(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Thanks Sisters!

Getting very tired these days, been sleeping and sleeping.. I am 34 wks. Going to start drinking coconut juice soon

My friend just popped at 35wks, baby at 3.25kg.. Nice weight

Hi Heartbeats, i have 2 friends with twins, babies at gd weight range, so dont worry, rest more, drink more water, eat balanced meals

Chris, I know which one u bought at h&m.. I wanted to buy but my mum around. I guess I will go on sat morning to shop at 10am, quick one cos need to shower elis if not likevtoday she only showered at 3pm. So dirty! Yeah!!! Elis is talking to me again, her aaa ahhhh, geegee, Kk oh oh r back she smiled a lot as I rock her and sing her lullaby song... So happy now I have to work on her poo....
Meryl, I did nt drink coconut until week 38. Juz go rest more if u need to. Trust me u will not enjoy yr 'me' time or sleep time when bb is born. U have more to worry like yr milk flow, bb making noise, bb crying, etc. Did dr Loh anticipate when u will deliver?
Hi hazel
Ur maid really gd life.. My maid oways sleep only at 10pm n my hb say is so gd life liao.. And urs at 8plus!! Just now she got nothing to do at 9plus n start to tidy the plastic bag herself without we asks her to do.. Think she cant stop to rest, must find something to do herself.. N she wake up at 6:15am daily on wkdays n 7am on wkend. Now we asks her do spring cleaning whole place.. Drawer by drawer take out to clean it.. Today she clean up two kichen cabinets n our fridge with my hb help..;)
Nothing much for her to do now.. Think after my son exam, we can trust her to be at home n go out ourselves ler if i can still move..;) think watch movie shd be fine.... Now Feel so awkward to hv her with us go shopping..

Btw, kimmy n hazel,
Thot if we sign up maid this year, can no need follow the new rules next year of giving 4 off days in a mth? As my agency say no need give her off days for next two years till contract renew so we only pay her $20 extra now for no off day..
The 4 days off day in a mth will take effect after contract is renew 2yrs later..

Hi gals
Got a bad dream last night.. Dream of am ttc n af come n was so disappointed.. Lucky just a dream and am glad to hv my both darling in my tummy now.. Pray hard they can stay healthy all the way n give birth to them healthily...
J03, my cupboard stuff all cleaned already in the day. My plastic bag is tidied on the spot. So they r all neatly kept away. My mil maid will watch tv at night withy mil till bed time. But my maid does not seem to enjoy tv. Or maybe fun enjoy the channels hubs watch. I m still coaxing belle to sleep after feeding!
Hi Meryl
So excited as u will be next to pop.. Does ur friend bb need to go to special care since bb born at 35wks but at a gd weight? I hope if bbies r at a gd weight n born early oso no need to go for special care.....
Hi hazel
Wah.. With a bb n ur maid still hv time to clean cupboard.. Think she does things quite fast.. I presume mine will get more busy after bbies arrival as she got to wash alot of cloth diaper n bbies shirt using hands..;)
Just curious, if u hv two bbies, will u take care ur own too or left one bb with ur maid?
J03, i hv posted a few times that the maid does not take care of belle. If so, why does my maid has no time to clean the inside of cupboards? Bb clothes are machine washed. No need hand wash unless they r soiled with poo or belle's vomit. Hand washing may end up consuming more water! Belle does not hv lots of clothes, day n night wear - 2 sets, 1 towel, 1 set of booties and mittens, and 1-2 hankerchief. She has nv use cloth nappies from day 1. We use only disposable diapers.

Some of my clothes which r more fragile, I asked her to hand wash though and also all white colored clothes, hand wash.

With twins, also no need the maid to take care of one bb. My mum n dad are around to help. I defintely dun wan the bb Ho be close to the maid. If so, the maid will be indispensable. Also, if maid takes care of bb, cannot scold her hor! If not, later vent the anger on bb n ill treat the bb.
Chris, Catherine, we hv been carrying n patting belle to sleep since an hr ago! And she is still fussing!! Every night is like this! Argh!! I leave her in the cot now n she is making alot of noise! When can she dun fuss n cry at sleeping time?
Hazel, same we have been coaxing elis since 9.40pm. She juz slept. Part of it was my fault the door bang bcos i din close properly. I also want to know when this will end!!!!

