(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

For mossie bites, can use tea tree oil? It has disinfectant properties, I find it very useful for healing wounds and rashes....but have not tried since pregnant.

Angel, gotta check house liao, make sure rid any breeding pools. Better safe than sorry.

Kimmy, your hb quite thoughtful, at least he thought of asking which you comfortable with. Thats good. Guess baby is too small to bring down put near you all when eating? If can then everyone can eat together.

Tromso, then i cham liao, i always play with the baby my mum babysitting! But i was mindful not to carry, just touch the little hands only.
Heartbeats, I think as long as the mummy is not pantang, it's ok...heee... There are just too many pantang traditions to observe, I sorta rolled my eyes when my gf brought this 1 up...lol...

Joanne, I recall you asking if it's ok to attend weddings. I have 2 coming up (will be third trimester then) and I'm seriously considering to attend them both if my condition stabilizes by then. I was told as long as don't walk into the bride, it's ok. Hence I won't be attending the tea ceremony....phew, can save some precious $$ heh.... What sorta indications do you get from others regarding this?
Tromso, maybe put a coin in red packet more powerful than empty one..I'll do that..hehe.

As for attending wedding dinner, I have a personal story to share. When I was first tested bfp last year, I attended my very close colleague's wedding dinner. As I was late, I felt very pai seh and walked to the bride to congratulate her and passed her the the ang bao. Subsequently I miscarried. Before that I didn't know all these panting tradition but now, I try to find out and obediently abide by them. Once bitten twice shy..
Hi Hazel,

Thanks so much for the offer
I hv asked my friend who is working in hospital to buy from the pharmacy. She just bought for me this afternoon. I saw your msg too late hehe. Thanks for offering. I guess lots of sisters here need it too, don't throw it away.
Tromso, I think better not use tea tree oil. Read this article, last section 'pregnancy and breast feeding':

Kimmy, Catherine, the aloe vera gel seems to cool down my itchiness! Yeah! But redness and swell still there, I think I have to apply aloe vera many times.

Heartbeats, my house no potential breeding grounds leh. Suspect could be my neighbors' pots of plants along the corridor..how har?
Thanks Angelxuan, ok I won't use the tea tree oil then. I oso got some mossie bites last week, luckily turned out to be mild case, and went away after 2 days. I usually get those red swelling ones too. I read that preggers attract mosses more than others, so better stay away from suspicious areas

Sorry to hear about your wedding story, were you in first trimester then? Yah, many people say if attend baby showers, preggers shouldn't give ang bao or pressies but I have avoided all baby showers since. Didn't know weddings can be so pantang too.

Btw, oso heard that preggers can't enter the wedding couple's bedroom, for fear of 'taking away' the couple's unborn kid/s or causing infertility. I think this is quite common pantang tradition.

In the past, I have also asked why some married couples don't invite heavily pregnant preggers. Was told reason being they are afraid will cause infertility too.

Sigh...let me seriously consider if I wish to attend the upcoming weddings, can't help having some reservations....
Catherine, reserved the items we wanted n picked up next few days to enjoy 10% further discount! I was carrying belle, so no chance to try clothes.

Kimmy, wats The fuss of eating together? Dun understand your mil. Dun let the maid watch over the bb alone. They can nv be trusted. Once a while I m biz I asked maid to feed belle she can dub burp her at all despite I told her to. Dun burp, 15mins will be done if she is awake. Burp easily 30mins. Want to eat together, ask mil to eat upstair with u, hub n bb together lah. Wats the prob with her?
Hi Tromso,
For dry shampoo, at least no need water to clean and to reduce the sweat on the hair n scalp too. Maybe can use for first few days before really wash it using boiled water n herbs. My friends asked me to standby one, incase really need it.

