(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Catherine, long q to make payment! M now on our way to vivo - mother care to buy a bumbo and toyrus to buy jumperoo!
Catherine, long q to make payment! M now on our way to vivo - mother care to buy a bumbo and toyrus to buy jumperoo!
Hi Angelxuan - Dr Loh has not replied me
Think I will resend to him again.

Hi J03 - Yes! So happy to join u gals here
. I still have some brown spotting now. Hope it will be ok ... Supposed to see Dr Loh again on Thurs....
Joanne, lots of sisters here use Enfa, maybe I will try Enfa first hehe. Hopefully my baby will like it.
I hv not bought bb cot yet. Have not bought big items yet, will buy it next mth.
Sisters with Dr Loh - do u sign package with him? How much and from which month? As I still not stabilize now, would prefer to see him till 3 months then decide between KKH or Dr Loh ....
Hazel, guess I was there when u juz left. Really v long q. Din get the airfryer in the end. I believe the member sales at robinsons is better.

Ladies I juz witness a maid carrying the bb she care of at united sq. she is HOrRIBLE!!!!! She carry the bb via the sling sarong. Then keep beating the bb buttock VVvVvvvV hard. Swing v hard too and sing blah blah black sheep. My mum ask the maid mayb U beat too hard. She ignore my mum then came the bb dad. Maid warm up bm and shout for her sir... Seriously I rather not have this maid! It's v lucky bb dun have shaking bb symptoms.

Mc, if u have twins and want to consider IFC I guess it's more advisable to have maid. IFC need u to prepare a lot of things daily. Like my gal IFC it cost us $1k per mth after subsidy.

Joanne, I agree with bb. Change yr maid. U r not gg to b happy if she still behave this way.
Catherine, did u get the steamer cum blender? I bought weaning spoon n plate too. We r on way home n belle is sleeping. Spent so much money on her today.
Hazel, I bought that last yr same for weaning set. It was so hot!! Lucky elis din fuss until we r about to leave. She juz took her jab.

Chris, she is less than 6kg. Heng
JT, suggest you call Dr Loh's O&G clinic now (hope he's still in) and ask his nurse if you can speak to him or pass a message to him about the brown spotting.
I reached the Philips sale before 9.30 am and already about 1 thousand or so people there. Agree with Catherine that the discounts for baby items were not fantastic, the popular essential items are about 23% off. A few baby items I bought were about 35% off.

A lot of mummies-to-be were there too
Hi mc
Brown spot is old blood n shd be recovering or getting lesser n lesser.. U r safe as long as not red blood.. Rest more on bed ya... I think it will be not so worth to put both bbies in ifc as will cost thousand plus per mth.. If maid, at least she czn help u do hsework too.,

Thks bbjourney, bb n catherine on ur suggestion.. Till Today she still ok n hope after the scolding, she will get better.. As she no steal or run away etc, think my hb wun want to change as now wht happen is some minor issues.. We cant gaurantee the new maid will be gd too so continue monitor.. Nice cooling weather to zzzzz...
Baby, glad you can do 70 squeezes easily
I usually just breath normally and don't hold my breathe in, easier if watching tv programs at the same time
If you are concern baby's head not turning down yet, I think during WBB class, she says can go on our 4 limbs on the floor and gently rock the body front and back, side to side, may help baby to turn.

I heard for some, the babies only turn their heads
down on delivery day, wow...naughty...!!

I'm also not able to sleep through the nights now, cos same thing as you, baby getting more active. For me, I feel that it's a case of hunger, so I'll usually drink half a glass of water after my pee breaks and baby will usually settle down a bit. But by 6am plus, normally super active, I think hunger strike...haaa....

I think can do casual walks anytime but if very close to 40 weeks and still no signs of labour, many will exercise or walk more, do baby dance, etc. For now, for us, I think good to take gentle strolls and do simple WBB poses every now and then, will help with labour especially if it's natural birth. But I'm very lazy with doing the yoga poses, i just do them once a week at prenatal yoga class and during WBB class
I've just started to do legs and hands rotations whilst lying in the bed too.

Hope we won't get too much aches and pains in the weeks to come....
Joanne, I've not washed anything yet, come to think of it, should start the washing soon and pack hospital bag. I'm planning to set up the cot after baby's born. Actually will need to buy storage containers for baby's items too, already filled up 2 Toyogo large boxes, although still have about 70% of purchases to make.

You jia you there too, if dr is predicting week 34 for you, it'll be in a month's time right?

