(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group


i stretching too cos the last 3 wks no time to pump only pump 2x per day so milk supply dived. Now i try to pump in the morning before go work, then pump before lunch and pump around 5pm before i leave office. Clariss daily drink 5 feeds, so she'll have 2 feeds of BM and 3 feeds of FM but come jab i'll try to stretch more to give her 3-4 EBM per day. Wow at least u still got some for storage, me never had chance to freeze my EBM cos too little liao normally consume within 48hrs hahaaaa

I jus pm you, i was very down cos i was assisting my team leader with all his meetings, trips and schedules etc and he sing praises of me but when come appraisal time he didn't fight for me. He jus joined us beginning of last yr. i was very disappointed with him.

Chris, when u increase yr pump frequency did yr milk flow increase?? Yr office has nursing room?? I replied u. I m gg to my hairdresser on sat. Will get him to check and cleanup my scalp if it's oily. Did u go talk to yr team lead to know the reason? I would question at least I know the reason behind it. I m sure he will say its becos u r preggy! I will b challenging on my apprisal if I m not given what I should b.
nope our nursing room is actually the handicapped toilet lor....no choice..hahahaaa.

i just pm u. very disappointed with my boss...do you know those who 偷懒 gossip about people at work and bad performance also got something cos their team leaders doesn't wanna look bad by not giving anything to his members cos some will feel tat his staff should get something for working the whole yr lor...

In this world nothing is fair. But i got a consolation gift that is clariss lor.
Hi Faithfully,

My BB is healthy, not big size. infact small for 40 week at 2.889 KG. No jaundice.

With GD, we have to watch our diet. I had a hard time cutting out all the sweet stuff as I have a sweet tooth. I checked my blood glucose after every meal and inject Insulin every night before dinner.

Doctor was afraid that BB will be big but end up BB under 3 kg at 40 weeks! I gained a total of 11.5 KG

Insulin is not expensive. If I remembered correctly is about $30 for one pen. It is easy to inject like the Puregon pen.

When consider that if we exposure BB to high sugar environment, it may result in higher chance that BB will develop diabetic later, decided to go ahead to jab Insulin. I also take note on what kind of food will raise my sugar level and avoid those.

i just started to increase pump frequency this week by 1x, yes increase by 50ml... my colleagues who breastfeeds said tat the best way to increase is let bb latch on.
Chris, I see how it goes first. For sure I will not increase pump frequency. When I m v busy or have back to back meeting how to take 5 mins break and go pump? No way. All I hope is got enough for 3 feeds per day for elis. If running v dry mayb will ask my mum to make papaya soup for me.

Yup in this world nothing is fair. In fact my bonus will b affected by 2 yrs! I will fight it thru for this yr. mayb I already left my current work place later this yr?? I really detest those eat snake or back stabbers and they get more pay or bonus than us. Nvm remember this karma!!!!
Chris, u mean u didn't get any bonus? I hv a gd sum despite my pregnancy n was away since December. In fact, my hod n svp teleconference me to inform me of the quantum before the money was credited. My immediate boss wun know how much I get though he is my appraising manager.
My mgr also din hv good bonus when she was pregnant ( I heard from others). A weird thing was that she even sms asking her staff which is me if I'm happy with my bonus. Sometimes it's unfair esp if the boss is biased or already hv their own favorite people no matter how much hard work u put in.
Hi Jude,
When we jab insulin do we still go on strict diet or we can still abit more? Cos I hv nt increased my wgt after I diagnosed with GD. Am worry bb is nt growing in normal wgt.
Even with insulin jab, still hv to be on strict diet and measure your blood sugar reading 2 hours after meal to check that your reading is within the Ideal Range. Did your gynea measure the weight of your baby?
Hi bbjourney,
My next appt is on mon but 1 mth ago the bb wgt was 1.2kg in 28 weeks checkup. During that time my wgt was 54+kg. Then I was on strict diet for almost a mth nw and my wgt gone to 53+kg. So kind of worry.
Using BabyCenter chart as a guide, your baby is growing well at 28 weeks.

Your weight may have gone down now but that does not mean that your baby is not growing.

