(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Shainie, maybe it depends on type of scanning, maybe high risk scanning like for miscarriages, they dont allow hb but maybe for normal scanning like first scan/oscar scan, they do allow. When i was miscarrying previously, i also had my scan (but i was at ADC, not AMC leh) with hb asked to wait outside. But my first scan at AMC, they welcomed hb in.

So i think first scan your hb will be allowed in, dont see why not. If they refused, you tell them you feel better with hb around and ask hb sing the same tune. But seriously i think they will allow bah, first scanning is always a very anticipated ocassion for parents, if they reject, surely alot of parents will complain.

Oh but hor, there may be no chair for hb to sit. Mine stood thru out but he didnt mind lah, hehehe, his eyes were all glued to the screen. The sonographers will tell you where the sacs, yolk sacs, measure babies and show you heartbeats, very heartwarming.

Chris, you are a very kind and responsible dog owner! Its such a blessing for your dog to have you.

Meryl, wow, thats great! 2kg good weight, by the time birth will put on somemore. I hope mine will have 2kg minimum at birth, though should be tough.

Angel, maybe put mosquito coils near the window or door near your neighbour plants? Hopefully kill or prevent them from entering your house. But long term solution your neighbour should make sure no breeding grounds, very dangerous to old people, pregnant women and young children. I even have a bad idea (if all else fails), to ask NEA come on pretext of spot checks, maybe they can teach your neighbour how to stop breeding also.
Hi Meryl
Glad to hear ur bb is growing well now.. How many wks r u now? Think u will pop next right? Take care...

Hi Tromso
Yes, no hair wash till after 2wks.. Then wash with herbal water n shampoo.. Really feel miserable tt time..;)

Hi baby
What brand is the dry shampoo? Is tt useful? Maybe will go check it out so can use..;) how r u? How many wk le? N how heavy is ur bb le?

Hi hazel n kimmy
I totally agree with wht u gals say.. I dun want maid to take care my babies too as 不放心. Also like wht Hazel says, dun want maid to be close to our kids.. But somehow i wonder can i cope with 2 bbies myself? If i put them together in my room at night, will one cry n wake the other up? Abit unsure whether i can cope..;( but really dun wish to left one bb in maid room.. How? As if she do something, we oso cant see... Any suggestion?
My maid so far so gd.. Abit slow in doing things but at least hardworking... Same like Hazel, i dun like her to follow us out go shopping.. Imagine so uncomfy to hv a gal follow u around.. N she looks at the pricing of the item sell in singapore too... But hazel, can ur maid cook? U dare to eat her cook food? I still abit skeptical abt their hygiene level n really worry if i asks her cook her dinner herself while we go out, can she manage the stove.. Still got many worries but i got to let her try though.. Btw, u oso bring her go see movie today?

Hi heartbeat n tromso
Regarding abt wedding dinner, i conclude tt we dun go during first trimester n is ok to go during 2nd n 3rd trimester.. When i hv my boy last time, i attend my gd friend wedding dinner at 3rd trimester too... Also my mil say no to newly wed tea ceremony n their room thruout our pregnancy..
As for bb cot, we cant assemble till baby born?? Tt i didnt heard of n i think shd be ok to get it assemble at 3rd trimester ba else isnt it very rush if didnt get it ready before bb discharge? How abt chris, catherine, hazel n kimmy.. U gals never assemble ur bb cot till give birth to them? My mil say cant cut hair at 3rd trimester as will result preterm like my sil.. Give birth at 36th wk after cut hair.. Hmm...

Welcome throll..;)

Hi gals, bb, tromso, sasha
Can i check do ur water discharge get more n more as u progress to later part of pregnancy? I feel abit more wet down there at late afternoon recently, not sure is it normal?? Yesterday Start to feel diffcult to sit for long as still slotch, tail bone pain due to weight.. Sit straight, bbies uncomfy n kick hard... Think cant work very soon..

