(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Sunbelle : when r u due?

Hazel : oh no... she knows she is scolded.... don't scold her lah... ur precious is so cute n smart.

I wi be heading to expo fair next weekend as I hv not got anything much yet. Do they sell only big items at expo fair - how abt things like bb detergent bath wash, nail set?

Hi Tanny
U r at wk28 next wk? As i thot u mention will get bb stuff only at wk28? Hows ur scan so far? Gal or boy? Wonder did teacher guess urs correctly? ;) not sure what will be sold yet at Expo, hope many things as few mths ago oso got bb expo.. Small show n nothing much to buy...
Dear sisters!!!

Baby Expo 2012


Public - Free Admission


Hall 5A

11am to 9pm (Fri & Sat)
11am to 8pm (Sun)

Organiser: Vivacious Media Pte Ltd
HI tanny,

I'm going next week to expo bb fair too...usually they'll sell baby detergents as well and might have some sterilizer or avent pump bundle as well.

hbs complained tat the usual medicine tat doc gave him helps him to dry up his mucus in just 3 days but now finished up all the medicine liao still flu...hiaz.......... if this goes on i die liao. shag le...

Like last nite, clariss woke up at 4am and keep calling me..faintz she dunn wanna sleep...very loud ah cos i same room as her and hbs at our master bedroom. Gave her pacifier and she spit out along the way and 'called" me again ..this goes on and on for 1hr+..till we both ko and she woke up 7am crying for milk....there goes my sleep...total slept less than 5hrs.
Hi sisters, for e 4 in 1 or 6 in 1 jabs, do we request fr Pd or wat huh ?

My gal so far ONI haf e default jabs at e hosp. Upcoming will be hep B or hep A 2nd dose ( cant rem). But recently I get to noe abt e various 4/6 in 1 vaccinations. Can any mummies here advice how such works ?

Very confused abt e type of jabs my gal reqd. She currently 3 weeks old.

Chris, the seller for the bb shoe is Kelly too. I wrote an email to gmarket too! Let's keep each other update if Kelly or gmarket reply ok?

Hopeful, r u getting yr kid to attend at Toa Payoh or spring leaf tower? I was told Toa Payoh is bigger and has more classes. Oh ya when u register they will ask u what's r goals in bringing up the kid, what the kid like and want yr commitment that u can spend 15 mins a day with the kid to revise what's being taught

alamak u also buy from Kelly shop??? Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her stuff are very nice but didn't expect never receive items soooo long!!! Sekali they say we chose normal mail and lost in mail then how????
catherine, hee ya guess most of us mummies will just want our kids to enjoy and be happy instead of focusing on results. after all, our kids are so precious to us, as long as they know all the values and respect elders etc the most important. I mainly only send my gal for music lessons coz she enjoys it. other than that, i didnt bother to go for others.
As i teach, some parents i have seen really over stretch their kids. so scary! i believe a kid should enjoy their childhood first instead.
Mtohercare has sales? hee, must go take a look.

chris/catherine, didnt know gmarket sellers can take so long! i always buy from there but havent faced any problems so far.

I just brought my gal for MMR 2nd dose at the polyclinic. FOC coz she belong to the category that missed out the jab since they brought forward the age for it.
Bbliss, relax leave it all to pd. who is yr pd? Mayb u drop me a pm I send u the list of injections as recommended by my pd.

Chris, I m always having < 5 hrs of sleep. Nothing new. Like u lor last night it's all on me. Husband woke up at 5.30am when elis cries at the top of her voice to c if I can cope. Sigh the med my hb takes is also not working on him. The doc we usually was on leave last fri. Guess tomorrow night I have to send him back. I usually go to the doc with him cos we know the doc and he always teach us how to handle elis, chAt with us on cameras, etc.

Pierced, which music school does yr gal go? I m thinking whether to teach Elis at home or go Yamaha. Go Yamaha is to interact with kids but I dun like the method taught by Yamaha. It is difficult to switch to the abrsm method.
Hi Catherne, most prob will go Spring Leaf Tower.. Hahha... I can answer the 1st and 3rd question. But for the 2nd question, how to answer?? even if bb is born, they wont know what they like right?
Hi Tanny

in 2.5 mths time heheeh looking forward to the day heheeh
u leh?

