(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group


nope haven't bought the korean mat, as it was a rush and for the size i wanted tat is medium they are selling at $119 thickness 1.2cm only got 2 designs but quite good buy i think... just tat they dun sell diapers there. We need to buy clariss diapers today liao..finishing by tomorrow.
Hi AngelXuan - Thanks for the kind words!!! Sure, will PM you photographer's contact.

Hi Joanne - Thanks! Haha what I wrote in the poem came up instantly when I was typing that entry. Hehe Mother's instincts maybe :p
cock cock - heh thanks thanks! attempted the poem while looking at his photos and thankfully it worked out well.

So happy to see so many more names from the ivf forum "graduated" to this thread too
Congrats mums-to-be!!!

Today having manyue celebration part 2. Oh no..hope I can survive.
Chris, we saw at og yesterday and the saleswoman was like pushing me to buy say got 20% discount etc.. I will buy after measuring the space I have left in my house. U can compare the price of diaper at ntuc and Carrefour. For milk powder I would say go Carrefour buy more worth it.

i dun worry mch about milk powder cos got staff price for NAN HA got to go thro sil's fren to order. Have already ordered 4cans.
Really 20% discount? tat's gd. The one i saw at the fair has 2 sides printed, the 1st side is the normal pics and other side is alphabets A-z and numbers.

did u buy alot from kittybride? i ordered mainly bottoms cos bought alot of bodysuits for her. jia lak she quite tall for a 3mth old, 2wks ago i just bought baby fox 6-12 mths and she can wear liao of cos with diaper on. Faintz.. for osh gosh i looked at the measurement chart, ie i ordered between 9mth-12mths cos alot of sizes OSS liao.
i loved the shorts and pull on skorts. all very cute.

Now got to headache cos got to buy PJ for gal liao as she has outgrown all of them, and she hated the ones that without buttons kind. As she sleeps in air-con so got to look for long sleeve and long pants kinda. Might need to get 2 pc kind of PJs cos her legs very long those rompers kind her feed can't even fit straight liao for those size 9mths. My mil even commented that her height now same like her cousin who is going 6mths.

Hazel, catherine.

Btw wonder when should we start bb on semi-solid food ah? in-laws asking me yesterday cos bb will be taken care by them and my sil's bb already started semi-solid food when she was 4mths++

dun have posb everyday card le, the one i had think is the atm cum master card. how was the price of the diapers u bought from JB very good savings? What brand did u buy?
Chris, bought mamapoko and pampers. Mamapoko, 72pcs @RM39.99. My dad told me ntuc sells 48pcs at S$23+.

If u are adventurous, can start cereals mixed with milk at 4 months old. But just one or 2 small spoonful only. 6 mths, can start porridge and of course cereals. But bear in mind, when start semi solid food, that's the start of allergy if bb's body is not ready. Eg, food containing egg. So, got to introduce v small Amt n see how bb reacts.
Hi Kimmy, your prince is so handsome hehee
i like the fotos hehehe .....how was your part 1 man yue huh?
u separate to two days cos two many days huh? i am thinkig too..cos a rough guest list havent include collegues and all frens already hit 60 people...hmmhmm thinking oso to spread....see how...

Hi Bbliss , how was your full month party huh? did u distribute cakes to your collegues and frens huh? caterer okie huh? eheheheh
Chris, elis outgrow her mc romper pj since last mth. Even her ordinary romper for 0-3 mths all can't wear. Now she wear 3-6 or 6-9 mths romper. More comfy for her. For pj she needs 2 piece. 1 piece will restrict her movement and she will yelled. Is that the reason y u chose nan milk? I got a fren who can get me s26 staff price but my mum said no to s26 cos it's v heaty.

I think I will start Elis on semi solid food around 4july. That's where she is 4.5 mths old. Easy date to remember....

Chris, v sad I tried my pre preggy clothes I guess I can only wear 20% of it. My stupid tummy and butt can't fit into any skirts!!!!
Hi cock
Some may feel better only after 20th wks but start feel tired again at 26th plus wk.. So u how many wks now?
Ya.. Most of my weight gain are on bbies n not me..;) great for me but like u say most goes to my bbies so eat more or less dun impact me too much.. I dun eat alot usually as diffcult in digestion so rather eat more small meals..;) hv put on 5kg le...

