(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Thks pierced n tromso..;) as i saw my boy full mth last time got cake so feel puzzled now why i order cake.. Hmm..

Btw Tromso, where u get the decor? Me too.. Intend use bengawan or sweetest moment..;)

Faithful, c section is an op. so follows same protocol like any op in the OT room. U cant bring anything for ER which is done in OT right? So same Apply. So, u need to fast the day b4 too. Like any other op.
Cake symbolizes 圆圆满满. We hv round cakes n together with other traditional items like Ang ku, red eggs & glutinous rice in a nice box for every relative n friend who attended to bring back. That's on top of buffet lunch. The older generation will say all these symbolic food is needed. So, the min is to hv a set for guests to eat together with buffet.
heartbeats, pierced and Tromso, thanks for your input on tea.

Actually I have cut out coffee and tea since ET. I also wonder how my reaction to coffee and tea will be now given my wonky taste buds. I used to drink tea (like English breakfast tea / Lipton tea / milk tea) when I was preg with my gal, thinking that there's less caffeine in tea than in coffee. Only recently found out from TCM doc that ang moh teh is liang. Haiz... there goes my tea.

The ginger tea i drank was purely ginger and honey (and maybe some sugar), not teh halia. Is teh halia okay too? Actually just took a few sips to try to relieve the wind in tummy. Did feel that it was warming after a few sips.

Regarding full-month celebration, I did abt the same as what Hazel described. No decorations too, hee... Lazy lah and really no time!! Tromso, u're very hardworking!!

Faithfully, u're very cute. I've never tot of pple bringing in movies for c-section. ;) Always tot c-section is quite fast one, won't need to wait very long compared to natural delivery.
Oh yah, the ang ku kway, glutinous rice, red eggs are a must for us too. I think if providing these on buffet table, shouldn't need to further include in gifts cake boxes. Then means don't have to get Sweetest Moment packs cos also inc these in them. I'm undecided

Joanne, I bought my decors from the 3 decor shops at Middle Rd, near Guangyin Temple. Not a lot of banner selections for full month, mostly Happy Birthdays. A piece of plastic banner costs $15-30 lol... We bought 2 banners, ballons and hanging decors.
I have been to a friend's full-month celebration with the cupcakes. Very cute and pretty cupcakes laid out nicely in a tiered arrangement. I guess it's an added bonus to have!
Luv, I used to have 2 cups of tea daily before ttc cos helps with digestion, so was quite hard for me to cut down then. My solution is drink hot water, seems to help too
I think red/ black tea not as liang as green tea so I excuse myself occassionally (only in 3rd trimester), take some Chinese black tea like pu er when we go restaurants, as oily food normally

I think can take ginger in moderation, tcm side believes may cause jaundice if taken in excess. I was told to not drink it post natal, but can stir fry 1-2 pcs in food.

heee...my FIL just confirm Sweetest Moment cos Bangawan Solo cake is not nice he says. 1 more item off my to-do list

Actually for my niece first mth celeb, my sis was also too busy to do the decor, so I did on her behalf. Now it's my turn, hoping 1 sister can be the photographer and another can help with decor. Planning to go 1 day earlier to do up the place as my in laws place is quite big, will need some time. FIL says he's planning to repaint the walls...hmm...also have to get people in to do up the garden, errr...I really hope nothing too troublesome cos I'm just gonna have 1 session timeslot for everyone from both sides. Chop chop does it...
Pierced indeed, I also heard not uncommon to have ms coming back in 3rd trimester. I'm quite lazy, not reading the July/Aug forum, thanks for letting me know
Luckily only 2 days hv to stay in bed, other days were fine, just that now after dinner, body feels very heavy and lethargic, I try not to walk too much.

Talking about ribs pain, I wonder how twins goes, not sure if worse pains. If I rest in bed, may trigger ribs/back pain cos semi lying down. Standing is usually ok but after meals, usually everythg not ok, rib/ back pain and super lethargic lol...can feel the metabolism coming down very rapidly...
Tromso, wah, sounds like it'll be a big operation for your whole household! I'm sure ur family will be happy helping you out.
Ladies, I guess most of u are engaging Dr Ong (United Sq clinic) as PD. Wondering if any of u are planning to or have used one of the TMC in-house PDs? Who did u choose? Thks!
Hi Hazel, your 'whole round cake' thoughts have set me thinking....may I know which brand you went for? Cos Sweetest Moments don't have round cake. Not sure what other options out there besides Bangawan solo as gift boxes. Thanks.

