she will till 7-8am in the morning. now I learn yr method juz put her in her cot she doze off herself. If its raining like this morning then she will scream haha
I read that some are discussing on Oscar. I did not do Oscar when I was preggy. For 1 simple reason. It's a life whether my bb is in gd shape or not it's still my bb and I will care for it. I rejected my gynae suggestion to do Oscar and I also discussed with my husband. He respected my decision. Pregnancy is not easy for me. I will not kill it for any reason. A fren of mine has a bb with a heart problem. All scan did not pick up. It's quite serious and they only found out a week after bb is born. Spent a huge amount on heart op, specialist visits etc. I did ask him would he let go the child of he knew it earlier? Answer is same as mine

Chris, I went to city square on sun and they have the mat but it's only one sided. Will go bb fair on June 2 to buy. Does clariss knows how to hold her milk bottle? My husband is training Elis every night. He is a better teacher like how he manage to teach Elis to say 愛 in a few hrs. So far I can say Elis is lazy but v talkative haha

Cock cock, I din think that the gel would cause me to have Rash. Anyway I m happy the rash has left me. U r due to see the Camden prof right? How's that new staff??
Shashamama ; I hv nothing to buy actually ... Already got a handme down Philips steriliser n warmer n baby monitor. Not getting their breast pump.. Oh yes, heard that the air fryer very popular but I hv no space at home to store this already.

Hazel : Wah belle is getting stronger day by day!!
hi all,

I am not advocating the Oscar, but just wante to give a different point of view. Oscar tests particularly for 3 sets of abnormalies. The main one is Downs (Trisomy21). There is also trisomy 16 and Trisomy13.

It was a difficult decision too for hubs and I to decide whether or not to do Oscar. in the end the decision is solely ours.

but please do read up about the other 2 (apart from Downs) that Oscar will test for before making the decision.

one of my GF tested positive for Trisomy13, and despite initially she was against Oscar for same reason (she was sure she will keep the baby), in the end after amnio results, she and hubs had to make the difficult situation to let the baby go. It's not an easy decision, but it was an informed on.

not saying it will happen to everyone but just wanted to remind that oscar deosnt' jsut test for downs Syndrom only.
Hello bbjourney n angel! Me really really tired yday... A group of overseas visitors came. Supposed to end early but ended up by time they left almost 8pm liao.. I really feel v tired.. Hi throll, what u need to do now is just to rest well n eat well, n try not to worry ok..

Hello Catherine, u rem my second detailed scan at Camden.. It's on 29 may.. The new staff? Goods ridden. We redeployed her to another dept.. Not my prob liao

Someone (sorry can't rem who) asked if under dr sadhana got preggy can cont w her.. Dr sadhana will ask u to look for a gynae..
Dear Sashamama,

Lately my gastric just comes on/off which greatly affects my appetite to eat... a lot of wind in my tummy too. Hope all will go away when I reach my fourth month. Really waiting for the day to be able to have a good hearty meal w/out feeling nausea...
Juvi, I am also very tired too... I have to sleep by 10pm as can hardly keep my eyes open.

The antenatal prog in KKH which month you plan to start?

Will try the Julie biscuit. Really hope my gastric will recover soon...
Hi Catherine, do scans pick up heart problems? In the recent 1 year, I have already heard 2 cases of babies borned with hole in the heart, these are people I know. I thought scans can't detect, or is your friend's baby heart problem different one?
MC you having twins?

I know it will be hard to terminate a pregnancy that is so difficult to conceive bec of abnormalities... What kind of life I want my bb to grow up in, who will look after when we are both gone is very impt to me, so I will do all test and then decide from there onwards...
Hi Joanne, have you ordered and collected your Breastpump from beauty loft? All went smoothly? Did you get the step up converter too?

Hi Tanny, will you be getting the citric acid from the Toa Payoh Philips warehouse? I'm also getting Philips sterilizer from my sis and will need to thoroughly clean it.

I'm hoping there is the better PPSU bottles on sale too. Still struggling to decide to get the audio or video baby monitor, guess will see what's the discounts like.

Sashamama, the mention of air fryer makes me salivate....grilled chicken wings, yum!! Have you finalized all your purchases? What's still outstanding so far?
I m not implying that u ladies should not terminate pregnancy if bb is not well or u should not do Oscar. I m only stating my own grounds. Ya if bb is born with abnormalities I still will care for bb for life. No doubt bb and I will suffer but as a mother I feel heart pain to let go bb. If Somethings r meant to b it will juz happen. I believe in karma.

