(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group


Re: Bottles
The advisor mentioned that tippee tommee bottles are quite wide/fat. Thus if you are getting this brand, better to buy the tippee tommee warmer as well coz the bottles might not fit into other brands' warmer.

Hi Ron - really happy to join you here

Hi Sashamama - I only finished my appt around 945pm. The receptionist like can't wait to go home and rush through with me. They even forgot to give me aspirin
. Dr Loh gave me injection and inserts/medicine for a week and I will c him again next thurs to follow up and scan.... I think Dr Loh is quite tired today as he quite stone when I asked him questions...

Can I ask whether I should continue with red dates drink now? How about Ensure milk cos I still have half tin left....

I think I have to extend my unpaid leave again as now is such crucial period....
Hi Joanne, glad you got the support jab! Has the spotting stopped? When does your unpaid leave end? You could have asked Dr Loh for mc if you are not on unpaid leave for the coming week.

Can still drink ensure milk in moderation. As for red dates drink, I am not sure as I moved on to an tai yao immediately after knowing my bfp. Please check with your TCM dr - Dr Zou right? Think she is back tmr.
Dear Joanne,
Aspirin not given at dr loh's clinic. You hv the written prescription? It's to be bought at the pharmacy at level one. Rest well ya? This is really crucial period.

Dear angelxuan,
The shop assistant never tell me that Le. Sigh. Dunno how professional she is. She started off asking me what questions I have, n I was like thinking "I don't know what is there to ask right at the start!" I think that's why less than 1hr finished.
doing my night duty again... the strong wind feels good.. going to rain soon i think.. whole night dreaming abt bb stuff.. can tell that the upcoming motherhood expo sale has gotten me v excited..

thanks bbjourney, i will be careful and take rest in between.. tonite, while sitting next to me, my hubby suddenly looked at me.. i asked him why? he said he got to look coz my breathing was v heavy... i told him he only needs to look when i dont breathe.. kena stared by him..

catherine, that cld be the strategies to save tax loh.. actually i joked abt buying branded bags only, i dont really buy branded bags.. recently my fren bgt a celine bag ard $4k.. told her i can use that $$ to pay CL.. u rem abt my scan on tue, thanks! actually tomorrw will be seeing my gynae.. re pillow, i now using 3 big pillows and 1 small cushion to sleep.. my bed only queen size so hubby can only take 1/3 of the bed.. q squeeze and poor thing for him..

joanne, glad that u have been given support and really hope all will be well for you soon! john tee is a man of few words.. u got to ask him questions if u need specific answers.. he is not super kan cheong (which is good, coz i think he doesnt want to "scare" his patients unnec).. he is v skillful and highly popular.. seems like he doesnt take on any more patients this year..

angelxuan, hello! are u still sleeping a lot now? rem how much u slept during the 2ww! i am thinking of joining the mothercare briefing too.. i am really clueless on a lot of things.. got to pay? i intend to check out the pillow, and the tummy belt as suggested by bbjourney..

sashamama, glad that u have found a nice maid and hope she stays that way! all the best to your appt tomorrw! all will be well

hope i can get back to nice sleep after this...
Angelxuan - thanks for your advice. Will call dr Zou to check. I supposed to go back to work on 1/6 but think I may extend for another 1 or 2 months now...

Cock cock - is the pharmacy still open at night? Don't think he gives me the prescription. Anyway think should be ok not to take aspirin for a week as dr Loh said it could lead to bleeding too.

Think I will see dr Loh in the meantime till stabilised. Later then decide which Gynae to go.... As it depends whether mine is twins or not. Hehe

I have not been sleeping well since my 2ww. Always wake up at 3 am the cant sleep. Is this normal? My blood pressure seemed to increase again recently
Dear all, last nite. Suddenly feel this crampy, sour Feeling on the left side of my body when i lie down on the bed. No matter where i turn, the feeling does not go away. It happened after dinner til abt 2am. But when i sit up or stand up, the feeling goes away. Wonder what is happenng? Hubby asked could it baby is growing or baby is kicking or i having indigestion? But cannot be only one side right? Shd i go see Dr Loh or Dr M this morning for checkup? I think i shd get a "super regular" patient pass from them. :p

Cockcock, i will periodically ask my hubby to check if there is any red patches or spots on my body. Cos worried if i hv bedsore from having too much bedrest.

Joanna, The pharmacy is closed at night and there is no need for a prescription to buy aspirin (aka Cardiprin) from the pharmacy. You may want to try Watson or Guardian to see if they carry Cardiprin. I think one box costs ard $7.50. I will attach a photo of the cardiprin later for your reference.

