(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

i havent been sleeping well for past few nites.. always woke up at 1am++ and then can only sleep around 4am... now really tired and no energy at work (somemore need to start packing my office coz will be shifting in a few months' time.. after half an hour packing v tired liao... lucky my staff v nice.. help me do a lot of manual stuff).. i really waste taxpayers' $$$ today.. low productivity...

instead of work i goggled a bit.. for those interested in motherhood sale at expo next week, can check this out...


i will be going next wkn (hopefully, everything's well for me and my babies)... i am still worried..

joanne, many congrats! hope ur spotting stop by now... take good care... the sisters are here to offer tips and advice
Bbjourney ... Smart gal already

Angel , sorry I always forget to find the coupon. Gg my parents house tomorrow will find for u.

Chris and hazel, have u cover all the sharp corners that u have in yr house? I dumb dumb only buy corner protector to cover the tops. When my mum saw it she ask, bottom leh? Then my mum say bottom must cover! It may poke her hands and legs. Fine now I have to buy all protectors to cover the bottoms.

Meryl, how r u and bb? Hope yr mum is helping u now.

Oh ya ladies u should read the Monday copy of xin min papers. On page 3, there was an article of a 3mth old bb being cared by nanny and was warded in Kk bcos nanny shook her too hard. Nanny was question by police. Though doc manage to save her Poor bb now has to see brain specialist, ent specialist.
Cockcock!!!!! So happy to see your posting. How r u n babies? Take it easy ok. As for e packing, pls let ur colleagues do the packing. You n babies are very important now, have to take care n dont tired yourself.

I can only do online window shopping now. Hehehehe
Catherine, I m not buying any protectors. There r no protectors at my bro's Plc where my mum took care off niece n nephew since young. There r no window grills also. The bbs r nv left out of sight n thy r taught wat they can touch wat they cannot.

Belle keeps wanting to play lately after she is half full.. Eg, snatch her milk bottle, shake her head, yaking, etc..V hard to feed.. Really tiring
wow! feel good to be remembered and welcomed! thanks joanne and bbjourney!

joanne, you got read my past postings? my case a bit similar to yours.. i also tfr 3 embbies, and also under dr sadhana when i did my 2nd fresh.. but i am one year older than you... tomorrow i will be week 22(now under prof john tee.) yours could be twins, based on your hcg reading
but even if singleton, dont be "disappointed" ok.. twins come with much higher risk...

bbjourney, my tummy v big and heavy.. i dont think i eat excessively.. i only eat when hungry, but i put on abt 9.5kg liao! the tummy makes it diff for me to sleep at night.. i crave a lot for cold and sweet stuff! been taking cold drinks like orange juice and soya bean (since i cant take milk).. i am "unstoppable"! my tongue feels so bland!.. my colleagues can help me move stuff out of cupboard but i still need to sort through... u going to take no pay leave? since you mentioned need to bed rest for long? good that everything ok so far
continue to rest well..

i am thinking of getting the pillow recommended by angelxuan... my shoulders and back hurting...
Hi Faithfully, yes, blood sugar can be higher in the middle of the night. I have read on several sources previously, saying 1 of the causes can be coldness, so such patients need to keep themselves covered if they sleep in air con room.

Blood sugar also tends to be higher during that time of the day because of insufficient fluid intake. Hence if you wake up in the middle of the night, can take some water at the same time, will help to 'dilute' the concentrated sugar in the bloodstreams.

For some, medications can help, whilst for others, can be fighting an uphill battle because the body may be producing less insulin at a faster rate than what the meds can handle. Nonetheless, it's important to persevere with good dietary practices and exercise regime. Do keep your dr updated about your progress so changes in medications can be administered if required. Faithfully, don't stress too much ok, not ideal for blood sugar level too. Remain hopeful and continue to press on, you'll be able to make it
Cock cock... U civil servant? Lol btw who has ways to reduce tax payable? Even with the birth of elis I m gg to pay a lot. No ns man wife relief nothing argh!!!!
catherine, my tax also very chor leh... v heartpain.. it's like work for one month plus for nothing... i think work out if my pay slightly lower, i can save more in terms of tax.. told my fren, there goes my branded bags..

but on further thot, we shdnt also complain so much... we are lucky to be in our situation... u know what i mean
Cockcock, ur tummy must be quite big now as u r carry twins. Maybe u can wear the belly support now to help take off some weight.

I kept eating but did not put on weight. I also crave for sweet n cold stuff but i REN ren ren !!! Cos i cannot take these now. I am still on Medical leave. Once i fully utilisd my medicalleave n vacation leave, i will take no pay leave to rest at home.

The pillow that Angel recoomend looks good hor. I also comtemplating to buy one too. Current i sleep with 3 pillows to support me. Hehehe...

