(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi miracle, good to hear from you
I get the jabbing sensations from baby too, can feel a hard fist or dunno what it is many times a day, usually above belly button, I'll rub it a bit and gently push it, then it will go down, haaa so cute
Last I scanned, baby was head down, lucky jabbing sensations not at pelvic, ouch!! I read fr the What to Expect book that it's normal to feel these due to increasing limited room inside our uterus, as baby is starting to grow faster now.

Tanny I'm 29 weeks now, my edd has been brought forward a week so far.

Hi sashamama, can add me in the fb secret group, my email is [email protected] Sorry I'm very lousy with fb functions.

Sasha, when bb is at hospital, hospital provide the clothes. When bb go home with u, they dress up for u. Unless u have a mil like mine, insist wear new clothes that she but then Bo bian redress. If not they dress up bb for u. So no need to bring bb things. For yrself make sure u have sufficient sanitary pad. I prefer whisper so I use mine. Make sure u have yr nursing bra, a face towel to clean yr face and yr nursing clothes. Also v important r yr hp, Hp charger and camera. Hubby juz his clothes, jacket in birth room. In yr ward u guys can adjust the temp if u r in 1 bedded. I brought so many things like 90% of the things untouched. I had no time for my iPad. When u have time juz rest and sleep cos bb is coming to u every 3 hrs!!

Hazel, Belle is doing well!!!! what brand of ceral did u buy? My mum told me to buy one brand from ntuc. I only know where it's placed in ntuc but not the name. Need to buy next mth. It's this time of the week little princess is fussing the whole day. Y Is it every fri she is so fussy? I din even tell her we r gg out tonight!

Chris, has clariss started her cereal?
Sorry for the late reply as i just came back from seeing Dr Loh.

Mc_007, must quickly book CL liao. This year very hot. Some CL i called are fully booked until end of the year liao.

Tanny, i wish i am already in last trimester but i am 16weeks only.

Hope, ok join u n fb soon.
Catherine, I bought organic cereals - organix brand, for bbs 4 months and above to let belle try. After this pack I will get healthy times cereals from ntuc finest coz the latter contains iron which is essential for growing up bb. 2 hrs after cereals, belle is hungry n drank another 120ml of milk!
Hi Sashamama, somehow I can't invite you to be my FB friend. The error message says that you might have restricted privacy setting. You have my email address right? Pls add me to the FB secret group. Thanks!
Hi Sashamama, I hve not packed my hospital bag..I better start packing within these 2weeks.
So many things not done yet. Hopefully I can buy most of the items at the motherhood fair .
Mc_007, my CL is recommended by a good frd as i hv no luck w all the CL i called. Most of the CL i called are engaged til end of the year, so i shall not intro them to u.

Hmmm. Ytd from e news, i saw this lady w boy-girl twin engaged her CL from PEM Confinement Nanny Agency http://www.pemconfinement.com/ . Not sure if you want to give them a try.
Catherine, agape babies carry more brands of bb food, the thermal flasks, etc.

the same girl who handles agape bb stuff also has a link at SMH forum where the pricing is 10-20 cents cheaper per item

I m giving belle organic food.

We also need small air tight containers to bring bb food out soon. Baby cubes r good. Check out gmarket for that.
Angelxuan - I have told my boss that I will extend my leave for another 1 or 2 months depending on my condition. Luckily she is very understanding.

After the jab last night, I'm still having down spotting today. Don't know what happened
already emailed Dr Loh and hope he will reply ASAP ...
Hi ladies,
Today is my start of the insulin jab and i dont feel any pain when i jab myself and i hope the rest of the jabs also dnt feel pain.

I also wa to ask u ladies, when bb move i feel like wa to leak out... i so scared she will break the water bag. It like she cant wait to come out. I can feel the kick and my tummy will move suddenly. I can feel the leg/arm pushing out and then when i touch it went bk in and also bb is moving is a slow pace... like when she turn i can feel it slow... is it no more space. I am in my 31 weeks.
Hazel, thx will check later. I bought the thermal container to bring porridge to IFC or when we go out. Completely forgot about air tight containers. Thx a lot for telling me!!!! Juz had a chat with my big boss. Was asked to work 4 day week I say no. She is v concern with my 38 days leave. I need time to bring elis to pd for mthly jab, if she fall ill etc.