Is your maid philippino? But these days, even the Indo ones are getting smarter. So far for my frens who hire Burmese maids, about 3-4 of them, all are very happy, so if you feel like a change, perhaps can consider.
J03 and Catherine, i guess i will get a maid. any gd maid agency to recommend?

just spoke with one CL agency, that silly guy ask me how can i confirm that i am having twins....zzzzz...think striking this out of list...can already guage how gd are they by their questions

can sisters advice what questions i should ask the CL agency? can we meet the CL in advanced?
blur xuan..i think i will go next wkend ..jus check out wat they r selling...b4 that maybe u wanna check out mkt price so can make some comparison
J03, hopefully your maid will get better in time, so no more headache for u.

Tromso, I just went scan today. Baby head down already. I think she heard me asking her to turn everyday hehe. She is at 2.07kgs now. Consider big size. Dr said my tummy looks like those 9mths preggie...gosh....that big? I just do those stretching taught by WBB while lying down on bed n while watching tv. Usually while do stretching. baby also will do stretching inside there hehe.

Hey Gals, I thought motherhood fair is next week? Thinking of going...see see look look if can grab something.
Tromso, my aunty told me my cousin turn upwards 1 day b4 delivery. My aunty Said these r smart bb.

Meryl, how r u? Spoke to dr ong and said he is v hardworking cos we left at 1.30pm and there were at least 10bb he has not seen. Now I know y pd is required at delivery suite. He said there are not many neuro bb pd and he is one of them. Did u know the Malay nurse of his can speak mandarin?

Hazel, does belle go to Kk for her jabs?? If she is does the pd jab for her??
Catherine, yes, belle has her jabs at KKH pd. In fact, she sees only KKH drs now, depending on which area of specialization. No, jabs r done by nurses.
Hi tromso
Wah!! What u buy?? Already fill up two big box n still hv 70% no buy? Scary leh..
Mine is fr burmess.. As feel filipino too smart n indo cant eat pork so no choice.. Hope she will get better after my scolding... Btw, is my tcm predict 34 wks... Not doc Loh..;)

Hi baby
Did doc Loh tell u ur bb too big? U r at what week? Btw, did doc Loh show u ur bb scan in 3d? R u going to see him again in another 2wks or 3wks?

Hi catherine
May i know on delivery day at tmc, can we request doc Ong as our bbies pd? Is his name available for us to choose? Thk u..

no le, didn't cut clariss hair, cos me and her papa 不舍的 and very cute cos she got curly hair like papa and mummy hahahaaa
Joanne, Burma maid r v gd! I had 2 Burmese part time maid previously and my best fren maid is from Burma worked for him for 10 yrs. he can leave $ on table and maid will not take. I dun think u can choose pd on the day. I saw my gynae nurse filling Form of my particulars and my pd nurse has a file on tmc referrals. My gynae asked me If I had my preferred pd juz b4 Chris and hazel gave birth. I should b week 34 at that time. If u dun have preferred pd, gynae will use those she worked with. U should check with dr loh on this.

Chris, my hairdresser and his boss insist I cut telling me the effect of not cutting. Argh... Taka was so crowded juz now lucky u din go
Dear Catherine,
Thanks for the info on what to bring and what not!!! I kiasu, sure will pack some stuff, hubby carry, lol. But based on your advice, can bring less liao! Thanks!

Dear BBjourney,
You also saw Dr Loh on Fri? First time ever he is rather free hor? He took longer with me on Friday, lol.

Dear mc,
My CL already fully booked this year the whole year, sorry can't help! You have access to the motherhood doc i created? There is a list in there with some CLs' contacts. If u want, do PM me and I grant you access
If u engage nanny plus maid, very expensive le! Moreover maid cannot work at 2 houses unless work related to baby only. My maid is from Homekeeper at Hougang branch, my agent is called Vivian. I visited 6 agencies, the maids i shortlisted are all from Homekeeper so I went with them. As for CL, if you not going through agent and they are popular, you probably need to pay a deposit before even having the chance to interview them.

Dear miracle,
I also hope I can buy everything during motherhood fair!!! Gonna compile my shopping list this week.

Dear JT,
Has your spotting stopped? Did you bed rest? Take care ya? As for package, they won't encourage you to sign one. If you wanna sign up too early, they say not stable yet. If you sign up too late, they say not worth it. Mine is rather high risk and need to visit every 2 weeks, thus the receptionist relented when Dr loh said ok. He even joked that for me, can finish 2 packages as i so gan jiong, lol.

Dear blur_xuan,
I also have the tail bone pain. Try to lie sideways more (left is better for baby). Support your back with pillow, don't sit or stand for too long!