For hospital tour, I went at 2pm session, and there was only one room available too. Guess because Dragon year, all rooms always occupied, no matter what time is the viewing kekeke
Tromso, yah I was in first trimester then. No one ever told me about the pantang stuff..maybe they don't think I will become pregnant after so many years..lolx. Oh, I didn't know about the one on preggers cannot enter wedding couple's bedroom, now I know.
Re: stretch mark cream. I bought Clarins cream and oil too. I started using when I was 3 mths preggie. But only using the cream, never use the oil till one day (last month), Dr Loh told me to use the oil instead. It's more 'powerful' haha. So now I'm using both, oil in the morning n cream at night. So far so good ;)
Hi Angelxuan,
You might want to try Hazeline snow cream too. I had itchiness too previously, then my MIL passed me this cream. I just applied twice, the itchiness n redness gone. Yesterday I had mosquito's bite on my stomach, very itchy. I applied this cream once n it's gone now.
Tromso, my sil was preggy when I got married and walk into my room too. Is that the reason I took so long to conceive??

Hazel, smart. But y another 10% discount?? What time does the sales start tomorrow??
Catherine, my gal seems better than past few days but appetite still yet to come bk. Nw feeding her can take close to an hr as she drink n zzz at same time n when tat happen, she can't simply dun drink e milk.

Becoz she nt feeling well n m I quite stress, my milk supply went pathetic low... Sigh... Is like 1 issue aft another....

Sunbelle- my gal man yue still ok but as she wasn't feeling really well past few days incld man yue tat day, wanna take photographs of her wif us n grandparents, relatives n her cake which i customised made for her
all such gotta be on standby. Take when she nt cranky.

E man yue was nt a big scale. Only 50 odd ppl n was held at my Hse. Really siong as nid to decorate e Hse e day be4 n aft e event gotta clean n clear e whole Hse.

Buffet I ordered fr Qzin. Lunch. Eventhou was lunch but e while event only ended at close to 7pm. Super shag. Shld have held it at outdoor venue instead. Haha

When r u due btw ?
Catherine, I asked the cashier, was told members another 10% off next 3 days! Sale starts at 1030am at centrepoint outlet. Go in the morning, no crowds.
hi everyone,

I'm back!!! Super shag ah..reached home around 9pm....this 2 days running up and down bringing 2 dogs to the vet. Yesterday left bb with in-laws hbs and i sent both dogs to the vet. Vet gave the son drip cos he dehydrated and not eating, luckily we send him in on time if not he's done within a few days (he got kidney disease) and the mummy dog stomach very bloated so vet arranged me to send her down for ultra-sound at sunset way branch today. So today, i got to send the son to the vet early in the morning for full day drip and after tat rush from mt pleasant bedok to their br at sunset way (east to west) for her ultra sound appt. Diagnosis, she has spleen cancer so now she might just pass away anytime so we just give her quality life ie let her eat whatever she wants cos vet says no cure and she's too old to be operated. So today i full day on the road as morning sent hbs to work, bb leave at in-laws sent both dogs to vet then rush bk in-law's place see bb for 2hrs then rush to fetch hbs from work then we went n fetch dog bk from vet. Then eat quick dinner and fetch bb home from in-laws....This is the 1st time i drive myself up to clementi, before the trip i goggled and look at the map and today just agar agar lor and make it safely there.. heng ah...

oh u mean they gave u free cushion for the pram? so nice..they never gave us anything at all...
Hi Baby, thanks! Now I have another solution to mossie bites!

Didn't know that Dr Loh is knowledgeable about Clarins cream and oil! Impressed!
catherine, shasha, hazel

tomorrow another busy day, need to do in-house drip for my dog, so tomorrow morning got to rush down to in-law place do the drip for dog then leave bb there, eat lunch and hope to catch a movie in the afternoon...if not go home take a gd rest...so ZZZZzzzzzz
Chris, Catherine, I "caned" belle every time at bed time. She has a v bad habit. I carry her, rock n pat her to sleep she will keep crying! Make me super pissed every night. I will slap her thighs a few times and she will cry even louder as it hurt. But after that she will quiet down, cry again I repeat. 2-3x she will quiet n sleeps! I need to get ready a cane meh.. To discipline her when she understands more.
Chris, better buy tickets now If u r planning to watch tomorrow.. We r watching battership tomorrow pm and marvellous of avengers on Sat PM. Tickets already bought. Selling v fast ESP at GV. Had initially wanted to watch avengers tomorrow PM but can't get tickets yesterday.