Ok u can sort ur stuff but dOnt carry the files okie. take care.
Yeah. Cock cock I know what u mean.... I m gg to do srs and top up my dad cpf this yr. I dun buy branded bags in sg. Too ex. my fren who is a stewardess will get for me and I only limit one per yr. I m praying That I will hear gd news from u on tues.
oh ya dun take too much soya milk. Will give u wind.
I have the pillow mention by angel. i hate it v much. Din give me much support.

Hazel, I m juz scare if I turn my head this active gal is gg haywire. Now Elis always put finger in mouth no matter how we pull out next min it's Inside again
Joanne, wow today so crowded ah? I hv nv see him until so late before. For walk in patient, hv to Q otherwise not fair to those who hv appt. Hv some drink, eat something, time will pass very fast.
hazel, catherine,

clariss can drink milk and put her thumb in her mouth at the same time. fil see already keep laughing. she prefers both her thumbs than pacifier and most of the time she managed to suck both times at the same time...faintz

i juz pm both of you.
Hazel, my hubby colleague and our blind fren told us bb teeth r coming out that's y they put in to suck. was told to give her pacifier but we r not. Now if elis c her daddy she take out her fingers. After that put in again. We have to keep grabbing her hands out then wipe her hand and mouth.
Hi Catherine, were you the one who brought your girl to Mt Alvernia PD when she's few weeks old and ended up girl's condition got worse due to catching bugs fr other kids there? The receptionist insisted you can wait in the clinic amongst the sickly kids...

My friend just recommended a Mt A PD, dr Lim Kwang Hsien at Kinder Clinic, just wondering if this is the 'inconsiderate' clinic. Thanks!!
hahahaha ellis so cute, she simply bochap all of us she jus suck and suck and suck her thumbs. We got to pull her from her mouth and now she blowing bubbles and at times her saliva will fly and land on my fil's face hahahaaa

She every day wayang with fil trying all means and ways to see tv on the bed. My in-laws will try to use their bolster to block her view and now she'll lie on her tummy, use both arms to lift her body up and lift her neck and head up so tat its higher than the adult bolster to watch TV. Whenever my fil sees this he will carry her and laid her down the other way so tat she can't watch TV.
catherine,motherhood starting at expo tomorrow rite? i can only go after work to see if there's any gd buys. Huh robinsons sale again???? GG5 started their sale today!!! today me and colleagues went to taka during lunch break, and all 4 mummies went to cheong and buy kids stuff hahahhaa our babies are around the same age heehee..
Dear Joanne,
WELCOME n congrats!! Really happy to see new graduates here! Do keep us updated on how ur appt went! Mine is tmr. Can't wait to see baby again!

Dear Catherine,
Ya, now too early to judge how she'd be like in a few weeks or months' time. But the past 2 days been full-mark performance la. If she starts to slacken, I sure harsh but now seriously no fault at all Le.

Bring her buy hair brush let her choose, she chose the cheapest 40cents comb tho I showed her the 2dollar plus brush. Bring her buy a new fan cos the one at her area is a tower fan with weak wind, she was so firm about telling me no need tho I was so firm in wanting to buy too.

When she saw a woman hit a man's butt with a book, she instinctively shook her head. Later she shared that in Saudi Arabia, if there is no permit proving the boy n girl are a couple n they have physical contact, they will be punished. Cannot drink alcohol, smoke, wear revealing clothes etc. go car wash she didn't look out of the car at all cos there're 4 men washing. I think she's conservative. But may kena influenced here! Lol.

These 2 days were out quite a number of hours shopping. She seems to enjoy working at home instead. She confirm can find something to clean one. I ask her to rest but later will realize she's washing something. But well, only first 2 days. Just hope this lasts for 2 years!! Lol.
Oh yes, I went mothercare guided tour today. They missed out my appt n got someone else to show me around. Took 1 hour. Realized a lot of things to buy n not bought. The goodie bag has a mothercare brochure, 2 bibs, 1 toy for 6-mth old baby, 1 pkt of wet wipes n 1 $10 voucher (used if spend $50). Anyone gone for this before? Are these what u received?

i'm the one lor, brought clariss to this kinder clinic at mt alvernia and she caught flu when she is only 7 days old lor, can u imagine how tough is it cos we brought her 2-3x to see PD as she's still v young alot of medicine can't take. Ended up she got to take medicine to open her airway cos she can't breathe.
Hi Catherine, pai seh for the trouble..if cannot find the coupon nevermind ok.

Cockcock!! Great to hear from you! Curious to see how big your tummy has grown..hehe.. For the pillow, there are different types. I think it's better that you request to try them out to see which one you feel most comfortable with before buying coz not cheap.
Tromso, ya that's Chris. My pd is dr ong at united sq. he is quite fast and has a big waiting area. Unless u r late for appt if not we r done by 15 mins. New born bb has priority.

Meryl, has yr bb seen dr ong?