Any suggestions ladies? TIA

Luv, looks like Dr Loh's default PD is Ang Ai Ting. I'm also unsure which other in-house PD is good. You are afraid Dr Ong may not be there in time is it? Heard the PD has to be in delivery theatre when baby is born right?
Luv, the teh Halia, different coz that has got tea mixed with ginger in it. Ginger and honey ok for u, and ginger suppose to help reduce ms too.

Tromso, Im sure they will help u out regarding this. Mine previously, I only got my bro and SIL plus hubs help for my gal 1st birthday. That time even got the helium tank to get them to pump balloons and put up decor. Wah, too much work. Not as easy as it seems to pump up balloons and put them up. So hee, will spare my bro the torture for 1st month.

I'm also not that diligent reading up forums except for this thread. Hee, just that's my sep thread also has secret FB group and they are very actively posting inside!
Tromso, yeah, I'm concerned that PD may not be able to go down to hospital in time. If no complications, never mind. But *touch wood* if anything, need the PD, I wld hope the PD is available immediately. Oh, usually if there're no expected major complications, PD won't be in the delivery theatre. They'll check on baby after. Prob for cases like twins or preterm babies, PD will be in delivery theatre.

Another reason is cos it'll be much more convenient going back for post-natal checkup and baby's review under one roof, rather than having to travel to 2 places, esp when baby's so small then.

Oh, and there's the FBI/SBI discount, hahah...
Tromso, I thought of whole cakes too, I thought can use the cake shop I used for wedding plus last yr my bro used it too, has got whole cakes. And their cakes are really nice!
Just saw that they are closing on 23. Jul and relocating so only ooen in Nov. wasted! Now I have to source for something else too.
I've heard of Dr Ang AT. But mixed reviews leh... Wonder how good she is.

pierced, but i'm thinking that teh halia will be nicer to drink, heheh...
Tromso, pd only néed to b in delivery suite if yr bb is in danger that's where gynae cannot handle and need pd to b around ie to 'save' bb. Dr ong is a neuro bb doc his field is the same as dr Ang. I m seeing dr ong either on weds or sat. Will mention to him our discount again!
Luv, that one of the reasons why my hub tell me stick to the Tmc one that my gynae's work with, he say no point going to choose another one, come to think of it now that my bb is small In size, I will just stick to whoever he recommends, just in case.
Thanks for the cakes suggestions Pierced, I'll check them out
FIL just said good to have a mixture of round cakes and Sweetest Moment sort...hmm... I guess that's why it's easier to plan early, I can't imagine having to deal with diff suggestions during confinement and can't get hubby to SOS in time heh...

Keep the suggestions coming

Pierced, helium tank heh...good idea, but will it break the piggy bank...heee...?? I was thinking to tie the ballons up on a piece of long string, then stick ends of string on/ across the wall (will use my hubby's bicycle pump, hope it helps). Initially I was very puzzled as to how to hang ballons/ decors fr the ceiling as its quite high, don't think ladder will work too... Indeed, siblings come in handy during times like this
Luv and Catherine, thanks for sharing about PD in delivery suit
Catherine, you are very persistent with the discount lol...kudos!!

Luv, you mentioned need to bring baby back to tmc for post delivery reviews, these are not vaccinations right? Just wondering what reviews are? I thought after discharge fr hosp, unless baby is not well, then hv to go PD (say Jaundice), then PD may refer us back to say TMC for the uv light...correct assumption? Have other sorta reviews at TMC is it?
Tromso, oh, I'm referring to the first PD checkup after discharge from hospital. Usually when baby's abt a week old. PD will check baby's weight to see if he/she's been feeding well. Check for jaundice and general well-being, and order tests if necessary. Can't remember if got vaccination or not.

It'll be abt the same time we need to go see gynae for post-natal checkup, so usually arrange on same day for convenience. And if under one roof, all the better!
Tromso, actually the helium tank was quite cheap to rent at that time. But seriously was too much trouble even blowing up the balloons. I was too ambitious. Haha!
Pierced, you must have use many balloons
Actually it's quite nice to have floating balloons. For me, it's a bit like Xmas tree, what you I up, have to take down too...so will keep to simple logistics. Hubby can do simple balloon sculpting and was originally thinking make some for the kids in advance but hor...will be too ambitious I think lol...depending on his mood then I guess

Baby me, I'm planning to keep my frozen eggs in kkh cos looks like dr Tan HH has quite gd hit rates too
Hv you received your bill already? Me not yet.

