(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Chris, yes , 37.5 n above is fever for temp taken under the arm pit. Belle didn't take any panadol at all as she nv had fever. Guess your clinic is more prudent to give her one dose. Within 48 hrs, no fever means ok Leow.

Baby journey, you r in good hands.

Bbjourney, have more fresh fruits (vit C) too!

Yah, good to call Dr Zhao first and see what she says. I have stopped my an tai yao since last Fri, so far so good although still have 胃气 feeling after afternoon nap. But just need to eat an apple and will be alright. Apple is my "best friend" now, can't do without it everyday!
Hazel, yes i am. Ytd was the first time i see Dr Loh so serious when he came to see me in the morning. The way he talked to me is so unlike our usual conversation. Only after the scan in the afternoon that he started to joke and tease me again. He said i made him sleepless since 4am. I told him cos he always worry for me mah which is what he always tell me on every appt.
Babyjourney, how many wks r u? Actually, unless u can go TMC delivery suite, if not emergency is better to go KKH 24 hrs. U get a scan immediately to get assurance bb is gd. TMC resident dr can page for dr Loh but there is always a time lag for him to reach hospital though he stays near.
Babyjourney, did you notice any colored discharge? Actually i am abit worried also. Last nite i thot i wiped a streak of very pale lime green discharge. Cant be sure if its really green also. But i know colored discharge also mean no good. Sian~ Gonna monitor.
Hi Babyjourney, hope your culturing results will turn out to be negative for infections, hope no other major issues. Meanwhile take good care and rest plenty.
Hi Hazel, best if can get the coverage asap, don't delay, reviews of exclusions can be done later. Certain conditions may not classified as congenital
Are you okay now? Reading your post is like making my heartbeating very fast, must rest well and be positive okay.
Sorry i didnt see the post immediate after your post, i am taking a day off resting at home the whole day. Still feeling tired

Please dun worry about the gathering, there's always a next time to meet
please rest well and drink more water okay.

i was really worried for you when i read on the part of urine red color..cos could be due to serious UTI or kidney/bladder infection. Thank goodness you are alright now..Do drink lotsa of water and take good care of yourself and rest well.
Chris, thanks! Ya, i tried timing my pigeon steriliser and timing out, so tot better to change to a new one to be safe.

degree for fever must ask the clinic nurse as coz 37.5 is under arm out, ear is higher Around 38 or and forehead was another temp. But normally infants tthey usually advise measure armpit coz sometimes ear can be inaccurate. But I used the ear thermometer too.

Some clinics they will advise take one dose first. Mine was under Kk and they just get u to monitor. So normally I monitor 48 hrs like what hazel said ESP in the middle of the night. Shag!

Bbjourney, take care! What a scare u had! When I read ur story, ESP the part on bleeding in urine, so shocking. I never knew infection can happen like that! Rest well and drink more water.
Meryl, spoke to my friend's FA just now. She said insurer will postpone belle's case coz diagnosis for hearing n suspected hernia is still pending. She said I will face the same issue with aviva also. Sigh...

Chris, ear thermometer for bb? Is for bb 6 mths and above. Some PDs will still use but KKH told me no coz bb's ear drum is v sensitive. Was told to use the normal thermometer under arm pit.
Hazel, i am 11weeks+ now. Thanks for the info. Will take note. I tot there will be a gynea on standby at TMC. Who know only hv a resident doctor there.

Hearbeats, i did not hv lime green color discharge. My discharge was either clear or white which dr loh said is ok. If u r worried, i think u shd see doc or inform dr loh when u see him.

Angel, there is no nice apples at cold storage so i bought strawberry and swiss plain yogurt. Eating them now. Yummy.

Tromso, i also hope the culturing result is ok. But dr loh confirm there is infection thats why UTI. Now i also hope my white blood cell reading will go down.

Hope, thanks for your concern.. I am ok now except still hv blood in my urine. U take care n rest well too ok.

Chris, sorry to make u worry. I will rest well and take good care of myself.

