(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Bbjourney, nearest for you is probably at Plaza Sing.. If you are getting, better call the branch first to check if they have the Dreamgenii pillow before going down. I got the last piece from Harbourfront shop yesterday. I think I saw 2 other designs/brands too but they look too big for me.

Angel, good bargaining power!

Maybe i make a few calls to check. Now i cant go shopping but can go disturb Dr Loh. Later he see me think he will suan me again.
Hihi gals!

Hope you all enjoy your week ahead! I'm picking my maid on Wednesday but have yet to prepare the schedule and guidelines. Have gotten her area ready for her though. Seeing dr Loh on Friday. Hopefully baby is still growing well, am 28 weeks now. Philips and expo baby fair this weekend! Must buy most of everything already. Can't walk for too long nowadays!

Who's due to deliver next?
Sasha, bb fair this weekend meh?? I thought its 1-3 June?? Dun worry yr bb is definitely doing well. Hope yr maid will not b home sick or give u trouble
You're right!! I just checked. It's popular fair this weekend at expo. Motherhood next weekend. Next weekend also got a mega flea market. Carrefour fair end June, another baby expo 20-22july, a parents world fair 31aug-2sep.
ladies I haf a qns.. Do we get the stroller before I give birth or after? Coz my hubby said no rush after give birth den buy.. I was like isnt it too rush after tt.. Mine is twins but now still early coz week 7 only.. I told him end of yr got bb fair we can get one at tt time but he wan after BB born..
My fingers cannot bend much now! That's the carpel tunnel syndrome right? How huh? Seems to get worse at night.. I keep bending them but sooo stiff. Only happens to my left hand..my right hand is okay. Now in my week 30 only. Is yr pee dark yellow and I think quite smelly? Not sure if I'm drinking enough water.. Clear discharge also seems to be more leh..
Blur xuan, my hubby is like yrs. as the weeks goes by and he see that I m v tired, all the strollers din fit his criteria except for one, he gave in and bought. It's better to buy In dec. more sales. Got my car seat at 50% discount, stroller at 20%. U can ask the shop not to deliver until u give birth. Thats what we did. Warranty kicks in only when they deliver to yr place
just went to fox bb and got some oversized socks for clariss, no choice the rest of the socks too small liao..she got big feet hahahaaa

u might wanna check with your gynae on your condition regarding smelly urine. Coz might be UTI or something else, most likely u haven't being drinking enough water. Especially this 2 weeks weather sooo hot best to keep yourself hydrated.
throll..ok..I will take it orally today. Have been inserting them for the past few days. I think the nurse told me previously during 2ww tat insert is much better than oral and that's why during 2ww, they will ask us to insert instead of taken it orally.

blur xuan.. I only have Dydrogesterone tablet (2x a day) and the Utrogestan (the insert tablet during our 2ww)which I pestered Dr Tan to prescribe becos I am carrying twins and I am old...haha..so I told him I am scare.

Also, I suspect you will deliver during Dec so pls get your stuffs before that. GSS is coming and there may be good bargain too.
Chris, we juz weigh Elis at my gp clinic. She is 6kg!!!!! Omg omg. She is not even 3 mths old. Scary. No wonder my shoulder and wrist hurt a lot

wow chubby Elis!!! my colleague's bb boy 1 week younger than clariss, weight now 6.7kg and height 68cm!!! Super tall, at birth already 54cm liao and she said people commented tat her boy looks like 8mth old bb and she fainted.

have not recieved any news from kitty regarding our osh gosh purchase le. hahah being eyeing ralph baby clothes heehee they got sale now but dunnoe how to use vpost cos if just 2 items might not be worth paying for the shipping costs hor?
Hazel, yup. I got the blender last dec. I m gg there by 10am. U?

Chris, yr colleague bb is v tall!!!! Gp refuse to give her the fleet. Showed gp videos of elis he laugh... I was even counselling his nurse to keep bb and it's ok to have ms. Taka having 10% this thurs to sun. So angry!! I bought a lot over the Weekend!
Sashamama, hello *waves*... dont worry your baby girl is growing well. I also hope that your maid is the 乖乖 type. Enjoy your shopping but dont over exert yourself.
Hi mummies
Just curious.. U gals sterilze ur bbies bottles once per night or everytime she finish her feed, u sterilze? Also u gals oways wash using detergent for every feed or only once before u wanna sterilze? Thk u for ur advise.. Me forget le..
Joanne, if u r gg to steralise once a night u need to budget A LOT of milk bottles. 1 steraliser can only put 6 milk bottles. I do the practical way. Every morning after my pump I steralise my bottles and also milk bottles which I did not use for past 12-24 hrs. In the late afternoon I should have 4 milk bottle + my breast pump and steralise again. At night what's remaining juz wash and steralise. Of cos must use detergent. It's hygiene!!!!!!!
Chris, mine is the blender cum steamer. V gd! We used it last yr to cook our Xmas dinner. V fast to cook too.

Hazel, it's better to go early. Last yr we went v late most things r sold out. We will chiong there b4 bringing elis for her jabs
Dear gals,
I finally did a 7-page guidelines, 1-page interview questions, 2-page schedule. Hope everything will not go too badly when the maid comes!!!