It is normal to wake up in the middle of the night when you BFP. Cockcock, Angel and i have been thru that phase. Try to rest as much as you can at home.
Hi Sashamama, I've bought the Braun digital ear thermometer fr the states. The spree here looks to have great bargains for it too. Will also need normal mouth thermometer for newborns, Braun can only use when they turn 6 mths I think.

For my niece, my mum uses the Pigeon manual food grinder cos every meal is cooked fresh, so don't need a lot. For my gf, she finds the electronic food blender useful as she would blend a large amount and freeze into smaller portions for future use. Not sure how the other mummies make use of the Philips steamer...

For Milk bottles, I'm getting 6, so don't need to sterilize too often each day. I'll be getting Philips anti colic the better BPA free bottles.

Sashamama, I'm also finalizing my shopping list now, hope to get most within this 1 mth, then can closed shop
You've got all your major items like stroller and carseat right? I'm starting from almost zero I think heh...
How are you lately Baby and Miracle Happens? Starting to feel more tired lately now that we have crossed into 3rd trimester?

Hope you are both doing well

Joanne, when will you be starting your bed rest period? Hope your work isn't too hectic like before.
Err.... you all got look for me meh LOL... i've been travelling abit to Australia for work la for system intergration.

i did my OSCAR yesterday, so far so good but still waiting for the blood test result. BB moving too much and too fast, the Doctor who did the u/s has to scan me 3 times to complete the job bcos BB refuse to settle at the right position LOL ( sound so cute ho)

Dr Loh said i got 5 months worm, so big until he has to make fun of me each time when i visiting him. i was quite surprised that my BB is very high up (just right under my chest area) in my tummy yesterday.

MS still bad. every morning and every evening is my golden time to vomit...

do you all still have MS, or am i the unlucky one
cock cock.. can i ask how many weeks are u now? i m only abt 7 wks now but my tummy looks like 3 mths..so dunno how big it might get to.

can i ask what this motherhood tour is abt?

also, should i try to look for confinement lady now? my edd is on early jan but i suspect it will end up in dec. heard that dragon yr hard to find...any recommendation?

my nausea and throwing up is making me very tired and xin ku...the vomit taste so acidic (sry)..dunno normal or not..
same like you, my vomit taste acidic ( i hope this is normal), and also very tiring too.
i asked Dr Loh once about this vomitting, i thought he will give me some prescription to reduce my vomitting, then he asked me why people climb KK mountain??? so he said good news is enjoy our pregnancy but the bad news is no prescription.

i have booked my CL 2 months ago already from my mum's kampung (Malaysia)
i think i also registered to be a member with MC, but is someone supposed to contact me for the tour. now that its mentioned, like nobody called me for mths!

joanne03: hope u get to rest soon. u must be feeling so heavy, as i already start to feel heavy especially in the afternoon. it simply bloats and stretches. i heard its gg to get worse in the last mth.

im happy i dun need to go to work so early today, else no time to even write here.. can only scroll and read fast fast while on bus home.

who is in tri 3? i lost track.. i rem joanne03, faithfully, bbjourney?, tromo u too? (which wk)

im getting medela pisa pump and wonder what bottles shld i get, pigeon anti colic ones ok? or must buy medala bottles?
BBjourney, really ha.. i hardly check my hotmail ler... maybe we should exchange facebook liao
so on one can gone missing again LOL
Thanks for the correction Hazel....when writing earlier, I was thinking about the thermometer in my mouth measuring morning temperature for monthsssss on end when ttc naturally....heee....

Brain power is really deteriorating.... Even my very slack hubby is starting to cannot tahan my absent-mindedness
Though I'm quite enjoying this don't-hv-to-think-too-much period, just act blur....didn't know it can feel so relaxing, think I've been too on the ball in the past heh....
i think the GSS started or starting?