Pierced, me too. Never know UTI can be like this. Scary. :p

yup UTI can be serious if you dun take care and get it cleared. Coz recently i saw this taiwan talkshow via scv ch 828 they talked about UTI and there's 2 docs and some guest stars on their experiences on UTI. Normally serious UTI could be due to you hold bk urine etc.. cos i got UTI on my 6wk preggy, it cause me to puke like mad but heng no fever. Got to watch out cos once u have UTI, very easy to get it the 2nd time so got to keep hydrated ie drink at least 2 litres of water and very important don't hold back urine. For me, i hold back urine tats y i kena 2-3times.
Hi Hazel, hearing test not much of a concern, since belle can do it in may(?) . It is the hernia thingy.. Coz there is no confirmed diagnosis if it is hernia..

Hi Baby journey, have a gd rest
Meryl, ya Loh hernia thing next review is early June.. But dunno review until when leh.. Also dunno how.. V v v v sianz.... U take care n rest more hor. R u still working or resting at home? No stress bb will fatten faster.
Chris, noted. Dr loh want me to drink at least 3 litres per day. I seldom hold back urine. Now i will go once i hv abit of feeling.

Meryl, thanks i will.
Bbjourney, read that you were having strawberries & yogurt.., Guess what, I was drinking strawberry milk just now. Long time haven't drink that and suddenly wanted to so asked my hubby to buy. I think our craving not only similar but timing also v close!
So nice to hear fr u.. Hv actually pm u but no hear fr u.. Pls share with me more on ur twins.. At how many wk u give birth to them? Bb weights? C sect? At how many wk tt u start to rest at home as doc loh give u mc? Hope to hear fr u..;) u got two boys right??

Hi babyjourney
Feel so worried for u when read ur first paragraph n feel relax after know ur bleed not fr virginal.. How many days doc loh give u mc to rest at home? Do rest well ya and u will be fine..;)

Hi gals
Just finish read all thread.. Phew.. Btw, i went for checkup FA scan today.. Bbies r on the bigger side think due to gene.. Both at around 800 plus gram at 25th wk plus.. Really worry abt preterm as wht doc Loh say.. He asks me to rest more too.. Hope they can last till full term at 37th wk before i give birth to them... Praying hard daily...
Ok, just got back from KKH A&E. Doc sent some scrappings for lab test but preliminarily, she say should be fine.

I asked if its really infection, should i worry or will it be harmful? She say yes, if severe can cause preterm.

Joanne, so for twins full term is 37 weeks?
Heartbeats, good that you went to do early checkup. I hv no symptoms at all and it suddenly happened. Drink more water n dont hold urine.
Dear Gals,
Just finished reading archives the past 2 days. My uterus' swell has increased a little, but baby growing well. Still, Dr loh covered me on Hospitalisation Leave til 4th May. Have to guai guai rest.

Dear bbJourney,
Am so glad u r better now. Do rest as much as u can!!! Stay positive and drink more water as advised. Chat here now and then like what im gonna do the next 2 weeks!

Dear Tromso,
Im unsure abt the fluid thing, but it shouldnt be too serious or else dr loh wld have asked to see you sooner?

Dear Meryl,
Glad ur baby has grown!!!! Hope baby keeps growing stronger and bigger!!!

Re: Cot
This is what my friend researched and bought and what i didnt research and wld also get. lol.
Hi Bbjourney

Glad that you n your baby okay. Do rest well n drink plenty of water especially at this type of weather. Take care Gal.
Dear Sashamama, thanks i am trying to be as positive as i can. But now i do get paraniod at every little symptoms. :p

Baby_me, thanks, i will drink more water.
Hi sasha
Wht time u go down yesterday? Thot of meeting u but not intime..yesterday very fast finish see doc Loh..;)
Did doc Loh tell u ur bb weight? Wonder at wht week then he will measure bb weight instead of bb tummy circumference?

Hi baby
How abt ur bb weight now as i remember ur bb oso on heavy side.. But doc Loh know is due to our gene so didnt asks me check any sugar level.. Hope they hv space to grow further..;) both twins now head on top.. They still can turn..

Hi heartbeats
As at 37 wks, doc will want us to deliver le since both are quite big already and may not hv space..else 40th wk is full term.. At least if they r born at 37th wks, bbies no need goto nicu..;) so i praying hard...

