(2012/08) Aug 2012

Dear all mummies tb, I'm new to this forum. #bb1 EDD 11 aug 2012. I dunno how to calculate the exact weeks and days like most of u did. but think I'm in weeks 6 now. Still no MS. Keep my fingers crossed!
Anyone know if MS will come later for me?

gd morning
welcome to mummies...getting more mummies in here..

not to worry that much..trust the doc..u be fine..

Best not to have MS..u wont love it..it shld peak now..if u dont have it so most prob u wont get it..
morning mummies!!

Ya i agree with BBL best not to have MS..

I was having running nose yesterday and end up i have to take 1 flu pill given by doctor.. Felt bad about it cos doc did say that try not to take if can cos now the organs are forming.. but it is real bad thats why i have to take...

I haven been resting well and seeing comments on eating and resting well affects the baby growth scares me.. >___<

Oh well I am will damn glad to have a night without dreams...

It will be another 3 weeks before I go see my gynae for second scan and most probably by then will be able to see the heart beat.. hopefully the little fella in there is growing well..
Jesric> If not wrong, you should count from your LMP day then you will know how many weeks you are in. Alternatively, use ur EDD and minus 40 weeks.
Joanne Chua > thks for the guide. But I find it weird. Why do we consider the menses week as week 1 when we can only conceive after the menses say day 10 onwards?
well... i also got confused.. there are 2 types of calculation.. but basically when i read from books or website.. this is how they count in general. The other type which i forgot the name of the calculation is based on LMP calculation - 2 weeks.

But in general they will use LMP to count.
oh ya.. if iphone user.. u can download this app call babymed... then u can input your LPM or ovulation day etc there will be a chart to tell u all the details. Like what week you are in now etc.. Not sure if andriod phone has this app or not.. =) hope this helps.
Hi, i have a baby in Dec 2010 and I am now with my 2nd at 7W3D, due early Aug.
Did my scan last wed and saw bb heartbeat. Gynae is Dr SF Loh who is going to TMC.
Hope to share info with everyone in future
Hi BBL, Ovulation date is the date where the egg mature and ready for fertilisation usually abt 12-18 days roughly base on my understanding.

Okie this is what I found: "Ovulation Basics
What is ovulation?

Ovulation is the release of a single, mature egg from a follicle that developed in the ovary. It usually occurs regularly, around day 14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle. Once released, the egg is capable of being fertilized for 12 to 48 hours before it begins to disintegrate. This is the most fertile period of your cycle: during ovulation your chances of conception are highest.

When does ovulation occur?

Ovulation usually takes place 14 days after the beginning of your menstrual cycle. The time of ovulation within the menstrual cycle is determined by the luteal phase, which is usually 12 to 16 days long. You can calculate the time of ovulation within your cycle by subtracting the length of your luteal phase from the length of your cycle. For example, if your cycle is 28 days long and your luteal phase is 12 days long, the ovulation will occur on day 16 of your cycle (28-12=16). The exact time of ovulation may vary within your cycle, because ovulation can be delayed by a number of factors such as stress, illness, diet, or increased physical activity.

How does ovulation determine my fertile days?

Your fertile period starts about 4-5 days before ovulation, and ends about 24-48 hours after it. This is because sperm can live in your body for approximately 4 to 5 days, and the egg can live for 24 to 48 hours after being released. You are most fertile on the day before and the day of ovulation. Knowing your fertile days can help you increase your chances of getting pregnant, or avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Read Ovulation and Pregnancy and Ovulation and Contraception for more information.

So if the sperm meet the egg, that is the date of conception which is usually 2 weeks after LMP.

Every women have different ovulation date. And every cycle different.
thanks BBL &amp; Kelly! =)

cant help but feel worried la...coz in the past also got severe cramp but nv think much...then after the doc says, i rem long long ago, chinese sinseh also got say b4 that i may have cysts..haiz....

juz hope all will be fine after 2 wks...
BBL if u ovulate abt 26 Nov, u will be 3 weeks in conception + abt 2 weeks from the time ur LMP till u Ovulate, so is abt 5 weeks pregnant.