Dear Hazel,
Thanks for your advice on FM, i'd get Enfalac to standby!!! As for Philips sale, I nearly missed it cos went to meet my CL today to get a list of herbs for me to buy 1 week before delivery. Then rushed down and reached at 545pm, luckily still open and the crowd has more or less dispersed. Bought the steamer + blender set at $179!

Dear Joanne,
My maid still full marks so far, can't find a single fault with her. She seems to not be able to tolerate dirty or messy, lol. Planned for ironing to be done on Sat but on Friday she requested to iron cos the clothes that are not ironed yet are hanging in the living room and she cannot tahan. lol. I asked her to sit down on a chair when ironing or she can also watch tv but she doesn't want.

Today went marketing with my mum and cooked, automatically recorded down everything. I asked her to help cut apples for me, she cut super nicely and arrange nicely on plate and bring to me on a tray. I like to drink Milo and she will prepare a small jug of it for me in the fridge so my brother and I can drink anytime, always replenished. All the water bottles, boiler, flasks are always full of boiled water, no empty ones. She can always find things to do. Some things I intended to ask her do but I realise she do liao. Even some small dusty areas of my toilet doors are cleaned.

Most importantly, she establishes a good relationship with my mum and my Sasha. She takes good care of Sasha. I'm very pleased and feel happier with her help
So far 4 days, hoping this will last!!! I never install CCTV, will try to always have someone with her, though there were hours she was alone at home (bedroom doors locked). Mine is Filipino by the way, previously 6 years at Saudi Arabia.

Dear Joanne & gals,
My appt with Dr Loh went well. Baby head no longer down (was down the whole 2nd trimester), head shifted to my left so baby is horizontal now. About 1.6plus kg at 29 weeks, which is bigger than average, EDD from 15th aug, it says 4th aug. Dr Loh says probably c-sect and I asked about when and he said 38 weeks if baby can stay till then. So I guess I'd deliver end July. He told me not to go back to work, he really wants me to deliver this baby successfully and told me to see him if baby's movements are less.

Re: TMC Hospital Tour
I missed it last Friday and wanted to make another appt but the lady at the counter was so nice to show us around, VIP tour just for me and hubby cos most room types available for viewing and she was free then! I think my first choice will be the basic single bedder $480 per night, 2nd choice premium single bedder at $580 per night, 3rd choice double bedder at $250 per night. Cos the next level up for single bedder is $988 after the $580 one wor! You gals went/ going for which room huh?

Re: Dr Loh
I recall reading one gal saying Dr Loh is no longer taking new patients. I clarified with the receptionists and they said NOT TRUE and asked me to clarify here. So pls don't be mistaken ya? He is STILL taking new patients
i rem someone wanna get the korea play mat, was it catherine?

this motherhoodl fair is selling - $140 (UP $220), saw from the brochure.. not sure if its what u wan? under babyspa by eastar asia booth

shashamama : yr maid sounds good, whats her salary? 1 day off?
Dear Tanny,
Her salary per month $480. First 6 months no rest day so add $20, so $500. 6 months later when she has off day once a month, then back to $480. She's good la, but so far only 4 days, hope it stays!!!

I also intend to get the playmat. I heard there're korean brand and LG brand? Anyone knows the differences?
yes hope it stays! the steriliser n warmer set sounds like quite good deal at $175 (esp if u dont need all those bottles). taka selling at $188 previously with some freebies bottles. im waiting to see my sil can find her warmer..

Goon diapers- 50% only for new born n s size. maybe i get one of each.
pampers also got sale but for 9kg- 14kg (2 packs for $30).

got pigeon and pureen booths - can get my detergent, washing, wipes stuff. whats popular for this 2 brands?

is the johnson top to toe wash good? 30% off.
Sasha, dr Loh is a workaholic! He wun reject patients one even if he doesn't hv time to sleep! Hahaha

J03, u hv to inform dr Loh in advance which pd u prefer. If not, he will most likely use the TMC resident pd, Ang AT. Then u may hv to touch base with pd dr Ong yourself by calling his clinic prior to delivery to inform him. On the day of delivery, if TMC dun call dr Ong, u all have to. Dr Ong has to come n check the bbs. If premature, dr Ong may hve to be present during delivery also. Al these u hv to go find out who will inform dr Ong.
Philip sales are twice a year. So, some stuff that r needed when bb is older dun hv to buy too early if no time to go down. If not, warranty will be over by the time u start to use them. That's why now then I buy steamer n blender n items for 6 mths old bb. Year end sale then I buy 12 mths.
Aiyah..I thought I don't have to do night duty (pee) in trimester 2 but now my baby assigns another type of night duty to me - drink milk and must be chocolate flavor somemore.

Looks like you got a wonderful maid! Hope she stays this way!

