(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Bbliss, which nurse, dr loh's assistant in the his room, Sandra or the lady, alice at the reception? Yes, hazel Lim is me. Dr Loh always calls me by dialect name coz birth cert din hv Hazel. M surprised too when his database has the name hazel in it too. Why mention my name leh? Colic thing, is a passing phrase. Lie your bb on her tummy, it helps to get rid of wind. A friend told me but I didn't bother until recently I realize belle burps alot when she lies on her tummy

Catherine, can't really tell though I notice belle raises her right hand always.

My menses came on Monday.. Till today still no sigh of stopping... Sianz..

Hazel, elis can grab things better on her left hand. Her right hand lazy but strong. She will hit the mattress with her right hand. She can b either left or right hander cos hubby is left hander. My menses still has not come. i think i saw on tv yesterday that the Chinese sinseh said if flow is little its harder to get preggy. Not sure if I m right cos I was playing with elis

Chris, I got my punishment today. Yesterday too busy with my own things neglect elis.. Today she keep making me carry her. Even scold and threaten her not to go out tonight also no use. Now finally ko. How to go out later. Argh
Catherine, left Hander or right Hander does not really matter to me. These days, most stuff r catered to both group of pp unlike last time. Less menses, difficult to get pregnant? Not true. My sil has little menses. First day of flow, 1 pad thru out the day is enough. 2-3 days menses will finish. Pan Ling Ling, tcs actress, I read menses comes a few mths once, also get pregnant easily when she was trying for her 2 sons. Fate n luck r impt to having a bb.
Catherine, I can't put belle down after she sleeps, she will wake up immediately. I carry her in my lap, she can sleep 2-3 hrs in the afternoon. Either I sleep together with her or I watch hk tvb drama on iPad with an ear PC..
Sugar cane is cooling. Furthermore, it is always in contact with the dirty floor before the hawker squeezes out the juices.. Not v clean right?

i agree with you, just let bbs take their time to learn and explore don't need to force on them like wat my sil is doing... hahahaa mine only know how to turn fr back to tummy then stuck there dunnoe how to turn bk..hahaha then if too tired she'll call for help and fil will help to turn her bk hahaaaa

i tried using the digital weighing machine to weigh clariss by weighing myself 1st and then carrying her but not accurate le...end up i bring her go pd difference of 300g. Her weight there is 5.7kg and at home 6kg.
hazel, catherine

hiaz my menses still haven't come, :'(
gynae ask me to wait for another mth then go bk for checkup if still dun come as rightfully i should come liao since i not total bf.

is very common for bbs to have colic, mine has it in her 5wk till 7wk then stopped. Heng ah it didn't last till 3mths if not i sure go siao

my flow becomes little after my ectopic ops 5yrs ago, it can come for only 2 days then stopped and flow very little. yup my sinseh also says tat if flow little tough to get preggy...but still heehee i gotten preggy hahaaa but after many yrs
throll..yes, you are right..its twin for me :)

Requested Dr Tan to give me extra support so he prescribe utrogestan for me too. However, this is to be taken orally. Do you think I can insert it instead? Felt abit yucky to eat it..lol
Chris, turn fr bk to Tummy is more difficult ok! Hey, who is looking after your sil's bb? How many wks was Clariss when she was 5.7kg? I usu will weigh a few times on digital weighing machine until I get a constant weight. Digital machines v sensitive one

Clariss was 5.7kg when she was around 13wks (3mths)..wonder how much is her weight now..tomorrow will know as she's going for her 4mth jab..my sil will be bringing her bb to my fil's place next mon. alot of wayang going on, cos at 1st she wanted to engage another maid (altho fil hse already got 1 maid) then later tell fil tat she wanted to put her bb in infant care etc... always change her mind like roti prata...
hazel, catherine

any good recommendation for car seat? hiaz clariss outgrown her bb car seat meant for 0-9mths faintz ah!!!! Her legs sticking out liao and her body and neck squeeze in the tiny seat till she keep moving and fussing cos very packed.
Chris my car seat is from baby baby and can adjust for various age. I got for about $200 last Xmas ... 50% discount. Tomorrow tell u the brand. Hey Elis is definitely heavier than clariss. She was 5.4kg 3 weeks ago. Now I only need to pump 3x a day trying to do 2x a day. Juz came back from orchard. Bought a Tom and Jerry dress for elis for $5! Then go taka buy her t shirt 2 for $7.90. Heehee all home and IFC wear no need so ex type.

