(2012/08) Aug 2012

MummyR, does your gynae happen to be Dr LN Sim? I got mine from her clinic.i can't remember how much she bill me cos i don't really look at the bill since i can claim it back from the co. let me go check in my next bill.

Ling, so far i didnt puke when taking pills w milk.. So may just continue to do so coz take w water very nauseous.. N if puke out the fish oil super disgusting..

I have avent sterilizer.. Can use for medela bottles too... Think can use for most other bottles as long as not those long and small neck ones..

Nahnah, my tummy also gets bigger thru the day.. Was like that for my #1 too..

Rainbow, i picked up some basic malay fr my mum's maids over the past yrs... So likely i'll be getting indo maid.. Then maybe my kids can learn some malay too.. Haha..
Sandy> ya he is a very neat person.. neater than me.. wahahah i always tell him baby next time will let him train to be neat. Sometimes at night will feel more thirsty.. then i try not to drink too much cos keep going toilet also headache.
i prob getting indo too, sis fren who is agent say myammar maid quite jialat n communication also problem. indo maids i have last time to care for my granny so i know some simple berhasa. Pino too much worries, cos i know most even we pay them also they insist want sunday off n HPs which i don like.

no negative tots pls.. positive positive!!

maybe ur hb pan tang? or he also hearsay ppl don take so early.. at least 5mths. tats my rule, not taking anything from my sis till i m pass 5mths
jljt, u are not alone. I also keep having alot of negative thots. So sian. Just hope to know everyday that my daring dragon 2012 baby is healthy and okie. LIke a kind of tortue hor?
yeessssss... trying to immerse myself in the pool of work that i have right now! hahaa...

hugggggggggssss!!! POSITIVE POSITIVE! haa... it's torturing now cos we're all anxious to know the gender isn't it? hahahaa...
Re: maids
Guess really luck on getting a good maid.. My ex colleague engaged before all three nationalities but all CMI...
next visit is on 23rd! thank you for the assurance! seriously i dunno what got into me recently... i have to constantly tell myself, POSITIVE! hahaa.. maybe cos i'm not feeling the flutters these few days again lor! ai yooo.. bb exercise your limbs okie!? hahaa.. kick kick more!

when is your next appt? haven't gotten to see you yet! hahaa...
mine is 2 march..hai still a long wait..
u try lying on yr tummy..i think u will feel something..yest i lie on my tummy..my little dragon moving non stop..
re: maid
agree its really pure luck
had really lousy ones and good ones before

im seeing dr jocelyn wong

dont worry...playpen are not ex...can always shop later! dept stores always have good offers too
I am super Full. Have been cooking my own lunch because too lazy to walk out of office to buy plus the oily smell will make me puke. But today my HB fill my lunch box full now feel like sleeping.

Anyone know the sex of your BB already ? I have to wait until next visit which is in March.
Sandy> seems like there are 2-3 mummies who already knew the gender.. If I remember correctly, think mostly boys
Jen> dun think he is those pan tang type. he just dun wan to find a place for the stroller yet.

MummyR> Hope so... just hope to settle some things fast then can relax liao.. maybe before 2nd trim ends will get it.
Jen> dun think he is those pan tang type. he just dun wan to find a place for the stroller yet.

MummyR> Hope so... just hope to settle some things fast then can relax liao.. maybe before 2nd trim ends will get it.
my next visit also on 02 Mar, gynae says by then shd b able to know gender.