Happy for you that your baby has room to move and rotate.
was actually feeling concern that your bb was in the same position for past couple of weeks during scans.

Your hospital tour experience sounds great
Think you are really lucky to be able to view most of the rooms as TMC seems packed everywhere nowadays. I haven't done the tour yet but have thought of my room choices and it's the same as yours.

I recalled someone mentioned it is Prof John Tee (not Dr Loh) that is not accepting new patients this year.
Angel, I also woke up to eat bread coz feeling hungry at 5am. Faintz.

Sashamama, yes I was at Dr Loh's on friday. I went in the morning intending to see Dr M for my "mystery" cramps on my left side and Dr M sent me to do some scan at Level 4. But Level 4 was packed and the nurse there told me to go back after 2pm to check the Q. Luckily I went back to check earlier and there is no Q, so the nurse slot me in for the scan. After that I went back to O&G and Alice told me Dr Loh is back from his surgery earlier (he had a major surgery on friday for a little girl starting at ard 11.30am-12pm), so she said she slot me in to see Dr Loh since most of the patients are not there yet. Dr Loh started seeing his patients at ard 1.40pm. He also wants me to rest until I give birth. He seems to be in a very good mood that day. I think the surgery went well which is a relief as I think i saw the little girl during my last visit on monday.

Wah so far your maid sounds like very good.
Hope she keeps up her good work.
Sashamama, double good news from you, good maid and baby is rotating
Mine is 1.6kg at 29 weeks too, happy to hear that yours is growing well too, I thot it's good to be on heavier side, have some buffer for miscalculations and later weeks growth.

btw Catherine's PD is dr Ong Boon Hong fr Aglow at United Square, thanks Catherine for providing his details earlier, I'll be selecting him too. I googled a bit about dr Ong, the mummies all seems happy with him ;)

Baby, yippee!! your baby is head down
I'm starting to talk a lot to my baby too, especially sometimes can't sleep in the middle of the night. I was telling her not to fret about the loud howling wind from the sudden downpour last night. We went to auto carwash and hubby and I were explaining to her what the pitter pattering sounds coming from all over us outside the car was

Sigh...I only get tailbone pain during WBB classes, cos sitting on the floor n mat for too long. Looking forward to chairs this week.

Didn't know the motherhood fair brochure is out, thanks Tanny, I'll have a look.
Hi mummies,

I was chatting to a gf other night and she advised to get another set of breast shields etc, so can sterilize all at 1 go and use for 2 pumps sessions, instead of sterilizing after each pump. Do you do this too?
Angel, I had night duty throughout my pregnancy not eat but pee... Except a few days I was too tired and ignore. Juz hope yr bb dun wake up too often in the middle of the night and sleep early.

Hazel, got sooooo fed up with my highness Elis lately. Last night pat her to bed at 9.30pm she only sleep at 1am!!! Tried soooooo many methods. She juz cry cry and when we carry her she start her bb language l, giggling etc and if u pat her buttock while carrying she cry. Fed up!!!!! Slept at 1am and now awake already. Now I even switch to use Gaia bed time bath to shower her at night hoping it improves.

Thx tanny. I need the price for each sizes cos I know how much og is selling need to c if it's worth to buy from bb fair.

Joanne, best to ask dr loh if u want dr ong to b yr bb pd. remember there r 2 dr ong that see tmc patients. Meryl and my pd is dr ong Woon hong. The other dr ong is gd too ...He saw elis when she was born. My fren pd is the other dr ong and she din like the other dr ong cos it's hard to call for appt and v long q. I din had to call dr ong to see elis when she was born so I can't advise. Even when elis was warded for jaundice I din call him .. He came himself.
Tromso, u mean u r not sterilising your breast pump parts every pump. Breast shield is just one of the item. Unless u get 2 steps for all items, if not how to sterilise after 2 pumps

Catherine, belle was cranky yesterday night top n I can't hv proper dinner outside! Plus a bad headache, my mood was terrible. Scolded hub big time when he woke belle up after I pat her to sleep also. Best part was she did not wan her daddy to carry n pat her to sleep!! She Is awake since 8 n I hv been feeding her for past 1 hr plus as she keeps playing n fussing! Now dozed off n hv not finished still! Argh!!
Hi Joanne, how's your tummy now, still feeling very stretched or getting better? Any stretch marks so far?

My 2 Toyogo boxes of goodies....haa....actually the Philips purchases already filled up a bit, spent about $600 incl baby monitor $299. Also quite a few small bulky items like breast pads boxes, pillows, beanies, sanitary pads, liquid detergent, abdominal girder, boxes of bm plastic packs, NB rompers, etc. Also have 3 What to Expect books (20% off at MPH Robinsons rd only on Sat of May), 7-8 boxes of flashcards. Plus the Mothercare and FBI goodies bags. Have to get 2 sets of some items as will need 1 set at my mum's place and another at mine. So they all adds up to quite a bit.