Hazel, it took me time to make her sleep on her own. I keep staying by her to pat her. Juz b patient
Catherine, the prob is belle gets woken up the moment I put her down after she slept in my arms. If not, within 15 mins she will get woken up by some noise.
Hazel, Betty (the lc who is recommended by kimmy) told me Elis is v sensitive And encourage me to bring her out, talk to her let her get used to the world. Elis is like me v sensitive fo sound. B4 i put her down i would tell her i need to do housework, tell her how long i will take and after that will stay beside her. Then my 'landing skill' must b gd. I put the green bean pillow on her chest when she sleeps. At times she still get startled v easily. I would hold her hand tell her i m beside her and encourage her to relax and sleep. Not everytime successful. My mum told me to let Elis sleep on 1 side (like how we adults sleep) and put their bolster at her back to support her. So far only my mum can do put her in that position. When there is thunder will belle wake up? For me if it rain in the afternoon she will b v scare. if its in the middle of the night so far only once she yelled. Had to give her milk to pacify her.
Catherine, watever u shared I hv tried, even letting her sleep on her sides with a pillow supporting her bad. I hv also tried letting her sleep on her tummy too.
Hi Catherine, just curious what are the pantang things to do for colicky baby?

According to Tcm dr during the Thur show, with little mensus, means uterus lining is thin --> lining shedding causes mensus. Therefore, harder for embryo to implant and hold on firmly.

Chris, the freestyle that I'm getting is $450, this year's model, including all the standard bells and whistles like others. Are you interested too?
Tromso, hv u bought the free style? If no, maybe u wan to consider PIA instead? Free style suction is no gd. Can't empty the breasts as much as possible
Did you get the hands free strap to make PISA hands free too? Do you know where it can be purchased fr?

I read reviews saying that the PISA tubing may contain moisture overtime unlike the Freestyle. Do you experience this?

Thank you!!
Yes Tromso, Thomson is using medela PIS ( with better engine)instead . Can borrow from the parentcraft centre. Freestyle not so recommended as not effective in expressing milk . Wbb was telling me to borrow instead and I have yet to check the cost.

Hi sisters, I am so tired.. My mil came to see baby once and "ran away" . She was laughing at us over the phone:" huh, u all are so tired over 1 baby. Last time , I take care of 3 , I was not tired at all.."

Me:" ohh, come and take care la, didn't you promise to? Come come?"

Her:" Aiya, just go and play with them la"

So KNS.. Brag so many things and didn't do a thing. Empty vessel makes the most noise. The so call confinement.. Angry

Sandra saw me and was surprised that I looked so tired.. She insisted that I must rest during the confinement. I was hoping that someone can knock some sense into my mil... But I think I shall not be that hopeful and will not believe in my mil anymore

Hi Hazel, my nicu bills are ard 6k plus inclusive of PD fees. 4 days level 2b and 1 day level 2a.

Sorry sisters, I will take some time to read thru the post for the past days.

Anyway, my massage lady is an indon Chinese, quite good, recommended by a colleague. She charges me 60 per session and for 8 sessions. Is this ex? Each session is 1 hour.
Tromso, what's yr religion?

Meryl, oh no!!!! Who is doing yr confinement?? Yr mil is one kind hide away from problems. How's bb? Putting on weight?

Hazel, can belle go shopping with u without making noise?? Today we brought elis to her IFC. She likes it a lot and smile to the teacher.

Chris, my mum is impressed with my IFC. Now her heart is at ease. Heng !!!
hi ladies,

long time din log in to check ..been too busy too.

good to hear from Meryl hehehe been thinking about you too and your baby hehehe
Your MIL is really very funny leh hehehe .....

yeah Sandra is very nice and i always love toking to her hehee ...Meryl, the rate is reasonable cos the one my fren jus intro charge $65 for an hour and 15 mins. so sama sama i feel ...hehe so long as you feel relaxed after the session and also effective hehehe ...are you also breastfeeding now? wake up at 3hrly huh?need to wait long today at dr loh side huh?
Yo, the check up reveaved that baby is still heads up ..dr loh say looks likely c-sec..hahaha...then my mind goes tinking as long as baby is well and safe i am okie although frankly i wan to try natural hahhaha ..then the next question is full GA or half GA. cos Full GA hubby cannot go in and witness the birth and cut umbellica cord ....but half GA mummy got to hear those noises from those intrusments and not knwoing what to expect next hehe
jus tat i know that C-Sec recovery rate is not as fast as natural hehhehe
and also think it will affect breastfeeding ..cos one of my frens c-sec, cannot breastfeed - latch on is painful ...yeah anyone can share your frens' experience on full GA or half body GA huh?

dr loh is saying that some ladies try natural but end of the day still ended up C-sec...so really depends on individual...

