(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Bbjourney, hehe..hope the extra weight gain goes to baby, not me!
These few days is so hot and I'm glad it rained but also glad it stopped now! Now at lavender eating this wan ton mee - always long q! The mee is nice but meat is so so.. Getting more expensive.

My bb hor only kick at one place leh at the left side ... for the past 2 weeks! Seems like nvr move... Im thinking must be the legs...!

Wah also feel like eating beef noodles! East side always got good food but quite out of way for me.

Wow good to see clb! I had been following the Ivf/Icsi thread since Jan 2011 thread... Happy to see that so many mummies have graduated!
Phew.. Finally finish read all the thread...
Hope i no miss out any one..
Hi Ron
Congratulation to u... Was looking forward to hear ur gd news as we know each other last year around april time too together with clb..;) how big is ur bb?

Hi Chris
Glad to know ur bb fever has subside... Actually i thot when bb having fever, try to wipe her will do instead of bath?? My boy got a very serious fever few mths after born and due to one injection.. Forget what injection le.. But very scary tt time.. i never hear bb drink paosheng at such young age too.. But i do heard of dilute the fm feed if bb is heaty.. I did tt to my boy last time too...;)

Hi heartbeat
Yes, FA scan is the growth scan..to check blood flow to bb etc.. Glad all ok.. So i think u will go thru tt too as doc Loh request this for twin pregnancy.. I like the scan as they scan longer n can see bbies longer..;) can u imagine i see one of my bb peeing?? So cute n funny.. Surprise they actually pee when in womb too..;)

Hi tromso
Ya, i notice Doc Loh dun measure their weight.. Only measure their tummy circumference as he says last time that bbies still small to measure by weight.. Hope next scan he can measure bbies weight...;) i know their weight this time fr the FA scan...

Hi clb
So nice to hear fr u.. Like find one long lost friend.. Thks so much for sharing ur advise to me.. Appreciate alot.. ;)

Hi Juvi
Congrat to u!! Welcome..;)

Hi hopeful
U will be the next to go for delivery.. Hv a smooth one n can carry ur bundle of joy soon.. Excited neh..;)
Hi chris baby,

how is clariss today huh? feeling better huh? wishing her a speedy recovery.

hi J03, can u share your diet huh? hehehe
cos i wish my baby gets bigger and bigger and oso in a healthier way hehehe
no worries about big, to me i always feel big is better ...of cos not too big lah...did u attend the doc tok last tue by dr ang huh?

Hi Shashamama, good to hear that your baby is growing well. jus wondering i tot pregnancy hormones supposed to reduce adeyomoosis one when i reasd from the website, did you ask dr loh huh? cos i am feeling blur too.

hi pierced, i also find toh guan too far liao cos stay in the east. yeah not sure what are the tins there too. scarli go there hor, nuttin waste of time n big effort lor....

Welcome back Nell, miss your super postings hehee :p) able to cope during the trip huh?

Hi Hopeful, u must be feeling super excited now rite ? hehee i can even feel it now hehehe ..hmmhmm feel like getting all tins ready hahaha ....

hi tanny, the kok kee wanton mee is always so long Q and very expensive. yeah guess lots of different places got different yummy food hehe

For ladies whom stay in the east, you can try Eng's wanton mee at dunman hawker centre..is as good and feature in TV as the no. 1 wanton mee hehehe the chilli sauce can send you tonnes of fire hahahah....

Hi Catherine, think Kumon is good but also depends on the teachers at the respective location. i jus learnt that Kumon childcare at citysquare is $1700 for full day childcare before discount. can be becos of the high rental there hehe
Congrats Ron

the thread is moving super fast leh..hehe
i been reading the past postings n catching up with them hehehe

yeah jus wanna to ask issit necessary to buy nursing tops, since most of the time, will be at home pumping milk or latching on? what is the exact purpose of nursing top huh? issit to really for easy latch on by baby or by pumping out the breastmilk?
Hi Kimmy, Catherine, Hazel, Chris baby and Ron,

do you all select 1 single bedder room huh? understand that is also subject to availability of the rooms when u deliver that day.