Mc, my fren used pem when she gave birth this yr. she had a great cl. U want me to check with her on the cl name??
Chris and hazel, did u gals cut yr princess hair when they were born? Elis din cut and now really v little hair. Thinking what to do with her hair. Cut botak and let it grow again- I dun feel like doing it. Let it b also not a gd choice. Any advises?
Catherine, I didn't shave belle's hair. Her hair does drop but spouting alot of new hair too. U can see fr my FB her photos. Shaving the hair does not mean the new hair will be thick n nice. I know mummies who hv to shave their bbs hair a few times when the new hair is still spare. A no took more than 6 mths before there r nice n thicker hair.

My niece has v thin hair when young n nv shave also. But now at 6 yrs old, she has nice n long thick hair. I can't remember since when..

I believe it runs in the family. belle took after her daddy who has thick n black hair when he was a bb.. I m not sure when I was a bb coz I dub hv any bb photos n my mum can't remember
Hi Faithfully, you can try doing more pelvic floor exercise to reduce/ prevent the urine lacking out feeling. Our pelvic muscle has to support the growing uterus, bladder and bowels, so it's really tough job
I used to have urine leaking out feeling when I sneeze big time but since I started doing 50-100 squeezes a day, so far no such feeling anymore.

During your next scan, you may like to ask dr if there is good room for baby still, my guess is, if dr doesn't comment about it, it's should be ok. How big is your tummy circumference now? I'm still under 30 inch, many thought I'm only 5-6 mths but I'm already feeling quite heavy.

Jia You to your jabs, it's a good start to better protecting the little gem inside
Hi hi Tromso, I'm fine n busy with work. In my 32wks now. Seeing Doc tmr. Hopefully my baby head down already. During last scan, it was still on top. Talk to her everyday to turn hehe.

I can feel baby squezeed my tummy too, sometimes it's very hard, not pain just that feel uncomfortable. But I like it, feel happy that she is very active inside there. Can see the pushing part too, then touch her gently, she will move back. So cute. But hubby always missed this type of moments.

Wow, you can do 50-100 squezeed? I everyday only manage to do 20-30 then out of breath already. What is your tips?

Hospital bag...done. Shopping....done, only left big items like baby cot, stroller n car seat. Will buy next month. Not so sure what else left out.

Catherine, Hazel n Chris, did you gals buy FM milk for babies first for supplement if no BM during your confInement month? Did hospital give you samples? I heard from my colleagues that hospital will give some samples to try during discharge? So that we will know which one suitable for baby.
catherine, hazel

no leh she hasn't started, the clinic asst says its better to start her when she is 6mths old and if to start then they can only take rice cereal at the moment. I thought of asking PD but forgotten as keep asking about her skin condition etc..hahaha
her papa says to let her start like 5mths++
i talked to PEM staff and he commented that for twins if i dun hv a maid, no CL will take the job. so he put my file on kiv first as i hv not decide if i want a maid....Sianzzz....

need to try my luck else whr...
Baby, u hv to decide which fm brand to standby. Yes, I hv a tin to standby. Hospitals will not give stage 1 FM sample anymore as mOh dun allow as it encourages bf for first 6 mths.
Hazel, any recommendation? I hv browsed thru several brands but still can't decide which one to buy. What size should we buy first for trying? Just afraid baby doesn't like it n must throw it away.
Hi Baby, you are 32 weeks already, its all happening very fast
Hope baby guai guai turns her head down soon. Every stage is so different yet familiar right, very heartwarming
We shall treasure this peaceful moments before we start losing real sleeps to come, heh...

For pelvic floor exercise, I do the quick squeeze, so can hit 50-100 quite easily. Then will do a few slow squeeze. I usually do them in bed and haven't felt breathless yet. Do you feel breathless walking etc? For me, not yet, just that have to limit walkingabout for more than 3 hrs, otherwise will start to feel more pressure on hips and back.

For me, I'm thinking to get Nan ha on standby.
Mc, u can't compare my fren rate cos she gave birth during cny.