my fren just told me her delivery bill at Mt A is 20K! gosh!
induce for 2 days, bb not out, finally Csearan. and bb stay nciu for 10 days. her bb was born post term, i mean like at 41 weeks. 41 weeks i tot full term why need to stay nicu, tot only apply to premature. i heard her bb got jaundice too.
Hope!! You "disappeared" for weeks! I also sent you a PM but never got a reply from u...so worried u know? Do you whatapps? I am not so active on FB coz a lot of kaypo "friends". Or someone knows how to set up a closed group on FB? Very happy that your Oscar went well! Btw, I stopped taking aspirin after bfp.
haha Angel, where got disappeared... busy working la, and the last thing i could think about is computer, ipad or device. i whatsapps, yes yes yes. but i dont know how to set up a private group on facebook ler... maybe BBjourney know how...
Catherine, I can fit into some of my Pre pregnancy pants now! Hehe. Hey, u heard of bb signs? Bbs wun start to talk until close to 1 yrs old. But before that bbs already understand us starring fr 6-9 months. So, bb signs allow them to communicate with us. Eg signs like hungry, milk, more, eat, drink, diaper r v useful.
Hope, can we exchange contact number too cos i scare u MIA aiajn n i worry for my sisters here when i dont hear from them. :p
Hi Tromso, I'm feeling tired too.. Today is the start of 31 week. Belly getting bigger, alot of bb movement @ nite.. Can't sleep well.
Recently, I can feel baby moving near either sides of my waist, abit pain.. Feels like his bones. Do u hve tht feeling too?
Need to remind myself to ask dr Loh abt bb's & placenta position.
Angel n Hope, later i go home experiment how to set private group setting on fb ok. Difficult to do e setting on my phone now. Me waiting to see Dr M now. Kanna suan by Alice that i really love to visit them. i told her bo bian. haiz.
Sashamama, actually I also didn't know what questions i should have before the tour..just asked what came into my mind when she showed me the items. Am sure I still got a lot to learn. Thus, plan to do trips to fairs and sales to gai gai & see what other people look at and buy.

Cockcock and Tanny, to book an appointment with MC advisor, I did an online survey then someone contacted me a week later to arrange an appointment. It's foc and it's 1 advisor attending to 1 pair of couple. I will PM you the link to the survey shortly.

Cockcock, there are other types of preg pillow that MC sell. I believe your tummy is v big and you might need one that gives you more support. Thus, try to request to try out first before buying or can check with the nursery advisor to recommend a suitable one for you. I think the advisor is only in the shop at Harbourfront when she has appointment.

Actually, I also slept like crazy throughout my trimester 1! Really just plain exhaustion! Now it's much better, just need to take a good 2-3 hrs nap in the day. Recently also no need to get up in the nite to pee, so can sleep a straight 9 hrs throughout!
Appetite also improves and enjoying all my food..but scared will get too fat so controlling. Occasionally will take cold drinks and ice cream..hehehe :p

Joanne, do extend your unpaid leave if you need to. Nothing else is more important than the well being of your baby(ies) and yourself esp in this crucial period.
Hope, i m still Drloh's patient. But i can only see dr loh in e afternoon n i dont think i can tahan til afternoon cos i quite worry abt the cramp n i wan to make sure baby is ok.
Hey gals,
I very free, went to create a secret group. No one can see who are in the group or what we post. Can pm me or post ur FB email? I invite you!
Hey cock cock,
Thanks! Urs will go well too!!!

Dear Tromso,
Thx for ur comments! I'd research on my shopping list n share here for advice! I'm starting from zero, except for stroller, car seat n sterilizer. Lol.

Glad to cya! Vomiting makes u feel Preggie. Heh. Hope it'd go away soon!!!

Hey miracle,
Long time no see! You packed your hospital bag yet? I'm starting week 29 tmr. Guess I'm in 3rd tri too! Hope time flies faster!

Dear angelxuan,
Ya lo, a lot of research. I reading what to expect when you're expecting. Hubby reading WBB's books. Hehe.
Sashamama, in the FB secret group, can we ourselves see who we all are? Else don't know who's posting what right? Only pple not in the secret group cannot see us hor?
Ya, we'll see one another. N we'll receive notification on our acct when there're updates in the group like someone posted a topic. But no one else can see us
Sasha, i pm you my email address already. although i still don't know how this secret group going to work. is this going to be like a normal FB chat? or FB pm?
So good to see you. Ya, you went MIA. We have been asking "HOPE, how are you?" but no reply >.<
Glad to know that you are well with work.

MS!! yes, me too, still having MS. But it seems to be getting better, as long as I don't allow myself to be hungry. So will try to eat something small every 2 hrs :p
Sasha, u want my honest opinion on what to bring to hospital?

Hazel, see u r not gg sideway!!!! My hr officer told me she took 1 yr to regain. I fainted honestly speaking I m do busy everyday feeling hungry y my tummy dun go away? Damn frustrating!!!!
Yes Catherine! I need all advice!!!

Dear all,
So far hope and cool and me are in the secret group. Come add me and I add u into the group ya?
Catherine, defintely got grow sideways! Heheh
Btw, I feed belle with cereals with a spoon just now! She turns 4 months old today. We r v proud of her that she actually know how to swallow the cereals! We just tried for fun coz my mum said maybe too soon... N she may choke.. But she didn't n keep asking for more as she is hungry - impatient girl.'
Hope..how many week are you now? still having MS? Dr Loh so funny, means no cure lah...lol..

Can you let me have the contact for the confinement lady agency? What is the rates now?

mc007, i am 12weeks5days.
i dunno any CL agency (my mum is my agent LOL, and the CL is her kampong friend)... maybe sisters here can help