talk about the rainz...sianz kena woke up by clariss at 5.30am she making baby akoo akoo noise..aiyoyo so noisy then stuff pacifier in her mum and she kept quiet then noise started again cos pacifier dropped off from her mum. and the whole process repeat itself for 15mins then she doze off. at 6.30am she cried for milk, after feeding refuse to sleep and make alot of noise and playing in the baby cot. beitahan..finally both of us doze off close to 8am. By 8.45am i woke up sooo gd weather but got to rush cos got to fetch my daddy go tomb sweeping and before tat got to pump milk, buy bfast for hbs.. hb good life rite? got privilege cos flu.. so tired driving spent nearly 3hrs on the road to and fro CTE. Think tat number of hrs i can easily drive to malacca liao...shag ah..then got to buy lunch bk for hbs...
Hi all,

Clariss fever subsided at around 5pm yesterday..wow panadol drops really works...so if anyone of you going for vaccination pls ask the PD to give u fever medication for standby cos u dun want to end up looking for drs during the wkend if bb has fever and their temp really escalate very fast. I've being sponging her with cold tap water but didn't help as it went up and by the time i know it its 38.3 liao so quickly gave her medicine.
Dear Nell & Heartbeats,
Wld love to go again but very expensive le. 1 normal bowl of ramen already costs S$16. I think stay in sg lo. Hehe...

Dear Sunbelle,
Dr loh did mention pregnancy might help in my adenomyosis but no guarantee lo, so will see how. Hopefully I can have a 2nd one asap after this one!!! In case wait longer the adenomyosis gets worse!

Dear Joanne,
When u seeing dr loh again? I seeing him after he comes back from his leave, confirm super super long queue!!!

wow u staying at the east too??? heehee me northeast but always go east side look for gd food cos hbs used to stay in the east and i loved the dunman wanton noodles. Got the 古早味。。

yup, you can tell the hospital your bed preference but depends on availability on that day. Like for my case, actually all fully taken on the day i went in...so nurse said is 1st come 1st serve. i admitted after midnite for induce...dr came in the morning and burst my waterbag around 8.30, epi and induce drip was given at 9.30am..then i keep tell bb to come out fast fast cos as the room is 1st come 1st serve and if she comes out late then mummy will have no room..heehee and she came out real fast in 3-4hrs hahahahha and nurse came in and told me tat i got the room and say i very lucky cos on waiting list and alot of people queuing for tat room and happens i deliver 1st whaahahaaaa....

i wanted a single-bedded for privacy, n hbs to stay overnite..furthermore i'm a light sleeper if i were to take double-bedded room and the other party snores or has alot of visitors , i might not be able to rest well.
clariss very active today...hbs say she didn't sleep...jia lak now my turn to look after her and she cranky cos couldn't sleep sianz..........

yup i heard b4 tat getting preggy will help in endo and adeno as well so my gynae keep encouraging me to have a 2nd one fast..but i really dun have the time and resources for 2..one is very tiring and straining liao...
Hi all, thanks for e welcome. Can I know what brand of multi vit I should get for pregnancy? Currently I m just taking folic acid n omega-3 fish oil.....
I'm in my 4th week now. Extended my HL till my first scan just to play safe....
Sunbelle, yes, stayed in a premier single bedded, not the standard single bedded. Friends said the room is nice but hubs said is an expensive hotel!

Re: bb weight
Is derived by bb tummy's circumference and some other measurements such as head circumference. Anyone interested, can google online for the formulae. In KKH, dr only tracked bb's weight from 6 mths pregnant earliest. Maybe dr Loh still following kkh's style. I was told by a KKH sonographer that the chart to compare fetus weights n percentile only start at 6 mths pregnant. Ie, before that, can't tell much which percentile fetuses weight is even of there is a weight.

Chris n Catherine, I scolded belle just now for being naughty! Guess wat, her lips turned downwards n wanted to cry! My mum saw it too! Amazing! She knows I m scolding her! Bbs really develops n grows n each day may give us new surprises!
Juvi, y are u taking omega oil at 4 wks pregnant? U dun need any supplements now except folic acid n hormones support medicine. When it is time for omega fish oil and multi vit, your gynae will prescribe to u... N that is after first trimester. MS comes at abt 6-8 wks, these supplement will only make u feel wors n puke more. Wasted all the supplements too when u puke also.
Sunbelle, Chris, ya, TOh Guan so far, from sengkang to there, I can die liao! Unless happen to have someone go there first to check out, coz last time i checked out baby warehouse sales before and felt so disappointed coz seriously nothing to buy.. their discounts sometimes are the normal prices even without sales. So I end up going for robinsons, isetan, taka kind of sales instead. hee...