I myself has not gain any weight since BFP and I am 16 weeks now. This morning i measured myself and i seems to hv lose another 1kg. I also worry for my baby. But as long as Dr Loh did not raise any alarm on my baby's growth on every visit, I feel less worried. :p
Hi Faithfully, I agree with Baby Journey. For me, at 29 week, baby weighing 1.6kg and dr Loh also didn't mention anything. Don't worry about the weight ok, it looks fine

Just FYI, other factors that may cause blood sugar to spike are:
- stress
- late nights
- insufficient fluids

You may like to take a walk after each meal, will prevent blood sugar from spiking. Can convert to eating brown rice too, this will help to a good degree. Stay strong and well
Ladies pls read mind yr body. There is an article about new born bb being restless, how to treat colic etc.

Chris, our loots r here. I pm u already!! Today elis is 3 mths old and I Gave a little push for her to turn. Then she crawl a bit. Not asking for a lot juz a bit will do. There was once she lifted her head quite high. I was slow to capture it. After that tired already rest on her tummy haha

Hazel, lucky u.
Hey gals,
Yesterday I picked my maid. I really like her as she's pleasant, can speak pretty good English, really wanna work. Previously in Saudi Arabia for 6 years. She was made the leader of the training centre as she would ask the maids to not be so noisy n was able to manage 40-50 maids, giving instructions on cooking etc. very hands-on n automatic. When my mum taught her how to prepare milo, she auto took the notebook I gave her n write down. I only asked her to clean her own area yesterday n after she finished, she asked if I'd like her to do anything else.

My 7-page guidelines didn't scare her at all. And most most importantly, she makes the effort to take care of my Sasha n stroke her while waiting for us to go out for dinner. So far she can get along with my mum too.

Today, she followed my schedule n did the living room. And when she finished, she went to clean my kitchen, folded all dried laundry, even arranged my sofa pillows neatly. N I've never seen the coffee table (half glass, half wood) so spotless before. Hehe.

So it's full marks so far, which is day 1. Lol. Will update again

Oh yes, anyone wishes to hv the 7-page guidelines, 2-page schedule, 1-page first day interview questions n sample guidelines with schedule that I found online (1 version has Malay translation for Indons!). Pls pm me ya? So that I can email you the docs
I know of someone who is diabetic before pregnancy n on medication. Once she was pregnant, she controlled the glucose level so well that she does not need insulin jabs or any medications. I also know of another person who was I. Insulin jabs but still not under control. Her bb was born with kidney issues n on constant medication since birth.

End of the day, is our own management of our glucose level. Insulin jabs wun help still if we dun watch out diet. In addition, exercise is v impt to bring glucose level down. For some brisk walking after dinner helps but for some, it does not. My orher friend has to swim after dinner before her glucose level eventually came down after strict diet control n brisk walking did not work. She escaped the need for insulin jabs which her gynae wanted to prescribed for her. She lost weight on final trimester but her bb was born slightly under 3 kg.

It is a v tough journey n I know is not easy as i saw this gf went thru it. I had lunch with her regularly.There is no such thing as can't cut down on carbo or dun eat carbo. Is always mind over body. We love our bb, regardless how tough n difficult, we hv to just endure n go thru it. even after bb is born, is not all smooth sailing.. Just hv to be positive n give our bb the best, regardless if she is still in the womb or born.
Catherine, I received alot of calls fr headhunters lately. But I dun think I can change job now though the extra income will be good since expenses hv increased a few folds after belle was born in late January. I need to spend more time with belle in the months to come till she is a few yrs old to make sure she hits the milestones at each stage.. By changing job, I would most likely need to travel 30% at least. Then belle how? Having no 2 also need to wait until I see that belle is on track. Being a mother is not easy at all.. Tough life.. 2 more wks I need to go bk to work. 做生不如做熟.. At least easier to request for time off or comes in a bit later when I need to..
Sasahmama, so happy for you that your maid scored full marks

And thank you for always being so willing to share your collections! :D thumbs up
Sashamama, glad u n ur mum like the maid. Hope she stays this way forever.

Waiting for ur update on your baby girl after ur appt today.
Hazel, I totally agree with u on yr advise on diet. Like u I strongly agree everything is in our mind. Also no such things that we can't overcome. I never believe I can give birth naturally or handle a difficult bb but I still went thru and survived. Elis is 3 months old today. If I had given up So easily I will not c those special moments that elis is doing. Same for food. I want food that is nutritious. Spicy food and sashimi can wait.

Hazel, u have yr parents and helper to help out if u travel right? Should b ok to miss belle for like 3-4 days?? I want to go back to do regional role. My current place will not offer me such role. Need to hop to get it. If i get it i will request my mum to quit and let her look after elis. Agree! Being a mum is not easy. Every night I think what I want to do with elis so that she dun get bored with juz nursery rhyme, music or her flash cards.