Hi bbjourney
Take care n may u hv gd urine test result..
Waa Hazel, i must tell my hb! He already planning to go JB every weekend nearer EDD to bring out loads of diapers! He even going to jio his friend (single) to help carry. hahaha, poor friend of his!
Hi Gals,
Any idea where to buy dry shampoo? I went to Guardian and Watson everywhere, and they don't carry dry shampoo anymore. Gosh...no idea Liao...
Hazel, I also hope so it's not butt. Argh! I m gg to buy girdle on tues. any other ways to remove the tummy ASAP?? I m already doing sit ups
Kimmy, must be very busy enjoying your man yue party! Good idea hor, do 2 sessions then can settle both sides relatives seperately and not so awkward. I like the pic your boy lying with a dragon soft toy next to him!
Baby, i got mine at hospital pharmacy. Tmc pharmacy also has

Heartbeat, u can buy bb clothes, bb mittens, wash cloth, booties, maternity sanitary pads, bb bathtub, wet wipes there too. it's much cheaper there. I got all these there. U can easily fill yr whole car boot with all these things
Heartbeat, I saw my fren bb being so stress at man yue cos lots of ppl came and want to carry the bb. As a mother she was v stress too cos need to stand, entertain guests, need to watch out for bb to c if bb is crying, want milk etc. in the end bb fell ill the next day after the man yue party. Dun know which guest came with virus.That's y I refused to do a big party. Elis had 3 manyue party. Ya have to prepare more but I feel more relaxed. That's something for u to consider.
Hi Catherine,


Btw, you can try this method: lay flat on your back, try to lift up your legs slightly about 10-20cm high and counting, can start from 10 counts first, then slowly increase. Put down your legs. Relax and repeat again. This is to tighten lower abs. Sit up usually works more on upper abs. Hope it works.
Catherine, you have a very good point. I also scared the stress and more scared what if got sickness virus. Actually personally i rather not have man yue party, just quietly give birth liao wait a few months its CNY already then show relatives. But i know ILs side sure want man yue party. Sianz~ aiya see how lah .. hehe
Catherine, bb already shared with you how to tighten up tummy muscles. I dun hv flat tummy after 3 pregnancies. So, I dun bother now. Keke

Heartbeat, dun buy too many diapers first. Of ur bb is going to be >3kg at birth, dun buy so many NB size as is for weight up to 5kg only for pampers. For S size, is fr 3-8kg. It is always more comfortable to wear a more roomy pampers.
Heartbeat, whoever carries or touches your bb, pls dun let them touch bb's hands. Coz most bbs suck their hands! So, if these pp carry virus, will easy pass on to bbs. Always make it a pt to wipe bb's hands frequently also.

Catherine, this morning, I was packing cooler bag with ice packs While carrying belle.. The sound of ice packs on the table made her jump m cried! Kekeke

Just now, outside at supermarket, was feeding her while walking coz still half when we get out of car.. The movement of walking ard ie shaking her as a result made her vomitted all her milk! She stink n I stink too! :p
Chris & Catherine, we r celebrating mother's day (for my mum) early today! Now having dinner with my family & belle is sleeping in the baby carrier which I m carrying. It will be more comfortable for me to eat if she is willing to sit in stroller.
Thanks for the tip Hazel! I didnt know diapers got newborn size, we have been eyeing size S! I dont think mine will be more than 3kg since multiples always arrive earlier and smaller? But i think can buy just a few packs of S like you say more roomy more comfortable. Hopefully babies fatten up fast fast after birth.

Aiyo keep their hands away from visitors easy, i can make them wear mittens. What i fear is those elderly like to kiss/sniff babies! My MIL will be the first one, i seen her do it to her relatives' grandchildren and up till now, imagine how old my hb is already, she still can sometimes come and cosy up to him and sniff him! Feel thats quite er xin and unhygenic! Cham~ dont know how to stop that.
Baby, thx. Will do it later.

Hazel, my hubby took out the abdominal cruncher from the storeroom. Will do it later too. Usually I will finish feeding b4 moving her around.

