(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi MTBs, hope you all still remember me.

I went for BT today and it's a BFP. I just waanted to check if any mommies here have high hcg during BT and turned out to be singleton. I am a little concern...

Thanks and hope everyone is doing well!

Hi Luv, yes, he will induce if baby not engaged yet. Just like Faithfully, baby too comfy inside. Dr said baby eat good sleep good inside, so don't want to come out yet. I have kept telling her to come out this week. Hopefully baby will listen
Dear J03 and gals,
I shared this on FB group, very useful reading for breastfeeding. Including explanation and even colours of fore and hind milk, etc etc. Hope it'd help u gals too!!! http://www.breastfeeding-problems.com/ Been reading it the past week

Dear J03,
C-sect also need VE ah? Goodness!!!!! Die liao. I scared pain, lol.

Dear Faithfully,
Excited for you that you are delivering soon!!! Now that u have decided, just stay positive and trust Dr M ya? Looking forward to your birth story!!! Eat something u liek and have a good long bath!!!

Dear bruno and new MTBs,
I compiled shopping lists, packing lists and notes on motherhood throughout these months. PM me your gmail address and I can share the doc with you if you wish to have a look.

Dear hopeful,
I also keen to have the list pls!!! My moo moo days starting in 1 week's time!!! *shivers*

Dear Tromso,
I also wanna check out the decor at Middle Rd there. Hehe...

Dear Tromso & gals,
My scan went well, BB at 2.9+ kg at 35+ weeks. Got a painful jab at the butt to help mature bb's lungs n gonna hv another jab the coming friday for the same purpose. CTG went ok, bb was rather sleepy. Scary to think that i'm now finally down to my LAST APPT the coming friday!!! Previously when i was just in first trimester n lying on the bed waiting to be scanned, I'd always see the scan of the previous mummy's bb and it's usually at 30+ weeks and I always wonder when will it ever be my turn. Guess what? It's my turn in 7 days!!! WOOHOO!!!

Re: TMC Charges
I spoke to a lady at the reception and she seemed unsure abt things. I asked abt the toiletries and diapers, etc and she says it is included in the package. I asked abt the longan red date tea and she called somewhere to ask and they told her they only provide ginger tea. And I asked for a copy of confinement menu but they can't give. If u gals can wait, I'd be able to give exact answers next week when I go through everything, lol. Anyway, I intend to get my mum and helper to prepare red date longan tea and milo for me at home and bring me the 2 flasks everyday. lol.

My friend who delivered in Jan at TMC said that they'd charge for what are used, hand sanitizer, diapers etc but at the end of ur stay, they'd pack everything for u to bring home. And my friend who went thru c-sect says they hv the binder and will help u bind after c-sect (of cos charged too). So i'm not getting my own binder.

Re: Bengawan Solo
Is NOT halal. So pls take note if u giving Muslim friends.

Re: Dr Ong as PD
I told Dr Loh 2 weeks ago, but I didn't inform Dr Ong, haven't even seen him before. lol. Do I need to call or visit him to inform him huh?
Baby, yup like Luv said, dr Loh check to see engaged first as that's usually the first sign Of labour but as for dilation, it depends on individual whether dilated or not, and first time mummies might take a longer time to dilate, not all of course.
Main thing see what Dr Loh says as he will be the best person to gauge. Hee...

Faithfully, never mind, like u said, u don't want to stress the baby. Since u have decided, just go ahead and it's for the best of your bb. So when's your date for it? Main thing to rest well after that.

Hi koirc, congrats!
Thanks, sisters!

Baby, my reading is 1500. According to nurse, it's high.

LuvNhope, I am hoping for singleton but since nurse says my reading is high, I am really concerned. So I wanted to know if there's a chance that I can get a singleton.
Baby, dr Loh will check if u hv dilated when he wan to induce u. He is v good. Even not dilated yet he can force it to happen when he induces! My case was a good eg! He is v pro natural. He will tell me to try natural first.. Despite my hub telling him to just do c section as he did not want to wait so long... I also asked him, he said try first... Coz C section is more risky for me n bb. I was warded on 2nd day of cny, 11am. Dr Loh came at 8pm when he was back to SG. Forced my cervix to open 1-2cm then gave me tablet via vagina at 11pm to start the induce process. No action, just crampy n bloody when I went toilet the whole night. He came to see me next day at 8am, checked my cervix again n forced it further to open till 4cm!! 11am, he burst my water bag m belle was delivered 7hrs later at 6+pm.

