(2012/08) Aug 2012

Oh as for bb's savings is necessary as well.. If u feel insecured n worried that ur hb may miss out on that.. U may want to get an amt from him monthly as allowance n religiously save an amt for bb from there since u claim he may or may not do it? As for the amt given to his parents I personally feel if that's what he can afford, why not? But aft having a bb ur household expenses wil naturally grow n by den he will know how to weigh his priorities. So keep cool on that part ya? Take care of yourself n bb first.. Don't think too much.

Hihi Starfantasy,
Getting a part time cleaner is really not that EZ afterall.. I've asked ard so much so that I gave up n end up doing it on my own now.. Haha! Besides my hb feels that if we can spend abit of time to do it ourselves there's no need for a helper. besides I'm the very fussy n hard -to - please kind if the cleaner doesn't do a good job I'll end up doing a double job.. So must as well..
re: full mth package .. i will most prob use choz again same as my #1 ..

re: joint a/c ..
my hubby also havent been depositing amount into our accounts and our #1 account but he have been paying for the maid and reno and such and of course for our son school fees there is some subsidy from his dad as well but as baby comes at time just as I was reno-ing my house the $$ are tight as well so we give ourselves one year break from these to clear our installments plans for some of the furnitures and recoup abit first ... have a talk with your hubby .. but then i wont be a sahm unless he can provide me my current pay now monthly haha because i dont think i can be a sahm also and w/o the monies really insecure .. anyway hopefully i got a place in the infant care as well .. with maid and infant care even withour parents hopefully can manage (cause me and hub we tends to overtime quite abit) .. but then i must note that the joint account i got put in my share as well haha .. but since he stop i also stop to be fair .. but we do keep seperate accounts ...
anyway just take a step at a time lor .. if cannot then plan again ..
morning mommies! What a busy weekend. Last weekend, i bump into my neighbour who i haven met for the past 6 months cos she temp moved out to take care of her ill dad. Then when she saw my bump she went *gasp* and the next thing i knew is she passed me bags of infant clothes and toys and almost want to pass me a cradle aka electric sarong!

wah - at first i kinda of sian and lost dunno what to buy - now we got tons of mittens, booties, bibs, rompers, tops and bottoms and even outing wears. LOL! Yeah thank You God for his providence! Then the neighbour daughter she passed me her fav barney toy and said this is to give you to your baby to play. Gosh my heart really melt. Usually i will recycle toys cos i think some of them is quite old. But the huge barney i really cant bear. So now bring it to go dry wash and clean up the toy.

By the way 2nd time mommies, do you all use baby detergent to wash the clothes? I am now currently washing all the clothes and will be doing sorting. Wah run out of space to dry them hahaha. Now i wish i got a dryer but means more $ spent again! hahaha. Now waiting for expo fair!
morning ladies..

wah happy, happy for you to have so many pple doting on you. I only have hands down stroller n bb bath tub
... the rest got to buy myself.. if u have too many bb clothes, can pass some to me wahahhaa.. (mine is a boy). So fast u wash the bb clothes already? My newly bought cothes still chuck in their plastic bag in one corner. i tot now wash will collect dust by the time bb pops out. planning to wash only in mid July when my newly ordered cupboard comes.

Hazel, i feel for you. I think it is important to highlight to your hubby what u are feeling but pls dont stress him out. It might freak him out if u insist/demand for it. It wont do u or bb any good shld relationship turn bad at this point. Prob try a softer approach, ask him qns gently n have him to ans them instead so that he thinks it through. Sad to say some guys are just like boys.. need to guide but yet has their pride.. Good luck to you!

oh yes, I'm going to OG fair to see BB cot!

Has anyone started booking child care centres? My friends told me to start reservation already! Gosh, i haven even plan whats gona happen after my ML..
Haha Kitty! Mine is a boy too
This year alot of my frds are popping so i dont have alot of hand me down. I just bot our cot too. I wash cos need to do sorting - like sizes/age and etc etc and pack them into the drawer. Then nearer the date, will wash again. But wont be like this time wash so much at one go. Then weekend isetan was having some sale and bot my first medela pump in style advance for $639! Tot it was a steal since the retail is around $900-700. Now abit pocket burn haha.. so next month then buy stroller and other etc like sterilizer. But really thankful the clothes comes in handy. But if i have any more frds offer to give me - i will post on forum and let you mothers know
Hi mummies,
today marks my 22wks.
last fri c bb n gyane say i nv put on much but bb is fine, weight is average too.
Gynae also help me scan bb face, measure bb limbs etc n i had a gd time looking at bb inside out and upside down. playful girl covered her face when gynae tried to scan her face.

