(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hazel, catherine,

i just bath her and straight after her bath, she KO. alamak i warmed the EBM for her feed at 10.30am (3hrs from her last feed). Thought bath her 1st then feed her cos she abit cranky liao..But once i put her down on her bouncer and went to get the EBM she KO liao....So i let her sleep maybe wake her around 11.30-12 for her feed lor....frenzy advised me to measure her temp every hr and record it. I haven't gave her the panadol drops, intended to give it to her but she kO.....

Chris, elis will cry if u dun feed and bathe her. She will not enjoy her bath and got a lot of action. That's y must always feed her well then bathe her. Well if she has a temperature and can still play let her b. guess it's better than her being listless.

Ron, congrats. Yup all is worth it :)

she woke up at around 11.10am, took her temp for both ears 38.3 degree. quickly fed her cos she hungry then gave her medicine around 11.35am, with the help of fil carrying her and me feeding her. aiyoyo feeding her anything besides milk is a torture cos she'll cry and scream. No choice forced the medicine done then gave her some water using the syringe like 2ml. Now she sleeping in my room cos more cooling. Fil helped me to buy the digital thermometer and i measured under her armpit, reading also 38.3. aiyo no diff le, alamak should have given her the medicine earlier when she 37.5 using the ear one.

her weight was 5.706kg and height 59.5cm as per yesterday checkup. hbs suggested on the air-con to bring down her temperature. but fil says no air-con just give her the fan can already. wow today weather very hot le....

i spoke to the clinic asst this morning and she says very common for bb to have fever and if have they strike very fast within 24hrs. clariss temp yesterday was fine around 36.3 and only this morning temp suddenly went up. She now sleeping. will test her temp again after 6hrs of giving panadol cos if still got fever will have to give her another dose. my in-laws said tat my sil's bb got no fever at all for her 3 and 5th mth jabs cos they gave her 泡参water from 2nd week onwards before her jab. Mine they didn't give was they find she has phlegmy sound so they gave her only 2 days before the jab.
Hazel, catherine

Shag ah, since last thurs i've being taking care of clariss 24hrs , including morning feed....and housework...cos hbs down with flu. He has finished the medicine but flu hasn't come down yet.... Told him to go bk and see doc again.
Chris, so young take baosheng? Anyway, I dun believe in that to address fever fr vaccination. Belle didn't take any n has no fever. Vaccination introduce some amt of virus into the body for the body to fight it n thus subsequently immune To it. The fever is caused by these viruses n not due to heartiness which is wat bao Sheng is for. 2 unrelated causes of fever.

Vaccination - depends on how the bb's body takes n fights the virus, ok, no fever. Cannot cope as well, fever.

how's your new maid? So far okie? Muz be good for her to be around, at least you'll have more time for belle while she takes care of the housewk and maybe help you to do some simple errands. How's ur hbs? My hbs has being playing internet gaming till 12.00am++. Normally nitefeed ie around 11+ done by him cos he stayed up late now done by me cos he flu..so sleepy ah.. i KO around 10pm after tv show then got to wake up around 11-11.30pm to give clariss her last feed if not she'll wake up around 4am... She woke up around 7.30am today, but around 6am she make some sound, and i gave her pacifier, pat her and she ko...
Yes, but muz be 1 tiny piece then put in a small dish and leave it in the rice cooker when cooking the rice, then once rice is ready, the baosheng water is ready as well. They gave it to my sil's bb since birth around once in a week and more frequent like 2-3x if she is going for her jab. They are trying to tell me tat my sil's bb is "strong" cos of taking baosheng and it helps to relieve the "heatiness" caused by the jabs..my sil swears by it and say her gal very healthy after taking it so no fever.

They believed baosheng helps to build up immunity as "pu qi" strengthen the overall body. And they have being giving it to babies in the pasts.
Dunnoe la, now bb fever, they'll say cos she didn't take enuff and next round will prepare her 1st by giving her baosheng more frequent. heng ah clariss KO liao for 1hr... how to sponge or put the cold tower on her scared wake her up.
Catherine, where is the warehouse sale. Good weather today, thinking of brining belle out later when it is not so hot.

Chris, KKH nurse told me the Panadol has a strawberry taste. Nurse told me colic drops is vanilla taste n belle likes it!

so nice belle likes colic drops. Clariss hates anything besides milk. So whenever she's sick, we will have super hard time feeding her medication, even gripe water (mixed with a bit of water) or by itself she also makes alot of noise when having it. Jia lak rite???? so u can imagine baosheng water, she practically scream lor. Like yesterday, the clinic asst fed her the rotavirus drink with the dr carrying her, guess wat she cried...faintz
Chris, maid is good. Show her once how to take bus to Bedok n the area she already know how to go. She has more duties in HK then here loh. So far so gd. We treat her well so,as at now, she quite zi4 tong4. I bought IDD prepaid card for her to call home using house fone. I also bought her a star hub prepaid sim card & return her, her HP which agency passed to me to keep. I told her, as st now is for me to contact her or for her to call us. No overseas call on the Ho sim card until she pays herself next yr after she finishes paying her loan. Oh ya, bought her clothes n sandals too as I feel that what she has not v convenient to wear. Hub asked me not to spoil her! Anyway, I already warn her. If she misbehaves, I can take bk wat I Give her also?
Chris, wat email? The one on stealing? I replied u on wed.