Rykiel & MummyR is boys not sure if i missed out others..

ya lah, lucky very impt.
my granny was sort of "killed" by the maid due to laziness *haix*
Hi mommies,

can i check with you what kind of pregnancy pillow can we buy? I beginning to feel tired cos i dont really have a good night sleep. Due to bloated stomach also :S I can't imagine once our tummy gets bigger too!
when we lay down flat on our tummy won't that add pressure to the womb? hahaa... can feel that way ah?
boys usually know earlier. I hope I will know later :p
Maids is really based on luck. My first indo maid is also a rich gal back home and wanted to see the world outside. She dont even have strength to carry marketing food or hang bamboo pole outside to dry clothes and spoil all my things with 2 months. My 2nd maid experiened indo can do work but very talkactive and will talk back to everyone including my sisters, BIL, mum or people who visit me. Cant get her to shut up so sent her back. 3rd one filippino, good but 6 months later, have phone and want offday. always give me black face which I can close 1 eye as long as she does her stuff. but recently told my auntie's maid that now I am preggie, she is afraid of those days. I really wonder if she will stay with me. anyway maids are forever a headache.

JC, my hb also a neat freak. If I have things lying around, he will ask me if I need it till the day I cleared it. and I am a clean freak, I cant stand dust or my place being dirty :p
snowy, i compiled this list recommended from various people from the SMF when i was searching for CL. You can try if u want. good luck!

Qin Jie - Sing mobile 83048823, Msia Mobile +60165678631.
Meiying SG hp 82430128 or +6075593130.
Siew Zhen 92440112 (Singapore Hp) 019-7733251 (M'sian Hp) 012-7393588 (M'sian Hp)
9682 8813 recommend from valerie
Auntie Winnie from M'sia. Her Contact no +60102931731
call her daugther Yvonne at 90094481
xiufang 60176119198 and her hubby 60136467588
60125571238. Aunty Mei.
Xin Hua +60176088006 +60176088006 (M'sia no.) or +6590395121 +6590395121 (Singapore HP).
Xiu Feng 94451055 and malaysia number is +60199056519.
Auntie Lian 84389919 (SG)/ +60122568732 (MY)
Auntie Meilian at +601 7635 5077 (M'sia) or 8306 5400
Yue Fen 8375 6048 (SG) or her house at 0207-6522606 (MSA).
Siew Ling Jie SG line: 81195431, MY line: 013-7067061 / 012-7609538
Mei Jie SG: 81617701 MY: +6012-7041112
Aunty Ann at Msia +60 166 99 7288 Spore 9868 8567
hope that by then we can see the gender..ddon wan to wait for the next visit.

i think now tummy still small cann lie that way..
will feel bb moving one..i always felt it when i lie that way..
if u feel uncomfortable then dont lie lo..i lie on my bed..not on hard floor..
wow kitty, im so impressed with your list....i think one of your recommendation is my ex-confinement lady ... hv you booked yours?
Hi Kitty,

Thanks! I been looking for CL and i haven found one. The one i wanted all book in Aug :S

Sigh - find CL is like finding a good maid too .
which caterer are u considering ah? i'm thinking btw rich food and natal essentials. looking at the menu i prefer rich food leh..

too bad i'm not at home now!! hahaa... if not i lie down on my office floor? hahaa.. i also no ms nothing for 2 days liao lor..
mahjong, don't scare yourself unnecessarily. You got to think positive and also it helps if you can keep away from reading negative post in the forum. That day i read something negative, i really got myself into a terrible nightmare. Really not worth it.

My MS has also reduce significantly although i still feel tired and etc. But we should be getting better. Go look at baby photos and get all the positive attracted to you and think of pleasant things! Jiayou!

I put up little baby magnets on notice work board so the moment i tired i look up i see happy smiling baby!
you're welcome ladies. i'm glad it helps.

I'm on MC today. haven been sleeping well for the past few nights. just couldnt get off the bed this morning. i'm so tired but at night duno why just cannot sleep. anyone has similar problems?

No MS is good leh! i cant wait to get over with it! dont worry too much lar..
Hi mummies ,
just got back from a impromptu trip to gynea ... apparently having cramp on lower left abdomen since yesterday noon ... call doc and ask ..so she ask me go in scan .. end up like bring forward my appt that is suppose to be 28th .. apparently she say is uetrus stretch or else is bowel nt smooth ... haiz .. baby cross leg leh .. scan so long also dun wan let me see is mickey or minnie lo ...

