(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi cool, u called sgh care n spoke to nurse? Their advice is usually accurate. But if u wan assurance, you can do the following..
1) email dr Yu ( she is ur gynae right)
2) call o&g n ask to spk to the nurse or tell them u need to make an urgent appointment. But dr Yu only has clinic on tues morning n fri afternoon. So on other days u may ve to see other docs.

I know.. Cux I m wif dr Yu too..

Meanwhile, just rest well!!

Cool, btw o&g is just opposite Care.. U ve ur pink card already? If so just make sure u always bring ur pink card whenever u go sgh
good that you have a good rest today. Somehow my sleepy bug never quite leave me alone since 2ww till now. Glad that it went to you this morning, no wonder I have some energy to clean the house a bit, go out to buy grocery and lunch. But once you woke up from your nap, I KO..haha..:p

I'll be stopping my duphaston tablets and folic acid at the end of 12 weeks, and switch to multi-vitamins and fish oil. Do check with doctor if you are insecure about stopping your progesterone supports. Maybe ask if you can gradually reduce them instead of stopping all at the same time.
Hi Pierced, thanks
it's really not easy resting and sleeping on the left side fr prolonged period, but I guess practice will make it easier.

Cool, I used to have endometriosis but had been surgically removed before IVF. I'm not sure if preggy pains could be due to those too. For my pain case, sometimes it's caused by gastric (have quite a few such episodes during first trimester), the pain will extend from stomach to tummy area and will usually be on and off for 2 days. With ample rest and eat lots, it always go away, so I've ignore them. But at any 1 time you don't feel assured, can do what Hopeful suggests.

With private, we usually just walk in without appointments, wait is a bit longer but at least it takes the mind off things. You rest well and continue to monitor ok.

Sometimes pains can also be due to the uterus expanding, try to rest on the other side instead. But If it's really contraction-like pain, best to see dr immediate ok!!
Aiyo Cool, if unwell, dont wait liao. Go KKH A&E, on the spot can scan and immediately know. Then you can always bring the updates to Dr Yu when you next see her. I find KKH A&E most accessible even though like SGH, TMC also have their own 24hrs.

Angel, ya i am concerned with cold turkey stop cos i am on so much supports, not just duphaston. So, am worried too drastic drop may trigger something bad. I hope Dr Loh can let me slowly wean off instead.
Chris, ya you have a point. Maybe i can even make my own at home! Have been thinking of getting a juicier for some time liao.

Good that Clariss fever is down.
Angelxuan, Hopeful and Tromso, thank you so much for the assurance and advise! hugs

Hopeful, you are with Dr Yu too
I dont' have pink card. What is that? I don't have Dr YU's email. Do you have it?
WOw so nice to finally find someone with the same doctor!! :D yippee!
Hi cool, how many wks r u now? O&G will issue a pink card ie ur records card when u reach 12 wks.. Yes.. I have her email add. Will pm you.. Hahaha.. Yes, I know sgh is not a popular choice for ivf.
Btw on the a&e part, u can also go sgh a&e. They ve an ultrasound scanner thr too n can check immediately. Otherwise. They will send u to labour ward. That's Wat I did when I had food poisoning a few mths back.. Dun hesitate to go to a doc if u feel unwell..
Hi all, me new here in this thread. Just graduated from the IVF/ICSI thread haha....
Will really need the sisters's support n advice here as it's my first time Preggie.
didn't know that I cannot accept PM. I just PM you

I'm only 6weeks +. So no pink card.
Sorry, I don't know your status, how many weeks are you know?
haha I really can just go KK A&E and they will entertain? That's good to know.
That day in great pain, I only know wait till morning to call, didnt' think of going a&e. I still think always dumb dumb waiting for my next appointment.

Hopeful, you mean when you had food poisioning, you go SGH a&e and they will do a U/scan for you or you'll have to request for it? heeehee at least now I know I can just pop in if I really need. Wouldn't feel so lost!

Thank you, sisters!!

Juvi, welcome MTB!!
Juvi, welcome!!

Cool, just replied your PM.. I will b 39 weeks tmrw.. Waiting impatiently at home now..
No worries abt the pink card. They will give it to u once u hit 12 wks..
On my food poisoning story, it's complicated.. Hahaha.. Besides seeing dr Yu, I have been seeing another pte gynae at Parkway East. So when I had food poisoning I went to PE cux it's nearer to my house. N I got a shock when they only had a gp there w/o any u/s scanner. N the a&e was really preggy unfriendly. So nx morning, I called sgh. They slot me to see dr Yu immediately n warded me for 2 days. I thot I was better n discharged. But things did not improve. So went back to a&e cux o&g is closed n they did a scan at a&e n warded me again..
Chris, my mum said no to pao sheng. Bb cannot absorb those they r too young. My mum say the method is to feed them with panedol b4 taking the jab. But she told me try not to do it. Also on the diluted fm, I learn from u and also got scolded by my mum too. Same reason given by pd. if Elis need 120ml of milk I put 130ml of water. My mum found out N scold me now I dare not do it.