Joanne, like hazel I also machine wash. Elis daily load sometimes can take up as much as 5 bamboos!!!! If i have to do our laundry i will wash her clothes in the afternoons. no space to dry. Only My mum hand wash.
Catherine, will elis struggles, kicks n cries while u coax her to sleep. Belle will Loh n best Part is her eyes are heavy! She finally fell asleep at 12am. But the moment I placed her down on bed, she cried! So I carries her till 2am before I Put her down. All the way till 630 am where she wanted milk.
Hi Catherine

Noted and agree .. Haha.. But I do hope to pop early because of bad reflux. I am getting cramp now and then, not feeling comfortable. Dr loh didnt say much, but I think he will do GBS the next visit

Hi Joanne
My friend bb does not require to stay in the nicu. Another friend bb with bb weight at 2kg and born at 36 weeks ( same condition as mine) also does not require nicu too.
Hi Hazel
I see.. My parent dun stay with me so when day time, my mum with maid help to take care so if both cry, may need maid help ler... At night only me n hb so if both put in same bedroom, one cry n may wake the other one up.. So oso abit headache?? Hope i can cope with two myself n hb as i oso dun want maid to be close to them.. Rather they be close to my mum at least..
As for housework, mine will be more busy i presume as going handwash all cloth diaper, sterilize the bottles n housework etc.. Last time i handwash my boy clothes for one year since his not alot then.. But this time, think bb wear clothes will use machine wash as i feel cleaner too..;)

Hi catherine
My mum oso like to handwash most of her own clothes.. But like u say is worthwhile to use washine machine if lots of clothes..
Hi Meryl
I see.. Tts great.. Hope if bbies born at gd weight but born early will not need to be in special care provided their lung mature too.. Thks for ur advise n may u hv a smooth delivery.. I understand how u feel especially i worry more as at 3rd trimester, bbies will grow at faster rate... Now already feel uncomfy in office... Hope month end will come fast then i can rest at home.. Think two days ago i feel some cramp but only a while.. Think is braxton hicks? Anyway, u take care n hv a smooth delivery.. Am sure u want time pass fast too..;)
Joanne, u should consider disposable diaper. It's cleaner and save time. My fren who had twins took care of bb herself from 2 weeks old till now. Bb r now 3.5 yrs old. She send to nanny on weekdays when she goes to work. Hubby is v wild type if he is home he wil help out. she told me if one cry while u r handling the other, let him/her cry. Must learn to q up. I saw an ang moh at tanglin mall with cloth diaper and it's v v v v dirty as compared to elis. I use the cloth diaper as elis pillow, cover her when fan blow on her, act as her seat lining. And I wash it daily. I can't imagine if u r using on yr twins, how many cloth diaper u need to buy, wash and sun daily,

Meryl, I had the same thinking like u, y not pop early to save my problems. But if bb comes out early and give u more headache like health issue, crying, u rather they b in yr womb which is nice and warm. Elis was out 5 days earlier cos I induce her. I guess she was not ready to b out that's y she gave us lots of issue like cry once we go out etc. Try to drink yakult. My gynae told me to drink if I have refluxes

Hazel, yes she loves to do that whether it's day or night ESP if it's me who is carrying. My hubby told me I din give elis a gd relaxing position that's y she does that. He always have to change position till she keep quiet. Same lor Her eyes will b big big staring at u, smile, cry if u keep patting her.
J03, just to share. One of my gf manages a pair of twins with no maid. U hv to separate the twins at night during sleep. Even during the day, she celebrate them. She takes care of one while her mum takes care of the other at her own Plc. She alternate the twins to be with her mum. In the evening she brings the twin with her mum home. Night time, she takes care of one her hub takes care of the other. She told me hub needs to be b hands on. Guess u fun hv this issue since ur hub v hands on.
hi Meryl,

good to hear that u are also progressing well. did dr loh discusss the birth plan with you huh? what is the baby's weight now huh?