have also problem don have also problem *haiz*

these few days kenna from MIL cos my girl sick again. all the MIL drama is making my mood swing big time, frustrated if only i can take care of my girl myself. tired but save my ears. esp when MIl LOVES the finger pointing game *argh*
jus now so bz in ofc n i lose my temper a little after been shouted n screamed by her a couple of times the past few wks.
told her i have enuff of scoldings from u n ur son so if u wanna do things ur way go tell ur son urself.
afternoon ladies! its lunch time soon! hehehe. alot of reading to do this morning eh.
i was given gaviscon earlier too cos i always eat alr feel v bloaty than she gave me but i haven eaten anything yet!!! i dun dare anyhow take medications now.

i should b gg take the online course for employee thn go apply maid, c how it goes, else than put bb into infant care as had planned earlier.

savings wise. its difficult. how to save when dun even have enf to eat =( haishais.~~ i tink 家家有本难念的经。too rich de will hv alot of buys. like me de wan buy no $ buy, or wan buy alot of hesitations. cannot afford anyhow splurge kind. lots of duhduhduhs.. hurhurhur
my mum hiam my maid anyway i have decided not to give my mum any allowance cause she wants only money from me and not look after my kids .. no point forcing .. unfortuanately ... so i will ask her as and when if required lor .. hopefully can get an infant care slot .. as for the maid my mum hiam she use too much of her power and water and i have been paying for her household lor .. her son clothes and my brother son clothes even ask my maid to iron and then at night complain that my maid use too much her electricity and all she does is watch korean tv dramas .. damn sian .. to cut long story short i got maid because my mum complains (she not even 60) that she very old cant look after my kids and then she can still go on tours and taiji everyday ... now got maid she hiam the maid ..

so anyway give birth liaoz then see how bah ..
true. during ML period got some serious brain storming to do too. must settle all by the time ML ends jiu dui liao!

anyone here not in the fb group yet?
Hello Been MIA cos March was b z went baby moon, then caught stomach Flu, b z with work. By the time relax, 1.5 mths gone.

littlecoco, yar finding part time maid v troublesome. Yesterday got someone come 1st time our house part time maid, In the end clean is clean but our stuff all rearrange, cannot find, leave 30mins earlier and buy additional unnecessary stuff. So Well....

Anyway, u still cleaning the house now ar?
I dun care, leave it dirty becos now really not in a condition to do cleaning.

My hb keep saying yesterday that he rather pay my MIL to come clean and its FOC. Worst lor, think I will be angry with my MIL cos she will throw away all my things and keep nagging....

Haiz....no solution now.

Talking abt infant care, my #1 in infant care since 6mth + . Initially my mil keep pushing her recommended nanny to us. The nanny say will bring the baby do marketing and will put in Yao Lan which I dun like la. So Infant Care which is regulated is best option for us.

My #2 will be in infant care too.

Happy, ur neighbour so nice. I use kodomo baby laundry to wash my girls clothes. Nice smell too. Dryer use alot of electricity and take up space. In my Opinion la.
Haha, next time if my son ask me to go help n clean his house, i will confirm scold him and ask him to pay for a maid else do it himself.. Lol..

Quite a few of us here is infant care.. The most sian part is really when they sick for 2-3 days..
Yar ET, that is the sian part. And my boss is not married, single no kids how to be understanding when call in to say my girl got fever, cannot send CC.....

But still got to do it lor.
Hi mommies,
Anyone here going for c sect 2nd time? Wonder if it's as painful as first time.. I rmb the first time, waking up from anes semi conscious due to the pain where i was cut open.. getting off bed for toilet was such an agony.. hopefully it's not as bad this time round. My first time c sect was by choice but coz this time 5th mth scan shows I have a low lying placenta so c sect is a must..

Re: BB's clothings
I prefer to seperate Bb's clothing from ours when it comes to washing.. And I always use Bb's detergent to wash my boy's clothes (old/new).. Am lucky that most clothes can be passed down from my 2yo and from my sis's son. My sis has this obsession of buy buy buy and the son only got to wear probably a few times as children outgrow very fast.

