(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Luv - I am taking bit B6 also. I have been staying at home for the past weeks. Only went out a while today and already don't feel good. Think will just go KK later....

I was vomiting all the time and couldn't eat... Drink water also vomit so went to see Dr loh. He told me to go back on inserts since I'm puking out all my medication. I also went to see tcm. Tcm said that body had to much Shi qi that's why can't stomach water. Did acupuncture once, going back to see her again tomorrow. I'm also on b6 but I'm puking it out too. As long as medication i will puke but i try to hold it for an hour or two before i puke so hopefully body had absorbed some :p
Eskimobaby, Can imagine your cute chubby baby's 3D foto. Ytd, as Dr Loh was scaning my baby, he scan baby's gender again and my baby's legs looks so chubby, so cute!!!! Hehehe

Luv, as long as the sac does not affect your baby, think shd be ok.

Hopeful78, can also share with me wat u eat to increase breast milk? Thank you.
Mine comes with folic acid so i don't have to take another folic acid pill. Did you get the nausea or vomit pill also?

I think Dr loh's machine quite new so scan also looks good. Last time i was under Dr tham before he went over to tmc n he was testing the new machine at kkh so that's why i got a 3D scan of my girl but my girl was really big then liao so only got a passport photo like of the face but could make out the chubby cheeks, nose mouth n eyes quite clearly
Eskimo - i also dread taking medicine daily... The feeling is really terrible. You are seeing Dr Zhao now? How many months r u now?

Luv - I should be 12 weeks today. The Vit B6 is a small white pill. Should be the same ba..
Hi tromso, pierced, hopeful and hazel
Thks for ur advise on the gnc herbs.. But the gal selling it say eat 6pills per day instead of 9pills tt what hopeful say..
Tromso n hopeful, any advise shd i eat 6 or 9 pills? Luckily my hb go help me buy just now.. Cant wait to try it out soon... And tromso, yes, massage n hot drink do help.. But it helps to let down ur milk and not increase ur supply.. And yes, will try out pig trotters too..;) btw pierced, wht mothers milk drink u meant?
Hi Joanne, I eat 9 cux thats what was advised to me.

Hi Catherine and BabyJourney, will pm u. But note that some of the items are 1 time milk booster only ya.. which means I get a 1 time spike aft eating/drinking it. Then the next pump reverts to the normal volume..
Hopeful, can share with me the food to increase BM too?

bbjourney, hopefully the empty sac doesn't affect baby. That's my biggest worry.

JoT, hopefully as u enter 2nd tri, the MS will subside. My Vitamin B Complex is a small yellow tablet. Prob diff from urs. From the name it seems to contain other Vitamin B elements too.

eskimo, yeah, I got the anti-vomit pills too but don't find it very effective and makes me so tired.
Dr Loh's machine cost him a hefty 5-digits i heard so it jolly well be better to give us good pictures! I like Dr Loh's scan pictures. Dr Tan HH's machine pales in comparison, i always cannot make out what he scanned.

Ladies, ask you ah, is urinary tract infection serious in pregnancy? I dont know if i have it but i have alittle discomfort peeing the whole day today already. Its just teenie wee bit pain. But pee can come out and no blood. Should i be concerned? Or if its not serious maybe can wait?
Luv, the empty sac wont affect your bb. It will just be absorbed back into the womb as if it was never there. Unless it grows bigger and bigger then worry.
Heartbeats, UTI may not hv bloody urine for everyone. If u feel uncomfortable, think best to go for a test to confirm if there is any infection n get it treated asap.
heartbeats, that's what I'm hoping too. I hear from other ladies that their empty sac disappeared in Week 8 or so. I'm starting Week 9 and the sac is still visibly there leh. Wonder if it'll ever be reabsorbed. In any case, so long as it doesn't affect baby, then it's not so bad.
Do take care.. U having twins oso?

Hi mummies
Actually me confuse whether red dates tea with dangshen n beiqi in it consider chinese medicine or not?? Do we hv to wait 2 hrs then can consume the dha & freequeek pills?
Hi Hopeful, I've checked both my inbox and spam mails, have not received your bm increase food email. Sorry, can I trouble you to email me at [email protected] again? TIA

Joanne, for fenugreek, I think I'll start 2-3 first then increase to 6. If have effect, will stop at 6 I guess. Maybe you can try too... Or can email dr Loh for advice....

JT, 10kg weight lost do sound like a lot, take good care there. Let us know what KK 24 hrs says.

Hi Sashamama, how was your tmc visit yesterday, all went well? Managed to find out what's included in our 'hotel stay package'?!

Luv, for the empty sac, can ask dr to check it again during next scan, and get his advice; shouldn't affect the baby I feel. For mine, it was reabsorbed back into the body.
Heartbeats, UTI should have a burning sensation but even if you don't experience it, but felt some discomfort, can confirm with dr to put your mind at ease. If you are using panty liner, may like to change more often during the day and do a throughout wash after big business.