Hi Chris baby and Catherine, i tink gmart should be doing sometin to ensure tat consumers are protected. cos i remembered i bought a groupon for a bankok trip that was never realised.cos they made tins very very difficult to do your booking like u have to make a trip down to the agency with all personnels goin on the trip prresent and have to attend some presentation. after that the reservation got to wait til 1.5 mths then u know the result. wat is worse is the date that you can go down is 2 months from the date you bought the groupon so effectivel they are hoping your travel groupon expire. in the end, managed to fight for full refund ...

Is Dr Ang ai tin the PD which you all are saying her knife is sharp huh? she is the one whom gave the doctor talk last tue at SCGS.
Hi Pierced,

agreed with you
moral values are more impt than anything else. how come Parkway Mothercare always have no sale one huh? .....hmmhmm...
Sunbelle, I went to the mothercare at west coast plaza.. Sales is there. Hope gmarket refund Chris and me the $

Chris, record leh elis got up at 1pm I rush her to shower and hb wear mask to help me feed her so that my pt maid can clean my house. End up? She din come! Fed up later must diy. Argh... Lucky i iron clothes this morning. Somehow I wish got miracle method for elis to ko then I quickly do housework.

good for you elis got up at 1pm... mine got up at 11.10am and cry for milk. Told hbs she very gd life wake her mummy up at 7am then after finishing her feed she KO till 11.10am while her mummy got to do hsehold chores, laundry buy bfast etc.......shag...now thought afternoon can rest but this 2 days she refuse to KO so i can't rest sianz......... later at 5pm still got to leave house cos got family dinner at parkway , dowager's bird day...

Thought of going parkway mothercare walk walk but the dinner at 6pm...siao one lor so early..and the timing neither here nor there lor......
Hi Catherine, has pm-ed u regarding e jabs

Hmm... Seem tat quite a nos of mummies staying in e east ya. Any mummies in e west ??
Chris same la she wake up at 5.30, 9.30 then ko to 1pm in between I do chores except din buy breakfast. I juz drank milk until my husband got up at 11am I ordered him to buy lunch for me. Heehee.... I also din sleep today. Elis vomit on me. So smelly.... Eat early is gd after that go jalan jalan .... Happy bday dowager.

Bbliss, I replied u. Me me I stay west. Some say my area is southwest.
catherine, hazel

so shag, came bk 30mins ago and is way pass clariss sleep time, she fussed abit i got to asap change her to wipe her and change her pj and she cried lor...no choice pat pat and put her to bed. aiyoyo they ordered the dishes at 6pm and guess wat it took so long to serve till finish at 9pm...hiaz how to shop....... we had dinner at roland restaurant opp parkway...... aiyoyo my mil commented during dinner infront of hb's uncle's family tat is very tough to see my gal smile..wow liao sianz le.....cos my sil's bb gal is there and the bb keep laughing at anyone. my one blur blur liao cos nap time she normally wants to sleep by 7-8pm liao how to smile when she's so tired...sianz le...........

My sil's bb got flu and she told me bb caught it fr my mil...but hbs told me dun believe her cos mil has flu on friday cos caught in rain on thurs while meeting us at clinic for clariss jab. And my sil's bb got the flu friday night. hbs say bb muz have caught at my fil's place as hb's elder bil the one staying with my fil has very bad flu, fever and cough since tues and my sil still left her bb there and go JB with my mil shopping on Wed knowing full well tat there's a risk tat bb might catch the flu bug..even me also didn't go fil's place cos he told all of us bil (unsound mind) has very bad flu........fil told us better dun go over cos scared pass virus to bb as they have low immunity... Then i told hbs wow liao then my sil still put the blame on my mil say she pass to her bb..hbs say of cos la, if not her hbs will kill her lor, leave bb at in-law's place and kena flu....
Catherine, my gal goes to Yamaha.
I tot of teaching her at home too but tot send her for the wonderland one first to try out and have more friends. Sometimes other teachers teach easier than I teach. She starting the Electone course in july. Why Yamaha difficult to switch to Abrsm? Can share?
I did Yamaha junior course too last time for 2 yrs and then switch to piano Abrsm. But super long time ago.

Catherine, oh west coast mothercare have sales. Not all outlets. That's quite a big outlet there rite? Wonder if others have since sun belle says parkway up dun have.

How did u get ur PT maid? Tot of getting one to help out and not a full time one since I kind of phobia over maids for now. If can cope with PT, easier.