Can I know which blender-steamer? Is it for normal use or for baby food?

Dear baby journey,
Thanks! You gals starting 2nd trimester feeling less nausea & more energy or not huh?
Hi ladies, may I know if we still continue to take mummies milk powder during breastfeeding? If so, will it be too much calcium for those also taking calcium supplements?

Sorry about asking the same question again, for those using PISA medela pump, do you know where we can buy the hands free strip? Thanks for all your advice over the weekend
Just wondering how many pieces of WBB swaddle clothes should we get? I heard it can double up as blanket too. What other uses? Get 6-8 pcs?? Thank you!

btw ladies, Gaia at Guardian has 20% off now.
Dear Sashamama, yes now i hv less nausea and more energy but i need to be on bedrest due to my cerclage. Now my "longest outing" is my trip to Dr Loh's clinic and sit there waiting for my turn. :p
Hi Tromso,

i tink buy one pack from Ms WBB should be enuff cos baby outgrown them quite fast. the towels as what hrd during class is very good for newborn esp after bathing. i oso bought one pack. heheee

Hi Hazel,

i oso dun dare to buy edible stuffs from malaysia. those external items i still dare to buy but not those consumed items by babies. .....diapers i tink is still okie...

anyone knows what are the offers or tenants at the motherhood fair this weekend huh?:p
Sunbelle and Tromso. May i know For WBB class, do we sit on the floor most of the time or do we sit on the chair. Cos due to the cerclage i cannot sit on the floor now.
Hi ladies. I am only into my 7weeks & wondering if i can still continue drinking Ensure Plus. I dun really like to drink fresh milk & have been drinking Ensure since 2ww. I tried a sample of Enfamama & had bad diarrhea. Pls advise. Thank you.
Lynn, think you can continue drinking ensure milk at early pregnancy (in moderation please) as I recalled a few sisters did so. I switched to fresh milk coz I don't feel well to continue with ensure after 2ww.

Bbjourney, I believe you can request in advance for a chair to sit on. Yours & your baby's safety is most impt, don't feel obliged to follow the other attendees to sit on the mat.
hi baby journey,

first 3 lessons are seated on the floor. yeah for your case, can jus let ms wong know, she very nice one, can jus sit on a chair. no worries about that. when u starting on your class huh?

Hazel, catherine, chris baby, lots of sale for fox kids, gap and guess what? i jus saw baby section at marks and spencer ..wow me to you picture...almost wanted to buy the 3 rompers series but stopped myself cos i bought lots of clothes and hub is stopping me liao hehehe...no space ...the drawers are full hhhhhaaa
Angel and Sunbelle, thanks for your reply.

Sunbelle, I m attending WBB class in July. just want to check that she allows us to sit on chair, if not i may hv to cancel my application liao.
Thanks AngelXuan. I will drink ensure in moderation & perhaps swap to fresh milk after the 1st trimester. I am also very keen in getting the pillow. Saw it before in the states but didn't know you can get it here at mothercare.
Thanks bbjourney, i will try. I dun drink milk cos i get real sick and start to throw up, But for the sake of the little one i feel i should start drinking. Btw what is WBB? Sorry am new to this forum & learning lots of new abbreviations.
Lynn, there are a number of different brands of formula milk for pregnant women. You may ask your gynae if he/she has any free samples for you to try.

I tried Anmum & Similac also but still cannot accept well so no choice just stick to fresh pasteurized milk. Asked my doctor and he said any milk and any flavor is ok. (Of course cannot drink fresh milk that is not pasteurized.)
Angel, Alice gave me Wyeth S26 n Dumex Mamil Mama to try. I puke out Wyeth S26 immediately after my first sip cos i feel that there is a fishy smell n taste. Dumex Mamil Mama is quite nice but sweeter than Anmum. I hv not try Similac.

Lynn, WBB is the name of a trainer at TMC. WBB=Wong Boh Boi.
Bbjourney, I got Wyeth S26 sample from Dr Loh's nurse too but haven't tried. Don't think I will try that after knowing your feedback. They have no other samples already when I asked. For Similac Mum, it's in the FBI goodie bag. You should have it too?
Angel, Alice gave me Dumex Mamil Mama last friday. Yes i hv the Similac from FBI goodie bag. I hv not try it yet.

Ytd i went to checkout the babyshop at TMC but they dont hv that pillow. Think need to get from MC if i want to buy. :p

Catherine, Hazel!!! and all mummies

GAP having sale!!! 30% off selected items and min 5 items additional 20%. Tat includes bb Gap as well. The staff told me the sale started last Fri.
I went centre pt dun have clariss 's size so maybe go other bigger branches. i asked the sales staff and they say the sale is while stock lasts, cos they are not briefed by mgt when is the end date. Got to buy 1-2 dresses cos hb's cousin wedding this November. hahaha
Actually if u combine with your frenz to buy min 5 items is still cheaper than buying from gap usa online.

This sat going to cheong there with hbs to buy dresses for clariss hope got her size.
We not going philips fair cos mil has a new blender set aside for preparing semi-solid food for bb so no need buy liao...