Hi J03,

tink is normal to have some worries but i also believe that hopefully we jus move with the flow and cross the bridge when time comes hehee
cos no one know what is in the future too. yeah guess you are also feeling the anxiety now ....esp you are having twins hehe jus to share, my fren whom have one boy and one gal also managed by employing one maid and herself to take care. initially is tough but no worries, when she get the hang of it, she is okie now. her twins now alrealdy one year plus old liao ....furthermore, you have one boy alreadly eheh experienced too hehee so you sure can do it one ...

yesterday nite pop by raffles city to have dinner and went to robinson..saw lots of people taking the $5 voucher and pay separately to enjoy the discount hehehe
NUK detergent was on offer hehee
Hi Catherine,

Please share your experience about Dr Tan HH... thanks.

Hi heartbeat,

The nurse mention that she had confirm with Dr Tan that I should stop taking the aspirin once I fins. I really hope it is ok.

I am not even sure whether my aspirin is baby aspirin, the packet did not mention baby...

Will have to check with Dr Tan on May 16. Anyway I am also taking Dr Zou Chinese medi all the way till now, I think my bbs should be doing well...
Throll, u can take aspirins till a few wks before delivery. I hv a history of miscarriages so I took aspirins till 36 wks. I saw dr tan a few times too when dr Loh was on leave n he is ok for me to take aspirins too coz of my history.
Actually, kk Ivf is quite quiet now with dr Loh gone. I brought belle there last mth to say hi to the sonographer there. Dr S likes to do d5 batocast transfer n wan quality of life. Only left dr tan hh who is more experienced. The rest too green. No wonder dr Loh still works like a dog in pte practice. :p
Hi Catherine
If we go out n night time, we will use pampers.. Only at home day time then i use cloth diaper.. Usually we wash when he pee once so wun get too dirty.. Still manageable for my boy last time n both my parent side encourage cloth diaper too..
Now with maid, i think still can manage to use cloth diaper.. ;)

Hi hazel n sunbelle
Thks for ur suggestion..
As ur friend not working so they can alternate between herself n mum place.. Hope my mum can manage two herself after i goto work... Yes, will asks my hb to help but we r sleeping together so both cots got to be in our bedrm else hard to check if one is crying since my elder boy in his own rm n am not going to leave the other bb in maid bedroom as she may take care bb herself without wake me up.. My hse only got 3bedrooms so really bobian ler.. Now can only pray hard tt 船到桥头自然直。;)

Hi throll
I am still taking cardiprin (aka asprin) till date..;)
Hi sunbelle, one of them is me lor I took 4 vouchers + what I have In my mailers heehee... This morning my mum told me she regret not buying more. I told her to go again with me... Unfortunately elis need to go pd tonight if not I cheong again. Mayb I will go tomorrow night....

Hi hazel, I saw a gynae in Kk previously and saw her walking around ivf centre. She has black curly hair and look like south african. U know who she is?? I quite like her...

Hi Joanne, Juz to share with u on laundry. I never expect it to b so tough. Every 2-3 days I have to do my hubby and my laundry. We change our clothes everyday even if wear 1 hr only. Imagine if we go out, outdoor clothes 1 set, home clothes 1 set. Then yr son's uniform? towels, bedsheets?? Mattress protector? Like this morning Elis milk spill onto my bed change both bedsheet and mattress protector. Juz finish my laundry no space to hang anymore. I still have not do elis laundry. Unless u have a big space to hang yr laundry its really not possible to wash cloth diapers everyday.