Medicines for bbs r usually sweet n has a nice taste. Colic drops n Panadols all hv. Yes, belle likes the vanilla taste of colic drops. Gripe water is sweet, she loves it too. Can drink until got sound!

hw to open your msg cos i went under check new messages at the top left hand corner but it shows me all the ads and other msg le.


Wow sooo nice, i got to battle with clariss daily when feeding her gripe water. heehee my mil commented tat gripe water is sweet and nice and all babies love it except my gal haahaaaa...alamak so u can imagine last time when she has colic, she cries even nastier after taking colic drops till me and hbs have a hard time comforting her...so when we went yu guo we tried not to feed her colic drops during tat few days of "treatment" and her colic went off slowly..heng ah.....
Babyjourney, i bought meiji yogurt, havent eat yet, now having lunch after a rare long 3 hour nap. Glad to hear your urine less red, keep it up with the water and rest. Btw i heard UTI can drink cranberry juice to flush out, Dr Loh got say the same? Dont know whether preggy can take cranberry juice but if can, its 1 stone kill 2 birds since can flush our UTI and act as vit C at the same time. My boss hor~ sometimes i dont know how to read her, sometimes seem really concerned, sometimes seem aloof.

Angel, today so far dont have le. I hope its nothing serious. KKH didnt give me medicine, they sent my scrappings for tests and say if infected, will call me back for medicine. Today i seem to have caught your sleep bug! hehe which is good cos i seldom can have a good nap, everytime 1 hour at best.

Ron congrats!
Rest well as much as you can too.

Oh dear Chris, hope Clariss fever goes down soon.
Dear Ron,
Congrats!!! No wonder you didn't come in for so long! Any special special moments to share? Rest well during ur confinement!!!

Dear Joanne,
I was there at 230pm thereabouts and finished seeing him by 330pm. Super short queue today due to the downpour. So happy! hehe... I did ask Dr loh how heavy is baby but i think it is not accurate la. So long as he says baby growing well then i just take it that baby is growing well lo. The machine showed my EDD from 15 Aug to 5 Aug so i guess baby is a little bigger. I just hope to deliver asap due to my swollen uterus. He gave me 2 weeks to rest at home, seeing him 3 weeks later. You le?

Dear Chris,
How is your girl's fever now? Hope the fever subsides soon!

yup preggy can take cranberry juice, kk n my co dr also advises me to take. heehee.
thanks her fever is going down after she slept for 1hr+. highest was 38.3 degree when i gave her panadol drops.

good to hear bb is doing wear, wow u will be seeing your bb in less than 4mths? heehee fever went down abit still monitoring.
Phew~ Chris, good that fever is going down, her KO did wonders! Hope she sleep more, rest more and later be cheery baby!

Waa Sashamama, aug is going to come very very soon! So exciting!
Chris, yay! Then i will go find also, haha, greedy me. So sick of my current ribena and orange squash drinks for dinner. I started to drink fruittree orange juice, poured out direct from the petrapak liao but very very little cup cos hb say no cold drinks, so sian~ how to survive no cold drinks!
Btw mummies, did you all stop your duphaston, progesterone, progynova supports once reached week 12?

I think Dr Loh will stop all that for me come next week, he mentioned before. But i scared leh. How i know placenta is ready, somemore i got low progesterone leading to miscarriages before.
Chris, elis is 8 weeks old today and she is at least 5kg+. Waiting to c pd next thurs. if she is more than 5kg means clariss is of a gd weight than elis. My gal drinks anything from milk to water. Bao sheng... Let me ask my mum later if can drink. Today she din ko after her 11.30am feed. Had to bring her downstairs, go car service centre with us then she sleep. Like yr hubby, mine also down with flu. Got caught in the rain yesterday. Lucky his is mild still can help me a bit. Guess what I dun remember boiling water on my stove. Juz found it burnt!! I might have left it here for 3 hrs. Lucky mine is induction cooker it has auto sensor, if not there goes my house.

Hazel, really maid cannot spoil. U have to b v firm. I know u have a way with her. Mum and babes warehouse should b at jurong east. I m waiting for Elis to get up and see if she is cranky if not we will go. Though I have nothing to buy juz c c look look
Chris, u should read page c1 of straits times. Clariss should b one of the rare that has enough sleep per day. Mine? If gd ok la sleep enough if no good sleep a bit only. Like last night wake me up at 2+am, I juz ignore until 5.30am I buay tahan already then give her milk. She was crying at the top of her voice as I was preparing milk. Really v thankful that my mum is staying with us lately she helped me do the morning chores, look after Elis and let me sleep a bit more. Without her I m like a mad woman now

i became forgetful when boiling egg, end up my pot burnt all the water gone. 3x liao aiyoyoyo...
so nice, this wkend i confirm grounded liao with clariss. she abit cranky jus now after her feed now hope she can sleep if not i die ah..how to keep carrying her, then no time to pump and do other stuff.