Blur xuan, I find that will generally get pains now and then cos nerves pulling, this and that stretching etc. But if it's unusually painful...best to seek help.
Hi mummy,

Just came bk from TMC. Dr M check and my cervix is still thick not yet open. She say I am 3cm dilated. She use her finger to check, althou feel abit discomfort but nt that pain. She also say since I am on insulin and gt GD not advisable to wait for bb to come naturally (as in wait for bag to burst).
Aiyo, now that Dr Ong EK has left TMC, the remaining PDs not very appealing to me leh...

Hazel, did u use Dr Ang AT? How do u find her?

Faithfully, so have u decided to be induced or to go for c-sect? All the best!
Dilation = how open cervix is. It is fr 1-10cm. 10cm being fully dilated /open n bb can come out.

This is fr Wikipedia
"Cervical dilation (cervical dilation) is the opening of the cervix, the entrance to the uterus, during childbirth, miscarriage, induced abortion, or gynecological surgery. Cervical dilation may occur naturally, or may be induced by surgical or medical means."
Blurxuan, sounds like you have belly button pain too. Its common. Its the tummy muscles splitting to accomodate a growing uterus. I have the pain too for 2-3 days then now no more. Guess the muscles splitted cos my belly button also looks different now, not as deep as before.
Tromso n Hazel, yes me thinking of not transferring too. But also thinking to have Dr Loh do it if planning for 2nd one. So undecided yet. My bill has come quite sometimes already. Due date is 30 June, but hv not made payment yet. Afraid they will dispose them.

TFC storage fee for first yr (under Dr Loh only) is $300+. Then subsequent yr is $900+++. So much increase. I don't think will just keep for 1 yr. Some more there is admin n transfer fee.

I think I will just stick to KKH then. Thanks Gal
Baby, dun worry KKH can't throw away unless u consent even of u have not paid. They will just keep chasing u to pay!
Haha ok. Thanks Hazel for the assurance. Anyway I just called them to tell them that I'm gng to renew the storage so they took down my name n ic.
Hi Hazel, tromso n pierced
Hmm... Then if we order cake, still got to order those cake boxes fr sweetest moment? Wah.. So confuse now on what to order?
Btw, beside what hazel recommend - Lavish for buffet catering.. Any other gd catering recommendation so that we can make a comparison on wht to choose? Feel so tired n yet not enough time to plan for bb full mth.. Kindly help n advise.. 10Q..
Hi Gals, if already dilated means baby already engaged? Engaged then can dilate? Last check up my baby not engaged yet. Worry if too long inside, baby will play with the cord. Last check up baby never put on weight at all n I have lost 1kg in a week. Sounds impossible. Could it be the weighing machine not working well?
Tromso, ya coz I went to buy those nice balloons online and realised to make it float must use helium. So took the whole morn for my hub and bro etc to decor the function room and put up wall decor, banners etc. . My hubs say pls next time get people to do it instead. Haha!

Baby, I will just stick to Kk for my enbryo storage too. Anyway I left with 1. The most go back Kk and do it again if need to.

Faithfully, thought 3 cm dilated means already open like hazel put it? So have u decided which one to go for?
Joanne, U plan to order cakes to put at buffet right? Then if so, I don't think u need to have additional cost to go order from sweetest moments or others.
I'm only planning to order cake in boxes coz I won't invite colleagues etc to the buffet. So can give them instead. Then some cake boxes will be distributed to the relatives at the buffet, that's all.
Pierced n Luv, i see. But dr Loh never check if I dilated already or not. Is it necessary to check? He only said see next week if baby engaged already or not. If not then need to induce. So I thought no engaged means no dilated hehe. Blur me.
Hi Pierced,

I have decided to go C-Sec. It a hard decision to make. As what Dr say there is pro and con for both delivery. The most impt is bb health. I do not wa to stress my bb that why i choose the faster way to get the bb out. I know it not an advantage for me but I cant care anymore. Dr oni say I am 3 cm dilated but cervix still thick. She told me for my condition I might need 12 hrs to fully dilated. For natural, she told me she will use epi then burst the bag... then wait for it to dilated. Is this how induce works? Anyway she also gave me an admission form for natural which I have to be in hosp tonite @1130pm (In case I change my mind). She also say there is a possibility ti end up in C-sec if during natural delivery bb heart beat is not ok... so everything is like no confirm answer. I am half heart. I wa to try natural but I am afraid I might stress the bb and end up spending more. I choose c-sec cos it maybe good for bb to be less stress and come out fast. I really dont kw wa to do. My bb is too comfy inside even I told her that she can come out already.

Baby, maybe Dr Loh meant that if baby's not engaged yet, then may take a while longer for labour to take place. So he wants to speed up the process via induction.