I had a UTI scare during 2nd trimester but luckily turned out to be nothing (test results came back nil), although V was itchy for few days, and happened on and off for 2 weeks. Dr gave me cream to apply.
Ok thanks Babyjourney, Angel, Tromso. I think i will go KKH 24 hrs after dinner. Better safe than sorry. Hope they can see me cos i heard the 24 hrs got cut off one, beyond certain weeks gotta go labour ward, i scared of labour ward. grrr~

Tromso, i dont wear panty liners. I wear disposable undies instead, everyday throw. I think maybe uterus bigger press on bladder, urine dont always get emptied? Or maybe i shouldnt use toilet hose to wash my down there. Haiz~
Luv, your 2nd sac was detected later than usual right? First scan dont have right? So maybe thats why still here. As long as its not bigger in size, its ok, it will slowly be reabsorbed.
Heartbeats, in the meantime, drink at least 2-3litres of water daily. Can buy cranberry juice to drink too. Avoid other sugary drinks.
heartbeats, take care! Yeah, better get it checked out in case it's really UTI.

Actually I could vaguely make out another sac during my first scan in Week 5 but doc prob didn't see it cos not very obvious and zoomed in on the sac with baby. So I presumed singleton and one sac only. In Week 6, when I did another scan, then the empty sac was much more obvious and it is still there in subsequent scans. Guess gotta ask dr to measure it n see whether it's shrinking or not.

Tromso, Dr did say it wouldn't affect baby, but of course, can't help but wonder at times. I'm hoping for the best!
Hi Catherine, now u know y I dun wan post it here rite? Ahahah... But they work for me.. So I dun care even if they seem silly.

Hi n Luv, will email u.
Heartbeats, indeed, sometimes I visit toilet more often on certain day/s too, cos can empty bladder successfully. Hope only false alarm for you...

Hopeful, phew...the list looks healthy and yummy
I thought its some exotic stuffs heee...
haaa...Luv, tats what I said to hubby too, last item is simply yummy especially I've been avoiding throughout this pregnancy
Looks like good nutrition helps, list looks nutritional. I'm gonna aim to have brown rice for confinement.
Hopeful u should not b eating the 's' food. I stopped since 27 June 11 when I knew I was preggy. Till today I only touch Max 5 pieces. I will try some tomorrow.

Heartbeat, uti will cause early contraction. I always kena uti cos no time to pee in office and my office toilet smells. That's y I hate to go toilet. Pls see a doc...
Tromso, yeah, I'm very tempted to get one now, hee... But gotta control.

I did get some McDonald's lemon tea!
TCM doc says ang moh teh is liang, but a little shld be fine I hope.

Can we drink jasmine green tea? All along have the idea it's liang but donno whether I'm correct. Miss my jasmine green tea!!
Thanks Luv, Catherine. Went to KKH already and back.

As expected, i was turned away at the 24 hrs and asked to go delivery suite. Was strapped to CTG to monitor for contractions and doptone to check heartbeats. Then doc assess and say will give me antibiotics and some effervescent sachets to take daily. I sent my urine for testing but they say results will take a few days so doc say start the medicine first instead of waiting. Was abit concerned what if no UTI end up take the med for nothing. But they say take on precautionary note and that the med is safe. Hmm~ ok lor.

Hope the med wont cause any harm. The CTG experience was ok though bb didnt like it. But i sure hope not to go back delivery suite till after 35 weeks. Somehow felt inauspicious to be there so early. Doc say UTI can be common but also serious if not treated properly can cause miscarriages. Shudders~
Luv, personally i would avoid all tea though Dr Zou told me before milk tea is fine as the milk sort of neutralises the cooling properties of tea. Generally, all tea are liang.

Nowadays my breakfast drink becomes either milo or horlicks. I used to like coffee and tea but gotta sacrifice for bb, just in case lah.
heartbeats, glad u went to seek medical help. Hopefully it's just a false alarm. Your babies will listen to u and wait till after your target of 35 weeks.

Milk tea is fine? Oh, I used to love milk tea! Longing for bubble milk tea! But prob can't drink now right? Just drank a few sips of ginger tea. Ginger tea shldn't be liang right?
Joanne, this is the mothers milk tea.
But there are many other brands out there too, this is just one of those I tried during #1 time to boost milk production.
I took together with the GNC tablets too, thin I took quite few I a day. Coz these are herbal. But maybe start with a little first as some indiv might have reactions to the herb?

Besides this, take lots of hot drinks, hot soups to nourish,
I drank fish papaya soup too, and many different types of soups. Can u take fish already?
I took lots of fish during this time, take Ikan kurau, aka thread fin. Very nutritious for ur milk. Realised it makes a lot of difference to ur milk if u eat and rest well.
Eh, how come I can't see hopeful list? I wana know how to put on 800g for my bb too!

I just had a hot fudge sundae with fries! Super sinful!
I been eating all kinds of unhealthy sinful stuff ever since I need to get bb to put on weight. Now I will really need to go exercise aft giving birth!