So u ovulate on 26Nov or LMP is?
ya i ovulate on the 26 nov..but my LMP is 9 Nov..which is y i also dont know which to follow..if based on 26 nov ovulation i should be 5 weeks 6 days today.
i also had cyst during my first pregnancy..and its a 6cm big cyst..got to operate n remove it during pregnancy time..which is digusting to think of..
rainbow: EDD was Jan 2011 but it was a C-sec so brought forward to Dec.

For food, honestly, i find that we can eat most stuff and eat what we feel like eating. currently, i eat everything. no alcohol, on decaff coffee, no tea only. In fact, i ate sashimi when i just found out...
Rainbow: For baby's heartbeat roughly around 7-8weeks depends on individual growth.

Correct me if i'm worng, i read somewhere saying that MS is not good it's due to lack of nutrients. So we must eat a healthy meal and supplement ourselves!
Hi Mummies,
SOmeone purposely pushed me just now. Then i lost balance and nearly fall down. I was so mad and yelled at her. She knew I am pregnant.
I told her she will held responsible if anything happened to me and i yelled at her Bloody Hell.
I m mad. No appetite at all today.
Ivftwins, my edd was dec 10 but csec in late nov! ^5!

Thanks kelly. I shld be in my 5th wk nw cos lmp was 16 nov. make appt to see gynae in jan so by then shld be able to see e beat.. My 1st one ms kicks in 6-7wks later but mild one so hope this preg has no ms!

Yanlin, yr colleague is an idiot! Sorry to use such strong word. Chill ok, dun get angry over this kind of ppl. Our bb and health comes first.
Yah, she is so idiot until she does wrong things and affected on my accounts. I also wonder why my boss likes her so much for.
I am loosing temper everyday coz of her stupidness.
Chill chill... Don't get upset because of her... Our mood gets affected easily nw so must tell ourselves to take it easy..
Don't worry about counting your edd. Your gynae will usually date your edd during scans as that's the most accurate, based on size of baby. LMP cannot be accurate cos some people have regular 28 days cycle while others have longer. So ovulation cannot be pinpointed accurately.

I am not a whitelink bride. I got married overseas.

Not really sure if MS is caused by lack of balanced diet. I'm pretty sure it's caused by excessive hormones . The more MS u have, the stronger ur pregnancy is. Of course, people without MS also have healthy pregnancies.

I read that someone has very bad MS here, can't remember who. I was hospitalized during my pregnancy with my dotter as I had bad MS for 5 mths, and I would vomit after every single meal, sometimes up to 20 times a day. My dr gave me meds to cope with the ms, and then I would maybe vomit 8 times a day. Still bad but at least I could live my daily life.

This time I also hv Ms but less vomitting, more nausea and retching. Crossing my fingers it stay this way and it only last until week 12.
Yanlin: she'll get her karma. Meanwhile, just relax and ignore her. She's not worth to be angry with. Just take more caution.
Rainbow, I also have the weight. Pple say I look preg even before I got preg and ask if I am preg lor......

Bright, usually when they scan they will give photo. Maybe they forgot. Rem to ask them tomolo. :p

Hello Saffy, Welcome.
Mj, sad right.. my hub says before i can shed off the excess, i'm putting on weight again. ;(

gloomybear, u stay in tpy too!! got kakis alrdy ;)
Zratsniwt, July thread got one person also like that, you can ask them.

Rainbow, if you wish to have a vbac, why not? Can look for Dr Paul Tseung, saw that he very pro birth. Thou I not seeing him la.
Usually will see heartbeat between 6-8Weeks.

Hello Jesric, Welcome.
Try not to worry okie.

Hello ivftwins. My Edd very near you. I am 7Weeks and 4days today. I also 2nd time mummy. My Girl Born in Sept 2010
BBL, no worries. You see, my LMP is on 24 Oct, but usually my ovulation is quite late around CD16 or plus minus. So my Conception is around CD16 which is 10Nov.

Do you know roughly when you BD?

Calculate base on Ovulation/Conception period is more accurate.

For me, it is. Or else base on my LMP, my EDD is actually end July 2012.
You remove ur cyst when You preg or when you are delivering?

Kelly Soon, MS indicate the pregnancy hormones is strong which implies babies are healthy, BUT no MS does not mean that baby is not good.

