(2012/08) Aug 2012

Keep telling myself bb needs to grow well. Then, u don't focus on eating. Think or do something else while u eating
but my nose has been very sensitive these days.. everything stinks to me! food, toilet, bedsheets, cooking smell.. everything stinks to me!!!! i cant swallow food cus i find they stink too????

i have serious problem...
Wow, guess the meds really taking a toll on you huh? But just think if appetite continue like this, likely you won't put on excessive weight, which is good. If it's any comfort.

Hmm, I used either have soupy stuff or boil all my food just so i could get nutrients into me. So long as I didn't vomit it was a victory? hey, at least your bb got give you off days. I dun mind leh.

It's natural to worry

Talk about dreams, this morning dreamt I was waddling (pregnant mah) and having backache. Woke up, yep pregnant and super bad backache cos slept in wrong position.
ankh: yeah as long i dont vomit my food.. it is a victory... but always have the quesy feeling.. something's not right at the tummy or chest area.. so sickening..

I wish baby can be more kind to me.. hahaha..

My mum said talking to the baby will help.. tell the baby to be guai... dont make mummy vomit and vomit...
hey mummies
glad to hear I'm not the only one suffering.

I've been feeling so horrible, yesterday I slept at 7pm I was so dizzy and tired.

smell of food and just walking past a bin makes me feel nauseous. And changing my daughters diaper has become a mission.

seriously I could just sleep the whole day that's how tired I always feel. When will this horrible morning sickness go away :-(
i think most of us are at the peak period of MS...

7/8 weeks.. Let's hang on together! I really admire those of you who still manage to take public transport to work.

I am on MC and HL for almost a month.. only going back to office for a short while tomorrow then leave again and start next tues...

Dizzy, MS, quesiness, nausea, tiredness... all the horrible symptoms please go away!!!
oh ard week 6/7 i was hospitalised due to dehydration and low blood sugar.. stay in hospital for 2 days for drip.. sianz..

i was too weak that time and doc has no choice but to admit me to hospital. So that was how i got the HL..
I got cramps now. Feel dizzy, pain, weak, no energy. Wondering should I go work or should I rest at home. Baby, be nice to mummy.. Hormones pills r Causing discomfort, but it's for bb growth.
wah H u give me hope man! my worst was ard 6/7 weeks.. i hope my MS stops earlier! hope also by week 9 err.. which is next week!!!

The thots of Salmon make me wanna puke. Last time not like that.

LFC, maybe can take ribena or sugary drinks if u really dun feel like eating. I find it very xin ku to force myself to eat.....
Hi everyone...
I just tested positive yesterday... My LMP is 15 th nov... So i should be in my 5th week now. No symptoms yet *Touch wood*.
this is my 3rd pregnancy, 1st girl is 4 yo, 2nd girl is 15mths.
Not gonna wanna know th e gender of #3. Told my hubby ill ask gynae to ligate me straight after delivery. Haha.
1st 2 pregnancies is by dr hk ho. This time round, gonna do it the el cheapo way.... KKH clinic C maybe until 20th week and see whether any pte gynae still wanna take me under their package price.
already got a referral letter to go kkh on 18th jan, by then shld be about 9th week.
Maybe cos 3rd pregnancy,,, so abit bo chap, haha.
Hi gloomybear & BBL,

I was reading Sep 2010 during my pregancy. My #1 was delivered 6 Sep and I am now expecting # 2.

Was told be in week 8 now. Morning sickness kicks in faster than before and I find myself sleepy always. *Faint*

How you gals coping?

My previous one I hav to bed rest since week 13 and same applies for this.

It is the geatest fear that I have. Sigh..
I share liao... With all my close friends only, family and relatives not yet. Lol
This 3rd one sure stress me about gender..... So, the later they know, the better....
the last thing all the mummies need is stress..

But apparently this always happens... I think we have too much to worry..

Happy but yet troubled over pregnancy... Just hope my baby will not have a grumpy face!
i can't resist the temptation!!! open another cup noodles to makan! hungry!!!

try not to? hahaa.. cos of the herbs they put inside the soup.. but everything in moderation should be fine! =)
Hi Mummies! I'm Kelly and i'm 5wks 6days.
Had a MC earlier this year and hope this time will be ok. Really excited about being pregnant.
Hi Mummies, I would like to share this piece of info on maternity shots by a good photographer.

He is currently having a soft launch promo which is going at just S$250. It includes a 2hr shoot, about 10-15 images edited and returned in low res JPG and 3 prints. More optional upgrades to the packages are available for customisations. Edits and prints go thru olor enhancements and touchups, prints are done with premium print makers. Website: http://www.3littlepics.com/. Contact: Tey Yong How +65 9793 2031. Can preview his profile on FB

Kelly, what a coincidence! I was just thinking to engage your services for this one... Haha... Congrats!

You took pics of my firstborn sometime back and still love your pics ...
