(2012/08) Aug 2012

We bought our mattress from robinsons centre point. The price is reasonable there, esp with offers.
Prefer king koil brand as it can last long. U may need to lie on thebed to get the correct one. Happy shopping
Louise, me me, i also looking at buying another mattress for no.2 and myself.. hahaha.. But still thinking of the arrangement.

rykiel, me la, i on air con and blast fan de.. hahaha.. I also bathe everyday and wash hair nearly every day.. :p

Jriste, yes, baby still have lots of space to do somersault..
ET- really? But the ultrasound looks like baby is so cramped I side. And I didn't see baby moving so actively during my last ultrasound that's why I'm getting worried.

Only saw baby kicking legs ....
ET- really? But the ultrasound looks like baby is so cramped Inside. And I didn't see baby moving so actively during my last ultrasound that's why I'm getting worried.

Only saw baby kicking legs ....
Clim, mine also suan feeling but right butt pain! Gynae said i must hv strained my muscle there so asked me to stop wearing heels and dun carry my boy temporary but how to.

This morning my lower adominal area and v area when squat down or trying to sit has a piercIng pain. Anyone experience this?
morning ladies..
so tired, yst dunno wat irritated my thoart cough whole nite n nv rest enuff.

rykiel, congrats again. i was told aircon is fine if don blow u so i on the aircon thru out confinement. but must keep warm. socks long pants etc.

BBL, jus saw ur post in FB the 9 foods tat can cos mc n now i am in panicky mood.
tat day went todai n had crabs + last sat my aunty cooked oatmeal with barley dessert + i jus made salad out of a old potato.
*OMG* i am freaking out cos after dinner tat day i have been have some cramps but jus very short ones. i was still wondering if it could b due to my fibriod or overeating cos i usually i am fine after visiting toilet.
don't freak out! it takes quite a lot of the quantity of those food mentioned to do something! if it's eaten once in a while, you'll be fine! really! =) just try to avoid for now since you know... i had lots of chocolate lor! hahaha... hugsss...

<font color="purple"><font size="+0">ET: can on aircon meh. FWAH. i shampoo one i get terrible headaches liao leh. is it cos i no bathe with herbs? u hvin no pains ar? shiok leh.. mine ah haven rain i can predict liao. =( pain, panadol wun work. must rain than get well.

jen: hmm, i that time only fan alr here pain there pain like weather forecast alr. maybe on off on off ac tis time round. hehehe!

jriste: added u ler! =D

any mummies ordering confinement tingkat? ill b doing own confinement tis time round with tingkat.
Louisels : we bought Napure pure latest cos warranty n comfort , cos hubby fat , so we need something that can than his weight ... Spring v fast he can feel e coil le ... My previous mattress took him just 1 yr to be uncomfy .. So latex for us .. Somemore we found out if gt any watermark on spring mattress then warranty void .. So we worry we drool or wat ... Haha ...

AG : I buy online ! Then use the forwarding company ... I found one much cheaper than vpost .. If u all buying online things from us can try .. It's call myus.com

Hair.. My sharp pain in tu,my jus gt worst n shift location ... Yet doc yesterday say ok .. Bt it's so bad that can really sleep ...
Jen, Yanlin &amp; nah nah,

You all suffer body aches as well??

I wanted to buy the aireloom elude mattress (basic with no pillowtop) from IMM showroom. $2499 with free down pillows &amp; eyptian cotton bedsheet. You think good deal?

Aireloom very new in Singapore, but I think it's not bad in USA, a handmade luxury brand used in the White House but the one I'm getting is the most basic one.

I try to hold it up - it's super heavy and i like heavy mattress type! I like the tufted look and white colour look very clinical like that.

But think I should take a look at Robinsons too.
i have been wanting to eat crabs since my second month till now (almost 14 weeks) but no one is letting me have it.

What's wrong with eating crab?
Rykiel, before i was pregnant, i have this rain time leg pain liao, u try take glucosamine? I took then got alot better and drink anlene ah..

Can ah, infact aircon better than fan, my mum rather i on aircon then fan..

Me so far ok, I shampoo the day after i gave birth, cant stand the oily head and smelly body.. I did everything that was not allowed la.. cos no one at home to say cannot bla bla bla..
jljz, thanks.. think i am so banning those food from my diet now. now i cannot wait for my next visit. 02Mar *argh*

rykiel, i was told blowing fan direct is worst.
aircon jus cool the air in atmosphere but fan if u blow if the wind enter ur body.
ya, body aches. sometimes cannot get up myself if i lay on sofa. some back aches n this right hip area which i pulled a muscle during CNY.
not worry lo..i also had them..moderation is the key word..

Me also ordering confinment tingkat..

Louisel..if u can read chinese...

