(2012/08) Aug 2012

Gloomy bear,

U also seem familiar to me......... Dec 07?

Hmmm, slouch for a little while, backache. Stand more than half hour in kitchen, backache. Sleep nearly on tummy, backache. Wah, like that how to be pregnant in third trimester?!

This is my worries too.
Can't stand long for cooking now, even at week 7.
Can't changed bed sheet, can't wash toilets, can't cook. Now all jobs have to delegate to DH.
morn mummies!

yanlin> Better not change the bedsheets. I understand from a lot of frens and my mum that we should not be changing bedsheets and should also not be in the room when whoever is changing the bedsheets.
Joanne, its actually old wives' tale.. Basically, i changed my bedsheet, move my bed and sofa out to vacuum the dust below for the whole 9 months during my no.1 time and my no.1 is a notti little boy now..

Now preggy with no. 2, i also gotta wash toilets, do housework, yesterday also just shifted my sofa to vacuum cos found a dead cockroach and last week also changed my bedsheets and my boy's bedsheet..

Just take those old wives' tale with a pinch of salt but in a way, its good to get hubby to do it...
better dont do it..its not about the old wives tale..its the weight of the bed..rem we cant carry heavy stuff..
good morning ladies...

didnt have a good nite sleep yest. keep flipping ard. now super tired.. my womb feels like menses is going to come all the time.. is this normal?? now only in week 5.. sigh.. still long way to go.
aiyoh, ET, becareful when u do it k. dont use too much energy when shifting the sofas. but come to think of it, when i am in office, i also have to shift things here n there n remove those stupid jam papers in the copier.. need to use a bit of energy to open up the jam portion as the machine is quite big. I can't ask pple to help cos they would be thinking i am mad or what... what to do ah? i dowwan to tell them abt my pregnancy yet....
BBL, feel assured to hear this.

Btw, what is sea band? some form of sea weed?
I bought my sea band from tanglin unity pharmacy.

Kitty - sea bands are to be worn on ur wrists to help with morning sickness
joanne..i agree..no mood for anything,,,
so uncomfortable ...keep thinking how is the little one inside us..hope that he/she will be healthy
Jus came bac from dr. By rite 6w6d saw something that look like baby but dr cannot really confirm. Hoax hope 2 weeks ltr go bac everything will be ok. ^^
Santorini: oh thanks! Haha your first child must be quite big now!

Anyone's under the weather as well? I'm having flu and cough. Anything I could do so that I may be able to recover fast? The cough is quite terrible.
you must rest well for this few days. Dont move around too much. Eat well and rest well is a must. Then you will be able to see ur baby clearly.
Last time i also cant see waterbag, so on bedrest for 5 days, then can see baby sac. Sometimes, if we dont rest well, baby growth also affected.
haha ET i am like you.. basically do all the housework at home, hang clothes and plus still gotta shower the dogs hahaha..
mummies to be.. can i check when u all have cramp, how does the cramp feels like?
mine feels like something poking at my uterus. consider normal?
poking all oover or just a pt>
or over then its al..cos its overall expanding..
a localized pain is no gd..
Hi, I'm into my 7 weeks. Last few days has got brown stain, so have been resting at home. Today even worse, has got light bleeding. Is this normal? Gynae will only be in tmrw morning. Now I'm very worried. Has got crampy feeling too... Like menses coming....
do u want to consult other gynaes first? do u have any an tai yao that your gynae pescribe you?
if the bleeding is like mense the amount,..then its alarming..if not i think all u need to do now is to rest..bed rest dont walk ard..n go see gynae tomorrow first thing in the morn..i guess u need the jab to stabilise it..cant rem wat the name of the jab.
BBL: thanks. its mostly at the middle part of the uterus. very little at the left & right.
im worried becuz i went gynae yday and says im supposed to be 6wks but the scan only shows 5wks.
sigh... im just hoping for the best.
should be ok ..dont worry too much..i am supposed to be week 5 lo..but cant see a thing..so gynae think its abt 4 week..dont worry too much ...
yeah prolution jab...errmmm actually the scan now is not so accurate..have to wait till fetus is bigger then measure then consider accuate..first 2 scan usually not so accurate..
so not to worry so much..worrying will put stress on u n bb..n bb wont grow well
ej> think its normal... cause usually gynae based it using your menses against the length and size of the beanie during scan..
Hi everyone...
I just tested positive on Monday.My LMP is 12th nov... So i should be in my 5th week now??? this is my 3rd pregnancy, 1st girl is 5 yo, 2nd boy is 18mths. Hvnt seen my gynae as she is away on holidays. Will be seeing her only nx thursday.
Liqing - we share the same gynae Dr Eunice chua and we both expecting no 3 and also staying at SK
Ladylily, you can go visit kkh 24hrs clinic if you wish to.

ej, different pple ovulate at different time. So some will ovulate later and some earlier even if they have the same LMP.

Hello Mezzo. Welcome.
yea dun worry mummies. stay positive and be happy!

i had my first scan last week and couldn't see a thing too (we calculated that it's already 5 weeks according to my last menses). had 2 blood test and the hcg results are increasing. told myself to stay positive for that whole week (although it's very worrying)
i then had my 2nd scan on tuesday and able to see! just no baby heartbeat this time round. Gynae said im most prob only 5 weeks (late ovulation).

appointment in 2 weeks time and hopefully able to hear heartbeat. so mummies, try to stay positive!
Hey Mindy, at 5 weeks, what did you see?
For me, I can only see one black dot... the gynae didn't zoom in...
mummies, all of you seen a gynae already? I'll wait till next week than call up for 1st appt.

cham, i started to have cravings!! my god.. previous preg weight not loss now still accumulating.. Cannot imagine how much i'll put on for this preg ;p
Bright - I also only see one black dot and gynae explained to me that the surrounding is my uterus. He did explained other stuff which i can't remember what he said. haha..
he did give me a photo of the scan.

so we are both hoping to see baby grow and hear heartbeat in 2 weeks time. when's ur next appointment?
Mindy : wow... so good.. my gynae didnt give me the photo =(

Appointment is tomorrow... Hope to hear heartbeat and hope everything is fine!
hi all MTB,

I am new here

Had tested positive abt 2 weeks ago. It's my 1st pregnancy.

just seen my gynae, Dr AL Lim at TMC yesterday for the 1st time and I am 6 weeks 2 days now. EDD on 14 August.

My MS gotten worse since last evenning, it's like a whole day thing and cant eat at all. Din go to work today cos morning feel giddy. Been lying on the bed the whole day
juz went to see gynae today...

saw the peanut shaped bb and heard the HB...bb heart beating at 142/min...wow!

but bad news is also tt the doc found a blood clot in the womb beside the bb... =( doc has given me a jab and also med..will be gg back in 2 weeks...so hopefully by then all will be ok...worried now... =(

anyone got this kind of exp to share?
Zratsniwt: don't worry if doc say it'll go away just trust them. I'm sure everything will be good for you.

Saffy: welcome! My edd is 16th august haha 2 days after yours also 1st pregnancy