Chris, there goes my Sunday. I think elis is not well. The usual active self of her has turned her into a v sianz gal. We usually let her sleep till early afternoon then go out. But today she is not herself after lunch. She wants to b carried and dun want to zzz even when she zzzz she sleep like 10 mins and kick up a fuss. Her last feed was 3pm. As I was carrying her juz now I could feel her tummy growling. Usually her tummy is the most important. She will definitely yelled but not today. Gg to b a challenging night for me. Have to watch her and send her to doc tomorrow if néed b.
Heartbeat, belle sucks her hands with mittens on n make them so wet with saliva!

Catherine, better watch over Elis tonight. Sayang her more.

I was just talking to my mum, that we hope belle can sit car seat end of the year so that we can go OZ to holiday n to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Asking my parents to come along too so that more hands to rotate to take care of belle :p
Heartbeat, u have twins?? A small gathering is better u can ask guest to sanitize their hands b4 they touch bb. Tmc will give u a bottle to bring home

Hazel, I guess the best mothers day present we all have us our bb in our womb or in our hands. Next yr hope our darlings can greet us mummy and give us a big hug.
Hazel, ya thats what I m doing. I have been beside her since 3.45pm. She choked her saliva juz now and was like suffocating. I got so scared and cried. Belle is so lucky. We will go oz next oct after she turn 18 mths. Hubby usually can't take leave in dec so grounded for us.

Heartbeat u can imagine they r juz sucking their finger, my arm, etc. Elis is like that too. U can threaten to beat elis she will b serious for 10 secs then back to suck her fingers. Sigh
Catherine, our holidays r in dec always coz most plcs are having winter. We both love winters coz that's the only way to get away fr the heat in SG. But oz in dec will be hot. But no choice, scared belle can't take the cold temp at such a young age n we need to go somewhere we can drive.. Oz is the best other than Japan...
Hi sunbelle & heartbeats,
Oh my goodness, finally done with manyue. Its was like my wedding happening all over again! Haha. because I waited for my son to wake up from his nap before going and so we were 45 minutes late and when we arrived, there were so many guests everywhere just waiting to see him and congratulating us. haha multi-tasking by talking to everyone at the same time not easy. Very tiring! Oh goodness.
But I was very blessed that my boy slept throughout the manyue in his pram. So people just came by to see him but no one got to carry him till much much later with a few closed friends only cuz he was nicely sleeping :p

It turned out nice. My mom asked my grandaunt to entertain the kids by making them balloon sculptures (she does it freelance at vivo city too) so all the parents had a good break as my grand aunt made angry birds, princesses, dragons, cars and lots of funky balloon stuff. Got to catch up with people also without needing to worry about baby fussing or crying for milk etc. So happy it's over! And next challenge: learn how to bring baby out on my own. can't wait to use my carrier, which I can't wait (wil probably need to wait till he's a little heavier and neck has support).

Yes, I held over 2 days because today my guests was easily 70-80 on my side. Husband side ytd was a cozier affair with about 30-40 pax but was held at my place. But they chose evening time, so we only carried baby down for 5 min as it was his sleep time. The rest of it, they just enjoyed themselves with food & catching up. Hehe
hi bbjourney, actually i stopped waking up for supper for quite a while already.. dont know why these 2 nights must wake up and eat... think i will drink milk and eat bread before going to bed (i used to do that, it works leh)... wake up at 5am for supper also neither here nor there in terms of timing... how do u get back to sleep after that since a while later need to wake up and go work liao... btw, you on mc till when? continue to rest well ok (i am a panda now coz of past few nites of poor quality sleep)

thanks catherine.. unlike u, my LS started very early even before i tested bfp... today 3x liao... hope tonight dont wake up and LS again... i LS till sore liao..

joanne, i am 18 weeks now.. already gained 5kg+ (btw, when can use stretch cream? towards later part of pregnancy?).. i hv to eat whenever i feel hungry otherwise i will feel v faint and nausea.. still having some MS.. i hope like you said, it will go away by 20th week...

kimmy, i also want the photographer's contact
u are talented!
Kimmy, which carrier did u get? My carrier can be used fr birth, as long as bb is at least 3.5kg. It can support bb's head. If u wan to wsit till bb's neck had support, it is at least when he is 4 mths old.