I drank coffee during 2nd tri too, but since then, no more caffeine since bb not growing well. I miss my nespresso!
Luv, ginger tea is fine as ginger is a root not leaf. When i was hospitalised, they gave me ginger tea too, to purge wind. Drink too much tea can have wind also. So drink in moderation, maybe once a week?

Pierced, yea threadfin is good. My mum cooks that for me now. Its a good source of iron also, for both mum and bb. But i so heartpain, today threw away 1 whole pack of threadfin cos my silly hb didnt freeze it after coming back from market yesterday. Planned to cook porridge with it tomorrow but cannot eat already as i scared bacteria started. Fish must always be freezed to ensure freshness.
Luv, ur ginger tea is the teh Halia kind or just ginger only?
Anyway, think u can drin a bit but don't over do it just in case too liang.

Heartbeats, at least u go check and put ur mind at ease first.

Threadfin is good, and very expensive! So I can understand how heart pain to throw the whole pack away!
Breastfeeding best to eat fish.
But of course can also eat other types of fish la, as long as it is fish! I ate salmon etc too, salmon makes the bm have an orangey tinge plus smell different.
Hi Catherine, y can't we ve S? It's approved by gynaes lei. In fact, a few of the ivf mummies had a S buffet gathering a couple of wks back. And all of us are still breast feeding lei.. Of course some of them dun need the booster cux they r pumping 300 n 280 ml lor!! Only thing we make sure is that it must b fresh..

Btw, can I ask what's ur o/p b4 n after going back to work? I m ending my ML in aug and is wondering when I shd start feeding fm to my girl in anticipation of the drop in ss
Hi gals
For bbies full month, me abit mountain tortoise now, whts the purpose of displaying cupcake huh?do we need to buy any big cake to cut like birthday cake huh? Thks girls..;)
Hi Luv, thanks for the link, luckily no puking for me, just sorta tasteless inside of mouth and the feel like puking feeling but no puking cough. I think it's the growing uterus putting pressure on the gut as my ribcage soreness is getting worse too
Have to keep shifting positions to try lessen the soreness, as baby's back is on my right side, so right ribcage and back suffer
I think may hv slight reflux too...

For me, I didn't take tea or coffee until 3rd trimester. But I feel it's ok, as long as not overdosing. I would normally just have half a glass of tea or cold drinks now (still no coffee). Actually body is quite heaty now, so I'm not too concerned about 'liang' food at this point. Had some crysanthumum tea today cos the ulcers in my mouth is really not going away yet...no wonder need to take coconut juice in last month. But before pregnancy stabilizes, I feel it's good to take cautions.
Hi Joanne, I was told not necessary to have cake for first month celeb. I may not even get cupcakes heee...thinking just Bangawan Solo vouchers for relatives and colleagues or Sweetest Moments packs.

Bought the decor other day, geez the banners don't come cheap....
Hi Joanne, no prob,
As for 1st month, I didn't do it for #1 either. No cakes or cupcakes so this time round, guess will skip. Only maybe cakes for colleagues as I won't be inviting many for the 1st mth.
So far I have nevrer attended any with cupcake display or big cake either so it's not necessary.

Tromso, u bought decor? Hee, I didn't even get any. Don't think I be decorating either.

Think very common in 3rd tri to lose appetite, or have reflux and bloatedness. Many In my sept thread are posting on that too.
Same, mine's left rib age soreness, and right side is bb leg pushing hard on I don't know? Wah, super painful!

Just in case I am going thru Csec if tomo Dr M check my cervix has nt ripe for induce. What do we do inside the opt theatre while the do c-sec for u? Can we bring in iPhone to watch movie? Or do we just stare at the ceiling and wait? I just wa to get myself prepare for tues. I am getting nervous now... Wa do we expect during and after the opt?
Pierced, see my post on Sunday at 4.30pm

Hopeful, I pm u on y my gynae forbid 's' food. O/p... Confinement period I got about 1.2litres per day. Juz B4 she went into IFC per day around 100ml till now v miserable.... only enough for her to wet her mouth. Too stress and tired at work sigh
Hi faithfully
The operation will be done in 10mins time.. U cant bring anything into the theatre unless u r at the delivery ward waiting for the operation.. When u r at the theatre, u will be excited to see ur bb deliver, no time for u to do anything.. After they administer epidural, both my hand tremble alot due to the side effect and cold.. Enjoy the process of hearing ur bb first cry.. I cry together with her as she is my first bb out before my boy.. Feel so touch n happy de.. Then my hb who is by my side support me, i still asks him dun care abt me n quick go see bb who is just beside me at op.. After they wrap her, they put her on my chest while my hb go see my son beside me too.. Then he carry him n i hold to my girl, and we asks the aniestatic lady to take a photo for us when bbies still not thoroughly clean and me lying there, bb gal on my chest and hb carry boy.. So u can asks ur hb to bring camera in.. All done very fast so no need viewcam as he got no time.. Just camera will do n if want record video, use camera oso can..

Oops.. Is observation ward n not delivery ward.. Blur me.. There they will do ctg, oso check ur cervix length which is ouch and though we do c sect but they still need check below whether got open or not by put their fingers deep into ur virginal..