Sasha, dun praise yr maid too early. True colours may show later. Like my fren maid was v good too. In the end? Use her prepaid card to cAll bf, request for off day when she has no off day, complain that the detergent they use is too strong for her hands, dun return $ after my fren ask her to buy things, sneak out to go for a walk, fight with my fren to feed baby, say my fren always make bb cry, teach bb stuPid things etc. in the end my fren send her back to agent and agent scold the maid. My fren is too nice she ren v v v v long. For me I will snap at the maid long ago!
Hi Tromso & bbjourney,
Thanks for the advise. I just cant help been worry that this is my 1st bb and there are lots of things to learn too. EVen since I know I hv GD since 3 weeks ago... I hv been on strict diet. I eat nothing but brown rice, multigrain bread, salad in olive oil, even my cooking I also use olive oil only. Even my GD doc also say my report and say I hv done my best to eat in a strict diet. But he realise my sugar went up during my nite time and when I hv carbo in my food. He say that bb need carbo to grow so I cannot totally forgo carbo. Bside that there are some fruits which I cant eat and I oni eat 1 pc of fruits for every meal, even fruit juice is not allow. After the visit I just feel like crying and ask myslf why....but I told myself I hv to be strong and eat healthy for bb.
Catherine, I just drop u an email. My job is regional role, Travelling is minimum 2 weeks. Some companies, theirs can stretch to 4 weeks. How to be away? Belle how? My mum not as educated as your mum. At least i can do research online to get more information to guide belle. My mum she wun know.. FYI.. She does not even know how to go orchard or bring belle for stuff like Vacination. She can take a cab there with helper but she dunno where to go
Faithfully, yes cannot dont eat carbo totally. Cut down carbo intake and increase your vege and protein intake. remember to avoid fruits like durian, jackfruit, honeydew, rockmelon, banana, pineapple, and sugarcane. You can eat apples, orange, strawberry, blueberry, green pear n guava. Fruit juice is highly not recommended becos fruit juice contains mainly sugar. It is better to eat the fruit as it contains fibre.

As Hazel suggested, you can go for a walk after your dinner.

You are almost there. Dont give up and keep up your good work on your strict diet.
Hazel, my mum only know basic places in orchard like taka, tangs, robinsons. Like yr mum she does not know where to go if I have not orientate her... I showed her 3 times where is elis ifc and where to take mrt and bus. My dad is the one who knows every corner of sg. He is v active and always go out. If I néed my parents to pick up elis, both must go. Mum carry Elis. Dad carry elis stuff and drive Elis home. We always say my dad is elis personal chauffeur. Lol/ my mum Is applying the zoo pass from her co. She told me can bring Elis there to see the pandas coming to sg. I leave it to her. Most likely my dad will drive my mum, my sis' daughter and elis there. My mum is v patient. She will explain slowly and catch Elis attention.

Btw is belle sleeping more in the afternoon? Dun know what's wrong with elis. This week sleep so much in the afternoon only wake up for milk cry a bit then sleep Back. After 7pm eyes big big and want to b carried. Hubby scolded me yesterday for letting her sleep so much cos he has a hard time patting her to bed. My fault again!
Catherine, since I took over belle full day since last wk (as her cousins whom my mum is overseeing hv hfmd..), she has even sleeping fr 2plus to 5 plus. I force her to sleep by carrying n patting her. Belle generally dun wan to sleep regardless how tired she is! So, whenever I force her to sleep she will make alot of noise n will cry. Similarly, I force her to sleep at 8plus at night coz I know she is tired. If not, 10 plus she is still awake even when her eyes are sleepy n she keeps yawning!
Hi Faithfully,

I had the same problem. despite following a strict diet and exercise, my sugar level at night is always high. Fasting, Breakfast and lunch blood sugar level is Okay. So no choice has to inject before dinner.

As the pregnancy progress, you will find that it get tougher to control your blood sugar level. No matter how much you control your diet and exercise, the sugar level seems to get higher even if you ate the same food for lunch and it was Ok. Doctor said that due to our hormones changes, sometime at different timing, the boby cannot produce sufficient Insulin to handle the sugar.

Try not to get too stess. if with diet and exercise, you still cannot get the sugar level to be in the required level, consider to take the Insulin jab. And with the Insulin jab, you will still need to monitor the sugar level and your diet.