Tromso, my fren bb problem should have been detected when gynae check for bb heartbeat when mummy goes for check up cos bb heartbeat is v abnormal. With god grace the bb survived thru all the ops. Can u imagine bb was operated at 3rd mth, 6th mth. The bb is a great fighter and parents was determine to get him cured. No doubt bb cannot run like us or do some activities or huge amount of $ spent in less than 6 mths, Its still a life
hahaha catherine,

hbs doesn't wan to risk her waking up in the middle of the nite, so die die insist to feed her at 10.30 - 11.30pm. Cos she normally drink at 7pm and tat won't last her till next morning. This few days weather pretty bad, either very hot or raining. This 2 days fil on the aircon for her in the afternoon cos tooo hot liao and she's very uncomfy and can't sleep well..with aircon she doze off easily and sleep longer. hahahaha fil just feedback to us she learnt alot of stuff like she'll be very happy if fil carries her to the door and opens the gate cos tat means she can go out and see her favourite flowers n orchids..however today fil opens the gate and closes and never bring her out while carrying her and she starts to fuss and tugs at fil's t-shirt hahahaha . fil says wow she knows how to get her way...faintz
catherine, hazel

alamak just now while hbs was carrying clariss on our way home she starts to mumble "ye ye" 爷爷 hahahaha and hbs keep telling her to call papa...hahahaha cos fil always carry her most of the time and teaches her to call "ye ye" hahahahaaaaa
Chris, same. My hubby keep making elis call papa... She din want. I ever tried opening the door to throw rubbish or water plant she will yell. Today she keep saying ok. Had no time to play with her today. Was busy. Chat with my office ppl, surf net to buy things... Today she entertain herself feel so bad. I have to send in my leave proposal tonight too... Have to clear 38 days by end yr haha

Oh ya Chris, when is clariss gg for her 4th mth jab?

Meryl, hows bb??
Chris, catherine, bbs do not know how to talk yet at this stage. The sound they made are called babbling. The fastest they can talk is abt 8-12 mths old. U can confirm with your PDs.
Chris, can Clariss turn fr back to tummy already? Or still tummy to back? The latter is always the first for bb to learn as it is the easiest. I rarely put belle on the tummy. That day Yi shi massage her back n we saw her turned fr tummy to back suddenly. My mummy said wen the time is here for her to
Turn, she will. No need to teach or let her learn. Well, is true for belle! Hehe
Chris, yr fil din teach clariss to greet him 'grandpa' in Hakka? I greeted my paternal grandparents in hakka... It's not easy. Even my husband took some time to remember. Now my dad wants elis to greet my parents in Hakka. My mum on the other hand identify herself and my dad in Cantonese ie por por , gong gong. Poor elis... She will sure b scolded by my dad in future for not greeting him in Hakka. I can't even remember what's the word how to teach her?

Hazel, the massage u r doing for belle is for her colic? Now i dun bother to turn elis though when I carry her, her head is v straight. My mum told me her neck will b firm in a week or so. I need to c sinseh to massage my wrist and shoulder. Strain it by carying elis. Any recommendation? Btw how heavy is belle? I suspect Elis is 6kg now.

Tanny, thx for the heads up on Phillip warehouse sales.. Juz changed my pd appt to a later time. The nurse laugh at me when I said I want to chiong sales with my gal. I will b buying airfryer and milk bottles. Sales juz came at right time cos elis will b 3 mths old and need to change all milk bottles
Catherine, the massage belle is doing is for general well being, so is long term. The Yi Shi comes to my Plc weekly. Belle no longer has colic since a while back. My wrist n arm also feel strained coz bells struggles big time always. It will only recover only when we stop carrying out bbs. I laggi worse, carry belle n sleep at same time! Anyhow I hv a package with wan yang (www.wanyanghealth.com) to do back n arm massage. Feel good after massage but the moment I carry belle, the strains return! If u go JB, I will do full body massage for 1 hr.

Belle is 6 kg last wk. if u hv a weighing machine, u can first weigh yourself then weigh again with u carrying elis. Take the difference to know elis weight.
Catherine, Do u hv linkedIn account? If no, u may wan to set it up. Many headhunters n companies search thru this database. I hv been receiving a no lately. Like yesterday night, I just received another email directly fr the recruiting company...
Hazel, I also have package at wan yang. Have been using them since 2007. Same lor feel shiok for a while. Now I carry elis only for feed and to pat her to bed. The rest I told her no. She can yell all that she wants I juz sit there looking at her. Yup I have LinkedIn account but not updated. One of my fren told me dun update the latest in case yr current boss search yr profile and realise u r looking for job. ESP my field is v specialise ... A bit scare to update
Hi ladies, Dr Sadhana frm KK not doing delivery.. After nxt visit haf to change doc. May I noe which female doc is good at KK n m tinking gg private suite..
Catherine, with LinkedIn account is looking for Jobs? NO!! LinkedIn is a database for building relationship n connections! Mind me for saying this, your friend is v ignorant! Senior high flying professionals hv accounts in LinkedIn. That include directors n CEOs. Piyush, DBS CEO also has an account. My bosses including my HOD too! All looking for jobs? Rubbish!
Hi sisters, anyone of you heard be4 such thing called 3mths colic ?

My gal was crying very Cham last nite fr 9plus till midnite... She these 2 days quite cranky too n not much appetitie so today brought her to c pd n of mentioned these 3 mths colic thingy....

Anyone haf experience such ?
M nw waiting to c dr loh for post natal review. Keep hearing e nurse mentioning familiar names such as hazel lim, Catherine under Dr loh.

Wonder r u sisters here

Bbliss, I m not with dr loh.

My mum told me bb need 100 days to b adjusted. Elis took about 67-70 days. I remembered it was juz past labour day that my life got better. There r some superstitious thing that can b done. My mum got my hubby to do cos I was too tired to bother with all these.

Chris, hazel.. Did u notice whether yr gals could b a left or right hander?