Catherine, maid is already Resting in the room when we got bk at 845pm. Came out n saw that I didn't need her help with isabelle, she went to sleep. Want to go out for breakfast tomorrow but belle does not wake up so early... Hm...

hahahaha dun cane poor belle le..heeheee

These 2 days i quite happy as in-laws praised clariss says its easy to take care of her as she dozes off easily, not as fussy n cranky as my sil's bb etc.. Coz these 2 days pai seh got to trouble them to look after clariss as got to ferry dogs see vet etc....Luckily clariss didn't tired both my in-laws out.
Chris, Clariss is v guai. Can doze off on her own. We can wait long long for belle to doze off on her own meh... Like just now, she is super tired as she only slept for 1 hr, 2 sessions of 30 mins this PM, her eyes r sleepy until small already but yet she cannot sleep on her own. Carry n pat her can still cry n fuss! I slapped her thighs a few times n finally she dozed off in deep sleep.

yup i know sooo sad...esp we stay at the east thought go tamp GV see gone case liao......
oh last time clariss also same like belle dun wanna sleep, then my fil has a way with her, he let her sleep on her side then slap/pat her buttocks and thigh area ..very funny it works on her and she dozes off... Last time she needs to be carried like belle before she fell asleep then put her down she wakes up and cry. Now when she's older n her mummy has to do housework and no time to entertain her so throw her there with her beanie, fan blowing at her and pacifier and she'l l doze off..hahaha like today she woke up , my fil quickly went to kitchen to get her EBM, he's like gone for less than 5mins and by the time he's bk she KO liao...fil fainted. End up he woke her up and dream feed her then burp her.

Clariss has a very bad habit ie during bath time when we washing her hair she'll pee on us and after bath she cried like red lobster during dress up. Today my in-laws maid kena too. she pee on her and cried like mad during dress up and when she took her out from the bath cos she wanted to play water. hahaaa
Chris, guess is a phrase that bb goes thru. Belle used to cry at every shower.. Now ok already.. The funny thing abt her is, she is tired but can't seem to nap much in the day! Of course, that makes the night easier though.. Like yesterday, fr 6 to 9pm she slept thru in the bb carrier n let me hv dinner with my family in peace n missed her 730pm feed. After that 9pm feed, next feed was 4am!
tromso - oh i went select website and chose the hi-tea set

angelxuan - glad it works. for me once i put aloe vera on a pimple or itch, it will go away by next day and heal very fast. that's why i love using it

hazel - ahhah we did rotation in the end cuz i not comfy with maid watching over bb. she is okay so far but there was once my mil wiping bb face and he just woke up and still blur then the maid went "hello baby" loudly which startled him and me too. then mil told her don't do it again. so if she just watch over alone, we also won't know if she talks to him loudly when he's sleeping although a frd suggested for me to bring the monitor with me. so just now mil told me nice to have dinner with me, so long nvr eat with me since confinement and talk to me about relatives do this or do that, lol.

happy labour day everyone! tmr robinsons sale!
Chris, guess u juz have to give the best to the dog and let her go 'happily'. From what u say I do agree clariss v easy to look after. So tomolo u not gg to robinsons? Hey yr pil din complain clariss din poo? Now it's my turn to worry. Elis has not poo since sat 9pm. I missed my pd phone call last night. Dun know if that's the effect of the Rotavirus jab she had on thurs that 'block' her intestine.

Hazel and Chris, so nice can watch movie. I dun want to relatives to say i only know how to give birth and expect my mum to look after while i enjoy life like how they say my sis. Besides my mum comes on weekdays to help me, dun want to trouble my mum to look after elis on public holidays or weekends so no movies for us until she go IFC.

Hazel, I always 'cane' elis but no use. She knows she will b loved and got grandma and papa as her backup. I dun have the patience to rock her to bed cos I will b so tired after the whole day of work. So she goes to her teddy bear papa. Thx for the robinsons headsup. I m gg with my mum(lucky she din object gg for sales despite elis is not well) ... We r leaving at 9.30am. I will go h&m first since robinsons dun open early.