Hey metro, Robinson and certain brands in og having 20% sales. U sure u can b confined at home? I m trying to squeeze in shopping on Sunday morning. Hope elis cooperate and wake up early .

Yup that's the site of the mum and babes sales
Cool, can, whichever more convenient for you. If SGH A&E can scan (cos not all A&E can scan for preggies), then all the better to go as they have your records. If not just go KKH, they are very well equiped and experienced. Bottomline is as long as you dont feel well, dont wait. Maybe i kiasi but then our pregnancies so precious, really not worth having risking.
Hi Joanne,
Yes, my baby is on bigger size too. Dr only measured tummy circumference, but I did ask him baby weight. He said it's 800g, about 2wks ago. Now should be more already. My edd also become faster 16 July instead of 28 July. I just hope that baby has enough space there hehe. Wow...your baby each is 800g, twins means double the weight. Sometimes I feel my stomach is already very big, how about yours hehe ... But don't worry, as long as babies healthy, nothing to worry.

Hi Ron,
Congrats! Congrats! Hope you are coping well during your confinement period.

Hi Juvi,
Welcome aboard!

Regarding sleeping on left hand side, yes...it's good for blood circulation n will make baby more active too. But then can always change position to right hand side too. So just toss n turn around at night loh hehe.

tat's wat yu guo and my hse gp taught me..faintz rite? btw wat did ur mum say, like if 130ml FM then how we adjust the milkpowder cos i scoop is 30ml and 4 scoops will be for 120ml FM...how many scoop for 130ml?

wow toh guan tooo far for me, hahaha is like east to west... btw tomorrow still got to go tomb sweeping so got to go all the way to bkt purmei fetch my dad then go mandai and then send him bk then i drive bk to punggol. can really die lor...going to leave bb with hbs, told him to wear mask. fil can't help either as mil and bil down with flu so i can't bring bb to their place either.... hope i dun fall asleep while driving. this whole week very tiring for me ah.........

my dowager up to her old ways again, tekan and scold maid again and asked maid go eat shit, maid cried.... fil very angry with dowager...long story...

Now she recover from her fall on chinese new yr 3rd day so no need maid's help liao ..so now turn nasty and back to her old ways. beitahan...
Chris, my mum and husband ask me to use my common sense. Juz put a bit more like 4 rounded spoonful. No one dare to make fm or cut fingernails. All point to me. Sigh if one day I go on.biz trip Elis drink air already la....

Pierced, I wanted to go buy potty but my gal was only ready at 5pm. Though not v far but lazy la... Weather so hot.

Oh oh Chris and hazel, we went to buy breakfast around 7pm and ate ice kachang at a dessert shop. Elis saw us eating and was drooling!!!!! My husband told me we should not have eaten! Husband got to tell elis she is too young, we will bring her to eat when she grow up etc. I only took half my kachang and gave up cos she was fussing and I had to carry. V hard to please hor
Chris, wah cte all the way for u.... After Mandai can go Toh guan ma.... Lucky I m spared of tomb sweeping. Tomorrow long day for me too. I have to bring Elis to enrol shichida, go dentist, send my car for repair, open bank account, send my mum things to her house. I hope can complete within 5hrs. If not must bring 2 bottles out
Hi Catherine, can I ask u abt schichida? Do we need to place deposit once we request to b on the waiting list? Also schichida is for more than 6 mths old baby?
Ron- Happy for you! enjoy motherhood!

hi j03- so sorry i missed ur pm, too busy to check email nowadays. =)
yup via C-sect, scheduled 37 wk but 36 wk contraction came so emergency c sect..2.03kg and 2.34kg..i took leave/HL from 34 weeks onwards... as backache / or the bb press agst some nerve, so painful when walk.couldn't sleep at night also becoz of the weight pressing on me. but i bought the preg support pillow, it helps abit..yes doc told me if can rest early, rest early, to prevent premature... coz add on i had mild gestational dibetes, so was on very controlled diet as bb were growing too fast initially..so high risk of premature..i was on some support pill from mth 5 onwards but my morning sickness lasted till mth 8, so i din really take alot of the support pills as they caused me to be light headed and vomit, but it's best you start taking early if possible...i pm u. u r five mths now? do you know the gender of ur twins?

Wondering if you have heard fr glimmer or melodi?
Hazel, catherine,

watch out for the little fingers... clariss is greedy pig, think this period they love to touch things and once she grabs something without thinking she'll put it straight in her mouth faintz....like i was changing diapers for her and wiping her body then once i turn my head she grabs anything within her reach and puts in in her mouth faintz... Even her daddy's pillow case she also eats and including my fingers faintz... At the clinic yesterday, the pd gave her a tiny dumbbell to hold just to test her grabbing skills and while the pd was talking to her, clariss straight away but the dumbell in her mouth . faintz lucky the pd stop her in time.
Hi Chris, Hazel, Catherine,
How's mommies n babies doing? Just pop by after so long.
Went Osaka/Kyoto for 4 days, then back busy with laundry, photos, and my friends came over from SG n stay over fOr few days. Then housekeeping n playing with my happy call pan. And magazine came over to do shooting n interview. Done with all and can take a break for few days. Probably going to Beijing for few days before going back Sg.