Hi babyjourney
I use elancyl for stretch mark cream last time for my boy n now.. So far gd.. No stretch mark but i heard this stretch mark thing is by gene too.. My mum dun hv so i think i follow her too... Some apply cream deligently will oso hv so hard to say can avoid or not if apply cream.. Hmm...


my in-laws think tat me and hbs is stupid to spend on our dogs since they are incurable..But hbs rebutted them and told them " so if u have high blood pressure and diabetes then we leave u alone and dun give u medicine just becos u are old already and useless and leave u to die la." Like our dog has kidney disease so he needs the pills to regulate the toxins and provides the necessary vitamins so is like any diabetes patient out there who needs to take daily medication." but i have no regrets after going to the vet cos they gave us valuable advices on wat to expect etc. Like at least we know wat to look out, like the signs etc to bring them in and put them to sleep rather than bochap and let them die a slow and terrible death at home just cos we wanna save the $$$. Is very cruel lor esp after we heard from one of the vets how her auntie's dog suffered during her last 2 days and her death was painful and gruesome. We don't wanna our dogs to go thro it.

tat's alot of patang, like cannot drill hole, assemble bb stuff etc..but hbs bochap n we waited till like 1-2 weeks before EDD then we assemble the bed and clean everything. cos too early assemble will trap dusts leh then u need to continue to clean everytime. heehee...
Shainie they will let ur dh in.. if they dun u tell them nurse say can n u wan him to go in.. no appetite try eat less more meals..i oso eat less more meal.. no gain or loss weight..
Chris, you and hb have the right mindset, very healthy and very good example for your children to learn. Its all about responsibility and a sense for humanity. Dog is also a life, if only know how to play with them when they cute and healthy but dont bother when they old and sick, then the owner is not one fit to be. Thats why i say your dogs very blessed. I think hard to find dedicated and passionate owners like you two. Especially harder to cultivate such good values for the future generation.

we all went to cut hair during 3rd trimester cos during confinement will be very warm especially now going to summer weather getting hotter. i cut my hair on the day before i was admitted for delivery.
Chris, yr pm usually goes Into my junk box. I m on bus to orchard. Decided not to drive cos I need to go h&m, taka and robinsons. If buy a lot juz request for delivery. Ya brought voucher but intend to ask for more. I agree u r a responsible dog owner. Juz remember karma!!!!! R U gg back to sunset way? My mum said clementi central has a shop that sells cheap bb clothes. I may go later to buy long pants, and shorts for elis.

Meryl i m v happy for u. Dun think u need my pre born bb clothes...
Waa Joanne, then my hair how? Havent cut since ET till now, already grown 2 inches and getting unruly liao. If wait till birth then cut i will become 'qian nian lao yao' le.

Hehehe actually even if i not pantang and want to cut, hb forbid. He say salons alot of chemical smell not good for pregnant mummy.
Sashamama, can i request and trouble you to PM your list/spreadsheet for getting ready baby items? Just realised i am more clueless than i thought when it comes to shopping for baby. Yesterday went NTUC, got 1 whole section on baby items from teats to bottles to diapers etc ... i just stood there and totally lost where to start to take notes. End up i give up, just walk away.

Thanks very much in advance! hehehe

not going bk there hahaha very out of the way. yup i believe in karma!!! Think i'll go robinson later for a walk, H&M got sale? yup i got to leave bb with in-laws 1st before we can go and also got to go their place to do the drip for my dog. hahaha i afraid of needles so hbs learnt fr vet how to put the drip in for my dog. like last time when i embark on so-iui and ivf i also discussed with hbs if he dare to poke needle for me daily cos i got no guts, i can bear the pain but just daren't poke needle in hahahaha unlike some of my fren very daring cos her hbs daren't do it for her so she did it herself all the way.. steady pom pee pee ..
Waa all going shopping today?!

Today my 2nd day out to the malls since BFP, hehehehe, later going for a show and maybe shop abit around there.

Watching Avengers cos hb is crazy about it. This morning he even attempted to brief me who is who in the show, machiam revise for exams. I only know the incredible hulk, hahahaha .. i only agreed to go cos of the popcorn! hahahaha, hope babies will enjoy the popcorn!

so nice u got the tickets, hiaz i went in tooo late yesterday all the tickets sold out ah!!!! sobs...sobs...


yes get a small flat pillow and put in on your seat, i did it and it helps to relieve the pressure on my bums and tail bone area.
Joanne, i also got problems sitting in office. Think we cannot sit too upright? Maybe need to slant 45 degrees? I gonna follow Chris suggestion bring a small pillow to office tomorrow.

hahahah me tooo.. last time i also just stand and stare at the diapers!!! hahaha even diapers got alot of brand n hbs n me just need to buy newborn diapers but we just stared at it for 20mins hahahahaaaa then ended up called our frenz for help and she told us buy mammy poko cos strong absorbent. So we bought 1 packet for then later we buy tried other brands like huggies ultra etc.
Ya Chris, even teats all sort shapes and sizes, faint~ ah! If i can already be so clueless, hb will be even worse if i send him run errands to buy things next time. I better prepare as much as i can.

