(2012/08) Aug 2012

Hi mummies do u all use different detergent to wash baby clothes? Any brands to reco? Thanks
Hi ej,
I use kodomo laundry softener n detergent for my boy's clothes eversince.. Have no problem with it and it smells pleasant esp after being 'baked' inside the dryer the smell got absorbed into the clothes. Whenever I smell that scent is like I smell my bb haha can give it a try.
Hi hi all mummies, a lot to catch up.

Regarding post natal massage, I have aldy booked mine. Hb will be paying most of it as I have requested. Ha ha... At least he agreed and never make noise. After all, he still care a bit. Just sometime he is like big kid need to be teach in saving up for bb and our family.

Just confirm with NUH on my antenatal class, but was given a choice to go for a express class on 2 June from 9am to 4pm, if not then 9 June then 8 sessions for 8 saturday ( last 2nd lesson on 28 July) very near my EDD. Ha ha just wonder will I suddenly wan to due half way during the class. Anyone have any recommend?

Bb position, thought they will change their position during later tri. Now they some how dun have a fix one.

Anyway, will be going for checkup on 27 April so can check with my gynae.

This few days hb has been quite good towards me even though I scolded him last week abt the money issue.

BTW, anyone of u having watery discharge? Wonder is it serious.
Hi Nutty,
Good to hear that all r well on ur side. I don't know if I should book for my massage so soon as I never did for my #1 n also I'm yet to find out when's good time for me to get one coz I'm having Caesar.

As for watery discharge I think I had all the time n esp during the time when mense suppose to come. Maybe shouldn't drink too much cold which I'm being very rebellious in that aspect.
dear Ayukie,
Am glad your maid is getting more sensible than her first few days here!!! Mine coming in June, must do the same as you! Keep a tight rein especially at the start, more trust liao then can loosen a bit.

Re: Watching channel 5's "Unnatural" now
And the topic this week is unnatural deaths of babies. Just saw one part on a baby dying due to shaking baby syndrome where one shakes the baby violently, causing internal bleeding in the head. very very scary... dunno if should continue watching...
Hazel: Ya lor, sometimes hubbies can be like big kids.. haha On watery discharge, I don't know if mine is considered because I have more discharge compare to before I get preggy and they are more liquid kind. I did read somewhere that if too much discharge might be leaking fluid?

ej: At first I thought I have to use a detergent specialize for bb to wash clothes, but after checking online. It might not be necessary. The purpose to use baby detergent is so that it milder and less risk of causing allergy to bb. An article reasoned that if that's the case, then even our clothes need to be washed with baby detergent cos we come into contact with bb all the time. If bb does not show any skin rashes or allergy if come into contact with us, then bb clothes should be able to wash with the detergent that we use to wash our own clothes. To be on the safe side, just do one more rinse to clear out the detergent (which is the function of baby care in washing machine).

sashamama: I was watching the show with hubby too! Yes it very scary but for me it's a sign from god that both of us get to watch it now so we know what cannot be done with bb. Being a first time mum, also must know one limits and learn to ask for help instead of keeping quiet..
hihi mummies,

would like to share the below:

2 weeks ago, i got super itchy rashes on my tummy and its spreading to my nipple area and my joints especially near the ankles

had been using mustela for stretch marks for a few months but it doesn't help with the rashes until my gf who is also a mummy to be introduce me palmer oil, pic as below. works wonders for my rashes and improve within a week

so to those mummies having the same problem as me, try this. i think its $15.90, can get it at watsons or guardian

Can't really feel bb movement, kicking and punching today. Wonder is it I over eat then bb too tired to move or no space to move. Just wonder wat happened. A bit worried.

My hb tell me to better go for the express antenatal class than the 8 session class at NUH. As he worry, if bb come out and i still haven't learn the infant bathing, cleaning of cord etc then useless to go for the class. Just wonder if any of u have any suggestion on which one to take.
Hi Hazel Nutty - So we have the same EDD. Mine was initially on 6 Aug but keeps getting earlier with every scan. Not sure if I may end up popping in end July. You should still have time to sign up for antenatal classes as some of my classmates started at week 30! Try TMC. The classes last for 6 weeks only and quite useful.