Blurxuan, I had super pain in my tailbone after the parentcraft exercise when I was around week 21. Pain until I hate to sleep, walk or sit. My gynae said I may need to c ortho after giving birth. But I recovered once I gave birth! No pain at all!!!
Tromso, already started losing my sleeps for the past 2wks haha. Around 3-4 am baby will kick n move so can't really sleep properly. What about you?

Hey, I Just tried your tip, do a quick one n I managed to do till 70 counts, no breathless hehe. I do it on bed too while watching tv. I don't feel breathless while walking, only feel tired on both legs if walking too much. Will feel breathless only after climbing 2-storeys staircase hehe.

Can we start to walk more now? Or must wait few more weeks?

Nan Ha, okay, shall consider this brand. Thanks Gal
Chris, I ordered from Simplee. Actually I also like Ralph Lauren but their bb clothes are more gender specific and I don't know my bb is a boy or girl yet.
Baby, the common FM are:

Similac (made in SG) by Abbott
Enfalac by Mead Johnson (made in Europe)
Mamil Gold by Dumex (packed in Malaysia)
Frisco Gold by Royal (packed in Malaysia)
Nan Pro by Nestle (made in Philippines)
S-26 by Wyeth

Common ones that mummies give similac, enfalac, frisco n nan pro

Hospitals like tmc will ask mummies which brand to feed if mummies hv no BM yet n bb Is hungry. if mummies no preference, it will just feed bb with the fm brand of the week. Then after that, most mummy will just stick to it. KKH wun ask, will just Give the brand tt it uses for tt wk.

Enfalac is the most ex as it contains the most dha. Next ex is similac. Heard s26 is Heaty but bb gains weight v fast.
Thanks tromso..
Mc i tink e tink i eat didnt come out so stomach big big.. haha..
Catherine i only week 7+ n experience tis pain.. isit normal??
Blur xuan, u r in the most critical stage. If I were u, I will c gynae.

Baby, I also took enfalac. My fren v kiasu they bought s26 bb dun like, emfalac bb dun like, nan pro-bb also dun like. Then one day they bought similac bb refused to drink they force it in now bb likes it. They wasted a lot of $ cos they bought big can. FYI once u open fm only can last u 4 weeks. For similac only 3 weeks
Hazel, thanks for the info
I will standby one then incase no BM.

Catherine, that's what I'm afraid of, must keep changing brand n kind of waste money. But no choice as we don't know what they like yet
Baby, i din have any problem. Elis took enfalac since day 1. Though I have not change her fm brand I know she should b ok. Even if u give her water she will drink unlike my fren bb, he does not drink water or drink the heinz bb fruit juice. My fren has to use force it in. Elis is definitely following her dad eating pattern cos I m a picky eater haha

Hazel, Thx I will leave her hair alone. I had v little hair when I was young too
Hi gals
The thread move like bullet train that i am busy reading n no time to post...

Hi catherine
My mil cut all my son hair at 4th mth (botak) so it grows out more evenly n we keep some of his hair in angbow..

Congrat to u!! So happy tt u hv join us here..;) has ur spotting stop? Rest well.. Me too has twice red spotting issue at first trimester n after doc Loh gived me jab weekly, my spotting stop.. I just rest on bed on the spotting day n over the weekend n go back to work without walking much..

Hi baby
I only support enfa brand and my son is still drinking enfa milk till today in primary school.. Is expensive but i feel worth the $$.. My son has gd memory n spelling is never a problem for him.. I wonder is it due to the dha milk powder..;) my sis in law pd ever asks her what her kid is drinking n she say enfa milk.. The pd say in the market, enfa n similac is the top range n glad she choose the right milk..;) my son ever try other brand milk when he is a bb many yrs before n he doesnt like.. I try nan milk for mama n feel is very sweet.. Not sure how it taste for bb..;)

Hi mc
Yes, i engage PEM agency as we feel their rate is quite reasonable.. We hv engage a maid too else when
cL left, is diffcult for u or ur hb to cope..;) who going to be ur caregiver after ur ML? I see the news tt day on this PEM CL, she looks very experience in carrying twins..;) wonder can i request for her.. Hee.. But forget her name.. The two bbies r so cute n looks in gd sizes..;) i pay around $3080 for the CL exclude the levi.. The PEM agency say they will usually gives experience CL for twins mummy as they know we will be very stressful if CL no gd.. ;)

Hi Sasha
Hows ur scan yesterday?