Sian ... now have to wait till 14th march then do detail scan then will noe ... argggggg

Anyway .. if u all looking for CL better start nw... i called 12 Cl then finally got 1 that is not booked ...
Me having back issue but more like Suan. Hopeful bb can stay inside till wk 37. I told my hb I have a feel tt I can't hold e bb inside os e Suan is similar feel of gg birth time. Not not painful.

By luck. Agent play a part too as they tried to match ur criteria. . If maid gg to b home wif ur mil or mother, better bring them to choose. Mine still ok but hb find her a bit rough wif kids. Maye tt y mine not really stick to her n I find it better. my frien kids wan maid more than mommy.

Else u go see gynae. When is ur next appt?
positive tots, whenever i read negative stuff n start to feel emo i tell myself cannot have such tots n start thinking happy tots n talk to bb.

i'm now 13w4d, feeling better, more energy, better appetite n less ms *touch wood*
jljt, we same same. I intend to bring forward my appt same as u on 23rd to asap. Going to call the nurse soon.

Thanks Happy. Where u got those baby magnets from?

kitty, so u got ur CL already from one in the list huh?

nahnah, u today is how many weeks and days?
yup snowy, i got mine. was panicking when majority of you already booked before CNY. desperate i quickly read thru all the threads on CL n compiled this list. lol...
mahjong : today is 16 weeks liao ... supposedly can see the miss/mr liao .. but bb shy .. no show ..
just nw mum call .. somemore dash my hope .. say like that ah .. confirm gal la.. gal then so shy mah ...
Connie, next week. I am going to call to bring forward asap. Really feel nothing, scare leh.

I totally no feel now, 16 Weeks tomorrow. Maybe shld not feel anything but nothing no MS scare leh. Quickly ask gynae scan scan to make me feel relieve. :p
Mahjong ,.. u like me ... paranoid ... tat day i tell hubby i very stress like feel nothing .. then die die make him hear see tummy got thump thump or nt ... then he say have liao i dun believe .. haha ... hubby say i am like carrot ... keep wanting the doc to scan and chop me ..
ur edd early aug or late july? =) i totally can understand how u feel.. hahaa.. just want to scan and see the hb to have an assurance!

on a happy note, i think my polyp has dropped off!!! cos i'm not bleeding from it...
oh ya, nahnah, my hubby also say he can hear bb heartbeat when he put his ear at my tummy!! i still wondering if he just being playful n to trust him anot. hahaha.. so those who worry shld do this, can save some $$$!!
ur edd early aug or late july? =) i totally can understand how u feel.. hahaa.. just want to scan and see the hb to have an assurance!

on a happy note, i think my polyp has dropped off!!! cos i'm not bleeding from it...
nahnah/ kitty,
i also do tat sometimes but i nv tell hb y..
jus tell him hear bb heartbeat jus for assurance on n off till next appt.

mahjong, relax don scare urself. talk to bb maybe bb will give u a gd kick?
dont worry la..
maybe tummy fats too much so cant feel..or well cushion by the placenta ..my parent place is very near my hse..so very conveneient...

post essential..i think this is the name..alot of mummies recommend ma

nahnah, u bring forward ur appt how many days? do you need to pay for this adhoc visit? my hb also said I am panaroid and too free at work to think so much haha. cos last week I had almost a week of cramp then diarrhea and fever etc. so I try to work from home for quite a couple of days and felt much better. if I go office take cab then ok lor. else will be walking and standing too much. for my #1, I spent a lot with gynae too cos I visit her almost every 2 weeks :p
snowy, CL these days get booked veyr early. I booked mine within 2 weeks i discovered I am preggy,..haha kiasu cos for my #1, I called many CLs too.
I also have backache and its like forever..sometimes i put the plaster to relieve the pain else I cant sleep.