Chris I juz received robinsons mailer. So shiok can go taka for lunch! Bought anything? Motherhood fair is next week. I m gg next sat after 4pm.

Hazel, elis eyes big big now. Hubby now put her stomach down to c how she crawl
Hi Sashamama,

I went for the nursery advisor tour at MC. Thanks for letting us know about this, I & hubby learned a lot from it. Because we don't know almost everything, our tour took 3 hours! The advisor was very professional & sincere in sharing what she knows. Now I have a much better idea of what to get. This puts me more at ease as we will be 1st time parents and we have no hand-me-downs. I believe I got the same goodie bag as you.
Thanks Catherine. May I know what's your PD clinic's name?

Chris, I know, I remember the story till now. Not easy with few weeks old unwell baby
My friend's child caught bronchitis at 3rd mth, not sure if visited same clinic but he recommends Kinder clinic. ok, I'll take note, thanks. Good thing now hearing all funny and happy stories about your babies from you mummies, inspiring!!
Catherine, belle is already sleeping since 9pm. Crawl? They dun crawl so soon until abt 8 mths old.. Crawling means moving around using knee caps and elbows. Wat they r doing now is using force n their lower body to glide around. Belle does that too.

I also commented to my parents That maybe belle is spouting teeth soon coz she sucks her fingers.. But they said not so soon...
Hazel, catherine,

i went down mailbox and got the robinson mailer.

wow the medela swing (OG sale pkg) and medela mini (robinson sale pkg) price very close. which is better ah?
Hazel, my mum said it's around 5-6 mths b4 teeth is out. She dun slide she does it in a funny way. Will have to take video and show my mum. Now she is crying v badly cos hubby insist she sleeps.

Tromso, it's aglow. Search under dr ong Woon hong. Maybe Meryl can advise on his charges cos mine is natural birth.

i heard in-laws said tat if babies spouting teeth their poo will tell. Before they start spouting teeth they'll have seedy poo accompanied by some watery poo poo. They'll start to drool alot and some bbs will become cranky cos the gums swollen and uncomfy.

dunnoe le, still considering cos the current medela pump i using belongs to my fren and is super bulky and heavy to bring to and from work. The model is PIS advanced. I'm still considering lor, cos whether worth to buy or not as scared later supply dry up after i buy then faint. My fren preggy now so by late Oct i got to return her the pump liao.
ya OG mailer at my mil's place..they going to cheong there this sunday. we take turns this sat me and hbs will cheong gap, taka and isetan hahahahaa
i might need to buy some wk wear.
I just goggled, website said On average the first tooth comes in during the seventh month, although it can arrive as early as three months, as late as a year, or in rare cases even earlier or later.

my hb's colleague son started spouting teeth when he was just 2mths old!!!! This is the 1st came i heard. And symptoms is keep diarrhea...
Chris, I read that some babies are born with a tooth/ teeth heeee....looks like it can vary

Thanks Catherine. Yep, PD costs seem to vary, at Punggol my mum says its $100+ for standard fever/ cold but friends say the kkh and mt PDs are less than $100 for such. So now I'm gathering info as I live nearer to central.

Sashamama, my goodies bag from mothercare is slightly diff, I did mine several months back. In it was: 1 bib, 1 milk bottle, 1 baby soap, 1 pacifier, 1 pack baby wipes, 40 breast pads, 4 maternity towels, 1 baby oil, MC voucher. Maybe they downsize the goodies cos too many dragon babies lol...
Dear angelxuan,

Glad your tour went well! Mine wasn't the actual nursery advisor, more like shop assistant so I dunno if it's as detailed as the actual advisor. They said they weren't informed of the appt n the advisor left n they didn't prepare the goodie bag. I recall a lady saying her goodie bag worth $70+ but mine didn't seem like it. So just wondering what u gals get.

I compiled a few shopping lists, plus this one from mothercare, I need to work out mine!!! So that next weekend during expo fair can buy everything hopefully.
Yours so good wor!! Mine super pathetic. Angel xuan, yours is more like mine or Tromso's huh?

Re: thermometer
Should buy from the spree and get Braun ear thermometer ya?

Re: baby food blender
Needed to prepare baby food? Good to buy from Philips fair? Is it different from normal blender huh?

Re: bottles
The shop assistant says 2 bottles enough if BF latching on. True? My hubby likes tippee Tommee. http://www.tommeetippee.us/bottle_feeding.html
What r u gals buying?
Sashamama, mine is like yours. i do feel that the goodie bag is rather disappointing as the expectation given was a complimentary mother-to-be starter pack worth over $80.

It's still too early for me to do serious shopping, wonder if there will be any baby fairs during the 3rd quarter?

Dear angelxuan,
Here are what I found for expo fairs.
It's popular fair this weekend at expo. Motherhood next weekend. Next weekend also got a mega flea market. Carrefour fair end June, another baby expo 20-22july, a parents world fair 31aug-2sep.