Hi tromso n tanny
I hv not pack my hospital bag yet, hv not setup my bb cot, hv not start wash the hand me down playpen, carseat etc.. Still havent buy bb cot mattress.. Only finish most accesiors shopping n start wash some bbies clothes..;)

Just seen gynea few days ago n doc Loh say still hv space for both bbies n i am surprise.. As sometime i feel they dun hv much movement not sure is it no space for them?? Smaller bb weight chase up n now one at 1.7kg n 1.8kg respectively..;) he check my water level etc n say all ok.. One bb head down n he asks ne whether want try natural n i reject..;) dun want the additional stress.. He say will want me start rest soon but not yet now..;) maybe 2wks later.. My hb very worry preterm as i hv been feeling braxiton hicks these two days.. And i panting when just stand or walk 5mins especially at night.. My total weight gain till date is 6kg plus..
Not sure whether can go motherhood fair but i hope to go as since the birth of my son many years ago, i never miss out going...

As for medala breastpump, i understand it will come with few medala bottles which u can use for pump n pour over to other brand bottles for feeding so not much issue ba.. Heard that pigeon bottles may be able to attach to it too..

Btw, i got another lobang selling PISA pump at $375.. Not sure ok or not though..;)

Hi cock
Rest well n dun work too hard..;)
Btw gals, i can feel one of my bb head keep moving lower n some say my stomach looks lower too.. Hope they can stay in there for at least one more mth..;) and Tanny, yes, i feel their hard bone move out sometime n kick my ribs, but is such an enjoyable moment hor..;) i will update laoshi n thks for ur message..;)
Hi baby
Whats ur bb weight at ur last checkup? U set up ur bb cot already?

Hi sasha
U r so lucky to hv a gd maid..;) mine still not up to standard yet.. Sigh.. Very selfish sometime n oways do gd thing to her own stuff n not ours.. Eg. Use 3big tubs of water to wash 4pcs clothes n only 2half tub to wash my son n hb 4pcs clothes., so end up i change to small tub for her clothes to save water.. asks her wash all cups clean n she only wash her cup super clean n didnt wash my son cup.. Headache.. My mum cut the fruits small piece for my son to eat n she oso does same thing to herself.. Omg, she not kids leh.. Need cut small size meh.. Sometime can argue back too... I tell her cannot left the hot flask empty with electric on n it will spoilt.. She blame my hb for talking to her so she forget abt it.. Faint..
Then does things slow too.. Teach her fold cloth diaper n need train her half hr.. After tt, fold twenty nappy need an hr.. Omg... Now we hv nothing much for her to do so she can take her own sweet time.. By then, i think i will be more angry if she does things at this speed... Just scold her few days ago n she go toilet cry... My mum n hb worry will affect my bbies n say worry she harm my son.. Till date, she is better but not sure whether can last.. Sigh.. Really not easy to hv a maid.. Btw, u install cctv at ur place? Anyway, how can i rest at ease for her to take care my bbies?? Think i will just let her do housework...
Joanne, happy to hear your babies are growing well. You know their gender already? As for your maid, think better to change cos she just started and she already "chu" pattern. Last time my sis' maid also like that, when ask her to do things, she will decide when she wants to do. Den complain here pain there pain and need to nap everyday for more than 2 hours. Really not easy to get a good maid.
May i know what do you do when you need to bedrest at home har? I toss n turn on bed, surf net, read, play games, watch tv prog/k-drama, sleep, watsapp w frds n colleagues.

Joanne03, thks for yr info. u carrying twins too? actually, i am starting to stress abt how to take care after ML... was thinking of IFC but think will cost a bomb..

Maybe next will be to get a maid..and maybe a nanny...so bring the maid to nanny hse? gd idea? any nanny wld wan this arrangements? stress...