Hi Throll, I dun want to speak ill of him anymore. Scare bad karma. All I can say is I wrote 2 complain letter to prof ivy Ng cc moh. Dr tan is not caring unlike dr loh or my gynae, always in a rush dun bother to understand yr feelings and problems. PAtients r always not important mayb i sway appt always cancelled . Even if there was a mistake, will not admit or recognize mistake has been done. Even my husband feels uncomfy with dr tan too. Gd luck with him
Joanne, you can stil use cloth nappies but don't handwash them. What I did for my gal was to rise off any poo or pee and to soak them in a pail with the detergent first. Then I wash them at night together with her clothes in the washin machine. so they are still clean and save time handwashing them. They are quite thin so nomally can dry quite fast overnight.

Im having a problem now getting my gal to sleep in her own room. Trying to persuade her to do so before bb comes out.
Hi Throll, as long as its checked and confirmed with Dr Tan though i am still very perplexed why he stop your aspirin. Should be the same aspirin we all take from ET, whether baby aspirin is just a name. You see, Hazel and Joanne also took bb aspirin till late pregnancy. Anyway, its not as important as progesterone so not that critical, as long as everything is ok and you are assured.
Joanne, u sure u want to put the 2 bb in yr room? To 1 stage I can tell u, yr hubby will b dead tired he will not get up. Like mine, he will not get up on weekdays cos need to work and at night help to look after Elis and put her to bed. Sometimes on weekends too be get up late. Now I still close 1 eye cos im at home. I can sleep lesser nvm. Like my fren she sleep with bb and make together if not she also can't handle

Hazel, belle ok?? Elis slept from 12.44am till 8.45am My hubby la open my walk in wardrobe to shower and blow his nose. Really wish she sleep earlier.

Chris, u at in law there is it? Yr dog how??
Joanne, Catherine, i am torn for the same issue too. Ideally i want babies with me in my room but dont want to disturb hb as he still needs to work. But i cant handle 2. Was thinking maybe maid sleep with me (help with night feed) and babies, hb sleep in another room. But then i paranoid, what if maid in the middle of night smother me or babies with pillow? Think i watched too much crime movies.
heartbeat, u are so funny. I think partly u find it uncomfortable coz maid not like family mah, how to sleep in same room?
really not easy to decide esp with 2. hee
Joanne, if your mum can handle 2, really peifu.

My mum also helping me. But i alone cannot handle 2, i dont expect my mum who is older and less stamina to handle 2. Dont want her to over tire and get into health probs. Even if my dad help, i think they still need a maid to help pick up after them wash things etc while they remain main caregivers to my babies.

Maybe i will quit to be SAHM for a while till they can go playgroup/nursery.
Pierced, ya lor. If not is maid sleep on her own, hb also in another room then me with babies in my room. But that means once babies wake, i have to make mad dash to wake maid in her room then drag her with me to help feed. Haiz~ hopefully can work!
Hi Catherine
Tts why i am headache. I hope can dun disturb hb since he needs to work.. I know he will help but i just hope i can take care myself as he driving so i will worry too..last time when i go back to work, both of us rotate.. He feed one night n i feed the other night so we can rest alternate day.. Day time i will go mum place to sleep when she help me.. Hope bbies can sleep thru fr 4th mths onwards else i sure panda too.. So now i oso not sure wht will be the outcone??

Do u gals let ur bb sleep in aircon rm?

Hi heartbeat
I know wht u mean as i am scare too so i tell hb to lock son n my rm when sleep. Though we seldom scold her but a stranger still a stranger so better be safe.. I feel so insecure the first few days when she comes n i didnt lock my son room..lol.. I dun want sleep with maid as feel awkward to sleep with an outsider..;p i like my bed n i dun want breath in the air fr my maid too..;p think poor hb will hv to disturb by bbies cry but will try let him sleep n i feed them myself.. He dun sleep alot nowadays too.. ;p
Catherine, belle slept till close to 10am n I woke her up to shower as the massage sin seh is coming at 11.