Louisel, I read tat crab can cause contraction tat lead to mc. But I did have friends eating crabs n delivered healthy bb. For me, prevention is better.
chocolate is my fav......... -___-"

Louise> when buying a bed make sure u ask if the bed needs to be flip.. especially when u r buying something heavy u would not want to buy something u will need to flip. i got a sealy mattress and its serving me well and no flipping of mattress required. But its up to you if u dun mind flipping the mattress once a year or what. The worry is also about forgetting to flip the mattress. My 2 cents worth.
hi mummies, i had a little bit of alaskan crab during CNY period, and ate crab throughout my last pregnancy also (not huge amounts but maybe once a week?) and my kid is fine
Mahjong, I think we have same edd rite? So good, u have no ms de. I still puke n puke. But, I also can't really felt bb's move. Dun think much. I believe in fate or God's will. If it's yours, no one can steal it away from u.
rykiel, jljz,
I also thinking of ordering natal essentials, seems highly recommended with very generous portions. Likely to just order lunch have not decided whether for how long. How is Rich Food? Have not heard of them, let me go google...

Re crabs... I just ate some last week, a bit only though hehe.

LouiseLS, how is your morning sickness? Are you the one asking abt Gaviscon? I read the label, it is essentially for heartburn and acid indigestion and acts as a reflux suppressant. My gynae mention that most of the time the vomitting comes from the acid hence this should work. The recommended dosage is 10ml up to 4 times per day but usually i only take after dinner and 5ml works for me. I saw it at Guardians at taka yesterday. I think they have the liquid and tablets form. Mine is the liquid one.
JC, I think no need to flip the mattress as it is a tufted one.

It is definitely not as comfortable as those with pillowtop (but it feels quite good already just not as luxurious as the pillowtop type) but I read that pillowtop disintegrate faster than the mattress &amp; as sewn on the mattress, you probably have to change a new one altogether. If need be, I can buy a good goose down mattress pad with better quality bedsheets to improve the comfort level. But this bed has the support system and looks sturdy enough.
Would like to share my view on marriage n pregnancy. Have a friend divorced as her Hb has another chin ger right after a year their first bb is born. Married for 7 years n desparate for a child, finally have one but ended up divorce. W went through pregnancy alone as hb need to base outstation n she was a strong woman n thought tat, she juz wanna be supportive to her Hb. Dun wanna stress him up with small little things like ms during her pregnancy. Even after bb was born, she also try not to trouble her Hb with bb matters n confinement matters. The end of the story is, the man said, u r too strong, u can take care urself n bb well even w/o me but the chin ger cant. She needs me. I think, wat I learnt is, we muz get our Hb involves in our pregnancy n bb development. Muz encourage n lead them to throw away old thoughts tat all these are women duty.
hi yogi, yup I'm the one asking about gaviscon. My severe vomitting has subsided somewhat but I still feel nausea throughout the day &amp; maybe vomit once a day or every other day.

Pardon my chinese:
薏米 is barley right. It will cause contractions maybe induce miscarriages &amp; 菠菜 is spinach that will prevent the absorption of calcium? What is 钙 &amp; 锌?
thank you for sharing! and indeed, fathers aka husbands play an important role in the pregnancy stage as well! =) it's a couple thing and not just about the mommy alone!

for first time mommies, it will get a little bit trickier in having to maintain the relationship with your hubby while you are so immersed and so in love with the newborn that has just arrived! i made the mistake. i neglected my husband. it took me about 10 months before i'm able to break free from the "total" focus on my #1! by then hubby already felt unloved.. unwanted... stayed out late outside.. didn't really want to be involved in the parenting...

another thing is that we mommies thought that whatever things we are doing for our babies is always right.. and we may always expect others to follow our style... fathers will feel a bit pissed abt this and slowly not wanting to help in taking care of the bb cos man are more afraid of us nagging at them lor! hahaa...

so jia you jia you! =) have a talk now... discuss how your husband can help when the bb is born... and really get him involved! =P

for a start, get your hubby to join in EVERY consultation with the gynae to see the growth n development of the little one!
qq, i think the guy is just making excuses. If he never strays in the first place, where does the chinese gal come about? He is really a bastard, trying to push the blame to your friend &amp; make her feel bad about it.

Tell your friend that she is not to blame. She must love herself because nobody can do that except yourself. Sue for child maintenance.

For the chinese gal, of course the chinese gal needs him. She needs any man who can give her money. Call me prejudiced but I don't think very highly of them. If that man loses his ability to make money, see if the chinese gal will need him or not?
yogi08 > i used richfood for my confinement in 2010... the food was quite yummy and with good variety. i told them to omit ginger and alcohol cos i was breastfeeding and they did with no fuss. highly recommend!
hahahaa... actually i prefer rich food menu.. seems so much yummier!!! hahaha... but actually when the alcohol is being used to cook, the alcohol content would have already been evaporated right?
Morning Mummies!!

Think eat in moderation should be ok la.. i eat crab almost every alt week cause PIL likes to go JB to eat seafood le..
jljz, since day 1, I have been negotiating/ pushing most of the responsibilities to my husband not because I think they need to be involved so that they will not feel left out but because I think it is not fair that I am suffering so much. Hahha

So I will only breastfeed &amp; in charge of buying what baby items. he will be in charge of all the others &amp; payments. We will share the midnight wakies to feed the baby.