Hi Little CoCo - Why don't you choose to have your C-section on 9 Aug so your baby gets to celebrate birthday with the nation? :p
Wondering if anyone is suffering from tinnitus? I keep hearing this whooshing sound in my right ear which seems to get louder in the quiet of the night. Very irritating and causing me insomnia...
Hi Button,
Reason being no.1 n my birthday both falls on the same day diff month.. So must as well make no.2's same as ours.. Haha! Besides National day's a public holiday so those who intend to visit can just flock in.. Lolx~

Tinnitus? Never had that though..
Hi mummies, these few days busy at work so never come in. So tired n knock off at 10pm, now can't sleep haiz.
Jen, don't take to heart what hb n mil say. It's very common that they grumble when our kids fall sick. Mine also but my prob is with mum. My mil will stop it once I totally dun respond. I realized its those elderly who doesn't work keeps nagging n complaining as if the whole world owns them. I had lots of prob with my mum too when she started looking after my #1. Complain maid, tell me how much others are getting for looking after grandchild 2k-crazy, nag at everything. Now having to go thru it scares me. In fact she is the main reason why I waited till my boy is 3yo then I try for #2 cos I am tired to go thru it again... Sianz all these issues.
Ayukie, u keep scolding ur maid not good for ur bb leh. Cool down
Oh yes, if leak alot of water, better seek gynae advise, my waterbag started leaking at week 30+, then at week 32 check up, gynae did a v-check n i dilated 2cm already, end up i gotta induce my delivery at 36 weeks due to water level low in waterbag..
Hi sasha
Lucky ur maid no come in too early.. Now i feel so tired to keep find things for her to do.. Zzzz..

Btw gals
If i am doing c sect, should i choose a gd date first? But go where to choose date? Any advise..
My maid does things kinda slow.. Maybe because i am kan cheong kind so really buay ta han.. My collegue say is normal n give them some time since they come fr slow pace country.. Wonder how long shd i give her to see some improvement?? Sigh... Really cant use having a maid.. Go out oso feel awkward to hv a stranger follow but yet not sure whether is safe to leave her at home alone now?? Heard they say is no gd to keep scold maid as they may get frighten n do funny action to ur family members.. Or worst may escape n report police say we illtreat them.. If hv a choice, really dun want maid as initally thot is fun but dun think so now.. A stranger live with us is not fun.. Zzzzz...i really cant trust they take care my kids so will try care for them myself n asks her do housework as worry abt hygiene issue too..;p am so surprise when see there are some 臭丸in her luggage n that is no gd
for bb brain n dun understand why luggage need to put that?? So i asks her clean up all her clothes n wipe her luggage.. Really scare neh..
Hazel: What not to do is not to shake the baby VIOLENTLY, like holding the baby up and shake him/her in the mid air; gentle rocking is ok. And also try not to let bb sleep on the stomach especially when bb neck starts to grow stronger and is able to turn head on his/her own. This is because bb might turn head until face the bed and suffocate. Other simply is not to drop the bb, cos in the show got one scene where the bb died when mummy drop her to the floor when startled by a cyclist. So when taking bb out, either use a sling or use pram. It's hard to control our reaction when we are startled or shocked.

Joanne: If you believe in having good dates then go for it, or else ignore it totally. If you do want to choose dates, I think can go to those geomancer, like those who choose date for wedding can le. You can also do a check online if there are app that helps you. Basically like wedding dates, bb birthday should not fall on a generally unluckly date or date that clash with immediate family. Rging maid, just relax, not only does the maid needs to adapt to us, we need time to adapt as well. Go with your instinct (mummy's instinct are sometimes the best) or discuss this with your hubby if you are worried about the decisions you make. As maids generally are not well educated, they don't understand the risk of 臭丸. The reason she use is most likely trying to keep out the bugs from the clothes in the luggage. In fact, my mother has been putting 臭丸 in the clothes cupboard when I was young and only when I grow up and know about the bad effects did I ask to replace with something else.
Thank you for all your kind words n concerns.
I am better now.