So, if u apart counting fr 8pm 2nd day of cny to 6pm 3rd day or cny, it took 22hrs for belle to be born! Shack meh.. I was so stressed then.. But I was Strapped to a ctg thru out... Every 5 mins my eyes will be on the ctg machine to see belle's heart beat! So I know belle was ok. If she was stressed, dr Loh wld hv taken her out immediately via c section.
Koirc, dun worry overly abt it now. What matters most is it's a healthy pregnancy right?

Faithfully, yes, as the rest said, now that you've decided, have faith in ur decision and await your motherhood days with joy!

Sashamama, ur baby's at a good weight! Wow, it's all happening very soon for you. Exciting!!
Baby, FYI I hv high BP when I stressed! There was a period he gave me medication for Pre ecampsia! Until I requested to stop n that I will monitor my BP regularly. He relented n told me to come in when I feel unwell... N covered me with hl from dec, ie 32wks pregnant. When I was warded at TMC (he not back to SG yet), BP was high too! I dropped him an email n told him I was stressed coz he was not on SG! I told him I asked bb to wait for him to return! He still joked over email. That night he straight away came n see me when he returned to SG.
J03, depending on if u hv old folks who insisted. For me, defintely must give full mth cake, red eggs, Ang ku Kuey to relatives even though I hv them for buffet too.
Hi Faithfully,

Just go with your choice and happily await the arrange of your bundle of joy.

To share my experience, I also had GD and on Insulin. My BB was too comfortable and I had to be induced at week 40. I had Epidural once I was admited so no labour pain at all. But like Eskimobaby, after 24 hours, I only dilated 4 cm and the contractions was getting weaker. Seems like due to my old age, the womb has no strength to contract after 24 hours. I decided to go for C-section (with Epidural) and BB was out in 15 Mins.

And not to worry about the weight. My boy was only 2.889 KG at week 40. You can fatten your BB when he/she is out easily.
I do feel abit cheated that I did not get to go through the natural birth process (had metally prepared for natural birth) but most importantly was that my BB is safe. It was a relief to see my cutie pie after 24 hours.
Hi Koirc
Congrat to u!! Is this ur 2nd ivf bb?? U shd remember me too..;)

Hi sasha
Think i can provide most of ur queries on wht tmc provides.. No.. Tmc dun hv red date drink.. They hv milo for each meal serve though so my hb brought me red date drink daily.. And no, they dun provide me any binder, i bought mine along so they use it to bind for me after i am suppose to come out fr bed on 2nd day..;) time flies, our batch pp all gonna pop one after another..;) is an exciting moment., do tressure it..;) every day around 10am, they serve u papaya fish soup.. I take the confinement food for lunch n dinner.. Fo those going thru c sect, take note their menu u choose dun hv chicken.. They serve black chicken soup but i give my hb takes since i cant take.. Btw, their soup taste nice fr many pp review..;)

Hi pierced
Oh i see..now i know why last time i has big cake as tt time i no give cake boxes...hmm... Sweetest moment cake nicer mah?

Hi gals
Any gd buffet caterer recommendation? I think i need to book soon...thk u..

Hi faithfully
Enjoy ur delivery n rest ur wound well ya.. Wht time ur c sect tomorow? 9am?

Hi baby
I heard if ur weight drop means u r delivering soon..

Hi sasha
For half c sect, is go thru epidural only.. When they administer epidural, they give me laughing gas to reduce my pain.. Btw,no need see doc Ong in advance.. He will appear on ur delivering day..;)
Hi Joanne, yes I remember you. This is my 2nd IVF bb but the first one didn't make it through 1st trimester... So hopefully this one will be strong and grow well till the end. How are you? How many months are you now?
Sasha, congratz!
Yours is coming soon. So good that you know when you will pop your baby. It's a waiting game for me now.

Koirc, yes it's considered high, but doesn't confirm singleton or twins. Just wait for the next scan.

Hazel, I agree with you. Dr Loh Is very pro natural. I asked him before if I need to go for c-sect as for few check ups, my baby always on the bigger size. He said bigger size also can go for natural. If can natural, why c-sect. I was like ..oh ok...of course I will go for natural if everything fine. But from your story on how he induced you, it sounds a bit scary hehe. Hope I can take it.
Hi Jo

Mine will be tomo at 11am but I hv to be in hosp by 9am.

Hi Jude,
From the start I wanted c-sec cos I hv serious constipation till now even when my poo is soft my anus still bleed. Becos I worry I can push bb out I decided to go C-sec. I didnt even bother to wa to kw how it feel like to go thru natural cos for me bb is most impt thing and nt the exp. It oni few days ago then I feel maybe I should go thru the pain of natural at least I try so I wont regret in future... but I compare my bb health and the regrets I might not exp... I feel that bb health is more impt... bb is inside I wont kw how she feels...maybe it just fate.
Hi faithfully, all the best! Once decision is made, stick to it. It's gd u made d decision now cux if end up emergency c sect, hubby can't go into OT wif u ( happened to me. Hence, I will nvr know how my girl looks like when she was carried out).