I started with the lowest dosage but had to increase as my preganancy progress.
Hazel, if we force elis to sleep at 8.... She will cry, cry and cry louder. I realise after her dad comes home She wants to sit between us and start her bb language. No doubt her eyes r sleepy or if she is yawning, she will not sleep! These 2 weeks I realised she seek for attention at night from us even if we bring her out u dun talk to her she will fuss. We have to acknowledge her bb language if not she will sigh and CRy.
Hi sisters! I just did my bt this morning and my reading is 1058.4. But I'm having spotting now and really worried so I have requested to see Dr Sadhana tomorrow. What additional support I should ask from her? Should I request for progesterone test?
Joanne, Welcome and congratz on your BFP. Pls ask Dr Sadhana for proluton jab and also to do a scan. Pls bedrest and do not overstress yourself. Dont carry heavy things and dont walk too much.
Thanks bbjouney. This morning i thought no chance liao when i saw the red blood. Was so happy when the nurse said my result is positive. she initially said no need to see doc but I insisted I wanted to see Dr Sadhana...
Hi Joanne, congrats! Wow your hcg level is very high, which dpt are you at today? Why can't you see Dr Sad just now? What supports are you having right now?

Bbjourney, I am happily checking out the sprees and websites.. It is really addictive! I think summer sales will be more exciting, have to control abit now. :p
Angelxuan - today is D15. Supposed to do my bt tomorrow but decided to do early bt due to the red blood spotting. I still have the inserts, aspirin and prognova .... Hope the bleeding is due to varnishing twins and everything is fine....
Joanne, wat time is your appt w Dr Sadhana tomorrow? I think maybe dont wait for her n go see Dr Loh now/tonight for a jab. I am Kaisu for you, cos i think it is better to get the support as early as possible and red spotting shd not be taken lightly. I think shd be able to see the sacs now.

Angel, u enjoying yourself hor hehehe. I dare not visit the websites. I actually wanted to buy a Hello Kitty waffle pan but decided not to as i need to save money now. :p
Joanne, red blood doesn't sound comfortable to me at all...If it's me, I would have insisted on a jab.. Not to scare you but I think you should get a jab today, why wait till tomorrow? Also strange why you are not prescribed duphaston (progesterone) tablets to consume after confirming your bfp today?
Bbjourney, hello kitty waffles will look so cute!
I can't buy much now as can only look at neutral colors & designs. But it's just so entertaining looking at the little clothes.
that's the problem with KKH right? They even said no need to see doc now why waste money cos now is too early stage.

Is Dr Loh open tonight? At TMC?
Angel, i saw the final outcome of the waffles n they look so cute and appetising. But abit exp leh. Control control control....
Just called SF loh clinic. Told the nurse i'm coming down now. She said appt very full and have to wait for 2 hrs. i said never mind...
Joanne, yes DrLoh is still open now and tonight at TMC. Give them a call to let them know that u are going down and inform them that u r pregnant n having red spotting so need to see Dr Loh urgently. As you are a walk-in patient, u hv to Q n wait.

The O&G Specialist Clinic
339 Thomson Road #05-06
Thomson Medical Centre
Singapore 307677

Tel: 6526 1003

Operating Hours:
Mondays to Fridays - 9.00am to 1.00pm, 2.00pm to 5.30pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays (additional evening clinic) - 6.30pm to 8.00pm
Saturdays - 9.00am to 1.00pm
Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays
Joanne, good good. Just go Q and wait. Better to get the support early. Keep calm and bring something to eat while waiting.
Joanne, if Dr Loh has not finish seeing his patients by 530pm, the clinic will not be close. Did the nurse tell u how many more before ur turn? Sorry for the slow reply as i tot u r already on ur way after ur last msg, so i relax n watch my k-drama. :p
bbjourney, i called the clinic and the nurse told me better to come after 730pm as the appts are very packed. He really good business ya...
Joanne, i think u try to reach there at 730pm. Dr Loh is good thats y alot of pple look for him. Are u driving? I would suggest that u take a taxi there If ur hubby is not going w u as the carpark is always full. If ur hubby drive, den ask him to drop u off and u go to Dr Loh's clinic first while ur hubby Q for the parking.
Joanne, valet parking also hv to Q leh. Angel and Catherine told me can park at the public carpark opposite TMC n put carpark coupon. But i dunno will there be crowded at night. So if u intend to park at the public carpark, also ask ur hubby to drop u off first then he goes and parks the car.