Now am off to h&m n Robinson! ;)

J03, I hv other friends who hv their mum to come n stay with them on wkdays. Or some actually move bk to stay with parents coz of bbs. Is always a choice u hv to make.. Ie u wan bbs to be close to maid or you/hubs/grandparents. Once you hv decided, u stick to it. If u r working after ML, defintely u need your maid to take care. Your mum cannot handle alone. If ur twins r as demanding as belle n elis, I can assure u, ur mum n maid will be too biz attending to them n has no time for other things. :p

My aspirin 100mg is taken from day 2 of menses for 30 days. So when I BFP I was told to continue taking it. My last dosage was only yesterday.

Everyone else took from ET onwards?
Wan to share something. If u hv Friends who failed Ivf a few times despite no issues to their womb, you may wan to share with them so that they can fulfil their dreams of motherhood.

My gf failed 3x fresh cycles and a few FETs under a few famous drs here, incl dr SF Loh. She has no underlying issues but was nv able to get pregnant naturally or with Ivf. She got to know of Alpha medical clinic, Dato dr colin lee in KL, Malaysia. He is a v reputable Ivf doc in kl, super fast in tests done as he has his own lab. He offered a chromosome test which is not allowed in SG. Ie, the fertilized embyros r tested for chromosome abdnormalities before transfer. My gf has 6 embyros. All tested, 4 abdnormal, one normal and one unknown. Only the last 2 embyros were transferred n the rest discarded. She is now pregnant! So, all the guesses fr drs here that embyros hv chromosome defects, n thus no implantation despite a healthy womb is correct. This test is prohibited here coz it allows the couple to choose the gender of the embyros to be transferred too. Coz the test can tell the gender of the embyro.

Now, the cost factor. The ivf cost RM39k, which incl lots of support n the ex chromosome test. The latter cost RM$15k. RM39k after conversion is not ex at all compared to the Ivf cost in pte clinics in SG. The latter may even cost more if there r so much support.

My gf went back n forth abt 4 times before ER. She stayed 1 weeks before egg retrivel and another 2 wks in KL after ET to tested bfp. Living expenses in kl for that 3 wks cost Abt RM110 per night. Rm80 daily for food in a Hotel just opp clinic.

She told me that she knows other couPles too who succeeded with this chromosome test to choose a normal embyro with no defects to transfer.

Of course if all embyros r defective, then hv to abort the ET. Coz no pt, implantation is v low n even if it does, miscarriages r v high top. Save the trouble of the need to do Oscar checks too when pregnant.

can google the clinic n Colin lee online.
heartbeat, yup both my previous colleagues who had twins decided to take leave instead to look after their kids coz i think reall no easy to handle both at one time.
wont be easy to work unless u have a lot of help from others beside the maid.

Hazel, so nice! to go shopping! I want to go h&M too. is the sale still on? Their maternity clothes sell out so quickly.
Heartbeat, lol... But hor u really never know what can happen. Maid can also say they dun have enough rest!! If u can b a sahm y not? Honestly their smiles r worth million of $. Like how I sing and play with elis last night she is so lovely. Even my hubby agree. But when they cry u really wish u r working

Honestly speaking yr hubby will run out of energy v soon if u put bb with u. Initially my hubby and I jump out of bed when elis cry. 10 weeks already he sort of Bo chap her when she cries at night. I have to jump out of bed cos she sleeps beside me and I m not working ma... But I sleep early like 11pm whereas hubby will coax Elis to bed. Haha..

Joanne, if my husband sleep with us yes she has aircon. If with me only then no only have fan. Sinseh recommend no aircon for elis but hubby cannot sleep without aircon. So have to give and take.
I must really ask Dr Tan why I am taking aspirin different from others and now ask to stop... Really hope my bbs are ok. Cant wait to see how many I am carrying...
Joanne I agree with hazel. Like my confinement I went to my parents. My mum also stayed over at my place when my dad went for holidays.

Hazel, I feel I m being bullied. Like yesterday I went to robinsons elis is a v gd child she juz drink her milk, sleep v well, never give my hubby nightmare or fuss. My hubby can eat breakfast peacefully and watch movie on funshion. Same for my mum if we send elis over. She will b v guai too. That's y no one believe what I m gg thru daily.