Nell, so nice to go for Japan tour.

Heartbeats, hee same go tour with baby better to shop and have parents around to help look after. I have my mum to help me look after when we go for trips so we take turns going shopping.
With a kid, i like serviced apartments as it's more convenient and u able to prepare meals and stuff.

Catherine, for Kumon, I feel that it's just drilling and more drilling. it's very boring as it just preps kids for primary school. They go for an hour or so and they do exercises. then the teacher marks. they do their corrections on their own too. go home also practise worksheets everyday.
Kumon is better when you want to prepare the kid for pri school.
Also, a lot depends on the teachers at the location of the school. My friend ever worked there before so she said the quality of the teachers really has dropped.
Sunbelle, hee for my #1, i bought some nursing tops for bringing baby out but i end up not really wearing them and wearing my own kind of tops coz i tot the tops really dun look that nice. plus usually i go to nursing rooms to nurse, otherwise, i will just pop those nursing covers over me and just let the bb latch.

Now u gals talking about wanton mee makes me feel like eating the dunman one too! slurp!

i didn't go toh guan one cos big items already bought since last yr and at taka bb fair this yr..toh guan is tooooo far away..i stayed just opp u!!! punggol..heheee so no pt go all the way there and later find disappointments hahaha anw this weekend got to stay at home and monitor clariss cos she has the vaccinations and immune system low..hbs flu too...oooh i super tired now how i wish i can nap ah...can't cos hbs is sleeping and clariss is sleeping on my bed

hahahaha why u go scold belle? heehee she's so adorable... no wonder her mouth turns down. heehee

so tired this whole wk.....Zzzzzzzz
Long day for me but only half errands done.

Sunbelle, Elis IFC is already $1580 b4 govt subsidy! Its about that price in town. I chose that school bcos the principal is from nanyang kindergarten and it's the cleanest school in town. I m v particular about environment, cleanliness and lighting. My husband is v particular with dust so if we say that school can means really can. Juz enrol in shichida. I may not get a place for July intake argh!!!

Chris, ya yr route can easily clock about 150km. For us today we clock about 60km. But rested 1.5 hrs at my parents place to eat and let elis sleep. I suddenly remember I need to buy the 2mth teat for her milk bottles... Later got to go taka or tiong bahru plaza to buy. So sotong me! Well I always buy breakfast for my husband. He rather sleep or look after elis. Nothing new

Hazel, yes it's amazing that bb can do that. Elis will give u a Bo chap attitude. Look away and hand Pose as if she is right. That's y I always tell her the cane is there. With my soft hearted husband the cane will not touch her butt
hazel, catherine,

so angry the seller kelly fr Gmart just disappeared with my $$$ and no goods received 2 wks liao le....and never replied my mail...sianz..later saw alot of reviews of buyers complaining of her. faint there goes my $$$$ luckily i ordered only 2 items...but $25 fly liao..........Felt cheated lor, 1st time order online kena cheated liao. pui pui pui....
Chris, u nv read the comments on the seller before u buy?

Catherine, which IFC is this in town? Raffles Plc? Govt subsidy for IFC is $600 right?
dear sisters,

An advice on how to deal with colic? my gal seems to cry a lot this week and very irritable... i burp her after every feed also she seem so much like in pain... she keep trying to expel air from her own system...any suggestions....
Hi Catherine, hahaha.. Just another wk till bb is born so not tat
KS lah.. I will also let her try for 1yr first b4 deciding if she shd continue. On kumon, I heard the same thing as what Pierced said.. So not keen in kumon.