Osaka and Kyoto were rather cold. Raining almost everyday. Temp below 10 at night. And we found out that our ger like cold cold air. The minute she gets into train with heater on, she will cry until we get down. Other than the temperature n rain, everything else were ok. We managed to catch the cherry blossom though only 70 percent blooming.

How are your babies coping with the jab? Will be doing the jab for laurel back in Sg just in case she got any fever.
Neil, happy to hear u enjoyed yr trip!!

Chris, my elis is eating everything. From her beanie bag casing, my t shirt, her bath towel, my arms, hankie,... What's new? She even know how to put her hand under the towel and cover herself. For me I bo chap as long as its not dangerous.

Angelxuan, sorry I made u drool. I remembered u had ice kachang when I was preggy and had tummy ache. Not those pang sai type but feeling v uncomfortable. After that I was banned from cold food.

Hopeful, u have to pay $50 exclude gst for registration and $300 as deposit. In the event if U decided not to enrol yr kid the $300 will b refunded. Shichida is for 3 mths old bb and above.
Catherine, aiyah..don't say sorry. It's prob my craving. I don't know how long I never had ice kachang and other cold desserts already..really miss them! The tummy ache might be caused by the condense milk that is poured onto the ice kachang. I will have tummy ache and sometimes LS when I have beverages with condense milk (but I love condense milk :p).

I can picture your elis reaching out and trying to eat everything but ganna stopped by you - think the scene is very cute!
Angelxuan, me too! I like condensed milk. U should try thick toast with peanut and condensed milk at the hk cafe at imm level 3. Sorry dun know the name of the cafe. I had it few weeks b4 giving birth. After that I pester my hb to bring me there almost every week. We also tried making at home but nothing beats what we had at the cafe.

No I dun stop her from biting so long as it's not dangerous or sharp. I juz ignore and laugh at her.

Raining! Sianz ESP got to bring a bb out
Yes very sianz about the rain especially when need to go out. Hubby trapped in polyclinic with no umbrella and no shelter leading to anywhere. Going to pick him up and go for my 2nd round breakfast. Hungry!
Catherine, Chris, its so cute reading your gals stuffing everything and anything they can grab into their mouths! Hahaha, as if everything so delicious like that! Could it also be they teething soon?
Dear Tromso,
Thanks for the tip on lying on the left! I try to lie on my left too, but if baby kicks me too much, i'd change to the right and vice versa, scared no space for baby inside. Can anything be done abt the low in fluid?

Dear Chris,
Anything worth buying at the Toh Guan sale huh?

Dear juvi,
Started feeling morning sickness?

Dear Hopeful,
Excited for you to have reached your 39th week!!!!! Gotten everything ready? :p

Dear Nell & heartbeats,
I also miss Japan! Went there 2010 dec F&E. Wonder when I can go again...
Sashamama, think can go Japan once baby is at least 6 months and completed all vaccinations? Japan is very child friendly place so i feel fangxin to go even with young children. But weather generally cold so i planning at least let them complete all vaccinations, be stronger in immunity first then go. But probably got to bring the whole entourage of parents + helper, hahaha cos we sure cannot resist shopping! Will need help carry bags! hahaha
Heartbeat, Sashamama,
I love Japan. Can go anytime lah. I went to Hokkaido when I was 4mths plus preggy to catch the summer flowers. But the long flight was quite tiring. this time to Osaka w a 2 mths plus. JP v baby friendly. Everywhere can find nursing n changing room. Probably going again this June holiday w my boy, cos my hb say better not go to places w huge time zone diff. Difficult to handle bb w jet lag 2 ways. So JP seems to be the only choice. My son also love JP cos he likes jp carton.

Catherine. Is shichida v good? What they do? I see lots of ppl sign up.
Hi Catherine, noted with thanks!! If I still ve not popped nx wk, may go place a deposit.. =p Kiasu mama.. Hahaha.. No choice!

Hi Sashamama, thx!! Yup everything is ready minus d baby...
Ya lor Nell! I was so impressed, every shopping mall sure got nursing rooms. The bigger malls even have strollers! The only bad thing is their train stations not everyone got escalators so if we bring our own strollers, abit mafan.

Btw you stay in hotels? I was thinking to stay at serviced apartments esp if bring parents. Hehehe, still a long way to go, i already dreaming about my trip already, haha
Hopeful, u r another mum who is registering when yr bb is not born? Omg. I din make it to shichida this morning. Heavy rain and I dun want Elis to get caught. Now at bank opening her savings account. C later if I can dash to shichida and chop a place for her.

Neil, shichida claims to improve bb concentration and make their brain learn faster. My big boss told me it will give kids nightmare. I m intending to try for at least 1yr to c how. There is a long q so must grab a seat fast.

Anyone has comments on kumon? My IFC is adopting kumon style so no need for Elis to go for kumon class.

Another goodie in the east - If you like once-upon-a-milkshake, this weekend at Pasir Ris SRC (only), there's 15% off all shakes and ice-cream!

Now my whole mind is just filled with food and what to eat! Lolx!