My daughter somehow diagnosed with early stage HFMD but is recovering now.
after so many yrs this is the 1st time i lost my cool with her, most times i jus cry myself but this time round i really cannot take it anymore.

i trust them until this sinseh tat see my daughter. she went for abt 6mths with same problem. we ask if can tiao he jus give the same meds n nv ask us to come back again to review condition n med only last 3-5days.
i understand to tiao is long term n on n off must go back review n not go when the problem arises again n let the cycle continues.
mummies pls correct me if my concept is wrong.
like most of you say, usually must take for a while then wait for effect to cure root problem n must go back review condition.
but this sinseh nv do all these tats y i refuse to go back n b carrot kenna chop.
I told hb abt Yuguo and agree tat we will bring her there when she recovers. We r gd to let her tiao n cure the root but not back to the same sinseh to chop us

Drs/ PDs,
my MIL listens to only wat she wants.
my girl's PD at Mt E, MIL also not happy cos the PD don like to give excess med if not required which my MIL is unhappy abt.
when she don like wat the Dr says, she say they nonsense. and yes, she hears from the Drs @ KKH, PD @ Mt E with her own ears.

My #1 is taken care by MIL, come next yr she will stay with us but not now. and i really can see problem arises in future.
don stay together oredi so many prob, stay together cannot imagine
Hi zratsniwt,
I'm not sure abt extra chargers on PH since I've chosen the day before.. Haha~

Choosing dates:
Personally I don't believe in letting others decide the birth date / name of my child.. So basically I just go abt with a date of own preference. Otherwise no harm going to geomancer like StarFantasy has suggested. But I suggest u let ur gynae know earlier once u decided coz this year is HOT!

I have a faint heart~
I'm with TMC.. Ur question triggered my tots so I just gave them a call.. Accordingly all delivery n room charges r fixed so there's no extra chargers on PH. But for other hospitals I won't know.
@LittLeCoCo: how abt doctor's fees? coz i think my doc charge extra if choose certain dates...but i cant quite rem liao le...coz the rates are at home and i dun think i gg for C-Sec at this point in time... =)
hello all. i am close to getting my pump this month end from my gfs going to the US.

i have heard good reviews ( from here and my cousin re freestyle), but on the website saw pple talking abt it being difficult to wash, abt the suction very bad compared to PISA, and the suction pads sticking to your skin and difficult to tear off etc etc

for mummies who use it, can you advise if you face the same issue?

i need something portable cos i will need to bring it to work and travel, and need something light and quiet if possible.

Ling: My colleague was using the medela freestyle, have to agree on the part that it has quite a few parts which need careful washing and sterilzing. But if you want to compare PISA and freestyle, freestyle is definately more portable.
thanks Star for the quick tip - i cant believe how expensive these things are in SG, freestyle at 988SGD! (Spring)

discounted at first few years for 699 SGD!

US only selling 380USD!

Ling: US set is definately much cheaper, but no warranty one, just hope don kenna the suay kind get faulty set. Usually i guess mommies will wait until got fairs to buy at 699 if they want local set with 1 yr warranty
Doc's fees no difference actually.

I'm sure u are aware of the pros n cons of c sect.. Some friends told me they regretted having vaginal birth coz of the labor pain some pple can't take it but recovery is much faster compare to caesar.. For caesar pain comes later but it's not any better den labour pain .. A diff kinda pain and recovery time is much longer.. Either way it's pain! So haha.. Anyways it's bearable not to worry too much though. may be a piece of cake for u afterall.

When's ur EDD?
Hi mummies

My mil is making rice wine for my confinement use.
She is also making rice wine for sale.
Pls pm me if you are keen.
Lead-time : 6 weeks
Price : $15/bottle
I have pumped with my colls together, I use freestyle and it is very noisy compared to Pisa, swing and ameda. How ever is the most portable and no need power supply, runs on rechargeable batt. I can pump as long my batt is charged, the rest has to take turns to use the limited power plugs. My friend who use both freestyle and Pisa says Pisa got better suction. Free style has more parts to 'dismantle' while washing compared to pisa, Pisa has some small parts u have to be careful while washing as it might slip and get lost. If I m not wrong first few years, their pumps are import fr USA too and the warranty is in house not by Medela. This was the info told by mums and babes, Medela is fr Switzerland.
Happy, I've already booked my post natal massage. No harm booking early if you know are definitely going to use the service =)
Does anyone do the urine test with each visit to gynae to check for sugar levels? My gynae say it's routine. But I thought the charges for the pee test is very ex ... $9!! How much does your dr charge for the test? I did the same test at another clinic and they charged much less... Dunno if I kena con...
Hi Miko,
U mean u need to pay everytime u visit ur gynae n take urine test? Sorry, but didn't u sign up for gynae package? For mine, urine samples is collected as routine upon every visit but I don't rem paying for it though.
Miko: yes it's routine to check if there is pregnancy diabetes. I have to pay for mine ($8) until i sign up the package then is included. My gp charge $6.
I find my ameda supper noisey, can use normal battery if no power supply. Aiming at frestyle this round since hand free and lighter.