He is trying to push the midnight duties to my mum the heck of him. My mum is so old already. So irresponsible. Man has to be pushed I tell you. You cannot give in without a fight. In fact we have a big fight before about how irresponsible he has been that we almost broke up. I moved out for two months in my first trimester &amp; thinking of being a single parent then.
jljz > i should think so, but i guess i was a first time mummy so at the time i was more paranoid. plus, after i ate the first confinement meal i was sweating like a pig, like buckets of sweat! not sure how this was going to affect my bb so i thought safer to just take out the ginger and alcohol (ginger is said to make jaundice worse)
QQ, very true indeed.
i learn that women shd always be "xiao nu ren" in front of hb to the extend act dumb n vunerable at times.
sorry to say men r men needs a ego boost sometimes.
n if u have a MIL like mine, u will need to fight attention too.

first time mummies, really must note not to neglect ur hbs. always remember to let hb come back to a welcoming with a lovely wife n adorable bb. spend alone time with hb whenever possible. remember hb is also tired from days work n yes we r tired from caring for bb whole day but if u dump bb to them once they reach hm they will start coming hm late too. n remember intimacy is top priority, consult gynae n discuss with ur hb when u r ready.
my fren's hb avoid intimacy after witnessing childbirth n maybe trumatised by wat he saw, crowning, vaginal delivery etc. so maybe its not a gd idea to force ur hb to c the crowning n delivery parts too.
antenatal class shows such videos so maybe its a gd prep to c if ur hb is "brave" enuff to witness all these.
Jljz: u got any good Tingkai to intro? my hubby wants to do confinement by ourselves. Will be challenging because is our first baby.

walking is fine la.. just don't go overboard.. yesterday weather too hot, i nearly fainted.. scared my colleagues.. haha


ya i agree with LouiseLS that they guy is making excuses. i always go for my gynae appts alone, cause go during lunch time no need to wait and my hubby says he's so lucky to have an independent wife like me.. yup, ur friend is not to be blame.. think the guy just wanted someone new..

eating crab is fine but in moderation la.. i took once every month during my no 1..

i will be ordering confinement food too.. hmm seems like natal essentials and richfood are recommended here.. hehe..

Jljz, yup, u r right. With MS, I get a bit moody n take my Hb for granted, keep on claiming tat he wouldn't understand wat I'm going through n so lazy to explain why I feeling this way n not tat way. Lucky tat, Hb is very patient n go n find his on reading about pregnancy.
Louisels, ya lor. I think wat tat man's claim is juz an excuse. he didn't even take any action to salvage the marriage even the w begged him to think of their bb's sake. Eh, he did 'salvage', he was saying tat the chin ger already sacrifice to live with them w/o wanting legalised status as loving him too much, why the W can't accept triparties relationships n insisted divorce if he still wanted the chin ger?? After divorce, tat man is unhappy with the child maintenance n properties allocation.
I even have nightmare tat my Hb looks for chin ger n I cried with my bb. Not becoz i cant survive w/o him juz felt sad for my bb. Haha.. Not confident n trusting my Hb. Think may be, my mum always told me since young, dun trust man even till u r burried.
hahaaa.. i'm new to confinement catering also.. just that by the reviews i read online... i zoomed into these two companies! hahaa... early bird discount for rich food is one month before delivery date.. so i guess we still have some time away before deciding!

looks better rite!? hahaa... i'm drooling and very hungry now!!! hahaa...
QQ> I agree with Louise.. The guy is just making excuse.. No doubt we should let our hubby be involved but no matter what, there is no reason to sway. If he is so into kids, he would have care and show more concern to his wife and would want to get involved somehow or rather.. but looking at the fact is that he (my assumption) did not or may not try to get himself involved. I believe preggie also need comfort from hubby for going thru the tough times.. He is obviously busy with the foreign talent.. sighs.. The effect of allowing tons of foreign talents from that country flowing into our country.

I agree it takes 2 hands to clap in r/s or marriage but if anyone swayed away from the marriage or r/s, whatever reason is more like an excuse.
<font color="green"><font size="+0">jljz: i into natal essentials too! hehehe.

et: now can take gluco? sibeh headache u knw. esp pek hor. wah. wan rain dun rain. my head will burst. =( mine is more on head. head can eat wad? hurhur. so confinement i shall try the ac. =x

jen: got logic also. hahaha. =D

bbl: which one u looking at? shareshare?

yogi08: yeayea! maybe we shud all gather n place orders together. HAHA.

now i will go google richfood n natal essen. thn compare. hehaho.~~~

Jen, ya, i was told by a friend not to let hubby witness the delivery, so i keep asking him to stand beside me, cannot go see there.. But end up, before i deliver he had a stomachache and we both release at the same time, hahaha.. It was a joke that till now i still suan him.. hahaha..

For first time mummies, if u are breastfeeding, then be prepared that you won't really want to "do it" with hb de... Plus hb also doesnt really want to touch the boobs with leaking milk.. hahahaha..

Men, I seen so much men leaving their wife for other woman le.. Whether got kids or no kids.. Its kinda of sad..

rykiel, i dunno can eat glucosamine anot leh, better check with gynae first.. Or u wash hair at night no wait for it to blow dry then sleep with fan? Cos my mum say will get headache and she always scold me for washing hair then sleep..