Sashamama, i PMed you so its easier for you to just reply and attach file. Take your time, no hurry ok?
Shaine, hubs can go in for all scans at AMC and ADC. When is vagina scan, hubs may ask to go out for a while when u remove your underdies. After that, he will be asked to come in again. The sonographer dun allow, kick up a big fuss meh! Confirmed hubs can be by your side.

J03, I didn't attend Any wedding thru out When preg with belle. Even relatives one I didn't go. My big boss ever told me that wedding dinner is v loud. May scare The unborn bb. He told me off when I lost Gwen in first pregnancy when he heard I went. For bb cot, yea, I didn't aasemble until bb is born.

yup even teats we stare at it for nearly 1hr hahahaha blur blur us. Then we just buy 2 bottles try out 1st from pigeon wide neck. Cos if u buy too many bottles and your bb doesn't like the teats then u got to buy again. like my sil she bought a few bottles and she has alot tat her frens gave to her but end up her bb dun like the teat and she got to go and buy NUK bottles and teat cos the ones tat used by TMC. For me heng ah, my clariss anything also can not particular about teats and bottles as long as got milk can liao. So from newborn i already let her try different teats liao.
Cos when she was 5wks old she got colic and we need to switch to anti-colic bottles fr Dr brown and Bfree the teats are different but heng she not choosy at all just suck all the way. phew.

okie okie wait till clariss wakes up i'll asked hbs to go with me to have a look. i personally likes baby Gap clothes, cos some of them are quite cute. Might wanna wait for GSS.
wow Meryl, happie to hear that everything is well
i fully agree durians help hehee

yeah Shaine : i tink hubby can go in leh ..i remeber last time can go in leh...maybe can request and ask again ...it is touching to see the baby's movement together ...

Bbliss : another 2 more months to go hehehe great that both you and kimmy have completed your confinememnt now..the weather is very hot these days....yeah so not easy to do a confinement really....

Kimmy : igonre what your MIL say..yeah is hard but bo pianz....maybe she jus wans the whole family to sit down and have a reunion meal together....might ask your hubby to tok to her ..is easier i guess being her son.....

wow catherine : any good buys in robinsons huh? chris baby : no worries, you are a pet lover so your two dogs will also appreciate what you have done for them.

jus to share OG oso got sales for baby stuffs hehee
Hi J03,

I oso got back ache and also neck and shoulder ache heheh maybe is my posture that is causing the pain...yeah nowadays i try to exercise those areas to make them less painful...

chris baby lots of beautiful gal pajamas at OG albert one...very big size like 9 months and 12 months one...and quite cheap too......hubby stopped me from buying them cos my house got lotsa of preloved new pajamas....hehheheh

wonder anyone got a chinese herbs to buy list to share huh? thinking of buying some herbs to stock up next leh.....

thanks!! u going shopping today??? if yes, might wanna consider robinsons so far their sales better than OG and elsewhere.
Welcome Throll : age is jus a number hehehe think positively hehehe
everything will be smooth and well =)

Hi Tromso : you can pop down to OG and BHG to continue shopping if u are feee hehhee
Shainie, mine was v scan. Hb was already in the room when i had to remove my panties. They also didnt chase him out. Haiz~ dont know what logic they must chase hb out when we remove panties, as if hb never see before meh. My hb say see until dont want to see ah!

I agree with Hazel, if they dont allow (which i think unlikely), you scold them. Such a special moment how can they deprive your hb!
Hi Joanne,
I don't know the brand yet as my friend has not passed to me. Good or not ah? My friends keep asking me to standby one lor. Because July is really hot weather, don't think can tahan not washing hair for even 2-3 days, so might be able to reduce the itchiness hehe.

I'm at Orchard now, so good to be here early, not so many ppl, can slowly browse the stuffs

I'm at 29wks now, bb weight not sure yet. My coming appt is on Friday, shall update u again.