Hi Sunbelle n Jo03, yes very excited. But there is another sister in this forum who is also waiting for our babies arrival..
Hi sunbelle
Actually i dun eat alot but i notice tt usually wht i eat goes to bbies than me just like my boy.. Also, due to gene tt bbies r bigger as hb tall..... Only put on 4kg till date..last scan few days ago, sonographer say chubby bbies with long legs..;) i eat one to 2 bread n ammum milk in morning. Normal lunch like rice or noodle.. 4pm take ammum milk again and some biscuits or bread.. Dinner take very little due to indigestion.. Half portion of rice unless i no take bread for teabreak then will eat more for dinner.. Tts all.. No supper.. So i feel my bbies size r due to gene instead of diet.. Sometime i worry whether wht i eat is enough for them or not.. Hee...
hi sashamama,

yeah is true to quickly have a second baby soon.
when is dr loh on leave huh? hehe
for how long huh?

hi chrisbaby, you are right. i stay in the east heheeh ....loved the dunman wanton mee very muchie too..normally will go there around 5pm when it is not so crowded or else have to wait for a while heheee esp on weekends. wow envy you deliver so fast hehee ....yup agreed that single beddded can rest better too hehee i am tinking of that too hehee
Hi Hazel,

i also have a fren whom are delivering next month. her hub went to do the calculation and say that the difference betweeen premire and single is only $100 plus per night... yeah i will discuss with hub and book soon. hehe :p)

Hi Pierced, after hearing what you say on nursing tops, tink i dun intend to spend money to buy nursing tops cos i dun really forsee myself wearing them too ....even with nursing tops, i still tink privacy is impt leh hehe

Hi Chris baby, what items did you buy huh? i have ordered pampers, baby towels, rompers, blankets, creams, wall stickers, ear piece, and lots others. so far experience is quite good. yeah can you contact gmart personnel to ask them to help you huh? at least they oso have some responsibility as the lady kelly sell thru gmart lor...hope you can get back your refund...
Hi Vann,

saw that some sisters here buy Dr Brown anti colic bottles..u might wan to try huh? i am thinking of buying one or two to try leh...but i am worried that if baby hooked on hte dr brown's bottles, what will happen to all those numberous avent baby bottles which i bought huh? any tots huh?
Hi Hopeful,

wishing you a smooth delivery hehehe.. oh yes your hospital bag should be with you any moment from now i guess hehee

Hi J03,

looks like you din really eat muchie ...yeah is easier to lose weight when your babies are born heheeh tink no need muchie effort to slim down cos i remmember you are quite petite size hehee
As the day draws nearer, the excitement builds up hahaah
think all of us are eager to hold our bundle of joy in our arms. heheheeee..
Wah u ladies make me drool for my fav wonton mee at commonwealth. Hmmm... Seems all of u r in the east and me in the west. C tomorrow morning I can go Toh guan then update all. Pray princess elis cooperate Chris, u can sleep beside clariss like how I always do.

Pierced, I dun agree that kumon method is gd. What if The kid read the first part and assume she/he has done the sum b4, then rush to do the problem sum. Not knowing the 2nd part of the questin is different then how? Marks r wasted.
Vann and sun belle, Chris recommended me to buy dr brown. So I alternate between dr brown and avent bottles. So far no issues cos elis is not fussy. As long as its milk she juz drink.

Hazel, the IFC is genius hive at octogan. Yup it's $600 govt subsidy for IFC. Child care subsidy is $300.

Hopeful the wait list is about 10-12. I may not get a place in July. Argh....

Joanne I envy u leh so far only put on 4kg! That's v little!!!!

Chris, u reminded me I have not receive her shoes. K later I go check who is the seller. If its that Kelly pui to her too! Faint princess Elis is fussing now! How can I go tiong bahru plaza?!
Vann, get rid wind blue colour box from guardian. Use a syringe n give your bb 0.1ml every 3 hourly. Can put into the milk but if bb dun finish every feed, give direct. Belle is taking that now per dr's advise. Once bb gets better, ie cries less, slowly whine her off.. Eg, 3 hrly becomes 4 hrly then becomes every alternate feed then to 3x a day, 2x a day and finally once a day before bed time. This is what the PD taught me. Also make sure bb pop regularly, ie. max every 3 days once.
Hi Sunbelle, hospital bag is ready since wk 30 collecting dust.. Hahaha... Btw on nursing tops, I bought a few maternity cum nursing tops. So even aft birth I still can wear them. Just bought a few cux dunno if I will bf in public..
catherine, sunbelle and Vann,

heng clariss not fussy about bottles, cos i alternate between dr brown normal teat, wide neck, and even wide neck Bfree anti-colic bottles. heehee before tat she was drinking avent and pigeon bottles all no problem. As long as milk, she drink not picky.