Hi heartbeat
Dun worry.. All will be fine k..;)
Chris, clariss got fever? So angry now. My hubby din say he was not feeling well, he fed elis this morning then tell me! Now I m sending him to the doc and got to watch elis argh
Hazel, pierced,

This morning 7.40am when i gave clariss her feed, i find her abit warm, so took temp is 37.3 degree. Just now around 8.30am i took another reading cos normally after her feed she'll sleep but today she didn't...temp went up to 37.5 degree. I used the thermometer reading from the ear as i dun have the normal digital one to insert under armpit. She's abit cranky and when i carry her she cried. So i used cold towel to apply on her forehead and wipe her face a few times.
Chris, just watch Clariss these 2 days. Bb will be cranky uf unwell. Btw, can Clariss holds up her head without support already? Belle still cannot.. Neck muscles stil wobbly.

Dunnoe le, cos clinic assistant told me if temp 37.5 degree measured thro armpit then considered fever and got to feed her the panadol drops for baby liao. But i did tell her i'm using the ear type of thermometer and she said tat one not accurate for babies and didn't tell me much cos she very busy so i left the clinic yesterday. Yesterday nite i measured her she was 36.3 degree today temp went up. Dunnoe how??? cos clinic not opened yet. Wanna call and ask.

nope clariss like belle still cannot hold up her head without support. Can hold for around 10 seconds but quite wobbly. Yup she cranky now...siao liao... my in-laws will be packing lunch for me cos clariss has a jab and is not advisable for me to bring her opp kopitiam cos every time she'll sweat like mad when she's back.

have u tried to put belle on tummy exercise? Its suppose to help them strengthen the neck muscles. Is advisable to do like 1-2 x per day jus leave them on their tummy for like 5mins or so... is advisable to start them when they are 2mths old. Is belle 2mths old liao in terms of weeks?
Babyjourney, i went to buy yogurt this morning too! Hehehehe greedy lah, after read your post last night, haha. End up today i also on medical leave and boss dont seem happy, too bad lor.

Oh i see, Joanne. Then you really must rest loads and minimize movements. Luckily your helper is in, anything you need, just use audio remote control ya. Whats FA scan? You were going for another detailed scan right?

Oh dear Chris. 9plus already now, clinic opened? Hope Clariss no fever! Weather also very hot, must keep cool. Btw, babies cannot drink barley water to cool body?
Chris, belle can hold up her head when she lies on tummy. Even when I carry her upwards against my chest. Just that is not stable enough yet. Belle was born on 25 jan. so turning 3 mths old next wk. of course if u go by corrected age, not yet. Go guardian n get a normal thermometer. Dun hv how u check if Clariss has fever? Only give panadol when she has fever as she is still too young to take any med.
Heartbeats, the swiss yogurt i bought last nite was more sour than i expected, so i did not finish all. But i ate most of my strawberry.

I actually feel sorry for my boss. I am supposed to attend 2 trainings and 1 impt meeting w my boss next week. Now she has to do them on her own. Fortunately, my boss is v supportive for my pregnancy. Moreover, My baby is my top priority now, so i will concentrate on getting better and make sure baby is safe.

Chris, hope that Clariss has no fever.
Hi all, my baby girl was born via c-section on 12 April. She's a little jaundiced but a bundle of joy.

To the mummies to be, all the effort is so worth it, so hang in there with the remaining weeks

Hi CLB, *waves*. Your twins should be around 4 months now. Must be a bundle of joy & laughter now.
Bbjourney, you slept later than me but got up so early! Hope you are feeling better. Is there still blood in your urine?

Heartbeats, is your discharge more normal looking today? Are you given any meds?
Hazel, catherine,

i called up the clinic at around 9.15am, the clinic asst says tat for ear is 38 degree cos i told her temp went up to 37.7kg..


Thanks. she slept in the aircon room and when i measured her temp is in her bb cot. Anw i changed her PJ to her usual clothes then wipe her body and now she's at the living room with me. Gave her gripe water. she abit cranky....
Temp now went to 37.9 degree...but she super active now keep wanna play since last feed till now refuse to sleep....if dun entertain her she'll fuss and wanna cry faint.
Angel, cos i always wake up ard 6am to pee and prepare for work. There is still blood in my urine, the color seems to get lighter, but once in awhile it will be darker. Was feeling abit achy this mrng. So taking things easy. Think i better hide at home today. :p