On my to-buy list, still 30-40 more items, some need to get from Agape Babies, then there's all the bulky items like cot, extra mattress, stroller, carseat, diapers, etc. I think the baby is fast staking a claim on the space area of the house lol....planning to clear out 1 room for her use solely. have seen how 2 gfs do it, indeed very nice to let baby have an entire to herself/ himself to play and roll about in.

I've recently bought many vacuum packs for clothing items, need to compact all my winter and autumn clothes (currently in many Toyogo boxes), plus decided to strip out all photos from my old albums (discard albums), and this entire operation should hopefully clear up 1/3 space in my store room. Still hv 1 wardrobe full of winter/ autumn jackets, dunno what to do with them
But for large items like moving guest bed outta baby's room, and clearing some bookshelves outta study room, will have to do after delivery since cannot shift furniture around now.

My hubby's friend had a baby last year and decided to renovated his entire home....his place was already very nicely done up, as he owns an interior designing firm but because of the baby, the entire house was renovated again after about 3 yrs...so amusing
But I do admire couples moving into new home, can cater design to suit baby, for us, just have to content with shifting things about and buying misfit furniture heh....

Is your house packing/ organizing almost done?
Hazel, can sterilize 2 sets together and use 1 set now, leaving the other set in the sterilizer and use later? Then after these 2 pumps, sterilize the 2 sets together again....

I'm not sure how my gf does it, I didn't get to ask over the phone...
Tromso, it's dr ong woon hong. Yesterday he check on elis and ask us if she will smile at ppl. I said to him if I ask elis if she like dr ong she will frown. He laughed. So he played with Elis and tell her they r frens then she keep smiling! Lol...

Chris, elis pd said she has fake constipation caused by bm. Was told to feed her prune juice and apple juice when she turn 4 months. he said only 30ml and dun dilute with water.
Thanks for the correction Catherine
btw how much do you pay for each visit usually?

I've been introduced to this hospitalization plan, which also cover ALL outpatients, excluding vaccinations. So can claim common cold, fever, etc. Premium is about $800 a year and I'm wondering if mere PD or hospital outpatient bills gets to that much a year....
Tromso, can leave the sterilised set In steriliser. I only hv 1 set. Luckily I didn't spend much on accessories n the pump from spree, I dun hv much milk regardless how much fish, fluid n supplement I took. I stopped nursing already!
Sashamama...I have no choice cos I don't have anyone to look after the baby and the maid. My MIL and Mum are too old.. As such, I am thinking a nanny plus the maid. I am not sure the rate of nanny nowadays but it will only for 18 mths..after that I can send them to Childcare.

Nanny + maid will it be cheaper than IFC? Headache....

Any good nanny to recommend near Seng Kang?
Btw which brand of safe is good? Hazel, joanne03: u bought which brands?

Wanna ask a silly qn- how long does a bb grow from like 3kg to 6kg?
Thanks Hazel, I'll assess my milk flow then. My mum n sis both has good amt breastmilk, and for myself I already see milk leaking out in first/ second trimester, hope will have good flow after delivery then.
J03, Dr Loh just said my baby slightly on bigger size, but he said everything is okay. Nothing to worry about. I'm at 32wks now. Yes, I have requested 3d scan, and I can see baby face but from side view. So cute. Can't help myself to keep looking at the photo at home hehe. I'm gng to see him in 3wks time.

So when is your edd? Is it earlier than mine since it's twin? Jia you ya? Gan jiong? Hehe
Sashamama, so lucky of you to have good maid. Hopefully will stay this way. Everyday I heard complaints from my colleagues about their maids. So difficult to get one.
Are you planning for C-sect? I think you baby is in good weight now.

Tromso, yes glad that baby head down. Talk to her everyday. Even like on the way home, my hubby always tell her that we are on the way home or going out that time too.
Wow, you have prepared so many things. Even flash cards too hehe. I only prepared those basic things. The rest will slowly buy during 2nd mth. Will only leave her at MIL house after 3rd month. So extra thing for MIL place will buy later.

Lucky all mine n hubby winter clothings at MIL place. We stayed there before, so didn't bring along when we move house. Somemore they have very big storeroom. So leave it first hehe. At least now can have one whole cabinet for my baby items n clothings.

Thinking of converting my hubby's toy collection room to baby room. But can't do it now as hacking n painting will be involved.