Re: BB's toys
We don't believe in investing on expensive toys at all.. Unless was a gift or passed down.. Haha.. And they get bored of them very quickly.. There's no such things as a fav toy forever.. Haha Besides my boy only likes his Mickey mouse soft toy which he cuddles everywhere he goes.. One for home n one for bringing out.. So far that's the best buy coz he seemed to really play with it otherwise it's all waste of money..
Your neighbour is so kind
I didnt get much pass me downs and my girl most stuff are new, our 'start-up' cost was very high. Now #2 seems like nothing much to buy and like feel #2 has to use all 2nd hand stuff like so unfair :p
I am still using Pigeon Liquid Detergent and Softner for my girl clothes. I bought extra drying rack to hang her clothes. Thinking of getting another one but cant seem to find anymore. Regret not buying another spare one previously.

Springclean - Over the wkend, made hb help to clear space at the living room and storeroom. Hb shakes his head, think I shdnt be doing all these but I cant help it as want to do now at 2nd tri when I can do it. Next will clear the study room for my #2, so looking forward to do it..heheee...

Initial 1 yr in IFC I took a lot of urgent leave and mc as my girl always sick, my hb helps to take turns. Slowly their immunity will build up. The front part is really taxing but will pass. Now just worried of the hfmd outbreak...
me! i'm going for csect again! =) my first csect experience wasn't as bad as ppl described it to be! hopefully this time round it won't be as well!
Hi Mahjong,
Ya, I do the cleaning myself.. Secretly coz my mom will nag say what if I fall and blah blah blah.. Lolx! I get itchy very EZ if place too dusty.. My eyes and skin will itch like mad! My hb will help but I can't wait for him to do it on weekends coz we usually bring our boy out for shopping n classes.. My 2yo not schooling till 3yo next jan and besides we are staying home on weekdays alr..don't want to deprive him further by staying to house cleaning on weekends. So kelian.

LoLx! Ytd we Brot my mil out to lunch.. She keeps praising her son saying not many r like him will do housework.. think coz she keep having this impression that I don't do at all.. I just told her off ytd that I hVe been the one doing it now.. That shuts her up! Oops haha! Exactly I also reluctant to ask help from my in laws / my folks.. My sis will conveniently bring her kids over whenever she needs to go do her own stuff but we just don't have the habit of doing so though.
Happy: I also got no hand me downs from relatives and friends cos either they haven pop yet or gg to pop ard same time as me. I don't have much relatives. The only thing I got hand me down is the cot from hubby colleague which we have to buy the mattress and misc stuff. Actually for me I'm fine cos I like buying things for bb!

Rykiel: I also like you, have limited money, every spending have to think a lot of times, then discuss with hubby, then do research online to find which one best for value etc -_-|||

Ayukie: My mum also like that, no maid hiam house dirty which partly is she play a part (but in my case my mum really old like 70+ so hard for her to clean up), got maid hiam also, until I had big quarrel with her then she learn how to get along with the maid better.

mahjong: IMO, no matter what, insist that you hire part time maid to clean your house rather than your MIL. Because there will come a time when she do something wrong and you cannot scold her. It's like paying money to piss ownself off..
star - well my mum just wan my monies n to utilise my maid to do her chores .. i dont feel like arguging leh si i decided to stop giving her any monies ..
JC, I thot I saw u inside the FB grp?

Starfantasy, Yes I told my hubby that the part time cleaner I not happy or wat can instruct her clean what clean what, MIL how to scold or instruct. Same Theory as doing confinement. I not so stupid to find things to quarrel...:p
Hi Jljz,
How long is ur gap? My boy is exactly 2yrs 3 mths now.. Does ur scar feels numb still? Mine 's like not much feel though hope it's a plus point so I don't feel as much pain as compared to the first time. U r lucky though. I'm abit phobic actually!
Ya, after 7 months old, my boy visit the doc every month till he ard 1+ years old, now the visits are lesser and i made sure the takes vitamins..

coco, no la, i just think of in future if my son ask me go clean his house for him n his wife, i will probably screw him upside down and dun expect me to look after his kids, I wanna relax my golden years before my time is up.. Dun have to give me monies, but dun ask from me.. hahahaha..

My house is clean up by my hubby, my area is only toilet, cos i got jie-pi for toilet.. But i will train him to clean my toilets for me when he is like 10 years old? hahahaa..
my sis had juz gave birth last month, so she wil pass mi those nb clothes when my bb comes out.. so i guess for NB clothes, i will only buy 1 set of clothes for bb to wear whn discharge, thn another set will be for baby shower.

i still dunno bb gender yet, hope tat will be able to show tis wed whn i go for detail scan so i can start buyin 3-6 mths clothes.. haha..

haf been lookin at Combi & Maclaurant Pram, bt cant decide which to choose.. u guys haf any recommendations?

