(2012/08) Aug 2012

Welcome Mindy!
most of u had gone to see the gynae har?? I shd be at week 6 now, but can only see gynae end of next week, which is ard wk 7 - 8.. so shd be able to see heartbeat rt?

Suzanne, hope u r feeling better now. I also always feel like not having enough 'qi', but I have no MS yet.. before conceive I went to TCM n sinseh say my heart weak.. gave me some med to eat, thou I felt better then, but I din finished the whole course n din go back to her again.. now pregnant feel my heart weak again.. use a bit of strength or climb a flight of stairs also breathless...
ordinarying, I sometimes forgot to take my pills too-utrogestrone, which is the same as dupstrone. I think once in a while it is okie ba. I sometimes can forget few days in a roll.

Sherry, thanks thanks, I added her.

I try my best to let my hb carry my girl. I bth liao. My friend poor thing, her kid going to 2 and she heavily preg, still die die want her to carry. Poor her.

Jljt, thanks for the kind offer.
Love ya. Today lesser rain than yesterday. I wore thicker clothes and help to hide my tum tum. But so sian. Yesterday I board the train with any obviously preg, pple give up seat to her. I was thinking if my tummy more obvious will they give up too?

Sherry, I always buy baby puff from Agape, hahah. I got 1 lousy baby carrier, which I dun use also. Let hb use, but he also complain back pain.

Congrats Yanlin and Meishan.

Meishan, we should be having around the same EDD, my darling baby also 7weeks and 1 day.

Hello Kew, Welcome.

Yes Urchin, abt to see heartbeat by then.

Abt breadthless, I think quite common during preg.

Hello Mindy.
Hello all !

Urchin- I went to gynae early cause wanted to ask if I can travel abroad but sadly can't. Not advisable to fly during first trimester.
mahjong> My #1 came out 11 days before EDD. So although #2 EDD is somewhere early Aug, might actually end up delivering in end Jul ! Was you #1 delivered near EDD?
Congrats Yanlin and Meishan!

Hope you feel better soon. I'll get breathless after climbing a flight of stairs or after coughing too much. Not sure if it's MS through. Mum's advice to me is to eat whatever I like to eat.

And rest more!

It does make me feel better. Hope it'll work for you too.
for workings moms,
when maybe from trim 2 and onwards you all can actually car/bus pool and go to work together... just a suggestion... =)

I'm on a business trip in Shanghai now, flying back to Taipei tonight.

Will have to fly back to Sg for CNY.

Damn stressed.
Thanks jljz

BBL: Supposed to be flying with hubby early Jan. Guess I might have to give up that trip. But I don't wanna stay home with my in laws also.

They are vegetarians and they insist I must be vegetarian too. So I'm like vegan in the presence and usually hubby will buy whatever I want to eat (discretely)

Vegetarian food mostly very liang (white carrot, cabbages, tomato, cucumber, bitter gourd etc). I'm just moody at the thought of it.
oh .sad to give up on that trip..but for the sake of the little one..its worth..

hmmm how to have vege food now ..cant they be more understanding..bb need more nutrient..
Oh trust me... They are really adamant about it.

They even have vegetarian herbal soup, inside mostly mushrooms. And like they will insist that I drink every last drop of it. And all the liao must finish also. -_-!!!

I told hubby. I'm so dead.
It's ok, baby will survive vegetarian diet, I just dunno if you will!? My mum vegetarian when she pregnant with my brother, he came out more than 4 kg *faint*. Tall genes plus lots of fresh milk and avocados = dua jiak baby.

So strange though, how come your in laws don't eat the green leafy vege like Choy sum, spinach etc. Just watch out, may have to boost your vitamin B12, cos vegetarian diets usually missing this. All other nutrients can still find vegetarian alternatives.
Today I got so dizzy until I don't know what I m talking about when explaining to auditor. Then i nearly hit the wall. Do u all experience this?
Hi mammies. When everynightI go to bed and sleep. My stomach feel burning up to my throat. Feel like vommitting. But always nothing come out. In the morning I drink water. I vomit out all the water I drank. Wif sour sour feels.

How or what should I do?
I got to know that progesterone ease the pregnancy as it gives relaxation to uterus. Maybe u can talk to ur gynae and see if he/she can give u something to ease ur burning sensation.
I take 6 hormones pills each day. I don't feel nausea or ms now.
Hi All Mummy,

went to do a urine test today to confirm whether i pregnant anot and is YES. My next appointment is to see gynae is on 09Jan.
Yanlin: my next appointment will be 2 weeks time. Ok! I should ask him to give me something to ease. Thanks Yan Lin.
Morning mummies..

Just to check, how many MG of folic acid pill were you all given? I bought mine from NTUC and did not get my supply from gynae so I am wondering if I am taking the right dosage? I kinda regret not getting from the gynae.. >___<
Don't think I got the dizziness as bad as you, but yeah, encountered a few times when I feel like face planting myself on the floor outside of home. Usually happened when I didn't sleep enough, didnt eat enough, or walked too much, or combination of any of these factors.

So take care of yourself yeah? Try to take short physical rests throughout the day, eat on time, and see if can sleep more.
the folic acid i also bought from unity pharmacy and it is exactly the same that was given by my gynae previously... =)
I am getting headaches and spinning head... Been out for work for almost a week... I totally can't work at all... Been resting on the bed but head still spinning... Gynae say like that good... At least he knows baby is stable.... Faint.... Hubby and doc can see heart beat yesterday but I can't... Duno how to see... But still very small....
Milo cannot stay in the stomach with the cracker... Will always puke a little out... Duno y....
I stay at bed this am. Nearly fainted at home due to dizziness. After had those pills, 19 per day thou. I went back to sleep at 5 plus am coz I scare if take pills at 8 am will made me sicker in office. Who knows, I can't even know what is happened around me. I m a light sleeper thou. I finished utilize all annual leave n medical leave. So now taking unpaid leave.
well, really i hope i have more symptoms so that i can be more assured... =) but leaving things to His hands...
jljt, i understand wat u trying to say....cos me too.

I hope to feel more MS cos These 2 days still quite managable when I started work.
Mine is one day okay, another day not okay.. i have DAY OFFS basically.. so nice of my baby.... *___*

To be frank, i rather no MS.. yes sometimes i feel weird when i am abit more normal but i enjoy being normal than not normal which is hellish!!!!
as of now i do not have any MS *Touch wood*.. but only some menses alike cramp n the appetite is weird. will become hungry out of sudden or if not will be not hungry at all..

I think the cramp has also subsided quite a bit.. just tired.

We will soon all be ok in Trim 2!!
yeah i have been having weird dreams for some time... hahaa.. got once i dreamt i took PSLE again.. and score 282!! amazing...

other times got bizarre dreams like seeing pple killed in a swimmming pool or what.. violent dreams.. weird...
Joanne/LCF, it is normal to have weird dreams during Preg. I had alot of weird weird dreams during my last pregnancy.

This time round I haven had so much yet cos too tired after work.

I dreamt abt stuck in mrt last Sunday and hor, sub consciously I can smell like my girl poo pooing. In the end is true lor, she pooed.
me too, no MS and frequent urination..

I just low appeitite, sometime i nausea and vomiting when i smell frozen foods at supermart.

No appetite today. force myself to eat. else bb will be hungry.
So I force myself to cook healthy pregnancy superfood and force myself to eat. Had a bowl of hot porridge and plate of mixed vege with tomatoes, mushroom, carrot, and broccoli.
Told my hubby lost appetite, he said good, then u can lost weight. He added in that he is just kidding. Faint.