Chris, wow, ur sil so daring can put the blame on ur mil for the bb's flu.
Chris, your girl just blur blur nv smile. If it was belle, she will be crying alot at that hrs coz she wants to sleep! I was at parkway for dinner to0.. N yes she kept crying v loudly! Hubs &amp; I hv to take turn to eat!!

ya, she told me tat mil passed the flu to her bb... at 1st i believed n told hbs until hbs analyze and told me not possible his mum pass to bb... luckily i never join them go JB shopping altho very tempted if not my bb kena flu my hbs sure kill me....


hahahaha yup i told hbs tat eversince we had clariss we can never eat together at the same time... cos u never know when bb will fuss or cry lor end up we got to take turns to eat too.
Chris, u are early! i still got 8 more weeks to go. heehee.... once go back must clear 14 days of last year leave bring forward leave. so from june - sep every mth end i am off a few days to stay at home to observe elis after her jabs. technically i cannot take leave at mth end, beginning of the mth. bo bian elis is born close to month end. (anyway i intend to kick my boss butt already) dun forget hor we still got enhanced child care leave to take. i will save that for robinson year end sales. lol....

i feel your mil is out to say Clariss. if next time clariss take longer to crawl or walk than your SIL baby, will she say clariss is slow? Everything also want to say and compare sigh.... now i have a problem with Elis. somehow recently she sleep on her right side. even if i turn her to the left side she flip back. if Elis is your MIL grandchild, she will sure say again, right?

Your SIL is so smart to point finger to others to cover her mistakes. sigh.... i do agree since elis is born, my husband and i can only eat together when my mum is around or Elis is sleeping. we all have to wait for the day that our precious princess is more mature and sit down to eat with us. haha

Pierced, my part time maids are all intro by my friends. i alternate between the china and philippino maid. both has pros and cons. for me its better to have part time than full time if not i will have high blood pressure soon haha....

In yamaha, they learn notes by do, re, mi. For abrsm u learn do = C, Re = D etc. As i previously taught piano, i realised that kids cannot adjust esp in theory and aural. in Aural we only sing la la la la. i do agree that other teacher teach is better than we teach. we cannot scold and wack the kid. esp me so soft hearted to elis sure she will climb on top of me.

Well west coast plaza mother care has more walking space than marina sq or paragon. in terms of range of things there, not that great as compared to marina sq.

hazel, any luck in your job search? nothing for me
sob sob

heehee wat to do, hbs say ignore them..hahaaa fil keep say we never alternate sides for clariss to sleep end up she likes to sleep on her right side now the head shape uneven and not rounded. hiaz..whenever he carries her and sayang her head will make the same comment, cos he dotes on her alot. so yesterday when mil commented tat my sil's bb head shape very nice and rounded it sort of make me think of clariss again...cos sil keep say hers is rounded cos sleep in sarong etc...hahahaha hbs warned me tat the comparing thing will go on and on and on...no choice just got to bear with it.
hazel, catherine

you gals searching for jobs too ah??? heehee
me too looking around but nothing for me either..now with clariss also tough ahhhhhhhh..
For my industry think i'm considered underpaid but if too move on then i got lotsa to think about cos mkt not tat gd and if anything happens i'll lose my job and now i got clariss to think of...hmmmmmmmmmmmm..........
catherine, hazel,

does your gals sweat alot? my gal can wet her hair so i got to on the fan 24hrs for her...wow electricity bills siong ah!!!!!!

Does your gals still wear booties/socks at home? Whenever i took off my gal's booties or socks after a while her feet will feel cold and sweaty le. is this normal? when i was at the pd didn't have time to ask just told pd briefly tat clariss sweats easily and the pd just said normal all babies perspire.
Catherine, head hunter has been calling but I hv no time to discuss with them. I told them I am on maternality Leave n they said will catch up with me flyer I return to work. Was told job market for my line is not bad.

Chris, returning on Mid June. Yes, belle sweat alot. I dun wear socks or mittens at home for her anymore. Weather al hot. Yeaterday, hot n humid, I skip these too. At night at parkway hubs said a few pp told him to wear socks n mittens for her when he was carrying her without the bb carrier! Kekeke
wow ladies, fully agree that the weather is so hot that is good to prewash the preloved baby clothes and sun them. sure dry one hehehe

oh yes, jus wondering how muchie first ang bao did you all give to the confinemnet nanny when they first came huh? wonder what is the market rate?

hi Bliss, your baby full month coming liao huh? planned for it alreadly huh?
Chris, juz go try. U never know!! Dun think negatively. Mayb u get yr 50% increment. I m now at my gp. I m Soooo boiled. All the men in biz shirt not v ill dun give me a seat. I m carrying a 5.4 kg bb!!!! Later I sure make noise to my gp .