oh yes, btw, dr loh is very nice he gave us 4D fotos leh..free one leh...first time i see 4D hehe can move one too ...so fun leh...
hi Tromoso, the freestyle kit comes with the hands free straps which i am figuring out how to attach. so i refer to the medala youtube webvideos lor hehehe
i am seeing whether do i need to buy bigger breastshields cos mine up by at least one size. seems like when i measure the L size, can fit, M is definitely too small.

cos they say tat if buy too big the shield hor, it becomes lor hong leh when you pump...not sure issit true lor....
Hi Catherine, my ah Lao is helping me out, waiting for my mom to come back on Monday
. Else will go crazy, hahha

Hi Sunbelle, my massage auntie rec fish maw ( hua jiao) for confinement. It has a lot of collagen, omega 3 and can help in improving breast milk. Hope this helps! Btw, I only see dr loh in June for follow up.
Hi Meryl, gd that r ah Lao is helping. He will appreciate u more in future. Heehee.... Did he complain he is tired?? The Hua jiao is not fish maw that we eat for steamboat right.... I ate one kind of Hua jiao to 'tiao' my body b4 I conceived. It can b v stink if u din prepare it or clean it well. the Hua Jiao I took was said to b a miracle food for our body. According to my sinseh Even ppl with cancer can b cured

Chris, I guess I feel more comfortable in sending Elis there. Though she is the youngest, I know she will b in gd hands. There r 5 nannies and 1 pd nurse. Pd nurse will bathe kids not nanny. So a total of 6 people looking after 11 infants. Not bad la its about 1 nanny to 2 infants. The infants there are made to look at flash cards daily and do exercises. The nanny told me to drop by to c elis during lunch time if I can. The IFC will take pictures every now and then, stick it on a wall to show their growth . V thankful that my mum and elis likes that place. At least my dad din complain I m too willful
Tromso, I nv use PIS before! Regretting not listening to friends b bought free style instead.

Sunbelle, the free style I bought came with 2 shield of different sizes.

Catherine, belle wun stay quiet thru out entire trip. Like just now, she was crying in way out. But at ntuc when we were doing goceries shopping, she was sleeping. Woke up when we were paying n started to cry. Last Sunday, I coaxed her to sleep before we leave house. We had coca steamboat at taka n she slept thru out. Woke up when we finished n I fed her milk before we went to taka to shop.

I carry her close to me in a bb carrier thru out. No stroller.
Hi sunbelle
So nice... 4D photos... Did u request or he just gives u? Wonder will he gives me see my bbies in 3D or 4D in my next scan too.. Btw, how big ur bb now at what weight? Ur checkup is still monthly or biweekly ler??
Btw, i will choose half GA for my c sect as want to see my bbies at first instance.. Will feel like u go thru natural birth..;) i want hb to be with me too.. Heard they say cut open very fast de...

Hi Meryl
Omg.. It must hv been tough for u.. Somemore u do c sect right? Need lots of rest on bed else ur wound will take long time to recover.. Hope ur mum will be back soon to help u...
Catherine, which IFC you sent Elis to? How is the fee like? Thanks. I got headache thinking of who will take care of my baby when I go back to work. We don't have any close relatives here. So hiring maid or sending to nanny or sending to IFC is the options I have. But I am hesitate to let my bb taken care of by maid alone.
Hi meryl, u delivered thru C sect? Did u check with Dr Loh if you can start with post natal massage already? Cux there are a few school of thots. My gynae only gave d green light for massage 2 mths aft delivery. Best to check b4 u start messaging cux the wound ( both inside n outside) will prob take 6 wks to heal..
Hi Catherine, I bought the one that is prefried
. Yup, similar to the one use for steamboat .

Hi joanne/ Hopeful, natural birth. I have started my massage
Hi Sunbelle, dun worry. When u r in OT, ur focus will b on the bb rather than what's going around u.. It will b gd if u do half body so that DH can be with you? For me, it's e Csect. So DH not even allowed to go into OT. A regret cux I dunno how my girl looks like when she first came out, DH had no chance to cut the umbilical cord too.

As for bf aft Csect, I only had problems on the 1st day as I was totally drained. But aft that, I nursed my girl.. No pain.

As for the breast shields for freestyle, ya, if too big will 'Lao hong' but too small, will cause abrasion on nipples. So I rather go for bigger shields n pressed them to my breasts than to ve sore nipples..
n u will know when it 'Lao hong' cux the pump gives out a beeping alarm!!
blur xuan...better dun eat ice cream first la..wait till 2nd tri den start. Dr Tan told me yst now still hv to be very kful. why r u having diarrhea? u drink milk again?

hows yr cramp?
Hazel, Juvi, actually I drank sugar cane juice a few times already..will not drink anymore.