For colic, just bring her to PD and they will give her colic drops to remove wind, also good to burp bb everytime after feed. And to massage her tummy during diaper changing time. Use 2 fingers and rub tummy clockwise circular motion round belly button area. Massage like 10-30 rounds.
catherine, hazel

just now i very fed up and shouted at clariss cos she v cranky as didn't sleep this whole afternoon and during her cleaning session to prepare her for bed she got very cranky and started crying and swinging her fists and legs. Made it very difficult for me to wipe and dress her. She became v impatient and cried. Then hbs came in (wearing mask) i was sooo hot in the room cos wiping her can't on the fan and already sweating away and there she cries. After i dressed her, i on the air-con and hbs immediately took over cos he saw me very angry liao..and within 1 min she KO after hbs carry her cos she tooooo exhausted liao.
Chris, if u get angry like that then I will b a siao woman everyday. Princess elis exercise her hands and legs everyday whether it's feeding, wiping, changing diapers time or bath times. Juz now lagi worse we brought her along to send my mum home. She cried the moment she was in the car.15 mins car journey we juz could not tame her down. Once out of the car, she sobbing as if we ill treat her. Once in my mum house she ko on her bed she slept since 3 days old. Somehow my mum house got a miracle to tame her down.

Hopeful, one class can only have min 4 kids max 6 kids. Next intake is oct.

i was very fed up cos clariss keep crying and hbs keep coming in the room w/o wearing mask (he still flu) there i asking him to wear mask before coming in and there clariss crying. so afraid tat he'll pass the flu to her. Stupid man!!! so just now when he hear i flare up liao he quickly wear mask and came in to "save" his princess.
Vann, can try giving gripe water or if not rid wind to remove the colic.

Catherine, kumon really depends. Therr's pros and cons. I have seen some kiddos in my school who can do really well coz they are on Kumon but some just still can't cope. It i helps in Pri school only becoz it installs discipline in the kids but also some can get rather bored coz of routine work plus they already are trained so well, they act up in school. Some of my teacher colleagues send their kids to kum on coz the kindys nowadays are into Montessori methods etc which is more of play but sometimes the kids suffer coz Pri school is really different and no longer much of play.
At the end of the day, parents just have to see and decide which programme is suitable for your own kids.

Shichida is a very good programme for babies like what u research. But like u said waiting list is super long.
Hi catherine n sunbelle
Oh.. I cant be too happy yet as still early and i understand weight will grow fast at 3rd trimester.. Actually i dun really mind even if i put on lots of weight as long as both bbies r growing healthily..;) i think main reason why i dun put on so much is due to i cut down totally on junk food.. As i know it is not healthy for bbies n high in sodium content so i control.. Before bfp, i like to eat tibits but now seldom.. Some pp may think since pregnant, just anyhow eat lor since no need worry put on weight but i think otherwise.. Such thing got no nuitrition so i control n only eat healthy one.. I hate the feeling of feeling so bad after eating something not sure whether got any harmful ingredient or not.. Hee... But i do indulge in prawn crackers once a blue moon though..;)
Chris, my hb too. His flu getting more serious now and he also dun wear mask he say v stuffy to wear mask! Faint! I have to ask him to rock her cos I will take hrs to get her to bed. Lucky or unlucky my mum is not staying over tonight Elis and I will sleep on the bed instead of being a living room watchdog. Sigh there goes my shopping trip tomorrow. I must watch over her. Bb fair? Expo v far for me and elis is taking her jab next thurs how to go?? Btw I juz went to mothercare and the autumn/winter clothes got 50% discount. I bought some 12-18 mths clothes for her.

Pierced, all I want is Elis to be respectful, alert, disciplined and attentive in school. Results does not matter to me. I was not a smart kid so I dun want to stress her over results. At the end of the day she must b happy. V easy to say but to achieve it... I need to b v focus.

Tks sisters...she keeps grunting like trying to get rid of the wind...I think i will get the rid wind drops tomorrow...my gal seems so unhappy with all the wind...