Pierced,h&m has a v small range of maternity clothes in sg as compared to Europe. When u r successful to kick yr gal out of yr room pls share how u did it
Hazel, yu GUo sinseh says that elis nostril is v thin. She may b using her mouth to breathe instead of nose if sleep in aircon that's y it's recommended no aircon for her. Come next mth when she is in IFC of cos aircon for at least 10 hrs for her. And weather will b v hot next mth aircon is a must!!!!
hi catherine, chris and hazel, kimmy, Bbliss,

do you all use disposable underwear for the whole month of confinment huh? cos i hrd some confinemnent ladies dun wash undies one...yeah ....
catherine, i have never seen the sg maternity wear in h&m yet. My bro just came back from UK so asked him to help me get some stuff but theey already all sold out. guess i wont count on getting any fr here too.

hee, i will. she used to sleep in her own room but last yr we were in Germany when hb stationed there so she had to share a rm wth us. so ended up she's so used to sleeping in our rm now. can still crawl into our bed in the middle of the night. askd her we get a bed for her, she say put the bed in our room! then ask her her room who is going to use? she say her mei mei.
Throll, my doctor didn't ask me to continue taking aspirin once I finished what I had shortly after bfp. So far I think it's ok for me as my baby is growing well. But different individuals have different needs, thus do speak to your doctor bah.
Hi Shainie, I had my week 6 scan at KKH, hubby was allowed to go in, perhaps it's plausible now

Hi Meryl, congrats on passing the 2kg mark and fluid level normalized. All the best to your upcoming GBS test
btw, just curious besides durian and plenty rest, did you try anything else?

Hi Sunbelle, I'm soooo tempted to check out current sale but still under dr's instructions to bed rest, so I guess I'll wait till GSS. Btw I found that my previous week's Robinsons purchases were much better discounts than the Baby Expo one, maybe that why so many swears by Robinsons
You've got all your purchases done?
Hi Catherine, during my wedding, my SIL was pregnant then and brought her son to our new home, so can jump on our bed hee.... But she didn't enter our bedroom due to this baby pantang. I think it's the same reason why many wedding couples choose to not invite preggers in 3rd trimester. As to if it's accurate/ true, I think it depends on individual, some people seems to be more affected by the pantang 'forces' whilst others are not. Don't worry about it, it's all water under the bridge now, so hard to pinpoint to an event sometimes

Hi Joanne and Baby, thanks for the dry shampoo tip. Hmm...this 'cannot wash hair during first couple of days' is a real issue
I get oily scalp if weather is hot, in fact with the warmer weather now, I'm starting to feel more scalp irritation and a bit more hair fall, sigh.... Ok, I'll explore the dry shampoo option, thanks.
Joanna - Hi ! Congrats on your Twins! I know of you since previously.

Just to share, it will be very difficult for 1 adult to handle twin infants. I'm not saying its not possible (there are others I know that have done so) but it will be difficult so be prepared.

As the twins progess I would suggest getting help in form of your mother/ mil/ nanny for 1 of the infant cos I think you would know that they get harder as they grow older.

They be more mobile like wriggling away when changing diaper, have to start to feed them solids.

I resisted getting maid till now, my twins 1yr old already. Additional help is needed now to take care of them.

I was lucky that both my mother & mil are willing to care for them thru-out the week (day & night). But it was super tough.

From my observations there are easy bb's & difficult bb's, if both ur twins easy then thank god lor.... if both difficult OMG ... anyway mine is combi of 1 easy 1 difficult. For us we feel its best to have 3 adults to 2 babies.
Hi sisters, sorry to interrupt, but HELP!!! How come my stomach bloated till I feel it is bursting? Hv any of u ever experience this? Terribly uncomfy!

Sunbelle, yes i wore disposible panty. More hygenic

Pierced the maternity wear at h&m is at the bb section. Not a lot la... I got mine in Europe too. H&m has a bit of sales only not much