Blurxuan, as you are still in your 1st trimester, I think you better not take cold drinks/ice for the time being..and esp since you are having LS. Maybe stay in air con room if you are feeling hot.

Sunbelle, my friend had a c-sec and she could bf from the 2nd day. However her milk supply was very low initially. She didn't give up and her milk supply eventually increase and she bf her girl for one year plus, even though she returned to work after 4 months of maternity leave.
Hi Hopeful, no idea, I can ask the massage auntie on Monday
. The purpose of the massage is to remove water/ air retention and tighten tummy flap
catherine, hazel,

bbs are easily startled, i heard tat tis will go off when they are approaching 5-6 mths cos in the womb they are nicely "wrapped". This was told to me by my mil's fren tats why last time old people will tell u tat their bb are not easily startled like my mil always brag to me..then her fren told her of cos la cos mil swaddle them all the way till they 3mths so they have grown pass the stage of "startled?" liao... Then mil thought back and agreed with her. Like clariss at 1st very easily startled now as she grown older better liao. And when we put her down on the bed we will tell her to sleep on her own and quickly use a beannie to place on her chest and pat pat till she feel at ease last time and now once we place it on her,she'll grab it readily for comfort and she'll not cry. Got to practise a few time to let her get used to it. Cos if u keep carry her all the time, she'll get used to carrying and very dependent on you and once u release your hold and put her down on the bed she'll be "startled" easily like losing her sense of security.

same my fil also practise the same way like your mummy say to let bb sleep on the side with a bolster behind her head and beannie for her to grab on to cos he says bb will be less startled if sleep this way. But so far only my fil knows how to make her sleep in this position.. i still not good at it. hahahaaa

yes wow good buy. i still considering whether to get freestyle or mini dual or swing..cos wanted to bring it to work. Looking for something compact and light weight .

yes, please do rest well..yup my mil also empty vessel too..tat time keep tell me to sack my CL and say will bring the maid over to help out but nitefeeding we got to settle ourselves etc etc blah blah..and brag tat last time she took care of 3 bbs etc etc.....

i understand wat u are going thro, are u able to get part-time help? if yes please do and try to take this whole mth to rest well very impt.
wow today weather super hot ah!!! Brought clariss for vaccination in the morning then brought her to fil's place for her to sleep while we went to look at her car seat. Loved the maxi cosi design but ex and dun have her size cos all start from 9mths and above. We went to hypermart at kaki bukit. I brought some PJs for clariss from robinson, quite gd buy as 2 for $9.90 and got further 10% discount.

And we went giant and bought her drypers wee wee dry!! Very good buy, 2 pkt for $31.95 and got $2 discount so 2 pkts for $29.95!!! We bought the L size for her and it works out to $0.21 per pc and if u buy M size then it works out to be $0.18 per pc. They changed the overall design and the tape too so its now softer and dryer.
Hi Hazel,

You are right , freestyle comes with two breast shields. yeah did u use the hand free strap huh?

Hi J03,

yeah dr Loh gave us the 4D fotos himself. We din request it. think only after week 35 is weekly visit. yeah for your two lovely twins sure fun to look using the machine in 4D form. heheee u can see them in your next visit huh?

Hi Hopeful,

Thank you very much for sharing your tots with me. I have exactly the same set of feelings as you. Being there to witness baby's first cry n hubby able to cut umbilical cord will be definitely touching. Hahaha hrd side effects lesser than full GA. yeah mi haven't consult dr Loh which method. yeah his views are definitely important hehee

Thank you very much for giving the assurance of having Breastfeeding even after c-sec.

Yo, pampers are selling two for $48 with sizes M,L n larger sizes. So mums using pampers k go carrefour to buy

catherine, hazel

fil just feedback to us tat now clariss "clever" liao aka naughty lor, when she is full she'll use her hands to hold the bottle and pull it out from her mouth..faintz i find it rude tho...

Bought her to vaccination and told pd tt her scalp abit dry and got yellow skin and pd told me she has cradle cap and prescribe us olive oil and cradle cap shampoo to use. No wonder she has being dropping alot of hair at that area and when i asked my in-laws they all said normal for bb to drop hair but i find it funny cos why only tat area...and told my frenz who suspected my gal has cradle cap like her boy..so she advised me off hand to apply olive oil 1st and i drag 2wks + then brought her c pd since its her jab soon. Then pd told me tat cradle cap if not treated the hair will drop till botak ah!!! omg... should have brought her in earlier...