Bbliss, relax. My milk supply also dived this afternoon cos I was damn worried about Elis. She has 'stopped' talking since yesterday. Gp reassure me she is ok and my mum encourage her to talk when she wiped her. She only ah a bit then stopped. Juz did my midnight pump, supply came back. Like what hazel says it's a phrase bb has to go thru. It's not easy and everyday we r learning how to deal with our darlings
Meryl, how r u?? Is yr bb gaining weight??

Chris, elis Had her last feed at 9.15pm she woke me up at 5.40am I prepared milk she ko juz like clariss. Argh.... V v unlike her cos milk is her darling now she dun even want. Sad to c her like this.
Hi sisters.

Anyone from KKH here. I need some clarification regarding the 1st scan at AMC. Previous BFP my DH was not allowed to go into the scan room. The sonographer told me it is their rule but then I know some that was allowed to go in.
I really want my DH to be in the room to see our babies hearbeats this time. As I knew that I have 2 sacs implant on me (scan at emergency last sat), it is dishearthened if they not allow my DH to come inside the room.
hearthbeats last time they did not allowed my DH. How I insist also the sonographer said it is their rules. When I mcarriage and need to san bb hb again the sonographer also did not allow my DH.
How u get ur DH to come in ahh? What can I tell the sonographer? Any advice?

hahahaha true every bb goes thru different phrase. fil feedback tat clariss "talks" and choos alot yesterday hahahaa i told them of course if she has enough sleep when she wakes up she super talkative and good mood. But if she dun have enough sleep she'll be very quiet and look like a grumpy old lady hahahaaa.. Like yesterday, they fed her at 3pm EBM which will usually last her 3-4 hrs..but strangely cos maybe she didn't sleep she started crying at 5.30pm and we all were wondering wats wrong with her, and change her diaper thought its full..but during changing she cried even more. Then i asked her is she hungry.. but fil said cannot be le just 2hrs+ only. So i showed her the milk bottle and she started fussing abit so i made her FM and she finished everything like a hungry baby once she finished she immediately smiled and started giggling. Fil laughed.

Last night as usual we fed her at 11pm, she wakes up at 5am, 5.30am cos pacifier dropped and she can't sleep then at 6.30am she cried damn loud for milk so no choice gave pacifier also no use so fed her lor...then she refuse to sleep keep stamping her little feet and fist in the baby cot we ignored her then she doze off after 30-40mins.
And as usual her cot in a mess cos she swings her fists and the small litter wrap all over the place.
Hi Catherine

Yup, after heavy dose of durians.. Baby at 2kg plus. Haha, Dr loh is amazed that my fluid , placenta normalizes too.. Durian does helps
. Now Dr loh sees me once every 2 weeks
Hi shainie,

u at kk or private? cos that time i was at kk warded and i saw other hbs able to go in le...maybe different stages of scan ba

good for you!!! heehe yummy durians..oooh how i missed them. But don't eat too much cos will be heaty for bb, remember to drink more water after tat.
Thanks sisters.. ask doc n she said i may have lactose intolerance so don't drink milk. Milk is not a must in pregnancy.
Shainie i asked e nurse n she said yes hubby can go in n see..

so nice u can go shopping so early..my hbs now KO with his daughter..hiaz still got the cheek to ask me go where later. yup i would loved to go shopping but got to watch my pocket cos i overspent a few hundreds this 2 days on my 2 dogs medical bills. No choice, cos his family no one is helping us. The dog was a family dog and was bought by my hbs,me,sil n her hbs. But now where medical bills are concerned bil turned a blind eye he only helps to chip in and share the costs with me the 1st few rounds after tat he refused to pay liao just said let them die lor eventho they are still very active..and my sil now also bochap about them liao..so no choice i told hbs tat yup i will let them go when the time is here but i'll still be responsible for their medication which will ease his suffering.
Tromso, sorry missed out your posting. So tea colored urine is normal? Phew. This morning urine is clear. @fingers cross@

dun forget to bring your robinson discount voucher along, there's a $5 discount for every $30 spent in a single receipt,

Blurxuan i think will argue if the sonographer did not allow DH to go in. 1 more week to go. I lost weight ard 2kg lei. Really no apetite nowdays.