We r now stayin at in-laws place, hubby had been sharing the hse installment & all bills wif his dad, which add up to around $800/mth.. its quite alot, bt since we're stayin there & nt givin additional allowance, i also cant comment too much..

i haf no ML as i'm considered self-employed.. so tink should be returnin to work on the 6th wk bahh.. MIL will be helpin us to take care of bb.. i really dun wish her to take care, coz i dun like the way she cleans the hse & do things, especially after how i see her look after the dog. if can, i rather put bb in infant care, bt hubby disagree.. luckily for mi is tat both hubby & my workin hrs r quite flexible, we can pop hm anytime to check on bb..
i am so upset to the pt i am crying in office now.
had a huge row with hb over MIL and #1 issue.
feeling so wei qu nw n tears cannot stop dropping
jen - aiyah take it ez lah .. take one step at a time and count down to our leave lor .. then when during our leave then plan and decide lor .. if things works out even better for us and hopefully it does works out but then hor better to check out alternatives and secure them as backdoors lor ..
Jen, dun cry, all things can find a way to settle. At the end of the day, all of you love your daughter, only to decide which way is the best way forward...
have a gd talk with hb tonight, everything can be discussed.....if need to, go toilet and cry it out and u might feel better or share with someone that r comfortable with....
<font color="red"><font size="+0">mahjong:</font></font> bb go in infant care only in 6mth+, i dun tink if i put infant care can so late than go in. 3mth plus must go in ler. else my ML ending ler. whats the pros n cons can share?

<font color="red"><font size="+0">JC:</font></font> add me thn drop me a msg so i knw who u are. Dar's FB

<font color="red"><font size="+0">starfantasy:</font></font> hai. tt y lor. now wan buy things outside ar. i sure remember by hard the brand or snap the pic if im allowed to, got once i was chopped $15 for a bag. super TLs. ended up taobao have liao. so nw realli digging.

<font color="red"><font size="+0">jen:</font></font> hughugs, dun cry dun cry. thou we tend to drop tears nw as we often feel 'wei qu' but try to voice out. here fb or ur frens. dun coop up. slowl y talk n discuss. will work out a way.
hugs!!! all things can be solved one... now u're tearing cos of the hormones... both sides have got their views... sit down n listen to each other.. and see how things can be worked out... =) "compromise" is the word lor... sometimes we can't be too persistent in our views... n they shouldn't too!

by the time #2 is born.. the gap should be about 1.5 years... my wound doesn't feel numb leh! u mean it will? i have keloids!!! =( cos was climbing up and down the stairs (need to sterilize the bottles n pump parts myself) and also carrying heaving stuff! it didn't cross my mind that ugly keloids will actually make its way to the scar! =( SOB SOB!!!

are you trying for vbac? low lying placenta may slowly move its way up! so long it's not determined that right from the start is covering the cervix.. i think there maybe a chance still for natural birth rite?
ayukie, ET,
i jus cannot help it.
my girl jus recover from her cough 2wks back n last wk jus 3 days in sch n she sick again.
then hb back last wed, told him to not give any cold/ sweet drinks n junk food he don listen.
then last sat bring my girl for review of her sensitive nose, dr also changed her cough meds cos i told dr tat MIL had given my girl 3bottles of the old cough meds n now cough again so dr change.

today jus 2 days from seeing dr, MIL want us to bring to c dr AGAIN cos my girl cough badly n puke. then start pting fingers tat she had been fed cold stuff n chix etc etc.

i was like then wat c dr then wat get wat?
cough med, dr gave liao n change new one u nv wait for effect n wanna c dr again???
hb ask if i know tat my girl puke n told him YES!
n since my girl cough i told MIL to thin milk so less heaty n phelgm. told hb don give cold n sweet drinks BUT NO ONE LISTENS TO ME!
when my girl sick all pt finger at me, when i don bring to c dr say i cool abt my girl sick n cough badly n puking.
y pt finger at me when things happen?
n when i have been telling them a zillion times no one wants to listen.

now they trigger happy n say nvm they handle after getting me so upset with the accusation which they claim they did not!