Yes Elis wear socks at home not mitten. She loves the fan on. Perspire only when I feed her without the fan blowing directly at us. Her feet does get cold at times.
catherine, hazel,

hahaha jus now my fil came with my lunch and told me off for not letting clariss wear socks cos her 2 tiny feet very cold...hahahaha alamak..........
Chris, I was advised to give elis total bm cos my husband flu virus is b strong. So elis will not have fm tonight. Lucky i got stock

yup i read tat BM is good for bb especially when parents has flu at that time when i had flu i fed her BM but not total cos dun have stock. coz when i'm about to fall sick, my antibodies will be already building up in my body before the full blown flu and this will be found in my BM to baby and when i taking flu medicine and antibiotics for flu it will also be "given" to bb in our BM. So tats why hbs keep encourage me to give bb BM.

hahaha i called GMkt at their customer hotline 65004440 to complain...the cust svc staff says if i dun receive my purchase (deadline 2wks) ie this coming wednesday then give them a call again and they'll investigate and give me a full refund.

wow today weather super hot ah!!!!!! sweating away.... how's everything over your end? does your maid cook for you as well? cooking gd?
Maid is smart, always wan to take care of belle. So that once belle is close to her, we can't do without her! Eg, we feeding belle she wan to take over, we coaxing belle to sleep she also wan to do.. She thinks I dunno what she is thinking?
Chris, belle is sweaty every day! She will cry for milk, when as wants to sleep, poo, etc. each time she cries is all sticky n sweaty.
Wah hazel, I din think of that leh...

Chris, i bought the shoes on 12 April so my 2 weeks deadline should b thurs. u update me on weds what action was taken then I call on thurs to add salt and Pepper. I need to cut elis toe and fingernails but she is only acting asleep now. Must wait ...

wow clever maid ah. dun forget she from hongkong. but on the otherhand, she might be a hardworking and proactive person always try to find work to do cos she pay her salary mah..

Belle too sweaty? oh clariss also the same her hair all wet ah..esp this few days weather super ah!!!

i purchase on 2 Apr and delivery 12 Apr think they count from there. wow u kiang le till now i still dunnoe how to cut her nails and dun dare to ah....jia lak.........
Catherine, hazel

so bored at home ah!!! weather sooooo hot and humid..........so these 2 days i do alot of laundry.
thought of going to bb fair on friday and also for my gynae appt for my cervix jab but no one to look after clariss cos fil house got 2 casualty hahaha down with heavy flu ah... now left dowager ah still fighting the virus heehee fil still okie..whahaaaa we all daren't go in-law place as my sil's 5mth old bb kena the flu there too..

hazel, catherine,

i just gave clariss a gd wipe whole body so tat she can sleep better..and fan blowing 24hrs at her....
she now sleeping after her fed.
Chris, I m staying in my aircon room with fan on!! Belle is upstairs with my parents who say if not she wun wan them when i go bk to work! Poor belle must be hot n sweaty.

Anyway, belle cries alot n is not easy to take care! Am hoping after 4 mths it will be easier...
Juz woke up from a1.5 hr nap to find my little princess has moved 90 degrees from her initial position. I must have given her too much space to sleep on my bed. Chris i wait until I fell asleep! Told u a lot is on me from finger nails, wash milk bottles, prepare milk, laundry. Now cannot cut her nails. Her next feed is at 5pm. If u dun cut clariss fingernails who cut?
Sunbelle...hw u noe my gal bb shower is near...? Haha... Yup, is this cmg sat ! Am oso counting dwn to finish serving my confinement period
Yeah !!!

Hazel, u said belle cries alot, not easy to take care. At times I oso at loss when my gal cries. She somestimes can cries till face red but dunnoe wat she wan. Milk fed, pamper changed but she can still cry lor. See her face cries till red, I become very scared coz I dunnoe wat wrong wif her. Eventho got CL to take care n pacify her, in few days time, I be managing alone le.

Today tried to take over fr CL to shower her. Today my 1st practical lesson but apparently failed. Dun really noe hw to carry her n dressed her. Sigh... Tink I too scared of hurting her so ga Lang ga boat.....

Chris, u r not alone. I oso dun dare to cut my gal fingernails. Their fingers so delicate like tat. In short, I always scare I will hurt her

Catherine- yr area oso southwest ? Me too leh. My area oso under southwest CDC.
hehe... Finally found 1 mummy near e same area. Maybe next time got any good lobang in e west, we can jio to go tog.... Haha....