Hey, belle slept in a pram after her first mth party when we went out too. Slept thru out regardless of the noise level. But as she gets more n more alert n aware... She does not wan to sit in pram n car seat now. Hv to use things to distract her to sit but it wun for long.. Hopefully, after 4 mths old, she is more guai.. U knoW, dunno fr how many wks onwards she will fuss big time before dozing off! NoW I will slap her in her thigh to get her to stop.. But she will cry even louder before stopping her fussiness... Sigh....
Cockcock, my supper started after my hospitalisation leave and after i stopped Dr Zhao's antaiyao. I m going back to work this coming wednesday and if my supper timing still remains at 5am+, i thnk still manageable cos i normally wake up ard 615am to prep for work.

Thou my appetite is quite ok recently, i am not gaining weight. I also hope i dont gain too much weight cos i am over-weight liao. :p. I bought stretch mark cream ytd and i was also wondering when i can start using.

Kimmy, your prince is v handsome and i like the fotos too.
Phew! Finally finished reading archives since Tue!!!

Dear Chris,
Me peg perego same model as yours, p3 compact. I request for baby hyper store to send me only in June, not received yet. I think they gave a free cushion insert with fan and some other add-on, I forgot. As for your dog, I'm very sad to hear that. Can only think of it as ending the dog's suffering. You hv been a responsible owner, so don't feel too bad ya? I still can't imagine losing my Sasha. Am trying to pamper her more, talk to her more, especially before baby comes.

Dear cock cock,
Great to see u! U asked me abt massage right? I tried babies bellies once but felt its a bit too light, but Preggie cannot hard also. I requested my post natal ML to do for me. She only came once, did an awesome job, but cannot come again cos super fully booked by post natal ones which are understandably her priority. By the way, safest to do massage is 5th to 7th month.

Dear blur xuan and shainie,
CONGRATS n welcome here!!! So blur xuan u didn't wait for BT and did hpt huh? Naughty naughty, lol.

Re: expo baby fair
I agree it's too small scale! Bought 2 skirts from milky way maternity wear tho. Pretty affordable, $29 each n I bought 1 black, 1 brown.
Dear bbjourney n angelxuan,
Hope my PM helps. Managed to engage your confinement lady? I havent go hospital tour yet. Better go find out.

Sisters in abt 12 weeks,
Do book WBB's class early, u can book even if not from TMC. I had first session last tue. Enjoyable n informative! Regretted not Having dinner beforehand. 7pm - 945pm! Best to go with hubby. Wbb teaches hubby how to massage us n exercise with us. My hubby has been massaging me every nite 15 mins for a few weeks liao but not shiok one. After learning one strokes, his massage now more shiok. Heh. Go earlier to chope a good space!!!
Hi cock n babyjourney
U can start using the cream fr 3rd mth onwards ya..;) good to apply early too.. Btw, cock, ur tummy showing now right? So two more weeks will be ur detail scan..;) u still doing amino test? Oh ya, no worry abt weight.. Different pp hv different weight gain... As long as bbies r growing well, am sure u dun mind the extra weight gain on urself right..;) Take care..
Now i cant reach my toe nail n hb got to cut for me.. Hee.. Paiseh n shiok at the same time.. Also, i already cant walk long as i just walk half hr yesterday, already keep panting like just go for a run so u better get most things ready before ur 3rd trimester..;)
Hi cockcock, sent you PM on the contact.

Thanks BabyJourney for your compliment.

Hi Hazel, I got beco from the black friday sale previously as it was really cheap. But friend was telling about manduca and I read up about it and seems quite good so may want to try out that one if there's a promo too. Heh
Hi Kimmy,

which caterer did you use huh? good huh?
mi thinking of ordering a cake from beganwan solo too with free delivery above $150.

hi ladies,

BHG got lots of baby stuffs. last nite all 20% off ..happen to chance upon it when go there for good dinner ...yeah somehow felt the range quite comprehensive...lucki my hubby stopped me to to buy this and that ehheeh

have you all try the sacred tea from mum n babe to help to increase milk supply huh? does it really work huh?
i tot of ordering ....anyone order huh?
Hi Sashamama, thanks again for replying my pm. I managed to secure a CL. She is referred by one of my top choice CLs and seems quite good. My mil finds her ok too, hopefully will be a right choice when the time comes.

