(2012/08) Aug 2012

Jen, hug ya.
. Take care.
Ayukie, my mum oso always asking $$ from me. B4 I become SAHM, I gave her $1000 per month. No need to handle kids. Just pocket $$ from me. But I find tat, she never used $$ to buy good stuffs to eat. All saved to be given to my bros. Even sick oso don't want to go n see dr n asked $ from me to see dr. I really felt like she is sucking $$ from daughters so tat more to be given to her sons..
. When I was young, I think she really care for me. But when I'm old, I felt in fact i'm just her money generator. Sometime, really stuck with wat filial really about, to wat extent I should be filial. Haiz...
Jc: yes saw u ler. Ltr use comp than add u inside the group kks?

It's always either mil or mum abt $. My side I feel is mil bah. She don't ask $ frm us. But on off I'll give her some $ whn I have enough or buy her cigarettes.

To me filial doesn't bundle with money.
Some parents think those who often give then money = filial. But I think likewise.

Enjoy ur dinner ladies! =)
Jen: Big hugz, alright to rant here, i'm sure we all understand :D When it comes to food restriction, must ren all the way on those forbidden food even on weekends for sometime until it is confirm that your girl won't cough again. Cannot xin luan. I say this because I'm a very good example under my mum super strict restriction. I had asthma when I was young and now if you see doc, they will tell you that it's mostly incurrable. But now I'm totally free of that illness all because of my mum keep a tight leash on me, never the case am i allow to take more than 1 mouthful of cold stuff until I reach secondary. If doc has rule out more serious illness for the cough, then try tcm it should work better than western med (I also took a lot of chinese med when I was young to help with my asthma). Just checking, when you take your girl to the doc, did your MIL or hubby go along? Cos sometimes ppl are itchy backside, when advice come from us they don't want to listen, they have to have some outsiders drill it into their head.

ET: no la, u not bad mummy. I would do mostly the same also! Get the kids to get their own cleaners XD
Hi jljz,
Hey u r not the only one with keloids! Haha I have it randomly along my scar. But if not wrong u can request for the extra skin to be neaten up during surgery for ur no.2.. I read from other forums n also my ex sch mate did so during her 2nd one. U try ask ur gynae if that can be done.

Ya, I do feel like that portion where I've been cut open has not much of feel.. Idk if it's due to the keloid or coz it's naturally insensitive at that part there..

My sis's children prefers to take tcm compared to western med. There's a recent outbreak of hfmd n chicken pox which my nephew got both one aft another super poor thing.. My sis will always bring them to Chinese sensei no matter how.. Accordingly it's all heaty effects.. My niece always cough with lotsa phlegm as well.. For tcm need to follow up quite abit requires alot of patience. Sorry to say its also a problem with going CC when so many children ard n pass to one another.. Sorry mommies I understand can't help it since both parents needs to work.

I have a contact to a Chinese sensei in lavender area where my niece n nephew goes to and I went for an tai under him. he is very good n can be trusted. I do recommend friends who r ttc to him too.. If any mommies needs contact just post for here again. meanwhile take care all~
Hi mummies, anybody looking to buy 2nd hand Avent Phillip Electronic Single Pump? I have a lightly used one for less than 2 months. Still under warranty. Looking to sell @ SGD140, as i have received a medela one from my friend.
Please PM if keen. Thanks!
Jen dun be too sad. Maybe u can try tcm as recommended. But must make sure they are specialize. My hb nephrew use to have long term cough also then his mummy also tried a lot of method western, this and that. In the end she took him to a Chinese doc and in long term wise he did recover. U can try having a regular exercise routine for ur gal after she recover. As it will build ur her health.
My girl went Yuguo and can see improvement. The Chinese doc prescribe the Chinese medicine, Yao bao to wrap round tummy and tui na for her. Also she advice to give soy or goat milk and breast milk is the best. I also guilty of not bringing her back for well being hehe...I give my girl 1 feed of soy milk, Isomil everyday. Her pd also say soy is better can reduce phlegm, dilute milk helps too.