Can get brand new USA set at S$460 (so far the cheapest I gather), most around $480-$500 landed cost. Still wonder should I get the $460 set from a new seller who I nvr tried before or from the usual 2 pax I usually buy my stuff from.

2nd hand cheapest is $250 but need to replace those stuff which cost approx $100 or more. So end up not much diff if I get BN USA set.
any mommies know those add on seat that stick to the stroller and can open when we need it. What are they called?

Mum advantage
I met up with the agent last Sat. Premium is $385 for 3 yrs, covers birth complication and after bb out, cover congrential illness, premature, incubation, HFMD, dengue fever, Pnuenmania and Brochitis till baby 3 yrs. There is a investment link policy that is tab to this policy, you can opt $100 - $300 or more per month and it covers $200k dead. In case bb hospitalise within the first 3 yrs, hospital income at $100/day. FBI/SBI members can get $200 shopping voucher.
Mummies giving birth at Mt E.
Did u all notice at the registration counter there is free AIA insurance for our babies if we deliver there and valid for 6mths
Miko> Mine is under the package. so i only need to pay $6 for the multi vitamin

Happy> best to book early cause the popular ones like Mdm Ida is fully booked for Aug/Sep from what i last heard from my friend

Ling> Am using freestyle cause its really very portable and lightweight. No problem with the sterilising and washing though but suction is probably weaker depending on ya flow..
Miko, I do urine test for every checkup too.... but it's all part of my gynae package. No need to pay extra.

Clim, may I know which insurance co is that policy from?
Hi Clim, may i know how if you have a seller that ships across for the pump?

i was planning to get my colleague to get it for me, but saw the size of the box and was thinking not to bother them since they have their own shopping too.

460 seems like a good price, do you mind sharing where you are planning to get it from?
freestyle is even noiser compared to ameda in my opinion hee...coll say the battery is used up very fast so they always wait for power supply...
for USA set freestyle purchase, can chk oversea spree(cheaper than BP), BP is ready stock.

my urine test strip is also inc in the consultation fee...
how do u dress our nb at home after back fr hospital, short sleeves/shorts or long sleeve top/bottoms and how about subsequent mths ? mittens and booties need to wear til how many mths ? thanks !
hahaaa... only tops.. no bottoms cos constantly changing their diapers for them... short sleeves and buttoned up ones cos they are sleeping in non air con room... subsequent months u may want to consider romper! =) if in air con room better to dress them in long sleeve (depends! if ur nb is afraid of warm weather then short sleeve should do just fine) and long pants. dun set the temp too low for them in air con room..

my son wore booties only when going out and not at home.. cos must keep their foot soles warm.. mittens maybe till the stage you can start trimming their fingernails? =)
only short sleeve top and the swaddle them ? is it ok to use pigeon nappy cloth to swaddle ? i was packing the clothes ytd and forgot how to dress nb opps hahaaaa...thanks!
oooh - so some of u already book the massage lady ar? Ok i will go check it out.

I bot PISA
Didnt buy freestyle cos more exp and i can work from home. So will be using PISA instead
Plus i got a very good price $639!

Hi J~A,
There's a saying that u should try to let NB wear 'old' clothes which are passed down from siblings or others when u first bring bb home.. Idk how true that bb will be easier to handle if u do so.. But I did follow for my no.1.. And my no.1 is not a difficult one even till now esp I'm first time mother during den n i'm his sole care taker. U can try if u believe~

During confinement sometimes my CL will put on top without bottom which I don't like it so I prefer to let bb wear romper instead.. Mittens for sure but no booties unless in aircon need 'full gear'.. Haha!

As for cutting of nails my CL did once bef she left but Bb's nails r very thin so very EZ to cut themselves need to have mittens on always. And the nappy cloth is a must to make bb feel secured.