base on track records i told hb, r they sure normal GP is enuff since they make it sound so serious! need to bring to KKH?
i don want history to repeat that i have to shuffle from PD to GP to TCM to KKH in a span of 7days!
n hb say i am racking up history!
the whole family don dare face their own ugly track records n jus wanna put all balmes n responsibility on me.
jen - my son also have been coughing and puking his milk out cause everyone loves to give him cerals and biscuits and etc .. so alot of phlegm .. my dad once shouted at me if i know my son is sick i of course know lah just that his dad needs work late and i dont go pd anymore as the first time i went for a flu symptoms my son had to go to kkh in middle of the night (which makes me v v tired) and called pd she cant advice if i should go kkh anot and luckily i made the decision to go cause my son had coupe then .. since then everytime sonny is sick i go kkh a&amp;e irregardless cause i will still end up there nonetheless ..
hugs hugs hugs!!! totally understand how you are feeling. first thing, your MIL.. and elderly (i assume!) they are like that one la!!! even my own set of parents nag like there's no end when my #1 falls sick.. and even when i brought him to see PD... they will still keep on nagging!!!

you got to cool down and let your emotions settle down.

like you i think so far all the things that can be done to help your girl has been done... and now is to wait for the medi effect to take place.. even when an adult falls sick.. it also takes a few days for us to recover.. and not to say children.. they will take even longer time to recover lor!

puking is quite common especially when the kids are having cough right? got phelgm ah.. got flu ah... is the main care giver who is supposed to be more careful in taking care of the child... but of course it's more more kan kou for the care giver too...

my daughter don eat sweets/ biscuits/ cereals/ chocolates/ fried food from mon-fri.
so we only gave a little over wkends n when she is well. i feel bad when she don get to eat any at all cos she is so deprieved but sometimes i keep my stand for her health sake.

as for KKH, track record.
1) 5mth old, #1 down with flu, cough n fever past 38.5 as cannot give brufen so end up sponge n discharge n continue sponge at hm
>> MIL complain KKH dr useless, med also not gd

2) 1yr+, persistent low grade fever n nausea n dr give anti nausea n para.
>> MIL complain fever so long also nv run any urine or blood test
subsequent, went back again n KKH diagnose is HFMD. initial stage nv diagnose as they cannot find any ulcer or sores.
MIL condemm KKH
3) last yr, high fever for days n uncontrollable shivering at 3am so send to KKH.
did blood test, urine test n x-ray. diagnose lung infection.
>> MIL accuse KKH anyhow diagnose lung infection. do x-ray very bad for my girl kill alot of cells. TCM say western med always say infection.

so if u ask me, i also dunno where to bring my girl.
yahhh.. should try yuguo together with the western med... but it may take some time to take effect... i think both ur MIL and hubby are just overly concerned abt their grandchild n child's health... dun take it to heart ya.. =) hugs hugs!!!
they r i am too.
told them to thin the milk don listen, don give junk don listen.
things happen due to their actions then jump wat is the use?!
if concern then will do all u can rite, spend so much time accusing me izit it better to jus do it.
my concern is tcm if can tiao n recover ok.
my MIL side tcm have made me lose confidence in tcm.
any mummies going can help me ask. if its consult med jus like western dr then forget it but if to tiao the consitute i don mind give it a try.
need to appt? can give me the address of yuguo?
wahh jen - likdat really v gan kor .. hosp also cannot trust liaoz .. but then when i brought my son for is throat inflammation the dr warns if gt fever and etc again must bring back lor
Rykiel I mean for #1 that time. Pros of Infant Care is regulated I feel. At least is a school got proper channel to feedback.

Cons is need to have alot of leaves and all that and need to rush and fetch by 7pm! This is for me la. 7pm we still rushing. Usually arrive exactly 7pm.

Jen, I did not read archives, can I ask if u are staying with ur MILs? Or she taking care huh?
but seriously, i dun like kkh leh! went there once and i told myself nv to bring my boy there unless really is a&amp;e which require stitches and all!

it's at kembangan.
8-B Jalan Masjid #01-04 Kingston Terrace
(Near to Kembangan MRT)

Try to go on weekdays afternoon... less crowded... =) like what JA said, it's tui na plus they give yao bao... for my #1 i brought him there when he was a few months old for flu.. i couldnt bear to give him western med! so he was given yao bao to put on his tummy... after he recovered they told me to bring him back on a more frequent basis.. for 保健 purpose but i didn't! cos very far!!!
Rykiel : Just added you.

Jen : Dun think too much. I agree on bringing kid to tcm if western med doesnt help.. in long term the kid can be cured throughout. western med will try to cure the immediate issue but to cure the root, its still chinese med the best just that it takes time. whatever it is, look on the bright side and be happy.
Yeah, agree with mahjong, infant care really need alot of leaves initially.. But pro is they will do wat u ask them to do.. Also no tv for them to watch..

Jen, can try Mt A 24 hour PD if u need to see doc, mayb private hospital doc can shut your MIL up? Actually if your MIL is into TCM, she shld know coughing can't recover so fast one right?