Consultation hrs for Yuguo
Mon, tue, thurs, fri
9-12.30pm, 2-5pm, 6.30-8.30pm
9-12.30pm, 2-5pm

Closed on wed and ph
Hey mahjonglove,
Long time no see! Enjoyed ur babymoon?

Dear Jen,
Hope you are feeling better now, dear. Had a good talk with hubby?
Hi! I am a newbie of the forum. At 24 weeks and having my first baby. EDD is on 1 Aug 2012 so thought I'd join the August mummies. Hope you are all enjoying the movements within as much as I do! :)
Hihi Button,

My EDD's on 18 Aug and planned Caesar on 8 Aug for my 2nd bb..

Yea, very much enjoying bb's movements for sure! Like now I'm typing and he is there doing his punches n kicks~
Rykiel - then u dont have a mum who have some much 38 friends who tells her so and so daughter give so and so how much .. and its funny how come its always the daughter who gives so and so how much but never the sons ...
Ayukie, i love your statement on this: "and its funny how come its always the daughter who gives so and so how much but never the sons ..."

So i always maintain how much my bro is how much i will be giving, since my bro more educated then me.. lol..
et - my mum refused to tell me how much my bro gives haha and my younger bro worse can give and ask for back .. but if i lend to them can never get back hahaaa ..
ayukie, then i will ask aloud.. hahaha.. but my bro will tell me la.. he knows my mum "zhong nan qing nu".. Most of the time my bros will help me la, so ok.. hahaha..
morning mummies..

Would like to check any mummies know when the baby should be turning? went check up yesterday then gynae said that the baby has yet to turn but its ok.. i didnt think much of it yesterday then this morning wake up i becaome worried. zzzz need some advice. Thanks!
ET: my bros wont tell me lor cause if not i kpkp why always me .. my parent also .. i thoughtmy mum do care abt me but i think only cause i easy access for $$ .. my parents wants do checkup also ask me for $$ and then they never ask my bros 1 .. i dunno why .. sibeh sian ..
JC: u r in wk? i heard some mummies w26-27 bb alr engaged. for me idk anything, i gg gynae this fri. im nw 24wd6. =)
Rykiel : I am in week 22.. I just asked around they say its ok but the gynae's comment is making me very disturbed. zzzz

I am not sure should it always be in a horizontal position or it should be sideways or what. talking to the baby now and telling him to turn when he should turn. sighs. sometimes dunno is it hormones problem 1 thing we got to think so much.
hmz ... i think our babies right now are sommersulting during my detailed scan my baby is headwards down which the sonographer commented but as my baby placenta still high it shouldnt be head down yet (i think) but i think baby is sommersaulting on her own playtime so just let her be bah ..

worse if baby dont turn u end up c-sect only ..
i think at this stage, there is still plenty of room for bb to move about... =)

only when about wk 30 onwards, gynae maybe a bit more concerned about the position of the baby... especially if the bb is in breech position (horizontal) and not heading down the birth canal, that will mean a csect to deliver the baby...
Thanks mummies.. gynae and sonographer says placenta positioning ok.. just disturbed by what he said and my mind not fast enough to ask him. zzz...

as long as baby is safe then its ok.
Ayukie: My mum also have ppl telling her how much their children gives, then when my mum try to complain, I would shoot back say ppl children live in condo and drive car, urs have none of that how can compare!