so nice yours drink everything!! mine aiyoyo just now try to feed her some water and she cry till tear the roof down... faintz siah......and in-laws and sil keep tell me to feed her water cos now got fever. she die die also dun wan drink. but i read that during fever continue to give breastmilk as it will keep baby hydrated and got antibodies to help bb as well. so today i hope i can have time to pump and give her full EBM, cos this few days didn't pump much so supply running low....


if can avoid those fruitree drinks cos alot of sugar content in them and preservatives. If u wan, drink fresh fruit juice (w/o ice) i drank it daily cos i seldom take fruits so just ask the fruit stall people to make for me like red apple carrot, or red apple+orange etc....

do u know i forgetful till burnt the pot 3x and there was one night after pumping i forget to put the milk in fridge till next morning hbs saw it and then no choice got to pour away the whole bottle.......heartpain ah......esp for someone like me we dun have alot of supply....

stupid yu guo taught me to dilute her feed, lucky i checked with PD yesterday and kena scold by her cos she said tat diluting feed FM will deprive my bb from all the nutrients and brain development etc and asked me who kay kiang taught me tat...then she nag at me. my in-laws were there and said how can dilute feed etc..cos the yu guo sinseh and even the stupid young GP said okie to dilute feed cos clariss not pooing. my pd says nonsense....
Ron, congratulations! Thanking God for another baby who has come to this earth safely

Baby journey, wow, it was really not easy hem. Understand what u meant by looking at every symptoms. Take care and like what other sisters say, drink lots of water.

Heartbeats, u take care too. Little twins are growing!

I had a 'happening' week too. Wednesday morning was awaken by intense mense cramp for about half hour. I thought I was miscarrying already. The whole uterus was contracting till I cold sweat. But thank God, not bleeding. So also don't know what happened. Last night broke out in cold shiver. Shiver from the bone type. Was in long sleeves n double blanket for hold night.

Really don't know what's happening
very worrying....
Chris, for the bad cramp, doc said no bleeding is ok. As long as it didn't recur again. Cold shiver I didn't report leh :p yesterday just called, today if call again, like so many problem. I will monitor and see if it happens again :p
Cool, i think u shd just go down to your gynea and do a scan. There is nothing to be paiseh leh, this concern u n baby wellbeing.
Dear cool,
Must monitor closely and see gynae when u feel worried again! Will be the safest method of getting reassured that baby is doing well

Dear heartbeats,
As for the support meds, u can tell dr loh ur concern again? See what he says lo. He won't under or over prescribe i think, so just see what he says

Dear chris & heartbeats,
i can't wait for aug lo! if july can c-sect then i'd c-sect liao. Just worried baby no space instead and m swell has increased in size, though slightly.
Hi Cool, hope everything's fine with you and baby. I sometimes would have very bad pains during first trimester too, till can break out in cold sweats, but no bleeding (didn't go to clinic immediately cos usually will go away after a short while). So If you experience it again and don't feel assured, can always do a walk-in to get a scan done. I find that over the phone, the nurses will always discourage walk-in, are you with KKH?

Hi Ron, congratulations
So happy to hear about your bundle of joy. Hope you can get ample rest and conquer the breastfeeding 'devil'

Hi Sashamama, it's good to hear your baby is growing well. I've also been told to bedrest next 2-3 weeks, so am trying to not move around past days. For low fluid, it's really quite scary reading the online info, the causes can be quite dire, anyways, hope baby will be fine and no damages done. Btw, not sure if you are aware, lying on the left side will provide baby with most nutrients and blood circulation.

Hi Joanne, how come you know baby's weight? Wow 800g...seems to be growing very well
Don't worry too much about the delivery ok, stress can sometimes do weird things too. Looks like so far you are doing really well, I'm sure this will continue

Hi Chris, hope Clariss get better soon. Thanks for the paosheng tip, first time I heard about it too. My niece didn't take paosheng and didn't get feverish from her first months jabs at all, so maybe it's up to individual. I'm sure Clariss is a strong fighter
Hang in there.
thank you Sashamama and Tromso.
I am with SGH Care. Now they put me to O&G. I don't even know where to walk-in, if need to

The queues are always so long.
Tromso, do you have previous records of endometrisis? Ya, the kind of pains that break out in cold sweats. My whole t-shirts was soaked.
Ron, congrats on the birth of ur princess!

Chris, clariss should be getting better now. the fever is just the reaction to the vaccine. think once it breaks, she should be fine. Just monitor her for tonight as well for no fever.

Sashamama, glad that ur baby is also doing fine.

Tromso, u also rest well these few weeks.

yup, must sleep on the left to have the best circulation, but sometimes cant be help. I start sleeping off on the left then i will auto turn on my back again in the middle of the night.

Cool, about the cold shiver, I experienced before too..very scary, think was about 2 weeks ago. Had emailed Dr Loh then and he said it is due to our body readjusting our thermostat due to pregnancy. He even put a smiley face at the end of the reply. Thus it seems normal to experience it, I think, provided it's not frequent.

Thought weather forecast said it will rain today? But it is so hot that I woke up from my nap in hot sweats! Now headache..