Hi koirc, congrats congrats!!
Hi gals
Time for my massage to reduce the flabby tummy.. Usually c sect after 3wks can massage so tt my CL still here before she goes back? I email doc Loh to check with him but no reply..;(

Hi sasha
U plan to let ur maid take care ur bb?

Hi hazel
Can ur maid allow to carry ur gal now or strictly only do hsework for her?

I told her not to touch bbies now since they r still small.. But by 4th mth, think maid got to help my mum abit on carry bbies after i go back to work else how my mum cope with 3 children..sigh.. Arggg.. How i wish my ML can last 1yr..;(
Dear Luv & Baby Me,
Ya, it is getting more exciting, lol. Just resting and resting and some shopping and resting and resting, lol.

Dear Koirc,
CONGRATS and welcome here!!! We always love to see new MTBs graduating here!!! When is your next scan and who is your gynae?

Dear J03,
My friend said she bought the binder when the nurses asked her le! And they bind for her after her c-sect. I guess I'd ask again this Friday. Thx for clearing some doubts! And no my maid won't take care. Hubby and me will do it. Maid just focuses on housework, cooking and my Sasha. When i go back to work, sometimes my mum at home, sometimes bring to MIL, sometimes hubby will stay at home. His work has flexible hours. Hehe... But will still let maid learn how to take care, just in case. She is with us for 2 months now, performance still good, showers care and love on my Sasha. Will observe her longer first.

How is your maid?
Joanne, I tried neo garden and four seasons. So far not bad.

Sweetest moments cakes are ok, I just find their taste average but packaging is nice and convenient la. if u don't need halal cakes, can try the rich and good cakeshop I posted earlier. Their cakes are nice and fresh.
As for maids, I realise nowadays a lot of maids wait for their loan to be paid p and they will try funny business. Like my previous maid. Sigh...
My cousin also just told me her maid after 6 mths, try to be funny. She only supposed to do housework as my aunt takes care of bb. After her loan paid up in 6 mths, the maid told her she want to take care of bb instead, don't want to do housework!
Pierced, if maid start to be funny after loan is paid, we can send her home! Just need to buy her an airticket if she wan to come again, she needs to take up a loan again! I told my maid that n dun try to be funny. As long as I pay the air ticket, the agency wun stop.
Shashamama : u resting already? for this doc loh give HL or u take maternity leave? hmm who else resting now before delivery? I'm still commuting to work daily keeping myself occupied - week 38 now. Not feel anything yet.. I just went swimming and garden festival recently.

Hazel : Wah I read already also feel stressed. I'm so afraid o my this Fri apptm - I dun wan to be forced open.. Doc loh will allow me to wait until when? He din say when I will pop. I think my bb v comfy inside maybe come out at 41-42 week..
Tanny, I just start to rest today. Taken ML actually as HL will not be allowed nearing to my edd. I'm in week 39 and also don't feel anything yet. Last few days I walked for about 2-3 hours with rest for 5-10 minutes in between. By end of this week if baby not engaged yet, Dr will induce.
Dear Tanny,
Ya, been resting for a few weeks. Dr loh gave HL. Really admire your level of activity!!! I can't move around much! Can't sleep well either. Previously wakie every 2 hrs to pee, these 3 days been waking up every 1 hr, like 12mn, 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am and then 5plus am, 7plus am, 9plus am, etc etc. Plus heartburn, and itchy stretch marks. But just need to tahan for 6 more nights... before I go into another phase of sleepless nights and discomforts!!! lol.
Luv, he said my baby always on bigger side. So afraid will be too big and difficult for natural. So he will induce by next week.
Tanny & baby, no need to stress over induce. When u carry bb in your arms u will know all is worth it. Dr Loh checked me twice when I was yet to be on epidural n I was scared the 2nd time he did it. after on epi, I felt nothing when he checked again n I also dunno how painful labour pain can be. Nv experience that. If u tell me to go thru the 2 VE again without epi, I will.. Belle is v adorable day by day.. When she smiles all is worth it! She sticks to me alot.. My lower back is v stuff today n painful coz I carried her whole day yesterday as brought her to JB for shopping.. N I hv back issues all along.. So, I will still bring her on trips next time.
Hi Joanne, sorry I didn't get the time to reply your email today as at my parent's place entire day entertaining niece...gosh, life will certainly be very preoccupied soon. Taught her to say 'thank you' today heee....

For caterers, the popular ones seem to be Select (economical I heard), another is Stamford, also Four Seasons. My hubby knows a very yummy caterer but can't rmbr the name off hand, though it's quite ex, abt $17-19 per pax. Another we've tried which is quite good is Chilli Api but we had the peranakan buffet spread then.