Usually MS means vomit out whatever you eat cos no appetite etc etc...so in that sense did not get much nutrient? For some pple, MS is so bad, they have to be put on drip in hospital.
yanlin.dun be angry..thats very bad of her to push u when she knew u r preg...so bad

operation during wk 17 of pregnancy.
i BD on 26 nov..so i thnk thats the date i kena...hahahhaa
Zratsniwt:i hv blood clot for both my no 1 &amp; 2. What my gynae did was she gave me progestrone jabe and i was on utrogestron pill for the first few months then later on the blood clot disappear.
IvftwIns, i had sashimi last fri too!! Keep craving for noodle soup.. Haiz.

Btw, mummies, hv u told yr boss abt yr preg yet? I started this job in jun so i'm hesitating if i shld sound her out..

Looking forward to long weekend! ;)
wait till u r at least 3 mth..cos even if company wanna sack u also cannot..cos they got to pay u maternity leave,
Dear mummies...
just got a shocking news..
i didnt know chocolate cake actually contains alcohol..so during this festive season, pls go easy with chocolate cake..
Hi gals,
I am TTC.
Need to check. I have been having cramps and lower back pains for a week now. Have tender boobs, dizzines,terrible bloatness and just now vomitted all my lunch. I tested yesday but -ve. my menses is due 26 Dec. Anyone can tell me whats happening?

I dont usually have symptoms before my menses.
???so confused!
Should see a dr?
hi BBL, mezzo17...thanks for the consolation...

i will see how again 2 weeks later...

juz had a jab yest at my butt and was sibei pain lo...and the nurse kept emphasizing that it will be very pain... *argh* then today, i stil feel pain at the area the jab was but cant see any blue-black though...

doc also gave some pills...hopefully all will b fine after this...coz myself, hb and mum all very worried....
Thanks BBL.

I'll try to keep mum unless under certain circumstances cos everyone need to do a compulsory check-up in Jan *finger cross*

Zratsniwt: will be fine ok.. must relax..
Hi mummies,

Went to 1st app yesterday at TMC. Dr show us baby heartbeat~ n we heard it~ that was so amazing!! Is so difficult to describe our feeling!! haha.. Is 6W5D now~ EDD will be on 12 Aug 12 ^^

But I wonder y they nvr do blood test for me only urine test?

Mahjong, Im having 5-6 times MS on past 3 days but most of the time they hav nothing came out only saliva nia~ Dr did offered me the pill but I rejected bcoz my mom asked me not to take it ( worry about the side effect ba )

But oh, my fren (suffered 10+ times MS in a day till 5th month) ask me to take coca cola ( well, I know is no soft drink during pregnancy ) but this afternoon I drank one can~ Wow!! I tell u the feeling was sooooooo fantastic~ I burped a lot and my feeling r getting better n better!! Thx god only 1 time MS today~ shhhh :p
Hi mummies,
Since my colleague pushed me today, I realized that mother nature is really strong since found pregnant. Now seem the whole office know I m pregnant. It's ok for them to know right?
since got baby heart beat, I keep telling myself that Jesus has blessed us and entrusting us with new life, then means baby will grow in a beautiful way as HE wanted it to be, right?
Suzanne: Awesome cant wait for my appointment in Jan to hear my baby's heartbeat!

Yanlin: How to tell whether can see tummy or not? I dont think mine grew at all
still like normal big tummy.
Hi all,
Can't wait for 12 weeks to start some input here =p
Im 8 weeks now with my 1st preganacy. Went to see Dr Teoh today and I got to hear my baby strong heartbeat =)
Only got to know im pregnant when im 7 weeks... no clue at all =S
Haven been experiencing spotting, bloating, MS, cramps, pain on my pelvic bone, went to see KK O&amp;G 2x and today Dr Teoh in TMC amk hub. Anyway felt much better after seeing Dr Teoh. She has been very comforting, assuring &amp; tells me why are those systoms happening... so tat I do not have to be so stressed up everytime I see a spotting...
Anyway I have to maintain a light hearted &amp; happy mood so as to enjoy this as much as you gals do =)

The most enjoyable part during pregnancy is I don't have to do any housework. All done by hubby after his work. :p
I can lie down whenever I want and can ask him to get meds and water for me. If he refuses, just say later bb dehydrated, then he will get it immediately. LOL
And I can get extra attention from him. I wanted him to accompany bb for half an hour each day