Re: Baby turning
Still early as some mummies say bb still playing around in tummy. My gynae never even mention position yet when I last see him.
star - oh but my mum knows my hb drives and she makes full use of his car services until recently i got fed up and stopped cause since i got maid she seems cant wait me away and then even says let maid look after baby she never thinks if my children anyting i will blame her forever !!
anyway .. i think i hate my mum now anyway .. i dont even wanna talk to her unless i got need for her .. so upsetting .. i think im getting depress soon .. so sian ..

jc: its still early we got long way to go imo .. haiz .. and im still blardy pukin ...
Ayukie, I oso still puking. You are not alone..
. Haiz, try to ignore as much as possible n don't put into heart. What to do, is our mum. Only can rant out... We choose not to rely to them asap, less contact, less headache. Haiz, mum like tat, MIL oso like tat. Only can rely on hb most of the time. If hb x boleh pakai, I oso dunno how I'm going to survive.

Anyway, cheer up bah. Mother now, muz be strong n cheerful n happy, happy mother = happy baby. Think of more happy events or things bah!!
*jC* - my #1 didn't engage thou head down till I was in labour.. Now my #2 position is head on right and lying horizontally - transverse lie position. Now still early cos wk 20. Baby still Hv space to move around n turn. The best position for baby is head down n w baby back facing the outside... For my #1 I always feel great kicks on my upper right when at last trim...
I was quite worried too when sonographer mentioned my baby is in a breech position but actually it's not totally breech but in transverse position.
massage wise -> http://www.compassvalemassage.blogspot.com/ , quite popular with alot of mummies =)

baby positioning wise i not too sure about it, ytd i posted a baby video on in the womb 21-27weeks bb inside stil showing is facing up one. no turn down yet also. i tink it all depends bah. turn early means what i also nt too sure. mayb this fri i try chk with my gynae?

i feel we must rant out whatever we nt happy with. if u dun feel comfy, can seek to a private blog. blog it out. set private. thn no one knows! for me i is simi sai also say out. HAHAHA!
QQ - haiz trying ignore lor but dunno why my children also her grandchild wad must be soo obvious lor .. worst ask my maid to clean and iron my bro's clothes as well as my bro's son uniform and then complain my maid waste the electricity .. best rite? esp when her dear grandson whole day watch cartoon on tv and she watch korean drama and on aircon at 6-7pm for her other dear grandchild while my son is in childcare and i foot the power bills ... her other son worse ..
my mil only complains my son nt easy to handle but then at least dote on my children but then she passed away liaoz so haha cant help liaoz ..
my bro have his mil to help look after is child i dont have and all she cares abt is his children and expects me to get whatever i get for my son for him as well .. damn stupid ...
Rykiel: i'm in my 21 wks le...

Maid: I'm a SAHM, with direct access to my husband's bank account *evil smile*. Anyways, my hubby works from home. we have a p/t maid that comes weekly. Hubby will chauffeur my #1 to and from sch everyday. She goes to sch for about 5 hrs everyday.
#2 will start N1 next yr for 3 hrs daily.
My MIL offered to hire a maid for us (she's paying) since i'm gonna have 3 kids. I'm in a dilemma, don't know whether to take up her offer or not. Thing is... i think i can handle the 3 kids... + 2 dogs, since i have my hubby on standby, and pt maid is enough to do the housework.
but with a maid, i of cos will have more free time for the kids. but with a maid, comes more responsibility ya? responsibility for another adult... and also don't know how she will turn out. don't know where to let her slp too.... got to share room with the kiddos.
and then.... indon or Filipino? when i was younger, my mum only hired filipino maids... so im pretty used to them. Indon i will have problem communicating... and also, i need her to be able to handle pork and dogs...
i don't mind filipno going on off days... i think maids need to rest too. the part about turning "bad"... dunno how to control ya?
My MIL says indons are better... more "guai"... and she commented they don't need off days la... say PRC come to work, work daily also not tired what... LOL

My friends has been telling me to take up her offer since it's FOC. but i dont know ... i have alot of free time on my hands now actually cos i don't cook. even when i do, i still feel free. can even nap with my #2 in the afternoon. that's why i feel that after #3 comes, the most is, i won't feel so free anymore... but still manageable?