For cakes. According to my mum, if already serving up cakes at buffet table, no need to give individual cakes to relatives. Then for my in laws, I asked if still need to serve ang ku kway, red eggs, glutinous rice on buffet table if already all inside gift cake boxes...answer is, then only extra red eggs needs to be served on buffet table. I guess diff families may have diff expectations

I'm planning to get gift cake boxes to relatives and colleagues only, not friends.

Hope you are closer to deciding which options
Fairhfully, so happy for you
Tomorrow's THE day!! Indeed, best to heed dr's advice. My SIL also had GD, so c sec for her. Another GD fren, both kids natural birth and baby was 3.7kg. But end of day, dr knows our condition best. So you rest assure you are in great hands and cast your worries/ concerns outta your mind
Rest well tonight and all the very best for your delivery.
Luv, 2wks ago (wk37) was 3.3kg. Last week (wk38) also 3.3kg. Never increase. But Dr said all of this measurement is not accurate one, so no need to worry.

Hazel, yes, all is worth it. Is your back pain is side effect of epi? Otherwise, any side effect did u feel so far?
i dunno if Dr Tan is pro natural or not but he seems to be abit gan cheong for twins.. ask him something he will say..u twins leh..better not... last appt ask him can go for prenatal yoga..he said the same thing..so no yoga..

i think if i ask him can deliver twins by natural, i guess he will giv me the better not answer..lol..

My previous keyhole lap had me in the hospital for 3 days as my hamegoblin level was low..i am jus worried abt the pain and recovery if i really go for c section...haizz ..wat is the chance of natural delivery for twins?z
Congrats Koirc!

All the best Faithfully!

Ladies, those who bought bb items/clothings from SMH sprees, any particular spreeist to recommend? There are so many in the spree section, i see stars le. Thanks!
dear faithfully, great job! you have come so far! i am feeling so excited for you! at the same time, i can imagine if i were you i wld be feeling v nervous too! all the best to your c-section tomrw, and keep us posted on yr devt ok

sashamama, you are next? i am also v excited for you... i still rem you posting abt yr "challenges" and how you, after 20th week, finally dare to make some plan or start buying bb stuff.. ai zai ok... so exciting!

how come tanny so steady one, still no problem moving around and going to work? haha... all the best to sisters who are popping soon!

i am already feeling vvv breathless now.. like tromso, i am feeling v nausea and i did throw up a few times.. my tummy super tight today.. now i walked like old lady, but still thinking of going taka and expo this week to choing for sale.. but at the rate i am going, i am not optimistic liao.. as of today, i put on 16kg liao... imagine walking around with an equivalent of 8 lap tops? but for my bbs, i will tahan!!!

koirc, many congrats! your reading is indeed v high.. mine was around 1046 and twins.. dont worry too much.. if you are doubly blessed with twins, gladly accept the gift
all will be well for you
mc, dun worry... what matters most is your precious ones are safe and well. All will work out.

cock cock, when are u due? We'll be excited for your twins' arrival too!
Luvhope, am with dr Ang AiTin. Stuck w her as I also wanted a PD that is attached to a hosp so any BT etc under one roof. She is good, fast and efficient. Not the type that will sit and chitchat. But she will review w you the key milestones she checks for at each visit, and let u know what to look out for in the next few weeks (good for 1st time parents so won't simply panic).

Consultations are around $50 after FBI disc. Vaccination got various package.

I took the 6mth package, and after that if bb is fine & healthy, I will prob change to a PD closer to home or a good family GP.

Her clinic is v packed in mornings & weekends. And sometimes delayed due to NICU emergency.
Mc, it is still possible to deliver twins naturally if the bbs position is right. I know a forum sister whose has twins n delivered naturally. One of the bb was head down n the other breeched. Dr Loh asked her to try naturally n he was confident abt it as long the head down bb is delivered first. The sister asked him wat If the breeched bb can't come out.. He joked n told The sister dun break his record! Ha! Tat was during KKH days. The thing abt delivering twins naturally is do we hv enough energy to push 2x?
ron, thanks for sharing. I've heard reviews that she can be quite impatient and tends to order unnecessary tests or admit the children to hospital too readily. Do u think so?
Thks luv! I m now 29th week. Hope can tahan till 36th week.. Really scare of pre-term coz got major implications on bb health n the cost involved cld be v high... Just hv to believe, pray hard n keep talking to babies.. How far along r u now? Still on mc? Ms ok?

J03, tmc does hv red date drink. Must ask for it which I did coz cannot drink water - will cause wind. So, I either drink red date drink (which comes in a flask) or milo