As for hospital tour, think a few of us are planning to go together but haven't decide on the date. Sashamama, when do you intend to do the tour?

I have also booked WBB's class already and got a good slot. Thanks to many sisters for the reminder.

Cockcock, can't join you in June as I won't be 20 wks yet for that course. Have you secured a seat for June's WBB's class?

Heartbeats, you are joining Bbjourney & me for WBB's class yeah? Hope, how about you? Coolcool, we might be in the same class leh..which timing did you choose?

Cockcock and Bbjourney, I have started applying the Clarins cream since 2nd month but not very disciplined..hehe. :p

Kimmy, thanks for your photographer's contact! It's great that you had a good time during your baby's first month party.
I think I will make my baby's man yue a very small scale one (just immediate family & close friends) but do a more elaborated 1st year party instead.

Mummies, pls advise... for diapers, heard not to buy too many of the same brand first as different baby may find certain brand is more suitable than others. So have to try out a few brands and see? Is this true?
Hi Baby, for the dry shampoo, it's for confinement use right? Just sprinkle onto hair daily? Just curious why can't we use normal shampoo plus cooled boiled water? It's 1 area I've not thought of, thanks for bringing it up

Hi Joanne, due to limited cc in Punggol, I've no choice but to research early and hopefully can make up our minds when baby is born. Hubby's workload will also increase from 4th quarter of the year onwards, so hoping don't have to bother him that much about cc visits, etc. then.

Kimmy, love your newborn pix, they are all so lovely
But the home photography is so much more pricey than doing at studio sigh... Can't agree more it's a good service though
Dear Shainie,

I know some sisters here drink Anmum materna milk, some drink fresh pasterised milk..not sure if anyone here drinks UHT milk? You like UHT milk? Do you know that during UHT treatment, some vitamins are destroyed? I don't drink UHT milk, perhaps other sisters here can advise you.
Faithfully and Sashamama, I just started the WBB class, last Sunday. Geeez...there were 52 couples, (i think last minute added 20+ couples fr another class) ended up room was quite warm for comfort. But the yoga exercises were quite enjoyable, definitely much milder than prenatal yoga, makes me wonder if prenatal yoga is overdoing it hmm... Were there as many couples for your class?

Just a few things I've learnt about diet that I'll like to share with those interested

WBB advice for birdnests, to brew with nothing else but rock sugar. That's because if were to brew with say, red dates and/ or pao sheng, the essence from bird nests will be stripped off. So just FYI for ladies taking birdnests.

For cordyceps, she says it's very good for the kidney and liver but 2 worms per brew is sufficient. I'm brewing 2 small bundles each time, think I'll keep to this portion. Same as birdnests, best to brew cordyceps on it's own, without pao sheng and the misc.

Both birdnests and cordyceps are optional, only for those interested.

For those who suffers from frequent indigestion, WBB suggested to avoid food that causes fermentation inside the stomach e.g. grapes. Also to avoid fruits and drinking too much water after meals. Fruits are best taken in between meals, on empty stomach, otherwise if taken with food, may cause further indigestion as fruits will mix with our meals and may cause fermentation and subsequently indigestion. Hope this helps.

I also went for my hospital tour last weekend. I realized it doesn't matter when it's done as, on the day of admission, ward is issued on a first-come-first-serve basis and also depending on if there is any emergency cases.

As I went for the 10am session, we were only allowed to view 1 room, the rest were all occupied
So for those planning to do hospital tour, perhaps it'll be better to go for the afternoon tour, as checkout is at 12pm. Our tour facilitator wasn't very good, couldn't answer most of our questions, so I felt it was a bit of a waste of our time since we can view the rooms online too. I subsequently managed to get clarifications from other tmc personnels. Fortunately there are a few facilitators for this

Also just FYI, I've confirmed that should one feels uncomfortable after midnight and needing medical attention, should visit TMC delivery suit (go straight to L2 using the lift near the pharmacy) instead of TMC 24 hrs clinic. Alternatively KKH 24 hrs clinic is good too.