I can't sit for too long too, will feel pain at my tail bone there. I always try to walk in between, not to sit too long.
hi chrisbaby, think today takes a break cos sure lots of people hehe have been to OG n BHG last two days heheeh

weather is really very very hot leh
Heartbeats, i complain abt hvg backaches to Dr M last sat, she said i must becareful of my posture n sit up straight leh.
Heartbeat, if the sonographer is a guy or there is a guy in the room other than hubby, hub will be asked to leave the room when we take out the underdies. If all female n hub is the only guy, no need to go out while we prepare.
Chris, I was a bit late to reach Robinson. Got there at 1045 cos I went to taka to check out what I can buy from my voucher. Then h&m to c clothes too. Siao lor a lot of ppl buy the $119 toy. By 11.30, full of pp. My mum and I were slow. Saw pigeon bb wipes, 6 packet for $19.50. We thought later then take cos heavy ma by the time we r ready to pay, all the wipes were gone. Saw a woman bought a lot! There were a lot of preggy women and bb there. All buy the sterilizer at $199.

If u ladies r buying milk bottle, robinson sells avent bottle 3 for $29.90. Og sell 2 for $30.90. I bought the og one cos it's a better kind of bottle.

Chris, I refused to do iui bcos of the injection. I cried few days b4 the appt then hubby say ok we try ivf. The pj at h&m is $12.90. Oh ya I bought casualmwear for elis at Robinson. 5 for $10. Cheap right I like the quality ... Oh ya I went taka saw the Carter clothes. Wah so ex. Will buy more from kitty.

Heartbeat, even milk powder, my hubby, me or me and my mum we stand there for hours to find the best. It's not easy lor.

Joanne, my bb cot was assemble the night after elis was born. I cut my Jair every 6 weeks lor no problem at all.
Thks Chris for ur advise...
Hi heartbeat
I cut my hair during 2nd trimester n my hb Oso say quick cut n quick come out as chemical no gd.. Then he say i shd cut shorter mah.. Last time i cut at 3rd trimester before too mah before give birth..

Hi hazel
Ya, i wun be going to attend friend wed this time but not due to pantang, is bec my mil say my tummy big so she wants me rest at home.. Last time i ever attend my friend wed for my first pregnancy at 3rd trimester.. Maybe is ok to attend at 3rd trimester...

I oso want watch battleship n avenger!!! But am home bound these two wks as son having exam so got to teach him.. Told him will bring him go see after his exam..;) so nice tt u gals can go shopping..;)

Hi baby
Enjoy ur scan on friday...look forward to see ur update..;)

Hi sunbelle n hb
Yes, am sitting 45 degree n tts why tail bone pain.. Will try chris method to put a pillow below..;) i cant sit straight as back will feel suan n bbies will keep kick me as no space..;p
hi ladies, Avengers is nice! Popcorns also! haha

Babyjourney, maybe need to rotate, sometimes sit up, sometimes sit 45 deg then wont feel so suan. Now i sit upright all the time, by late afternoon, already cannot take it.
hazel, heartbeats,

wow so nice okie i thinkg of buying the avengers tickets this sat cos holiday hbs not working, he say we can go watch.


huh got sooo cheap meh 5 for $10 at robinsons? i got one sleeveless purple top $5.90 n a denim blue bloomers $7.90 from H&M for clariss.. is so cuter with little frills at the back of the bloomers (size 12-18mths) cos dun think they have smaller sizes le cos no sales asst to ask so we just took it.
Mummies here, for bb poo poo, is normali wat color ? Recently my gal poo is those dark greenish wet poo.

Can advice ? Thx.
Bbliss, as long as the stools r not red, black or white is fine.

Green stools appear now n then. There r a few causes of green stools but none is a concern unless Bb shOws signs of discomfort. One of the cause is due to Bb being sensitive to mommy's diet. Dairy products usually the most common food allergies. Try to eliminate that in your diet but it may take a few weeks for the green poo to go away. Anyway, bb is fine, no need to worry abt green poo.

Hazel, oh u bought shoes. We bought bb stuff, clothes etc. yes yr maid v gd life. I still has to look after elis.

Chris, got!! I like the texture. Shorts I will buy from clementi on sat. Raining after my pt maid left if not we sure zoom there. I took a lot of $5 voucher. Told hubby to come home early tomorrow if no need to send elis to pd I will go Robinson city hall to shop heehee

Bbliss, my fren bb also has green poo, she told me it's normal but I dun think so. Imagine u had green discharge from yr nose thats infection right... elis poo used to b yellow colour. she has not poo 3 days!!! I m v v v worried!