What u girls think?
Gloomybear: If you can handle now, then just count on the part time maid, at most ask part time maid come in more often. Let your MIL know that you can handle now and will consider her offer again if you cannot cope. If can, I rather have part time maid so no need have so much headache but bo bian for me cos i need my cats and my mum who is doing dialysis to co-exist (so means through cleaning everyday)

Ayukie: Wa, if my mum like that i sure make noise also. Ranting I also do that to hubby, as not a very gentle person, I will sometimes use bad words, now bb starts to listen have to all use short forms..haha But after ranting feel so much better!

Re: Post natal massage
When to start booking? Is not too early to book?

Re: Baby position
Even if baby in correct position now, can still turn until in breach position cos still got time till delivery.
gloomy - i dont allow my maid boyfriend and i said that to her plainly for 2 yrs no boyfriend after 2 yrs then we review and no off days .. if cannot reach agreement then i will send her back to her hometown (not agency) also no handphone and no money on herself .. all in bank .. she initially refused to open bank account i told her no bank account I not going give her her pay cause i will only dpeosit as black and white in bank account for her pay so she ll follow me open bank account .. also i told her if she fails to work for me for the 6 mths period and the bank forfeit her 2 bucks for early closure .. i wont remburse her as well .. so she better improve her work performance ..

hmz but initially the getting used to period is very hard for me right now also abit hard but bo bian my mum complains she cant take care of my kids cause she old (not yet 60) and yet can take care of my bro's kids .. haha so i got a maid .. then now she complains of the maid bt heck care her lah .. i cant be botehred with her anymore thats why now put on waitlist for ifc as well (backup plan) so if really cmi no need to depend on her so i need the maid as me and hub both works and we got overtimes quite frequently as well ...
re: yu guo
i bring my boy there too
its really good but super long waiting time!

re: massage
im using mdm Mas 9051 0005
but she doesnt do massage on weekends and PH
mummyR: That's so early! But agreed with you. This feels like preparation for wedding which is less than a year ago for me. So much to prepare and must keep track of so many dates. Now it's getting harder compare to wedding cos brain has been going south lately (been getting really dumb and forgetful, hubby joked that brain cells are going to the bb) XD
sherry - gt improvement after scolding her and she cried a few times lor .. i told her she gt 2 chioce wise up and be alert and use her brains and go home with money and as a young adult woman or a small gal without the bucks .. cause i wont send her back to agency when i get rid of her i will buy her a ticket and off she goes .. no chances .. so after that she wake up her idea abit but still kenna scolded lah just not daily anymore but she like skin itchy if i dont scold her and i tell her exactly so as well .. maid must keep tight rein on her .. but looking after children she needs to improve alot more before i can entrust my kids with her and also needs to build the trust as well so im not leaving my kids with her alone even with cctv yet if i caan help it lor until she prove herself (thats when i will monitor when i do my ml then decide lor) .. i also told her plainly if she cant make it even after baby born i still will send her back and change another maid as well ..
Ayukie> ya, not easy to get a good maid.. i started off with no choice cause my stubborn hubby felt its ok to leave the bb with the maid.. am thankful, she is still quite ok.. I mean, have to close one eye when it comes to housework.. but at least, i think she take pretty good care and doting to both my number one and 2 dogs.. thus, am keeping her for another 2 years then decide..
sherry - so far she quite ok with my boy only is my boy not that easy to handle lah (he is v obedient for one day cause stranger for one day only haha) .. and then she not bright enough to handle him nor quick and fast as well but at least i dont need call her 3,4 times to wake her up for help at night already .. 1 time enough .. cause if call 2 times onwards she knows she will kenna scolding .. and sometimes dont need call her auto will help (which is what i want esp when baby arrives *which i told her as well*) but then because she single still w/o kids think she still not there yet lor .. so see hw bah ..

oh her time mgmt skills v bad as well .. i told her the work must finish she do slowly then she no time to rest lor but do sloppy i spot checks from time to time she need redo till i satisfied .. i get my hb spot checks as well haha ..
